№4 2019
Control systems
Unmanned aerial vehicles flight routes formation, taking into account the location of air defense and electronic warfare means
- Relevance. Combat use of special purpose unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) usually happens in theaters of operations (TO), which are equipped with air defense (AD) and electronic warfare (EW). The aim of the paper is to increase the survivability of UAVs and stability of their control in TO which are equipped with AD and EW facilities. Results. The method of formation UAV’s flight routes which are pass out of the location zones of AD and EW means is proposed in the article. Such UAV’s flight routes are based on the Dijkstra's algorithm, which allows to form the main and additional routes in TO. AD and EW zones are taken into account in the UAVs automated route control when the UAVs flight route, which passes out of these zones, is formed. Novelty. The novelty of this decision is the consideration of the AD and EW locations as well as the AD and EW impact consideration. These factors are formalized in the form of integral metric of graph nodes of the geotopological model of the flight zone in TO. Practical significance of the work. The method allows to increase the stability of UAVs control at their flights in TO equipped with AD and EW means.
Key words
- flight route, unmanned aerial vehicle, control stability, geotopological model, theater of operations, air de-fense, electronic suppression, electronic warfare
- Vasilchenko A. S., Ivanov M. S., Kolmykov G. N. Unmanned aerial vehicles flight routes formation, taking into account the location of air defense and electronic warfare means. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 403-420. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10416 (in Russian).
Robot-technological systems
Synthesis of a neural network path planning system for a group of mobile robots
- Purpose. When a group of mobile robots is functioning in an insufficiently known environment, several control problems arise. Оne of these problems is the planning of safe trajectories, which allow to build smooth trouble-free travel routes in the presence of dynamic and newly detected (by on-board sensors of near location) obstacles. An analysis of various planning algorithms showed that the existing approaches do not take into account the specifics of the on-board systems of mobile robots (computational capabilities, reaction speed to external disturbances), which imposes a number of limitations on the application of these methods if a group of mobile robots works in a single working area and if there is a risk of collisions with other agent groups. The purpose of the paper is to modify the trajectories computing method which based on the Hopfield neural network and to synthesize a planning system taking into account the specifics of a group of robots controlling. Methods. The solution of planning safe motion trajectories problem is based on the use of the trajectory planning technique by means of the Hopfield neural network. The special network configuration allows to form the output matrix of the neurons states (neural map). It is possible to adjust the robot moving trajectory, taking into account the specified rules of the agents interaction in the group, using the values of the matrix. The rules of the agent interactions are determined by the architecture of the planning system, which (depending on the chosen group management method) can be centralized, decentralized or hybrid. The novelty of the presented solution is the modified mathematical model of the Hopfield neural network, which uses a new transfer function (activation function) of neurons and a new condition for convergence. Also, the elements of novelty are: trajectory correction algorithms, information exchange algorithms between agents in a group. Results. Modifications of the Hopfield neural network mathematical model allow to reduce the neural map formation time by 1.5-2.5 times (depending on the dimension and configuration of the workspace). The use of the presented trajectory correction algorithms allows planning system to maintain high efficiency when it works in conditions of information deficiency and when the dynamic obstacles are presented in the work area. The reliability of the results is confirmed in the software modeling course, as well as during the experimental verification at the specialized experimental stand. Practical relevance. The presented algorithms are implemented in the form of specialized software, based on the Python 3 language. The software can be used during the synthesis and debugging processes of the onboard trajectory planning systems operation algorithms for the mobile robot team agents. The developed experimental stand hardware-software application program has the practical importance too. The program makes it possible to automate ongoing full-scale / semi-natural experiments with various planning systems types. Also the program can be used for promising group control models experimentally study and task distribution algorithms research in heterogeneous robots group.
Key words
- path planning, Hopfield neural network, multi-robot systems, mobile robots
- Yudintsev B.S. Synthesis of a neural network path planning system for a group of mobile robots. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 163-186. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10406 (in Russian).
Unmanned aerial vehicles flight zones formation, based on their control stability degree in air defense and electronic warfare conditions
- Relevance. Combat use of special purpose unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) usually happens in theaters of operations (TO), which are equipped with air defense (AD) and electronic warfare (EW). The aim of the paper is to increase the survivability of UAVs and stability of their control in TO which are equipped with AD and EW facilities. Results. The method of formation of AD and EW zones based on the methods of clustering theory is proposed in the article. Such AD and EW zones are taken into account in the UAVs automated route control when the UAVs flight route which passes out of these zones is formed. Novelty. The novelty of this decision is the consideration of two types of destabilizing factors: the AD means and the EW equipment impacts as the UAVs flight obstacles. These factors are formalized in the form of integral metric of graph nodes of the geotopological model of the flight zones in TO. In addition, the mathematical algorithm of hierarchical clustering of Lance-Williams for the «no-fly» zones formation, where the probability of UAV defeat is high, and for «off control» zones, because of the EW means impact is used. The connectivity test of a route network in TO is based on a strongly connected graph regions determining method. Practical significance of the work. The method allows to increase the stability of UAVs control at their flights in TO equipped with AD means and EW equipment.
Key words
- flight route, unmanned aerial vehicle, control stability, geotopological model, theater of operations
- Vasilchenko A. S., Ivanov M. S., Malyshev V. A. Unmanned aerial vehicles flight zones formation, based on their control stability degree in air defense and electronic warfare conditions. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 262-279. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10410 (in Russian).
Information processes and technologies. Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Models of interoperability assessment for information systems
- Relevance. Integration of information systems within integral information space actualizes the question of solving interoperability assessment problem. Nowadays not enough attention is being paid to this problem in Russia, regardless an existence of national standard GOST R 55062 – 2012, which represents a reference for interoperability assessment model. However, further development of this model can be undertaked only relying upon global experience in formalizing interoperability property, its’ dimensions and aspects. The aim of this work is to present and analyze the existing model of interoperability assessment. Results and novelty. In this article, the existing approaches to formalizing interoperability property are presented. Various technologies of ensuring interoperability, models of interoperability assessment – LISI, SCOPE – model and domestic model, presented in GOST R 55062 – 2012 were analyzed. It is shown, that one of the further development path of domestic interoperability model is adjusting and integrating particular SCOPE – model dimensions into it. One possible option of that integration, focused on net-centric systems is proposed. Practical significance. Analysis, presented in this work, will be helpful for technical experts, who aim to solve the problem of integrating various types of information systems and derive technological solutions, which are to implement integral information space.
Key words
- model, model of interoperability assessment, interoperability, integral information space, information system, net-centric system, open system, LISI, SCOPE, DODAF, GOST R 55062–2012
- Makarenko S. I., Oleynikov A. Y., Chernitskaya T. E. Models of interoperability assessment for information systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 215-245. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10408 (in Russian).
Information security
Model and Algorithm of Client-Server Information System Functioning in Network Intelligence Conditions
- Purpose. Capabilities enhancing and effectiveness improving of network intelligence to break client-server information systems actualize questions of systems resistance to destructive actions. Known methods of protection from network intelligence, based on the implementation of the principles of spatial security as well as on the formalization and integration of different prohibiting rules, which used computer attacks facts and network intelligence activity detection and reaction facts, can’t be effective against modern network intelligence tools. Implementation of such protection methods allows the intruder to continue the impacts on client-server information systems and (or) to change strategy of influence. Purpose of the work is to develop model and algorithm which provides both: operational service of the maximal amount of the authorized client-server information systems client requests and reduction of the quality of service of network intelligence tools requests. Methods. To solve the problems of client-server information system functioning in network intelligence conditions with different interacting forces strategies and controlling network intelligence tools resource capabilities, when the network connections are established and supported, the Markovian processes with discrete states and continuous time are used as models of network connection processes. The novelty of the paper is the use of the Markovian processes and the Kolmogorov equations solution to explore and to control the client-server information system resource capabilities by the network connection parameters operating. The novelty of the developed algorithm is the possibility of the client-server information system functioning model application in network intelligence tools resource capabilities controlling process when the network connections are established and supported. Results. The use of the presented solution for client-server information system resource capabilities dynamic control by the network connection parameters operating allows to increase the system security effectiveness. It is so, because of the security means detection probability reduction: the intruder can’t detect moments when the security means are used and so he can’t identify the characteristics of the means. It happens because of the two-way intruder-user connection holding time increasing, when the bad quality channel is imitated and also because of the intruder’s network intelligence tools connection disconnect attempts blocking. Finding probability and time characteristics which describe client-server information system functioning process is the practical relevance of the work. Such process runs with different establishing and supporting strategies of connection parameters of interacting forces. The practical significance of the presented algorithm is to solve the problem of dynamic configuration of the network connections parameters of the client-server information system, which provides network intelligence traffic discrimination, concealment of the security means use and characteristics identification of such means.
Key words
- client-server information system, computer attack, network connection, honeypots, network tarpits, protocol, network intelligence
- Maximov R. V., Orekhov D. N., Sokolovsky S. P. Model and Algorithm of Client-Server Information System Functioning in Network Intelligence Conditions. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 50-99. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10403 (in Russian).
Processing Alarm Notifications Algorithm of Security System Object Equipment for Reducing the False Alarms Level
- Problem statement. Nowadays, the main means of security alarm object complexes of the protected objects are integrated security systems (ISS) based on addressable two-wire lines. ISS management is carried out using specialized software, which allows to use more sophisticated algorithms of technical security equipment processing alarm and service notifications (TSE) to reduce false alarms. The purpose of the paper is to form a processing alarm notifications of object security alarm systems algorithm to reduce the level of false positives. This algorithm is designed to assess the connection between the security alarm detectors activation and unauthorized access (UA) to the protected object facts effected by the offender. It is proposed to determine the connection between the security detectors alarm notifications and unauthorized access facts based on the knowledge of the topology of protected offices, the security facilities of the object, the types of elements of building structures. The time parameters of the alarms are used to provide this connection. The proposed algorithm does not reduce the total number of alarms, but allows the security service not to respond to part of the alarms which are unrelated to unauthorized access. Methods. To develop the alarm notification of security system object equipment algorithm formation standard methods of system analysis, theory of algorithms and expert estimates are used. Novelty. The novelty of the presented solution lies in the creation of a new processing alarm notifications algorithm of security system object equipment. Also the novelty of the work lies in the formation of databases of offender time delays expert estimations when structural elements of engineering and technical strengthening are crossed and of offices intrusion detectors of various types overcome (sabotage) durations. Result. The processing alarm notifications algorithm of security system object equipment for reducing the false alarms level is developed. Practical relevance. The developed algorithm can be implemented as a software add-on in existing software complexes of the automated workplaces of the indoor security alarm systems based on addressable two-wire lines.
Key words
- integrated security systems, technical means of protection, security alarm detectors false alarms, object com-plexes of security alarm, centralized object protection, point of centralized protection
- Telny A. V., Chernikov R. S. Processing Alarm Notifications Algorithm of Security System Object Equipment for Reducing the False Alarms Level. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 140-162. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10405 (in Russian).
A Technique for Lexical Markup of Structured Binary Data for Problems of Protocols Analysis in Uncertainty Conditions
- Purpose. The study of network protocols for complex information and communication infrastructures, such as cyberphysical systems or the Internet of Things, is subject to decrease due to the uncertainty in the structure of the data stored and transmitted in them. Thus, there is a need to define specifications for such unregulated protocols. The initial data in this case is binary data containing protocol messages, for example, network traffic, in the form of a sequence of atomic information units (bytes, bits).The purpose of the work is to overcome the network traffic lexical uncertainty based on marking up traffic by message tokens (fields) and forming common lexical structures (protocols). An approach is proposed to identify typical structures of protocols for generating messages in binary data and to determine their lexical specifications. Methods. The approach is based on statistical methods of analyzing information in natural languages, which are widely used in the intellectual analysis of texts, which is the main theoretical contribution of this work. Novelty. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the possibility of lexical recognition of conditionally structured binary data based on the frequency analysis of possible sequences of information units and their combinations. Results. As a result of the research, a methodology for the analysis of structured binary data was developed. The approach to the analysis of binary data was tested on various datasets of network traffic under the conditions of uncertain specifications of network protocols presented in the form of an ordered sequence of digital (binary) data. According to the results of an experimental assessment of the accuracy of the developed methodology, the identified typical sequences (tokens) of information units (bytes) on average correspond to the content of the fields of network traffic protocols by 95%, and the identified structures (sequences of tokens) correspond to the specifications of these protocols by 70%. Practical relevance. The ability to perform pre-processing of structured binary data to automatically solve problems of detecting anomalies, perform a security audit, identify protocol vulnerabilities, conduct application testing, and investigate information security incidents in the face of undefined specifications of interaction protocols in the face of uncertainty.
Key words
- recovery of data formats, structural analysis, binary data, proprietary protocols, security analysis, uncertain infrastructures
- Gaifulina D. A., Kotenko I. V., Fedorchenko A. V. A Technique for Lexical Markup of Structured Binary Data for Problems of Protocols Analysis in Uncertainty Conditions. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 280-299. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10411 (in Russian).
Verification of Attribute-based Access Control Policies in Cloud Infrastructures based on Model Checking
- Purpose. Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) is a promising access control model for cloud infrastructures, since such an infrastructure includes a large number of users, resources, and dynamically changing access rights. The purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of verification of ABAC policies by model checking approach. Methods. Temporal logics, model checking. Novelty. The theoretical background for application of the model-checking to ABAC policies verification is considered. The implementation of the model checking for a fragment of ABAC policy is developed. the identification and elimination of contradictions in ABAC policies is shown. Results. The possibility of using the model verification method to verify ABAC policies is validated by experiment. Implementation was performed using the UPPAAL verification tool. Practical relevance. The complexity of verification of attribute access policies grows with each rule added, and therefore, their manual verification takes up more and more time resources. To automate this process, an approach based on model verification was proposed and experimentally tested.
Key words
- access control, model checking, temporal logics, ABAC, cloud infrastructure
- Kotenko I. V., Levshun D. S., Saenko I. B. Verification of Attribute-based Access Control Policies in Cloud Infrastructures based on Model Checking. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 421-436. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10417 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Model of formation of multi-frequency polarimetric range-Doppler portraits of the spatial distributed air targets
- Problem statement: To solve the problem of a true air targets selection and to find the efficiency of such selection, when F-22 Raptor fighter is used as an example and when an autonomous false MALD-J air target is on the background, it is necessary to form multi-frequency polarimetric range-Doppler radar portraits using four electromagnetic waves polarizations: two collinear and two orthogonal. It is proposed to use the developed model of polarimetric onboard radar station with two send-receive active phased antenna lattices with a horizontal and vertical polarization, as an instrument to solve the problem. Purpose of the work is the investigation of the possibility of polarization feature use in multi-frequency polarimetric range-Doppler radar portraits analysis to solve air target selecting problem against a background of an autonomous false air target MALD-J type. Methods. The following methods are used: mathematical modeling method, active radar observation method, active response radar method, pulse distance measurement method, phase distance measurement method, frequency distance measurement method, geometric optics method, point array visibility analysis method, direct approach method. Novelty. The element of novelty of the work is the developed functioning model of an autonomous false MALD-J air target, which takes pulse sequences probe of four (two collinear and two orthogonal) polarizations of electromagnetic waves alternately and transmits these pulse sequences on circular electromagnetic waves polarization. Developed multipoint spatially distributed air target model is used as a true air target in multi-frequency polarimetric range-Doppler radar portraits formation model of four polarizations of electromagnetic waves. Results. The model of the multi-frequency polarimetric range-Doppler radar portraits formation of spatially distributed air targets, based on the high resolution range profile formation mathematical model and the mathematical model of signal spectrum, taking into account the effect of secondary Doppler modulation of four (two collinear and two orthogonal) polarizations of electromagnetic waves, which made it possible to identify significant differences in multi-frequency polarimetric range-Doppler radar portraits between true and false air targets is developed. The obtained multi-frequency range-Doppler radar portrait of a spatially distributed air targets is verified by known computations, as a result of simulation. Practical relevance. The developed model makes it possible to form multi-frequency polarimetric range-Doppler radar portraits of true and false spatially distributed air targets, and allows to use them in the development of selection and recognition algorithms under various observation conditions, and also to evaluate the effectiveness of these algorithms.
Key words
- facet model, spatially distributed air target, autonomous false air target, geometric optics, high resolution range profile, spectral-Doppler portrait, secondary modulation, polarimetry, multi-frequency range-Doppler radar portrait
- Kuznetsov V. A., Ambrosov D. V. Model of formation of multi-frequency polarimetric range-Doppler portraits of the spatial distributed air targets. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 1-26. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10401 (in Russian).
The research of electromagnetic fields in the environment from the computer equipment from the standpoint of permissible requirements for electromagnetic safety
- Purpose. Nowadays, a computer, printer, copier are the main technical devices and sources of electromagnetic fields in offices. Meanwhile, the number of computers and their use intensity increase. Thus, the computer equipment electromagnetic fields become a significant factor, which influences the overall electromagnetic environment and electromagnetic safety. Therefore, the necessity to control the levels of electromagnetic fields created by computer equipment devices grows rapidly. In such tasks, an analysis of the electromagnetic field in the immediate vicinity of the technical device is required considering the peculiarities of its placement and the presence the other computer equipment not far from the analyzed device. Usually, the control of electromagnetic fields is carried out instrumentally. The purpose of the research is to analyze the electromagnetic fields parameters in the computer equipment environment to explore electromagnetic safety perspectives. Methods. Measurements of the electromagnetic fields parameters were carried out using the VE-METR-AT-002 device in the strict accordance with the user guidelines of the device. The required distances from the sensor to the operator and to the objects with a fixed potential were ensured. Novelty. The paper presents the measurement results for all the main computer equipment device, which are sources of electromagnetic fields in offices. The measurements were carried out in horizontal and vertical planes, in the immediate vicinity of computer equipment at a distance of 0.5 m, for an uninterruptible power supply unit at a distance of 0.1 m. The results obtained in our own experimental research are presented in the tables. The obtained values are compared with the threshold limit values from the State Standard R 50948-2001 to identify non-compliance with the established requirements. The practical relevance of the research. Obtained results allow to conduct a numerical assessment of electromagnetic field characteristics of computer equipment, and estimate the exceedance of the threshold limit values regulated by State Standard R 50948-2001.
Key words
- electromagnetic environment, electromagnetic field, electromagnetic safety, adverse effects, maximum per-missible levels, electromagnetic ecology
- Viktorov V. A., Meshalkin V. A., Saltykov V. M. The research of electromagnetic fields in the environment from the computer equipment from the standpoint of permissible requirements for electromagnetic safety. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 246-261. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10409 (in Russian).
Decameter radio line communication reliability dependence of the operating frequency choice taking into account the signal-noise situation and ionosphere diffuseness
- Problem statement: it is known that in a decameter radio line the operating frequency is selected in the range between the highest applicable (by the condition of wave reflection from the ionosphere) and the lowest applicable (by the condition of wave absorption). Reliability calculation of decameter radio link at normal (unperturbed) ionosphere is performed at the optimum operating frequency, selected near the maximum applicable frequency (5 ... 15% lower than it). However, under diffusivity of the ionosphere increasing conditions (i.e., the intensity of ionosphere’s small-scale inhomogeneities, which causes an increase in the relative delay of scattered rays and a depth of fading of the received signals), it is recommended to work at frequencies closer to the lowest applicable. At the same time, if ionospheric absorption and noise level increases it is recommended to work at the highest applicable frequencies. The aim of the work is to develop a methodology for assessing the reliability of communication in a decameter radio line, depending on the choice of the operating frequency, taking into account the simultaneous change in the signal-noise situation and the diffusivity of the ionosphere. Novelty. Theoretical generalization of methods of calculating the reliability of communication in a decameter radio link taking into account some dependences is the novelty of the work. The first dependence is between the average signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver input and the operating frequency (if the permissible signal-to-noise ratio is unchanged) choice. The second dependence is between the allowable signal-to-noise ratio and the operating frequency and diffusivity level of the ionosphere choice. Result: a three-stage technique of assessing the reliability of communication in a decameter radio line depending on the choice of the operating frequency, taking into account the simultaneous change in the average signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver input and the ionosphere diffuseness level is developed. Practical significance: at night, an operating frequency decrease in comparison with the highest applicable is an effective way to increase the reliability of decameter communication in the ionosphere diffusion conditions. As the ionosphere diffusion level increases, the maximum values of communication reliability (0.98 ... 0.93) can be ensured when operating frequencies which values are significantly lower (by 40% or more) than the traditional optimal operating frequency (at which lower communication reliability is achieved 0.89) are selected.
Key words
- ionosphere, diffusivity, HF-radio link, fading, optimal operating frequency, the highest applicable frequency, reliability of radio
- Pashintsev V. P., Skorik A. D., Koval’ S. A., Kiselev D. P., Senokosov M. A. Decameter radio line communication reliability dependence of the operating frequency choice taking into account the signal-noise situation and ionosphere diffuseness. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 300-322. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10412 (in Russian).
The research of the levels and spectra of higher harmonics of current in electrical power networks of computer equipment and the basic activities of the electromagnetic compatibility provision
- Purpose of the work. Nowadays, an office personal computer is the main technical device and the source of spurious electromagnetic radiation in a wide frequency range. It is proved that such devices can adversely affect human health. Also, an electromagnetic channel of information leakage due to spurious electromagnetic radiation is formed. The main components of a personal computer are: a system unit, a variety devices to enter and withdraw of information (a keyboard, disk drives, a printer, a scanner), as well as a devices for visual information display. All these elements of a personal computer form a complex electromagnetic environment when a person works in an office. It should be noted that the number of computers and the intensity of their use increase, and the electromagnetic field from computer equipment becomes a very significant factor in the overall electromagnetic environment and electromagnetic safety. That’s why, tasks, related to the instrumentally analysis of levels and spectral components of spurious electromagnetic emissions from computer equipment arise regularly. The purpose of the research is to analyze the levels and spectra of higher harmonics of current in electrical power networks of computer equipment and to formulate the basic recommendations of the activities organization for ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in cable channels and communication systems. Methods. Level measurements and higher harmonics spectra analysis with the use of the SA 8334 power quality analyzer in strict accordance with the device manual are carried out. Novelty. The measurement results of the levels and higher harmonics spectra of current in an electric network with separate and combined power supply of a computer and printer, as well as in a power inputs network for office computer equipment are presented in the paper. The values of the levels of the combined work of two to five computers are obtained. Analytical models are obtained. The models approximate: a) the values of the basic frequency current and the higher harmonics currents of the accounted order; b) the coefficients of the ratio of the higher harmonics currents to the basic frequency current of the accounted order. To assess the accuracy of each approximation, a confidence coefficient is presented. The results of our experimental research are presented in the tables and graphics. They are compared with the threshold limit values of the State Standard R 5131.3.2-99 to identify irregularities of established requirements. The practical relevance of the research. Obtained results allow to assess the level values numerically, and to analyze the higher harmonics spectra of current in the power supply network of computer equipment. Also results allow to estimate the exceedance of the threshold limit values regulated by the State Standard R 5131.3.2-99. The basic recommendations to ensure electromagnetic compatibility in cable channels and communication systems are formulated.
Key words
- electromagnetic environment, electromagnetic field, electromagnetic safety, spectra, higher current harmon-ics, electromagnetic compatibility
- Viktorov V. A., Meshalkin V. A., Saltykov V. M. The research of the levels and spectra of higher harmonics of current in electrical power networks of computer equipment and the basic activities of the electromagnetic compatibility provision. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 381-402. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10415 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Method of power parameters optimization of communication system in partial radio channels of small-sized mobile objects based on the fuzzy sets theory basis
- Problem definition: the organization of communication in radio engineering system sets a task to eliminate a contradiction between increase in volume of information necessary for transfer and its transfer time minimization. This task acquires special relevance in the communication system with high-maneuverable small-sized mobile objects, for example in the robotic complexes functioning in the interference conditions. The organization of parallel spatial radio channels of information transfer which is usually applied in mobile communication system of the last generation can reduce information transfer time. For mobile systems, in which the robotic mobile platform of a robotic complex acts as the base station or a repeater, the problem of optimum transmitter power redistribution for improvement the parallel channels quality acquires special relevance because of the energy resources restriction and the high platform mobility. At the same time the optimal search speed requirements of a distributive task solution increase. New methods of optimum power value definition in a partial radio channel in real time are required. The purpose of the work is the development of transmitter power distribution optimization method in a robotic complex mobile platform at the spatial parallel radio channels organization. In order to solve the problem, it is proposed to use a fuzzy set theory apparatus to construct modified functions, which allow to explore the belonging of each channel power values to target function values. Such target function determines the quality of the entire set of parallel radio channels. The used methods: The solution of optimization problem is performed by the construction of special fuzzy sets belonging functions and fuzzy logical operations execution. The application of fuzzy logical operations on these functions allows to estimate each channel power contribution to the total set. Comparison with known optimization methods is carried out. Novelty of the offered method lies in known accessory functions modification and fuzzy logical operations, and also development of the new algorithm to solve an optimizing task and to obtain the exact decision. Optimum power distribution in spatial parallel radio channels is the result of using the offered method. If characteristics of each partial channel change, optimum power distribution allows to provide and to maintain the required quality during the communication session. Practical importance: the proposed solution can be realized on the fuzzy logic controller basis which is connected to the transmitter intensifying cascade. Also it can be included in the automatic strengthening adjustment scheme. Also the implementation of the proposed solution can be carried out by the programmable logical integrated circuits in the form of the transmitter power management module software.
Key words
- spatial parallel radio channels, communication system of the robotic complex, optimal transmitter power control, membership function, fuzzy set, information transmission duration, method of optimization of energy parameters
- Makhov D. S. Method of power parameters optimization of communication system in partial radio channels of small-sized mobile objects based on the fuzzy sets theory basis. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 27-49. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10402 (in Russian).
Electronic and radio systems
Methodology of a group of Peltier elements control by means of reversible converters with an optional power control switch for climatic TEM-chamber
- The relevance of the work: There are often no new techniques to create new devices. One of such devices is a climatic TEM- chamber with a specialized system of automatic temperature control. In such specialized automatic temperature control systems Peltier elements (PE) are used widely. When PE are used to solve thermal management problem, it is necessary to change the direction and amplitude of the current by changing the polarity and voltage of the PE power supply. For that purpose it is necessary to use a reversible converter, for example, on the basis of a classical H-bridge circuit. But, it requires at least two control signals, such as pulse-width modulation (PWM), which makes it difficult to control a large number of H-bridge with PE. For example, it is necessary to use 24 PE in a climatic TEM-chamber temperature controller. In this case, the simultaneous inclusion of 24 PE, located on the TEM-chamber surface, leads to a variable heating and then to the electromagnetic field distribution deviation inside the TEM-chamber. To ensure uniform temperature distribution, a distributed control system for a group of PE, which operate in multiphase time-division mode, can be used. The aim of the work is to develop the methodology of a group of PE control and to create a reversible converter to control PE, PWM signal with the possibility of its inclusion in climatic TEM-chamber temperature controller. The novelty of the work. PE group control methodology and a temperature control algorithm for the new patented climatic TEM-chamber, which are characterized by the presence of an automated control system with feedback coupling in the form of a proportional-integral-differentiating regulator, are developed. A reversible converter for PE power control, which is distinguished by the fact that the power circuit (H-bridge), which provides PE voltage polarity reverse, is connected in series (relative to the power supply source) with the crucial element, which controls the PE average power supply, is created. Results: PE group control methodology and a temperature control algorithm for the TEM-chamber, which provide distributed control of PE group with multiphase operation mode support, are described. Multiphase operation mode support is achieved by combining PEs into groups, whose control is separated in time. The possibility of PE power supply control by means of a single PWM signal, with polarity change by reverse signal and PE group multiphase power supply use is shown. PE power supply control simulation and experiment are carried out. PE power supply control, in this case, is performed by the reversible converter, which provides currents up to 10 A, in two directions through PE, with control of average power by means of PWM signal. Circuits and a model of the thermoregulator based on PE are presented. Oscillograms of currents and voltages of reverse converters with PE are shown. Practical relevance. Developed reversible converter allows to provide PE power up to 91 W with average power control by one PWM signal and efficiency of 81.8 %. Converter can be included into the climatic TEM-chamber temperature controller to provide uniform local heating or cooling of external sides of TEM-chamber. It allows to maintain the set temperature in its internal capacity accurately.
Key words
- Peltier element, distributed control system, automatic temperature control system, proportional-integral-differentiating regulator, H-bridge circuit, reversible converter, pulse width modulation, multiphase power control
- Sobko A. A., Osintsev A. V., Komnatnov M. E., Gazizov T. R. Methodology of a group of Peltier elements control by means of reversible converters with an optional power control switch for climatic TEM-chamber. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 323-341. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10413 (in Russian).
A reliability function calculation of onboard modular specialized computers and structural and time redundancy systems
- Problem definition. The effectiveness of pilotless aircraft application is directly connected with quantity and complexity of solvable tasks requirements growth, in particular, specific data flows processing and their transfer in communication radio channels, and also with autonomous functioning terms increase. The quantity and the variety of prospecting information multiline reception sensors (in optical, infrared, decimeter, etc. wave bands) increase. For information processing algorithms of compression, recognition and filtration of images and signals are implemented. All this leads to requirements increase, not only to onboard information processing computing means performance, but also to the level of means energy consumption and dependability. It has to be reached on the one hand by the high level of information processing overlapping, realized by the onboard computing system, and on the other hand by the developed methods of fault tolerance ensuring at rigid restrictions for energy consumption level. The solution of objectives with the only use of various redundancy (duplication, triplication) methods does not allow to provide the energy consumption level which, in turn, should conform to the necessary requirements, which imposed to perspective unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) terms of autonomous functioning. Purpose. Ensuring the required dependability level of onboard high-performance UAV system of specialized computers (SC) with limited hardware expenses is the purpose of the work. Methods. For digital images and signals processing algorithms realization methods of multimodular number-theoretic transformations and methods of creation of failure-safe computing structures with structural and time redundancy are attracted. Methods of excess modular arithmetic allow to realize the sliding redundancy (standby redundancy) effect without use of switches. Novelty. The combination of structural and time redundancy allows to reach the structure of hardware (and the reduction of energy consumption of SC in comparison with traditional methods of ensuring dependability) due to ensuring more exact compliance of UAV SC structure to a failures model. Proportions and indicators of structural and time redundancy are defined with statistical features of long-term and short-term failures (interruptions). The model of a universal processor element which is carrying out calculations on known various modules is developed for the organization of structural and time redundancy of modular SC (MSC). The representation of multivalued logical functions in the arithmetic polynoms modular forms format is the cornerstone of the element’s construction. Results: 1) the structurally functional model of MSС with structural and time redundancy allowing to carry out high-performance calculations on parallel computing channels (СС) and having rather the greatest fault tolerance; 2) the structural model of the SС onboard system with the sliding redundancy, components of which are uniform MSС with structural and time redundancy; 3) the structural model of the processor element which is carrying out calculations on any module; 4) the MSC with structural and time redundancy reliability function (RF) calculation method. It is shown that for the system consisting of five 64-digit SС, advantage of the developed hardware expenses reduction decision in comparison with traditional made 2,4 times; mean operating time to failure increased by 3,071 times. Practical relevance. The received results allow to create the UAV SC onboard systems with in advance set dependability measures at restrictions for the hardware expenses and energy consumption. It, in turn, has to provide up state of the UAV SC onboard system as for the term of autonomous functioning (time of a target departure), as for the general period of operation (increased resource).
Key words
- onboard specialized computer, residue number system, modular arithmetic, unmanned aerial vehicle, robotic complex, dependability of computers and systems
- Zakharov I. L. Finko O. A. A reliability function calculation of onboard modular specialized computers and structural and time redundancy systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 342-380. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10414 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Conflict Resistance Ensuring of Software Implementation of Control Algorithms of Radioelectronic Equipment of Spatially Distributed Organization and Technical Systems
- Problem Statement. The processes of functioning of radioelectronic equipment in the antagonistic conflict of spatially distributed heterogeneous organizational and technical systems are characterized by diversity, variability and low predictability. The quality of software implementation of control algorithms for radioelectronic equipment has a significant influence on the capabilities of such systems. However, the known methods of synthesis of organizational and technical systems do not take into account this influence. Aim of the paper is to ensure the conflict resistance of software implementation of control algorithms of radioelectronic equipment of spatially distributed organization and technical systems. The identification of the external and internal specific for telecommunication protocols and program man-machine interfaces program security threats of the set sample of radioelectronic equipment and the definition of these threats, which elimination will provide increase or achievement of required level of the target efficiency of equipment’s organizational and technical system in the conflict are the parts of the obtained method, which is the idea of the work. Novelty: the possibility of evaluation of the quality of software implementation of control algorithms of radioelectronic equipment on the course and outcome of the antagonistic conflict of organizational and technical systems where this equipment is used is obtained. Result: the proposed method transforms into techniques of substantiation of numerical values of parameters of functional suitability, performance efficiency, reliability and security of software implementation of control algorithms of radioelectronic equipment of spatially distributed heterogeneous organizational and technical systems. The example of application of a technique of substantiation of requirements to functional suitability of software implementation of control algorithms of radioelectronic equipment for two equal battalions battle with various informatization level D is shown. It is discovered that functional suitability of the software implementation of control algorithms for radioelectronic equipment of the battalion in the defense must be not less than 0.32 when D=0.5, not less than 0,53 when D=0.6, not less than 0,65 when D=0,7, not less than 0,72 when D=0.8, not less than 0,77 when D=0.9 and not less than 0,81 when D=1. Practical relevance. The solution can be used when the modernization of existing means and the creation of perspective samples of conflict-resistant radioelectronic equipment are needed.
Key words
- radioelectronic equipment, antagonistic conflict, resistance, organization and technical system, software threat, control algorithm
- Boyko A. A., Budnikov S. A. Conflict Resistance Ensuring of Software Implementation of Control Algorithms of Radioelectronic Equipment of Spatially Distributed Organization and Technical Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 100-139. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10404 (in Russian).
Base Model of Coordination of Surveillance and Impact Subsystems as the Parts of Special Information and Telecommunication System during the Information Conflict
- Relevance. Information conflicts between special information and telecommunication systems are specified the tendency of each party to ensure favorable conditions for the use of basic elements from the alert of opposing side actions. At the same time, these systems include information and telecommunication components, as well as surveillance and impact subsystems. So, special information and telecommunication systems are complex and hierarchical. Under the circumstances it is relevant to study the mechanisms of subsystems coordination as the parts of special information and telecommunication systems in the interest of their effective functioning and the achieve the goal of functioning of the whole system. The goal of this paper is a development of coordination mathematical model of surveillance and impact subsystems in the special information and telecommunication systems considering the need for optimal allocation of telecommunication devices of the opposing side for information contacts. Methods. Elements of dynamic coordination theory, set theory, and optimal control theory. Novelty. The novelty elements of the presented model are the original decomposition of the process of information conflict into subprocesses of surveillance and impact, as well as the formalization of subsystems in the composition of special information and telecommunication systems in the form of representation between sets of coordinating signals. Result. The presented model allows to formalize the previously obtained results of calculating the optimal allocation of telecommunication devices between the surveillance and impact subsystems as coordinating signals in the special information and telecommunication systems through which inter-level interaction is carried out. Practical significance. The developed model allows to define "entry points" in the information conflict process for dynamic coordination methods of surveillance and impact subsystems as the parts of special information and telecommunication system.
Key words
- information and telecommunication system, information conflict, surveillance subsystem, impact subsystem, resource allocation, coordination
- Mikhailov R. L. Base Model of Coordination of Surveillance and Impact Subsystems as the Parts of Special Information and Telecommunication System during the Information Conflict. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 437-450. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10418 (in Russian).
Advanced research
Algorithms of Autonomous Fixed-wing UAVs Formation Control via Vector Field Method
- Purpose. Despite a considerable amount of research in the field of cooperative control of autonomous UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), the problem of large decentralized UAV groups (swarms) automatic flight organization in real conditions is still relevant. This is especially true of UAVs of fixed-wing type because of their limited maneuverability and the need to maintain a minimum flight speed. This work aims to develop decentralized control UAV groups algorithms based on the vector field methods which intended to both implement and maintain formation flying. The algorithms allow to obtain an arbitrary geometric shape of the group. In this case, the features of the nonlinear and indefinite dynamics of the “autopilot-UAV” systems should be taken into account, which will allow to use the developed algorithms in real conditions. Methods. This article solves the problem of implementing and maintaining the UAV formation within the framework of a coordinated path following. This method assumes that the waypoints are connected through the limit sets in the form of lines and circles, so UAVs asymptotically approach these limit sets in flight. All UAVs approach given distances relative to the limit sets and get together in completely decentralized groups, which take specified geometric shapes because of consensus at the same time. The novelty element of the presented solution lies in the work of group speed controllers of each UAV from the very beginning of formation algorithms, i.e. even before reaching the desired path, which is ensured by global asymptotic stability. Also the element of novelty is the application of the architecture of decentralized interaction based on consensus to non-linear UAV agents through non-linear control laws and commands. Result. The use of the presented solution allows not only to accelerate the gathering of UAV groups in a given formation, but also to eliminate the often-held assumption that all UAVs strictly maintain a given path in flight. Thus, the stability of the UAV system holds even in the case of deviations from following the path for some reason, for example, due to wind shear. In addition, this work takes into account the order of UAV models which can be increased. Such increase allows to consider the uncertain dynamics of the “autopilot-UAV” systems using adaptive control. Practical relevance lies in the fact that the obtained scientific results can be used in creating UAV formation control systems for solving such practical problems as cooperative territory inspection, patrolling and search, localization of the enemy radar, electronic attack, suppression of enemy air defense using false targets , cooperative target tracking, construction of antenna arrays from UAVs, measurement of wind profiles for meteorological studies, automatic refueling in the air, increase in payload or range due to decrease in lift-induced drag in the case of tight formation flight, etc.
Key words
- swarm behavior, UAV formation, formation flying, decentralized control, multi-agent approach, group con-trol, cooperative control, coordinated guidance
- Muslimov T. Z. Algorithms of Autonomous Fixed-wing UAVs Formation Control via Vector Field Method. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 4, pp. 187-214. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10407 (in Russian).