№3 2016
Computing systems
Advanced Mixing of Audio Streams for Multi-Processor Devices in Telecommunications
- Purpose. This paper presents an algorithm enhanced mixing of audio streams for computation on GPUs. The algorithm combines multiple stages of mixing by using two-pass rendering, which significantly reduces time switching between buffers. The purpose of the present paper is development of the efficient algorithm for mixing audio streams for processing on GPUs. Methods. In algorithm to uses transfers operations computing on graphics processors with the use of Shader programs. Novelty. Novel features of presented solutions is using in algorithm with the two-pass rendering. Results. The results showed that the application of the developed algorithm leads to an increase in computational performance up to 6 times. Practical relevance. Presented solution can be implemented as software in the telecommunications multiprocessor systems.
Key words
- two-pass rendering, algorithm of performance improving, parallel computing, heterogeneous computing system, graphics processors, mixing the audio data
- Kolpakov A. A., Kropotov Y. A., Belov A. A., Kholkina N. E. Advanced Mixing of Audio Streams for Multi-Processor Devices in Telecommunications. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 227-238. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/06-Kolpakov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Improving the Performance of Multiprocessor Computer Systems with Heterogeneous Architecture
- Purpose. The task of creating a high-performance computing systems based on computer systems is important because the volume of processed information is constantly increasing. This raises the task of developing algorithms to improve the performance of computer systems. The high performance ensured by architectures with additional computational modules or with homogeneous modules on GPUs. The paper had offered to develop the algorithm for improving performance of parallel computation in multiprocessor computing systems with heterogeneous architecture. The purpose of paper is modification of the PRAM model for the application of graphical processors. Methods. A method of decomposition of the task into stages, the method of making decisions about the transfer calculations on accelerating the processors are used in paper. Novelty. The new PRAM-model takes into account GPUs. Result. The algorithm for increase of performance of parallel computations in multiprocessor computing systems with heterogeneous architecture is developed in paper. This algorithm based on application of graphical processors as specialized computational modules in the heterogeneous multiprocessor computer system. Its use increased productivity not less than 2-4 times depending on the number of streams under study. Practical relevance. The algorithm and the new PRAM-model can be implemented as a software solution for computer system with the CUDA technology.
Key words
- parallel computing, algorithm of improving computing performance, PRAM-model, heterogeneous computing systems, graphics processors
- Kolpakov A. A., Kropotov Y. A., Proskuryakov A. Y. Improving the Performance of Multiprocessor Computer Systems with Heterogeneous Architecture. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 247-257. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/08-Kolpakov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information security
Information Weapon in Technical Area – Terminology, Classification and Examples
- Relevance. For review of information warfare is necessary forming the terminological basis. An information weapon is main term of the terminological basis of information warfare. Theory of information weapon in psychological warfare is widely researched at well-known papers. However, theory of information weapon in technical area has not widely researched. Therefore, forming terminological basis for the information weapon in technical area and its classification is topical. The aim of this paper is forming the terminological basis and the classification systems for the information weapon in technical area. Novelty. The element of novelty of this paper is forming the new terms and the new classification systems for the review of information weapon in technical area by author's way. Also novelty items are trends of improvement of some types of information weapon which detect by author. Practical relevance. The review presented can be used by technical specialists to make a new technology in the areas of the information warfare and the information security. Also this review can be used military specialists for elaborating new forms and methods of armed struggle with use of an information weapon.
Key words
- information struggle, information weapon, information warfare, information attack, network attack, virus, software beetle, hardware beetle, neutralizer for tests software, mock object of information area, software for modeling of combat acts, radio reconnaissance, open source Intelligence, Big Date
- Makarenko S. I. Information Weapon in Technical Area – Terminology, Classification and Examples. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 292-376. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/11-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals. Radiomonitoring
Research offers for Diagnosing of Distributed Radio Direction Finding Systems with a Some Set of Technical States
- Formulation of the problem. Modern radio direction finding systems (RDFS) are used in remote and underdeveloped areas for control of flight operations. To ensure the reliability requirements of RDFS necessary make it diagnose. Existing diagnostic methods allow determining the technical condition (TC) as a binary criterion, which is not suitable for distributed RDFS having a plurality of TC because its have the spatial distributed and the complex hierarchy and the multi-module structure. Therefore, the aim of the paper is develop means of diagnosis of distributed RDFS with different types of TC to various levels of its hierarchy. For this in paper offers the mathematical methods for describe of the determining integral TC criteria. Result. New means based on known mathematical principles are offered for the diagnosis of distributed RDFS which has the some set of technical conditions. For means of diagnosis of RDFS is used: the worst-case method, the method of average range, the priority method. The paper has an example as RDFS is diagnose if it consist of the local dispatch center and 12 the remote unattended terminals which have different TC.
Key words
- technical condition monitoring, reliability, diagnostics, radio system, the communication network, the communication channel, radio direction finding, topology, performance criteria, rejection, printed circuit board
- Aminev D. A., Zhurkov A. P., Krotkova K. G., Ohlomenko I. V. Research offers for Diagnosing of Distributed Radio Direction Finding Systems with a Some Set of Technical States. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 282-291. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/10-Aminev.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Expert Qualimetry Method of Integral Estimation of Efficiency of Innovative Projects and New Technologies
- Statement of the problem. Development of new and improved methods of an integrated estimation of efficiency of innovative projects is relevant because of the high pace of the technological progress and development of infocommunications. The aim of this paper is the development and study of new method. This expert qualitative method for evaluating of effectiveness of innovations in the infocommunications field. Method used. The qualitative expert method based on the methods of qualimetry, the expert assessment methods, the statistical methods of analysis. Novelty. The novelty of the method is qualitative expert method used for to evaluate the efficiency of selecting useful innovations from a set of alternatives. The choice of the effective innovation based on quantitative measurement by experts the parameters of the innovation model and calculation of effectiveness factor in innovation. Result. This method for evaluating the innovation effectiveness can used to improve the degree of the decisions validity of social-economic management in the infotelecommunication field. Practical significance. This method proposes to used in the assessment of the innovative projects efficiency in the infocommunication companies. The method will allow to substantiate the more effective innovations which have the maximum socio-economic effects.
Key words
- efficiency, innovation, innovative solutions, qualimetry, expert evaluation of the integral efficiency ratio, infocommunications
- Kuzovkova T. A., Kuzovkov D. V., Kuzovkov A. D. Expert Qualimetry Method of Integral Estimation of Efficiency of Innovative Projects and New Technologies. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 1-54. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/01-Kuzovkova.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Systems for ensuring of safety and security
High-Sensitivity Television Camera for Security
- Problem statement. The new highly sensitive television (TV) cameras which ensure the work of the security services, are describes in the paper. Also, their technical parameters and potentialities are described in paper. Objective. The analysis of a latest developments in the field of creation of specific TV cameras of various types for ensure safety is aim of paper. Methods of analysis are the scientific comparison and the technical analysis of the capabilities of the TV cameras and methods their application in security systems. Novelty. The systematic analysis of the technical parameters for the high-sensitivity TV cameras which uses as safety devices is novelty of paper. Practical significance. Methods of use of the high sensitivity TV cameras are offer for the security systems. The methods are selected according of the parameters cameras, their ability to provide around the clock monitoring and operation in degraded conditions vision.
Key words
- TV, camera, sensitivity, signal/noise, resolution, dynamic range, pixel size, size of the active area, mass, size, energy consumption
- Volkov V. G. High-Sensitivity Television Camera for Security. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 65-93. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/03-Volkov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Logical-Mathematical Modelling of Conflicts
- Relevance. In the article the actual problem of adequate mathematical modeling of the behavior of the conflicting systems in relation to systems, conflicts are not necessarily related to the contradiction between the participants in the system. An exact statement of the problem of logical and mathematical modeling of the interaction between the conflicting parties of the system. The task is to build a two-valued algebra and multi-valued logic, simulating different types of thinking, and that difference is a source of conflict. The purpose of the article. The aim of the article is a summary and a detailed analysis of the two-valued and multi-valued logic, with a focus on finding the fundamental differences of the laws of logic, entailing significant differences in the thinking of individuals, based on these logics and the resulting differences in conflicts between carriers of different logics of thinking. Method. To solve this problem, we use the traditional method of construction of logical systems based on the introduction of basic elements of permanent, major operations on them and identify the laws that govern these operations. The main attention is paid to the differences of elements of operations on them and transactions between the laws of two-valued and multi-valued logic. Novelty. Formulated provision according to which there are systems, conflicts between the parties which are not caused by the contradictions of their interests and the difference of their logic thinking, the result of which is a misunderstanding, provoking suspicion, and then aggression. This so-called imaginary conflicts, the fight against which requires special approaches. Result. The procedure of constructing the algebra of logic different valence, adequately modeling the processes of thinking. We describe the two-valued and multi-valued logic thinking and their laws. Established the fundamental differences of two-valued and multi-valued logic. An example of the analysis of the conflict caused by the difference logic thinking.
Key words
- conflict, formal logic elements, logic operations, the laws of logic, statement, the two-valued logic, many-valued logic
- Levin V. I., Nemkova E. A. Logical-Mathematical Modelling of Conflicts. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 55-64. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/02-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information Conflicts – Analysis of Papers and Research Methodology
- Relevance. Now the methodology of the theory of information warfare in the technical field is formed as the development and joining of theories of electronic warfare and information security. The development of the theory of information warfare is strongly associated with the theory of conflict, in particular with the theory of information conflict. Therefore, the analysis of famous papers and research methodology of the information conflict is relevant. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the known researches of the information conflict. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the conflict between a communication system, a radio monitoring system and an electronic warfare system. Methods used. Analysis of the theory of the informational conflict is based on the use of the methods of system analysis, the methods of induction and deduction of the logic theory. Result. General and specific patterns of research the information conflict was identified based on the analysis of more than 300 references. The analysis of the patterns of the information conflict was based on the researches that were conducted using different scientific methodological apparatus. The theory of active systems, the dynamical systems theory, the game theory, the theory of Markov processes, the theory of Petri nets, the theory of complex hierarchical systems, and other theories relates to the scientific-methodical apparatus, which were considered. The paper proves that new and interesting ways of research for the information conflict is the consideration factors of complexity and multilevel of conflicting systems, the multistage character of the flow of the conflict; the consideration of hidden influences in the process of the conflict, as well as the dynamic properties of the conflict. These factors can be taken into account if the information conflict will be formalized based on the theory of dynamical systems, the bifurcation theory, the catastrophe theory and the deterministic chaos theory. Novelty. The element of novelty of this paper is general and specific patterns, the approaches to the study of information conflict which were identified in the analysis of famous papers. Also the elements of novelty are specific trends research for the information conflicts between the communications system, the radio monitoring system and the jamming system. Practical significance. The analysis presented in this paper can be used by technical specialists to justify new technological solutions for the electronic warfare systems, the information warfare systems, the radio monitoring systems and the communication systems. This analysis can be used military specialists to support new forms and methods of armed acts too. In addition, this analysis will be useful to scientists conducting researches in the field of the information conflict.
Key words
- conflict, information conflict, communication systems, electronic warfare, radiomonitoring, information struggle
- Makarenko S. I., Mikhailov R. L. Information Conflicts – Analysis of Papers and Research Methodology. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 95-178. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/04-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Polyintervals: Calculus and Applications
- Relevance. In recent decades there are more and more new technologies in the military and civilian spheres which associated with studying of uncertainty. These technologies are widely used in engineering, economics, social sphere. To support their new mathematical models and methods are needed. In this regard, this article dedicated to the development of new model of uncertainty (polyinterval) and mathematical methods of its study is relevant. The purpose of the article is in the detailed design of a new adequate mathematical model of uncertainty - polyinterval, which is a sequence of a finite number of intervals of uncertainty, the system of algebraic operations on polyintervals and rules to perform these operations. Method. To accomplish this goal we propose to extend to study polyintervals the method from the interval mathematics based on the determination of algebraic operations on intervals in form of set-theoretic generalizations of operations on real numbers. Novelty. The novelty of the work lies in the proposed new mathematical model of uncertainty in form of systems of polyintervals, together with mathematical tools allowing to perform various operations on polyintervals and thereby enabling them to perform mathematical modeling of uncertain systems. Result. The article detailed developed a new mathematical model of uncertainty – polyinterval. The system of algebraic operations on polyintervals is determined and rules for their implementation are output. The algorithm of study of uncertain systems with polyinterval parameters is given.
Key words
- interval value, polyinterval value, uncertainty, algebra of polyinterval values, system modeling
- Levin V. I. Polyintervals: Calculus and Applications. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 239-246. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/07-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Graf-Dynamic Modeling of Organizational-Technical Systems Based on the Triad Agents
- Relevance. The network structures are the interacting agents that widely used in various subject areas. Agent behavior is determined by several key factors: the goal of the agent; its priorities; the external and internal situation; the actions to achieve the objectives; the main parameters of the agent, which determine its state. Goals, actions and parameters form a triad – «the triad agent». The structure of this agent has three subsystems, which are formalized based on the theory of Petri nets – the purposes graph, the actions graph and the parameters graph. The main graph is the action graph, which switches in discrete moments of time when certain logical conditions are satisfied. If the action graph takes switching then there is activation of a new action. This action may be the transition to a new action, or changing of the agent settings or changing of the agent goals. Thus, the triad agent is network with dynamic behavior, which allows describing a wide class of dynamic processes in organizational-technical systems. Thus the complex organizational-technical systems are characterized by a large number of parameters that are difficult to place in a graph of a single agent. However, the number of goals and actions in the organizational-technical system is substantially less than the number of its parameters. Thus, complex organizational-technical system, it is advisable to decompose into several parallel functioning triad agents (not more than 7-10). This decomposition ensures the visibility of the model. The purpose of this paper is creating the graf-dynamic model of the triad agents and methods of its research. This is achieved by the solution of the following subtasks. 1) Formalization and analysis of the goals graph, of the actions graph and the agent settings. 2) Formalization and analysis of the relations between the graphs in the agent. 3) Introduction of operations on the agent graphs (the "graph-surgery"). 4) Algebraic (symbolic) graph representation of the agent with the transition from a description in the form of a graph to a symbolic description and back. 5) Formalization and analysis of the relations between agents within the multi-agent triad network. Scientific novelty of the paper is the creation of a new way of building models of organizational-technical system that will simplify its simulation and improve its visibility. In addition, the elements of novelty of the paper include: the research of the mechanism functioning of the triad agents; the rationale of the new method of converting the agent as the "graph-surgery"; the development of an algebraic graph representation as a line of characters (the language of structured Logical Descriptions of Graphs), and operations on them. Practical relevance of the paper is the modeling principles which is used in the software that developed in the Belgorod state technological University n. a. V. G. Shukhov. This software is intended for use by experts for simulation-agent modeling of network structures, and for using at industrial applications.
Key words
- Graf-dynamic model, triad agent, triad agents net, goal setting, logical control, interference parameters, the mechanism of interaction graphs, graph-surgery, algebra of graphs, language structured Logical Descriptions of Graphs, software support simulation
- Yuditskiy S. A. Graf-Dynamic Modeling of Organizational-Technical Systems Based on the Triad Agents. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 258-281. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/09-Yuditskiy.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Patents and innovations at field of systems of control, communication and security
Innovation: Sharing Devices to Integrated Management Systems. Part 2 – Management of Organizational Systems
- Introduction. About the inventions that relate to critical technologies - technology information and control systems, that define the main directions of scientific and technological development. Characteristic. Analysis of technical decisions has been implemented in two time periods of modern history of the domestic electronics industry – during the formation of integration of scientific-industrial complexes and large-scale system projects in 1980-ies, and during recovery of this approach in 2010-ies. In the first stage of technical solutions have been developed for the collection and processing of relevant information about facilities management, to improve the sustainability of tracts of computer networks using radio communications and fiber-optic connection, on time management providing information and other. In the second period, these technical solutions have provided the basis for the development of innovative ways of information support for the activities of organizational systems – departments, enterprises and institutions, for the development of integration of control systems of the activities of organizational systems, which consolidated to solve common tasks. Technical result. The technical solutions, which are developed in the first period, improves qualitative indicators of control systems in timeliness and reliability. The technical solutions, which are developed in the second period, helps to ensure the maximum degree of automation based on prior training scenarios for the adoption and implementation of the control solutions. The essence. Common property that unites all inventions is the author's approach to finding inventive concept and its development. This approach includes the famous stages and phases of formation, accumulation and use of knowledge about entities, that affect the field of activity, for which created the invention This knowledge is carried out by processing the data in computer systems and components in the components of computer networks with exposure on the order data and their contents. Practical significance. Information on inventions developed in the first period was published in the previous issue of the magazine in order to use the ideas that underlie inventions for their implementation based on modern computing tools. Information on inventions developed in the second period, relating to the management of organizational systems, is published in order to extend the potential of their introduction into the control systems of organizational systems.
Key words
- inventions, critical technologies, control systems, information systems, communication systems, accumulation of knowledge, solution scripts
- Shabanov A. P. Innovation: Sharing Devices to Integrated Management Systems. Part 2 – Management of Organizational Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 3, pp. 179-226. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-03/05-Shabanov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).