#3 2020
Computing systems
Overview of existing models of non-stationary queuing systems and methods for their calculation
- Relevance. Currently, hardware-software complexes (HSC) included in the control loop of moving objects and technological processes are increasingly operating under peak loads. This is due, on the one hand, to an increase in threats caused by technogenic, natural, and human factors, and, on the other hand, the desire to use existing HSC to solve new more complex problems. To determine the feasibility of all operations related to the control technology cycle, mathematical modeling is used at a given time interval. However, classical stationary models of queuing theory do not allow modeling in the case of peak changes in the workload at a given (directive) time interval, which required the development of models of non-stationary queuing systems (NSQS). The purpose of the work is to analyze the main publications aimed at developing the theoretical foundations, models and methods for calculating the models of NSQS. Results. The article presents the results of the systematization and analysis of NSQS models with a finite number of applications, the rules for their construction and methods for calculating the probability-time characteristics. Elements of the novelty of the work are two approaches to the construction and calculation of NSQS models, a complete list of NSQS models developed to date, a comparative analysis of the methods for calculating probability-time characteristics and a discussion of the features of their software implementation. Practical significance. The material of the article can be effectively used in the problems of analyzing the implementation of HSC management operations located in the control loop of technological processes and moving objects, calculating the indicators of their functional reliability. It is applicable to increase the accuracy of calculating the reliability indicators of software tools, to reduce the time of their testing based on the choice of a debugging strategy. And also for the further construction of new NSQS models and methods for their calculation.
Key words
- non-stationary queuing system, NSQS, transition and state diagram, system of homogeneous differential equations, Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, Markov process, application, software reliability growth model
- Bubnov V. P., Safonov V. I., Shardakov K. S. Overview of existing models of non-stationary queuing systems and methods for their calculation. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 65-121. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10303 (in Russian).
Information security
Identification the Information Security Status for the Internet of Things Devices in Information and Telecommunication Systems
- Problem statement: The development of information, technological, and cyber-physical systems is associated with the Internet of Things. Therefore, there is a need to develop models for ensuring information security, operability, stability of functioning, and methods aimed at lessons learned of various threats. Typical information security monitoring systems show are mostly embedded. Such solutions have certain disadvantages when withstanding exploits, logical bombs, and virus infections. Often the analyzed device is located outside the controlled area or is difficult to access. Thus, the processes occurring in devices and Internet of Things nodes must be subject to constant monitoring to ensure operability, stability, functionality, and information security. The main objective of the study is the additional information from external independent sources, calculated based on external channels, used to identify the associated characteristics of Internet of Things devices’ state. This requires identifying the state based on time-synchronized tuples of signs. The proposed approach: The environment and various internal situations related to the processes of computing, messaging, competing for resources, and communication channels affect Internet of Things elements. The sequence of control commands received by the device determine the internal situations. External environment introduces a number of effects associated with temporary, physical resource constraints and interference. The authors propose to have the process of monitoring the information security state be carried out based on the k-means method. This implements decision-making using behavioral patterns and digitized signal paths patterns obtained during the operation of various system nodes. The calculation of the information security state of an Internet of Things device is implemented by comparing the behavioral patterns of the digitized signal paths to the reference values obtained under “normal functioning”. Methods used: solution of the problem is based on clustering methods, classification methods. Elements of statistical analysis methods are also applied. The novelty is in applying behavioral patterns to the digitized values of signal paths received from various external independent sources. Key results: an approach to identifying the state of information security of an Internet of Things device in the context of limited computing resources. Practical relevance: proposed approach makes it possible to identify the state of information security of an Internet of Things device without increasing the amount of information stored and processed in internal resources. .
Key words
- state analysis, behavioral patterns, nodes and devices of the Internet of things, network infrastructure, cyber-physical systems
- Sukhoparov M. E., Lebedev I. S. Identification the Information Security Status for the Internet of Things Devices in Information and Telecommunication Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 252-268. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10310 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Modeling the Process of Performing a Sonar Survey Using a Multi-Beam Echo Sounder
- Purpose: Assessment of the quality of data obtained as a result of sonar survey is a prerequisite for solving cartographic and measurement issues. Simulation model is taking into account the parameters of the equipment, movement of a surface robotic complex with installed sonar equipment, parameters of the transmission medium, features of absorption and reflection of hydroacoustic waves allows minimizing the mistake in data processing. The purpose of the present paper is to develop and implement a simulation model of the process of conducting a sonar survey using a multibeam echo sounder installed on a unmanned surface vehicle. Methods: system analysis, simulation, numerical methods, methods of mathematical statistics. Novelty: a simulation model of the process of conducting a sonar survey using a multibeam echo sounder, which allows for a preliminary assessment of the mistake in measuring the height of bottom objects and bottom elements, depending on the parameters of the equipment used and the conditions of the water area. Results: a simulation model of the sonar survey process using a multibeam echo sounder was created. The modeling carried out on the basis of real data for an unmanned surface vehicle showed the possibility of its use for carrying out sonar surveys in water areas with a low and medium terrain ruggedness index relief. With a highly terrain ruggedness index, the mistake in determining the depth can reach 0.7 meters, which goes beyond the accepted permissible limits equal to 0.1 meters. Practical relevance: the presented solution is proposed to be used in the form of providing hydroacoustic research using multibeam echo sounders and other types of sonar equipment when installed on unmanned surface vehicle.
Key words
- multibeam echo sounder, bottom reconstruction, sonar, echolocation, simulation, unmanned surface vehicle
- Fomina E. S., Mironov A. S. Modeling the Process of Performing a Sonar Survey Using a Multi-Beam Echo Sounder. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 184-202. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10306 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Multi Stage Adaptation Model of Low Energy Adaptive Radio Link on High Frequency Range Taking into Account the Spent Radio Link Resources and Predicting the-Interference Enviroment
- Setting a task. Low energy radio links on high frequency range, including those using adaptation, are intended for the exchange of information between individual correspondents and management bodies of various departments, and are built, as a rule, through single hop ionospheric radio paths. Currently known adaptive procedures control algorithms cannot be applied to low energy adaptive radio links due to specific conditions of their functioning. It is necessary to take into account the influence of adaptive parameters on the quality indices that describe the requirements for communication, the energy component of the radio link, as well as the resources of the radio link spent on maintaining and restoring communications, which are generally very limited in the conditions of low energy radio link functioning. The use of multi stage adaptation leads to an increase in the number of objects included in the adaptive system, and accordingly to an increase in the number of internal connections. The aim of the work is to build a comprehensive model of functioning of adaptive radio link to determine the impact of the resources used and the amount of radio link resources spent on the adaptive radio link quality indices in different jamming environment. It is proposed to consider an adaptive radio link as a multistage adaptation system. Methods. To solve the modeling problem, graphical-analytical and mathematical methods were used to describe operators of control of adaptive procedures built on the basis of a auto regressive integrated moving average model as well as the method of calculating an integrated quality index using the E.S Harrington function. Results. A comprehensive model is proposed that provides a study of the structural, functional, energy and prognostic properties of low energy adaptive radio links on high frequency range. Dependencies and relationships from the proposed predicting model enables efficient control of adaptive resources at other stages of adaptation, and variation series based on Harrington function calculations determine a more rational use of radio link resources. Novelty. The novelty lies in the proposed radio link model which describes the control of adaptive parameters taking into account the provided interference statistics, predicting and sensing results and the minimization of the energy source detection probability and also allows reducing expenditures of radio link resources. Practical significance is determined by using the model for further building the algorithms to control resources of low energy adaptive radio links of the high frequency range and the model also allows to formulate recommendations to specialists in the development of means and complexes of radio communication at the phase of synthesis of interference-protected modes of operation.
Key words
- adaptive radio link, ARIMA model, predicting interference levels, integrated quality index
- Alekaev A. E., Lipatnikov V. A., Ryaskin R. Y., Kapkin Y. A. Multi Stage Adaptation Model of Low Energy Adaptive Radio Link on High Frequency Range Taking into Account the Spent Radio Link Resources and Predicting the-Interference Enviroment. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 158-183. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10305 (in Russian).
Descriptive Model of Networks Broadband Access Link Layer for the IEEE 802.11 Standards Family
- Problem Statement. Digital radio communication networks development actualizes the issue of assessing the effectiveness of their operation at the channel level. The well-known descriptive, mathematical, and simulation models of individual link-layer procedures are private models that do not allow assessing their interconnection and the efficiency of the link-layer as a whole. The goal of the paper is to develop of broadband access networks of the IEEE 802.11 family of standards the data link layer. The basic procedures of the data link layer proposed to take into account the interrelation, which are responsible for registering a subscriber in the network, establishing and conducting his communication session. Error-correcting coding problems, traditionally related to the tasks of the link layer, are not considered in the article, since in accordance with the specification of the IEEE 802.11 standards family they are referred to the physical layer. Methods. Solving the problem of the basic procedures interconnection of networks broadband access data link layer the IEEE 802.11 standards family is based on the construction of algorithmic models for the functioning of the corresponding procedures in accordance with the specification. Novelty. The novelty elements are the accounting in algorithmic models of registration procedures and conducting a communication session algorithms of procedures for establishing and conducting a communication session. Result. Algorithmic models construction of the link layer procedures for broadband access networks of the IEEE 802.11 family of standards showed that the descriptive model of the link layer, in addition to describing the procedures responsible for registering a subscriber in the network, establishing and conducting his communication session, includes the relationship of such procedures. Practical relevance. The model is applicable in the construction of analytical and simulation models for assessing the link layer efficiency of the IEEE 802.11 family of standards broadband access networks.
Key words
- networks broadband the IEEE 802.11 standards family, access link layer, efficiency, procedure, algorithm
- Peregudov M. A., Steshkovoy A. S., Shcheglov A. V. Descriptive Model of Networks Broadband Access Link Layer for the IEEE 802.11 Standards Family. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 203-221. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10307 (in Russian).
Informational conflict of informational-telecommunication systems of special purpose dynamic model
- Relevance. The active use of informational environment during different types of conflicts actualizes issues of informational-telecommunication conflict interaction of special purpose. At the same time, the new approach was presented for assessment of informational superiority in informational conflict of informational-telecommunication systems of special purpose. This approach is based on efficiency comparison of information-gathering process and prevention of similar hostile actions. There is also justification for inclusion of monitoring and action subsystem in the opposing informational-telecommunication systems of special purpose that realizes aforementioned processes. The aim of this paper is development of informational conflict mathematical model of informational-telecommunication systems of special purpose that adequately reflects the subsystem contribution to informational superiority in informational conflict. Methods. Elements of the set theory and theory of actuarial mathematics. Novelty. The elements of modernity of submitted decisions are information volume increase formalization that is required by opposing informational-telecommunication systems of special purpose for the decision-making process on the basic means employment with required certainty. Result. The use of the reviewed model permits to realize the contribution of monitoring and action subsystem to informational superiority in informational conflict of informational-telecommunication systems of special purpose. The use of the model also permits to realize the probability rate formation of this superiority. Practical significance. Presented scientific output is proposed to base scientific methodological device of dynamic coordination of monitoring and action subsystem in informational conflict of informational-telecommunication systems of special purpose.
Key words
- infocommunication system of special purpose, information conflict, monitoring subsystem, impact subsystem, coordination
- Mikhailov R. L. Informational conflict of informational-telecommunication systems of special purpose dynamic model. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 238-251. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10309 (in Russian).
Prediction of failures of controlled special-purpose communication systems
- Relevance: The evolution of new types of weapons, the introduction of robotic Autonomous systems determines the vector of continuous development of special-purpose communication systems, characterized as objects of special significance, the trouble-free operation of which is the key to the stable operation of control systems. It is assumed that the actual technical condition of communication systems can be assessed by monitoring its parameters, and forecasting their changes allows you to operate the object until there are signs of a dangerous decrease in reliability. The ability to predict the possible moment of failure is especially important for such objects, the occurrence of failures, failures and malfunctions in which is associated with significant material and catastrophic consequences, so preventing failures of special-purpose communication systems is a top priority. The purpose of this work is to develop methods for predicting the technical state of special-purpose communication systems. Methods used: forecasting the technical state of special-purpose communication complexes is based on a neural network approach using a discrete wavelet transform, which allows the accuracy and reliability of predictive estimates. The novelty of this work is to implement a promising approach to the prediction of technical condition of communication systems of special purpose, guaranteed with proven features based on the intelligent forecasting technology, providing a comprehensive account of controllable factors, using knowledge of the state types, the resulting neural network prediction followed by filtration of the useful signal based on discrete wavelet transform, significantly improves the accuracy of the forecast. Results: promising systems for proactive monitoring of the technical condition of special-purpose communication complexes should be based on neural network forecasting methods with further application of wavelet analysis in the process of evaluating the results of forecasting. The use of discrete wavelet transform in forecasting processes will significantly increase the ability to filter signals by removing false failures from the signal locally near the vicinity of a certain point with minimal change in the useful signal. Practical significance: the results of the study can be used in the process of monitoring the technical condition of special-purpose communication systems, which will avoid accidents when operating objects of special significance, the characteristics of which are guaranteed to be confirmed.
Key words
- technical condition, special-purpose communication complexes, neural network forecasting, discrete wavelet transformations, intelligent technologies
- Vinogradenko A. M. Prediction of failures of controlled special-purpose communication systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 222-237. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10308 (in Russian).
Systems for ensuring of safety and security
Imitation Protection of Wireless Automated Security Systems for Sensitive Objects
- Purpose. High popularity for protection of the sensitive sites of different function, especially mobile type, with strict requirements to the speed of their reduction in a necessary ready state, was received by the wireless automated security systems (ASS) based on use of radio networks with cellular topology (so-called mesh-networks, wireless sensor networks and so forth). The main advantages of such systems of protection is the high speed of expansion/turning that is especially important for protection of objects of mobile type. Other important advantage of ASS – simplicity of scalability at protection of objects of various area and a configuration, and also at their modernization. Functioning of these systems on the basis of use of a radio channel for transfer of office messages staticizes questions of safety of transmitted data from imitating influences of the potential opponent. The known way of providing imitation protection of data based on development of message authentication code can lead to increase of probability of a compromise of key information at increase in number of security announcers and, therefore, to ASS exit from a condition of necessary level of security. The aim of the work is increase in level of immunity of the data transferred on ASS sensitive sites radio channels. Data protection algorithms from imitating influences of the opponent at various stages of functioning of system of protection, and also the technique of providing imitation protection of data considering features of construction and functioning of ASS sensitive sites in protected mode are offered. Methods used: theories of algorithms and the formalized description of cryptographic protocols; elements of the theory of casual processes (at estimation of security system of protection). Novelty of the offered algorithms and technique consists in new rules and receptions integration of the known cryptographic algorithms and protocols, and also their various modes of functioning providing protection of radio channels of ASS sensitive sites against various types of the imitating influences of the malefactor. Results: the complex of the algorithms of data protection transferred between elements of system of protection from imitating influences of the malefactor, allowing to exercise control of data on each of stages of their passing between system elements; the technique of providing an imitation protection of data including a number of the scientific and technical offers aimed at providing security of data from imitating influences of the opponent. Estimation of security system of protection is executed. Practical relevance. The received results allow to create ASS sensitive sites having a possibility of safe functioning in the conditions of imitating impacts by the opponent on it. At the same time the offered protocols are based on the cryptographic algorithms existing and standardized in the Russian Federation.
Key words
- the automated system of protection, wireless sensor networks, message authentication code, imitation protection of data, radio channel immunity, cryptographic algorithms and protocols, protection of sensitive objects, a hash function, the digital signature, mesh-networks
- Orlov A. V., Melnikov E. V., Finko O. A. Imitation Protection of Wireless Automated Security Systems for Sensitive Objects. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 22-64. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10302 (in Russian).
Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Part 4. Functional Destroying with Microwave and Laser Weapons
- Relevance. There have been reports of unauthorized use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in highly controlled areas (airports, military installations, against critical industrial infrastructure) in the media since the mid-2000s. Nowadays, small UAVs are widely used for unauthorized surveillance of important objects, conducting terrorist attacks and sabotage, carrying prohibited goods (weapons, drugs), as well as for military purposes. For this reason, the problem of countering UAVs, and especially small UAVs, has become extremely relevant. Analysis of publications in this area has shown a small number of serious studies on this topic. There are often too optimistic conclusions about the effectiveness of existing electronic warfare (EW) systems for countering all types of UAVs in many papers. However, the problem of countering UAVs, and especially small UAVs, is highly complex, multi-faceted, and has not been solved yet. The purpose of this paper is to systematize and analyze various ways and means of countering UAVs, as well as to form general directions for effective solution of the problem. The material is presented in the paper focuses on the analysis of the capabilities such EW-systems as microwave and laser weapons. Results. The results of systematization and analysis of various means of countering UAVs, which are based on microwave and laser weapons, are presented in the article. The analysis of the sources show the main features of the UAV as an object of functional destroying, and made possible a detailed multi-aspect analysis of modern with microwave and laser weapons, their effectiveness and disadvantage and effects that appeared because of impact microwave and laser rays at UAVs. Elements of the novelty of the paper are the general features of the functional destroying of UAVs with microwave and laser weapons, as well as advantage and disadvantage the weapons when they are used against UAVs. Practical significance. The material of the paper can be used to generate initial data for modeling and studying the combat effectiveness of the microwave and laser weapons when countering UAVs. This article can be useful for designers who design countering UAV systems as well.
Key words
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV, Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, C-UAV, C-UAS, Anti-UAV Defense System, Counter-Drone Systems, Anti-Drone Technologies, Counter-UAVs Technologies, electronic warfare, microwave weapon, laser weapon
- Makarenko S. I. Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Part 4. Functional Destroying with Microwave and Laser Weapons. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 122-157. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10304 (in Russian).
Electronic and radio systems
Algorithm and device for forming ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences in information transfer systems with code-division multiple access
- Formulation of the task. Improving the structural secrecy of information transfer systems with code-division multiple access highlights the task of constructing devices for the formation of a representative number of ensembles of orthogonal sequences for its subsequent use in a pseudorandom manner. Known technical solutions in this field and algorithms for their functioning are limited by a negligible quantity of formed ensembles of orthogonal sequences, narrow possibilities for changing the dimension of generated ensembles, low accuracy of formation and the lack of automatic generation by a pseudorandom algorithm. The purpose of this article is to increase the number of ensembles of orthogonal sequences by implementing a new algorithm for their formation. It is proposed to automate the process of assigning pseudorandom input data to the diagonal coefficients of the symmetric matrix in the Popenko-Turko function generator by introducing a block of pseudorandom formation of the coefficients of the symmetric matrix. This will provide automatic generation of ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences at the outputs of the generator. Methods. The solution of the task is based on the use of the vector synthesis method for ensembles of orthogonal sequences, considering restrictions on the numerical range of pseudorandom input data. As the main indicator of the developed generator, the maximum number of generated structures of ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences is used. Novelty. Novelty elements consist in obtaining a new algorithm for the formation of ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences based on the use of the vector synthesis method and the circuit implementation of the generator of ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences. Results. Using the developed generator and algorithm for forming ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences allows to form an increased number of ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences which is necessary for increasing the structural secrecy of information transfer systems with code-division multiple access. The presented implementation of the generator of ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences and the proposed algorithm for the formation of ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences provides an increase in the number of generated structures of orthogonal sequences in information transfer systems, and as a result, an increase of the system’s structural secrecy. The number of possible structures of orthogonal sequences formed on the basis of the developed algorithm, shows the advantage by 1.5 to 6 times for different dimensions of ensembles of orthogonal sequences in comparison with the number of sequences of the considered class formed on the basis of the more popular De Bruijin algorithm. Practical relevance. The developed generator of ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences, if used as a component of an information transfer system with code-division multiple access, will increase the time during which the sequence structures used for information exchange will not be repeated because of increasing their quantity. The use of an increased number of ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences to implement information exchange in information transfer systems with code-division multiple access will increase system’s structural secrec.
Key words
- information transfer system with code-division multiple access, pseudorandom orthogonal sequence generator, structural secrecy, eigenvector, symmetric matrix
- Zhuk A. P., Studenikin A. V., Zhuk E. P. Algorithm and device for forming ensembles of pseudorandom orthogonal sequences in information transfer systems with code-division multiple access. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 3, pp. 1-21. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10301 (in Russian).