Scientific electronic reviewed journal
Systems of Control, Communication and Security
ISSN 2410-9916

# 3 2024

Control systems
  • S. A. Polovko, A. V. Popov, D. K. Serov, N. A. Tschur PDF
    Model-based Motion Control System Design for Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
  • Abstract
    • Problem statement. Nowadays the underwater robotics field is actively developing: the degree of autonomy of underwater robots is increasing and the range of the tasks they solve is expanding. All this inevitably leads to an increase in the size of the design problems for the control system of autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles (AUVs) as well as to an increase in the required volume of experiments, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the overall design cost.  Purpose. The goal of the work is to develop a methodology for planning AUV motion control systems, which makes it possible to make maximum use of mathematical experiments on variable-type models to reduce the time and cost of designing AUV control systems. Methods. The development of AUV motion models was carried out in accordance with the known principles of hydrodynamics. The problem of designing an AUV motion control system was solved in accordance with the well-known principles of automatic control theory, as well as nonlinear stochastic optimization methods. Novelty. Elements of Novelty are concluded in the use of AUV motion models at various stages of control system design. In this work, in addition to classical analytical models, cybernetic and hydrodynamic models are used to solve problems of synthesis and debugging of the control system. Results. The use of the proposed methodology for designing an AUV motion control system ensures the required quality of the control system while ensuring the task of positioning a low-inertia AUV in the presence of a priori uncertainties and disturbances. Practical relevance. The presented methodology can be used in the design of motion control systems for large-sized AUVs to reduce the time and cost of designing a control system by taking into account disturbances in the process of synthesizing the control system and reducing the required number of full-scale experiments.
  • Key words
    • AUV, motion control system, model-based design, cybernetic model, disturbances
  • Reference
    • Polovko S. A., Popov A. V., Serov D. K., Tschur N. A. Model-based Motion Control System Design for Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 3, pp. 22-48. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-3-022-048 (in Russian).
Information security
  • D. A. Sagaydak, L. A. Denisova PDF
    Secure two-channel video communication system using secret sharing schemes and optimization parameters based on genetic algorithm
  • Abstract
    • Problem statement. The need for secure transmission of video data from the technical means of the payload of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is currently increasing due to the current geopolitical tensions. One of the ways to protect against threats related to the interception of transmitted video data streams from the UAV to the control panel (CP) is encryption. However, its application requires an increase in computing and hardware resources and can cause delays in the playback of the decrypted video data stream. The use of information protection methods based on secret sharing schemes (where the secret is divided into two shares, each of which is transmitted via a separate channel of a two-channel UAV communication system) reduces the need for computing and hardware resources of the UAV, but imposes additional conditions associated with the need to use two communication channels with the required bandwidth and width frequency bandwidth. Purpose. Increasing the level of security of transmitted video data streams by creating an analytical and simulation technique that allows determining the optimal parameters of a two-channel UAV communication system, ensuring a decrease in the bandwidth of communication channels and an increase in the volume of transmitted video data during synchronous transmission of fractions of frames of these video data obtained as a result of the use of a secret separation scheme (SSS). Methods and technologies used. To solve this problem, the analytical method of queuing theory is used (calculating the bandwidth of each of the UAV two-channel communication channels) and a simulation method for optimizing the parameters of a two-channel UAV communication system using a genetic algorithm (in the MATLAB/Simulink/Simevents environment). Novelty. An analytical and simulation approach is proposed for determining the optimal parameters of a two-channel UAV communication system, including an analytical assessment of the lower bounds of the confidence intervals of the bandwidth of communication channels in conjunction with model studies to optimize the parameters of a two-channel communication system (according to criteria for maximizing the volume of transmitted data and minimizing the bandwidth of communication channels with synchronous data transmission over these channels), which allows to increase the level of security of the transmitted video data streams. Result. The use of the presented solution for optimizing the parameters of a two-channel UAV communication system makes it possible to evaluate the possibility of using SSS to ensure the safety of video data transmitted from the technical means of the UAV payload to the control unit, and also reduces the redundancy of the bandwidth of the communication channels used, thereby reducing the bandwidth of the UAV control system, and reduce the cost of maintaining such a system and increase the range of the UAV. It is established that the solutions obtained using simulation coincide within acceptable limits with the values obtained during analytical calculation, which confirms the suitability of the methods used. Practical significance. The developed simulation model can be used in the design of the UAV communication system or included as part of the UAV software to automatically determine the parameters of the communication system during distributed transmission of video data over two parallel channels. The proposed solutions will increase the range of the UAV and reduce the logistical costs associated with the maintenance of UAV-CP communication channels.
  • Key words
    • two-channel UAV communication system, secret sharing, distributed video data transmission, communication channel bandwidth, frequency bandwidth, simulation modeling, Pareto optimization, genetic algorithm
  • Reference
    • Sagaydak D. A., Denisova L. A. Secure two-channel video communication system using secret sharing schemes and optimization parameters based on genetic algorithm. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 3, pp. 126-156. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-3-126-156 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
  • A. A. Tipikin, V. A. Pakhotin PDF
    The technique of calculating the total field of spatial and ground waves in the very low frequency band
  • Abstract
    • Purpose. There is a well-known technique for estimating the energy parameters of radio paths in the very low frequency band based on the wavehop method. This technique developed in the interests of automating the input of initial data, including information about the underlying surface electrical parameters, state of the ionosphere and geomagnetic field of the Earth. But it does not take into account the ground wave field during the calculation of the electric field strength at the radio path. Another disadvantage is that the boundaries within which the influence of the ground wave on the total field should be taken into account when using the wavehop method are not clear. The purpose of the present paper is to develop technique for estimating the energy parameters of the radio path in the very low frequency band, taking into account the influence of the ground wave and assessing the domain boundaries with the significant influence of the earth wave on the total field strength. Methods. The problem solution based on the wavehop method that takes into account the geometric-optical and quasi-geometric-optical propagation mechanisms for a spatial wave and the diffraction propagation mechanism for a ground wave. Novelty. Elements of novelty in presented technique are the ground wave field calculating with automatic profiling of the underlying surface electrical parameters based on global digital maps and using of the generalized method for calculating of the ground wave field strength with an arbitrary number of homogeneous sections on the radio path. Results. Accuracy of the forecasting methodology increased within the domain where the ground wave has a significant effect on the total field. In this domain the average total forecasting error decreased by 3 dB due to accounting the ground wave field in the calculation process of radio path energy parameters. Automatic profiling of the underlying surface electrical parameters based on global digital maps provided accounting for an arbitrary number of homogeneous sections on the radio path. Comparing the forecasting results with measurements of field strength on real radio paths, followed by statistical analysis of forecasting errors based on the Theil’s and Russell’s metrics, confirmed the adequacy of the developed technique. Statistically significant differences in forecasting errors allowed to obtain the domain boundary of the necessary accounting of the ground wave effect on the total field. Practical relevance. Automation of input geophysical data initialization makes it possible to reduce the time required for calculation tasks and decrease the operator workload during the evaluation of special-purpose communication systems capabilities to provide forces with communications in specified operation areas. The developed forecasting technique will increase the validity of proposals on communication scenarios during the officials proposals development on special-purpose communication systems application.
  • Key words
    • very low frequencies, forecasting, energy parameters, spatial wave, ground wave, adequacy, geophysical data
  • Reference
    • Tipikin A. A., Pakhotin V. A. The technique of calculating the total field of spatial and ground waves in the very low frequency band. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 3, pp. 1-21. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-3-001-021 (in Russian).

  • R. L. Mikhailov, S. I. Makarenko PDF
    Descriptive Model of AEHF Satellite Communications System
  • Abstract
    • Relevance. Providing communication services for military units which protect the interests of Russia beyond its borders requires the creation of special-purpose satellite communication systems (SATCOMM) with a global coverage area. Currently such projects are being developed in Russia. Simultaneously the technical decision making of geostationary SATCOMM requires the source data for modeling various ways of building the communication services. Another technologically advanced SATCOMM - AEHF (Advanced Extremely High Frequency), which provides protected operational, tactical and strategic link of the US armed forces, can be used for form that kind of the source data and may be a prototype of a special–purpose SATCOMM. The aim of the paper is to form a descriptive model of AEHF. The descriptive model will be used for development of the source data for create of the new Russian's SATCOMMs. Results and their novelty. The element of practical novelty of the paper is the revealed general technological features of special-purpose SATCOMM by the example of AEHF. Practical significance. Presented descriptive model will be useful for technical specialists to substantiate new technological solutions for domestic special-purpose SATCOMM. In addition, the model will be helpful for scientists who conduct research in the field of satellite communications.
  • Key words
    • model, descriptive model, satellite communication system, SATCOMM, protected satellite communication system, Advanced Extremely High Frequency, AEHF
  • Reference
    • Mikhailov R. L., Makarenko S. I. Descriptive Model of AEHF Satellite Communications System. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 3, pp. 157-181. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-3-157-181 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
  • R. L. Mikhailov, D. Yu. Danilov, A. A. Potapov, P. V. Grechko PDF
    Dynamic coordination of monitoring and impact subsystems: predicting method
  • Abstract
    • Relevance. The work is an extension and development of the ongoing research, the hypothesis of which is that the increase in the efficiency of using a automated control system of special-purpose in an information conflict is ensured through the implementation of mechanisms for dynamic coordination of the monitoring and impact subsystems in its composition due to a synergistic effect, which will ensure the achievement of information superiority in the information conflict. The aim of this paper is the development of prediction evaluation method in the dynamic coordination of monitoring and impact subsystems as part of automated control system of a special-purpose during an information conflict. Methods. Elements of set theory, coordination theory and control theory. Novelty. The novelty element of the method is the determination of a set of moments in time in the control cycle of the main (basic) forces and means, at which the distribution or redistribution of telecommunication devices of the automated control system for special purposes is carried out between the monitoring and impact subsystems. Result. The use of the developed method makes it possible to implement the mechanism of dynamic coordination of the monitoring and impact subsystems as part of automated control system of special-purpose. Practical significance. the implementation of the developed method as a general theoretical approach in the synthesis of software products as part of the mathematical software of the information subsystem will allow us to move from the empirical order of distribution and redistribution of telecommunications devices between the subsystems of monitoring and impact to a strictly formalized description of the process of dynamic coordination of these subsystems.
  • Key words
    • automated control system of special purpose, information conflict, monitoring subsystem, impact subsystem, coordination
  • Reference
    • Mikhailov R. L., Danilov D. Yu., Potapov A. A., Grechko P. V. Dynamic coordination of monitoring and impact subsystems: predicting method. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 3, pp. 49-77. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-3-049-077 (in Russian).

  • S. I. Makarenko, I. E. Afonin PDF
    Modeling of aviation combat operations and evaluation of their effectiveness - analysis of papers, models and actual research directions
  • Abstract
    • Relevance. The analysis of modern military conflicts has shown that an important component of success in waging war is the conquest of air superiority, and the combat use of aviation remains one of the main ways to defeat the enemy. At the same time, an appropriate area of research is the development of methods of combat use of aviation of the air force and increasing its combat effectiveness. Such development can be based on a deep and comprehensive analysis of scientific research on this topic. In this regard, it is relevant to analyze well-known articles and models, approaches to modeling. The purpose of the paper is to analyze existing publications, models and modeling methods, as well as current research in the field of aviation combat operations and its combat effectiveness. Special attention will be paid to the analysis of modeling of single and group air battles, assessment of the combat effectiveness of individual aircraft (aviation complexes) and aviation actions in general. The methods used. During the research, methods of induction and deduction based on the principles of logic were applied. Results. As a result of the analysis of more than 100 open sources, general and particular patterns have been identified regarding the study of aviation combat operations and its combat effectiveness. In particular, the following aspects were considered: simulation of air battles; modeling of kinematic trajectories of aircraft movement; modeling of decision-making by pilots; the impact of the flight and technical characteristics of aircraft, as well as the methods of their combat use on the effectiveness of operational and tactical aviation. The novelty of the research lies in the identification of general and particular patterns and approaches to the study of aviation combat operations and the assessment of its combat effectiveness. To do this, various modeling methods and scientific and methodological apparatus were analyzed. Practical significance. The analysis presented in the article can be used by technical specialists to substantiate new technological solutions in the field of improving aircraft, aviation complexes and control systems. Military experts can also use this analysis to justify new ways of conducting armed struggle, taking into account the prospects for improving military aviation. In addition, the analysis will be useful to researchers and applicants engaged in scientific research in the field of aviation operations of the Air Force.
  • Key words
    • combat operations, simulation, combat simulation, military aviation, air force aviation, air force, air combat, single air combat, group air combat, long-range air combat, close air combat, combat planning, aerial opponent, method of combat use, combat effectiveness, decision-making, flight-technical characteristics, defeat of an aerial enemy, defeat of ground objects, defeat of marine objects, tactical technique, maneuver, aviation complex, unmanned aerial vehicle, aircraft, aircraft
  • Reference
    • Makarenko S. I., Afonin I. E. Modeling of aviation combat operations and evaluation of their effectiveness - analysis of papers, models and actual research directions. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 3, pp. 78-125. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-3-078-125 (in Russian).
Scientific contribution
  • V. I. Levin PDF
    Professor N.N. Luzin: Mathematician, Teacher, Educational Organizer
  • Abstract
    • Relevance. The biography of the brilliant mathematician Nikolay Nikolaevich Luzin is considered. The purpose of the article is to use the example of scientific work of N.N. Luzin to form among beginning scientists understanding of various approaches to the formation of new scientific knowledge. Result. To achieve the purpose of the article, domestic and foreign literature was used. The meaning of N.N. Luzin’s scientific results is outlined. Novelty and theoretical significance. The scientific biography of N.N. Luzin has been reconstructed. The emphasis is on the scientist’s work in the field of function theory and set theory. The article will be useful for young scientists studying research methodology.
  • Key words
    • mathematics, N.N. Luzin, Moscow, Paris, Soviet Union, France, Russia
  • Reference
    • Levin V. I. Professor N.N. Luzin: Mathematician, Teacher, Educational Organizer. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 3, pp. 182-189. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-3-182-189 (in Russian).