№2 2018
Control systems
The heat-technological process optimization of a moving dense multilayer weight of phosphorite pellets drying process by the energy-resource efficiency criterion
- Statement of the problem: the problem of fuel and energy resources rational use is the most important one for energy-intensive industrial production, including the thermal preparation of pelletized raw materials in a complex multi-stage heat-technological system (HTS) by a horizontal-grate machine for the phosphorite pellets production. The drying modes optimization of a moving dense multilayer weight of phosphorite pellets in a complex HTS will increase the energy and resource efficiency of HTS as a result of heat-mass exchange processes (HMP) augmentation and optimization at an energy and heat minimum cost. The aim of the work is to increase the energy-resource efficiency of HTS, using the mathematical and computer model, the heat-technological process (HTP) optimization of the moving dense multilayer weight of phosphorite pellets drying process, characterized by the use of discrete dynamic programming and the control of the moisture redistribution effect by the height of the pellets multilayer backfilling, which allows to prevent the appearance of waterlogging horizons, negatively affecting the multilayer pellets weight gas permeability, that leads to unnecessary energy consumption increase and reduction of HTS performance in general. The methods used: system concept, discrete dynamic programming, optimal control theory of distributed parameters system, conditional multi-criteria optimization, computational mathematics. The result: the content and mathematical statements of the optimization problem (HTP) for moving dense multilayer weight of phosphorite pellets drying process in the complex multistage (HTS) horizontal-grate machine that is characterized by the heat-technological features of this horizontal-grate machine, the internal moisture transfer process intensity in the pellet and the waterlogging of sepatare pellets layers processes and gas-coolant, which allows to increase energy efficiency through intensification of dynamic multilayer drying HMP were submitted. Novelty: mathematical and computer models for optimizing the a moving dense multi-layer weight of phosphorite pellets drying HTP have been developed, which have made it possible to optimize the energy and resource efficiency of a complex dynamic phosphate pellet production HTS. The obtained results were used to calculate the energy-efficient drying of pellets in the HTS by a horizontal-grate machine. It was also found out that there is no waterlogging zone in the optimal mode of multilayer pellets drying, that HMP are intensified, the energy consumption is reduced and the end-product quality is increased, the share of return is reduced, that provides resource saving.
Key words
- heat-technological system, heat-technological process, drying, optimization, pellets, phosphorite, energy-resource efficiency, horizontal-grate machine
- Bobkov V. I. The heat-technological process optimization of a moving dense multilayer weight of phosphorite pellets drying process by the energy-resource efficiency criterion. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 56-68. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/04-Bobkov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Intelligent information systems
Project Management for Hydromechanical System Development with Neural Network Models
- Formulation of the task. In conditions of innovative modernizing the hydromechanical systems, an actual task is reducing time of the project implementation for their development taking into account the uncertainty of various external and internal factors that reduce the effectiveness of known methods of scheduling theory. Purpose. Reducing time of implementing the project to develop the innovative hydromechanical systems using intelligent methods and models. To obtain predictive estimates during managing the projects in conditions of a small amount of statistical and expert information, it is proposed to use neural network models (NNM) of the type GRNN (Generalized Regression Neural Network).If it is required to take into account the experts’ opinion during constructing the models and to conduct their training on the basis of the available set of analytical data, it is proposed to use neuro-fuzzy models (NFM) such as ANFIS (Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System). Methods. The solution of the problem of project management for developing the innovative hydromechanical systems under uncertainty conditions is accomplished the applying the List Scheduling scheduling algorithm and the critical path method, improved by using NNM and NFM. Novelty. The research novelty is the use of NNM and NFM during planning the projects of this type that take into account the results of previous work. Results. The use of the presented solution allows optimizing the duration of projects to develop the innovative hydrodynamic systems in conditions of uncertainty. The test results have showed that ap-plication of the developed models allows to reduce time of project implementation on average by 11% relative to the planned schedules and on average by 27% relative to real schedules which do not take into account the interaction of the characteristics of the project activities. Practical relevance. It is supposed to use presented NNM and NFM for managing the project to develop the innovative hydrome-chanical systems.
Key words
- project management, neural network models, neuro-fuzzy models, hydromechanical systems, project network schedule
- Chernovalova M. V. Project Management for Hydromechanical System Development with Neural Network Models. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 108-120. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/07-Chernovalova.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Simulation of subjective choice under uncertainty about the state of environment and its changes
- Problem statement: the formal theory of choice was developed by abstracting from subjective factors. This led to the creation of a normative theory of decision-making "ideal" subject. It can not be regarded as relevant in modeling the behavior. The solution of this problem is currently associated with the results obtained in the theory of reflexive games and the theory of information management systems that have will and intelligence. However, despite the abundance of work in this direction, the problem remains relevant. The aim of the work is to develop a decision-making model that takes into account how and why in real conditions there is a "departure" from the subject of normative rationality. Methods used: the solution of the problem of subjectively rational choice is based on the use of methods of system analysis, the theory of active systems and multiagent systems. Novelty: it is shown that the regularities of the subject's departure from the "ideal" rational choice to the subjectively rational one are connected with the peculiarities of identification and understanding of the state of the external environment and the properties of their interests. External factors relate to obligations assumed by the agent. Internal factors reflect the interests of the subject, induced by his needs and the ethical system he adheres to. It is proved that the choice of the subject is based on the ideas of the situation of choice, which reflect the various aspects of the subject's understanding of its properties and form the information structure of representations as a set of possible variants of representations. Assessments of satisfaction with the current situation of the subject's choice lead to a change in the structure of the interests of the subject, and he can choose it. It is shown that the agent uses three sets of alternatives in decision-making: control, structural and identification. This implies the existence of three virtual parties that choose their alternatives. The rules for choosing such alternatives, depending on the subject's understanding of the situation and the structure of their interests, are formed by finding a compromise and the problem of modeling the choice acquires game content. The result: the use of the presented solution is aimed at creating biotechnical systems and systems that would operate in such a way that the results of their work could not be distinguished from the actions of a reasonable person. The simulation showed that behavioral models of decision-making, which use a game approach to the distribution of the agent's efforts in the process of decision-making and implementation, can be considered as adequate to the real. There is a possibility of management of processes of forming of representations of the agent on a situation of the choice and purpose formation. Practical significance: the presented solution allows 1) to explain the decision-making of the subject in specific situations; 2) to make predictions about the possible reactions of another subject in different situations; 3) to solve the problem of active forecast, when the managing party creates the desired image of the future for the controlled party.
Key words
- reflexive management, decision-making, model, decision-making, compromise
- Vinogradov G. P. Simulation of subjective choice under uncertainty about the state of environment and its changes. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 191-212. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/10-Vinogradov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information processes and technologies. Acquisition, storage and processing of information
The Computation of Diagnostic Information Value in the Network Discrete Structures for Space Objects Technical State Analysis
- Purpose. The effectiveness of solving the problems of control and diagnosing complex technical systems depends not only on the amount of processed diagnostic information, but also on its value. The methods of calculating the diagnostic information value in the network discrete structures of the technical state analysis of objects which are used now do not take into account the "loss" connected with the achievement of the purpose of the analysis, i.e. with the adoption of "wrong" decisions in the identification of this state. The purpose of work is to obtain an integrated assessment of the synthesized network discrete structure of the analysis of the technical state of the object in terms of the value of the diagnostic information used in it in order to choose the best of all possible options for the given indicator. Methods. The solution of the problem of calculating the integral evaluation of the value of diagnostic information obtained in the operation of a flexible program of technical state analysis of the object which is based on the use of R.L. Stratonovich’s information value measure modified in relation to the subject area of control and diagnostics of technical objects. The maximum value of diagnostic information is achieved by minimizing the average "losses" obtained by performing tests of diagnostic signs necessary for the recognition of a concrete technical state of the object. Novelty. Elements of the novelty of the proposed solution are an indicator of the information val-ue obtained during the tests of the diagnostic sign in the arbitrary information state of the analysis process, as well as an integral indicator of the information value obtained during the operation of the synthesized flexible program for object technical state analysis. The value of the diagnostic information obtained has a sense of the difference between a priori and a posteriori average "losses" obtained when achieving the goal of the analysis. Results. The use of the proposed solution allows to calculate the magnitude of the indicator of diagnostic information value, depending on probability of the outcome of tests of diagnostic signs. The magnitude of this parameter is proportional to the sum of squares of differences between a posteriori and a priori probabilities of achieving the goal of analysis which consists in the recognition of a concrete technical state in the predetermined assemblage. Practical relevance. The presented solution is proposed to introduce in the form of software and algorithmic support of automated complexes for the technical state analysis used in the system of information support of tests and control of space objects.
Key words
- state analysis, diagnostic information, diagnostic sign, information value
- Kopkin E. V., Kobzarev I. M. The Computation of Diagnostic Information Value in the Network Discrete Structures for Space Objects Technical State Analysis. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 40-55. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/03-Kopkin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Technical State Analysis Object Model Using Continuous Diagnostic Signs with Normal Distribution Law
- Purpose. The efficiency of solving the problems of control and diagnosing of complex technical systems depends on the adequacy of the aggregate models of analysis objects of technical state being used. In this case, real numbers are the most common form of representation of the model values of the diagnostic signs. The known methods of construction of such models are based on the assumption of uniform distribution law of these model values and their equal physical dimension. The purpose of work is to build an aggregated model of the analysis object of the technical state, in which the model values of the diagnostic signs have a normal distribution law, different physical dimensions and are presented in the form of intervals on the real numerical axis. Each of these intervals characterizes the possible range of variation of the measured values of the diagnostic signs in different technical states of the analysis object. Novelty. The novelty element of the proposed solution is the procedure of determining the bounds of these intervals on the basis of the Mahalanobis metric use which, unlike the Euclidean metric, is invariant to the scale and takes into account the correlation between the model signs values, i.e., is correct for non-orthonormalized spaces. Results. Transformation of the set of model values of the diagnostic signs represented by real numbers having different physical dimensions and normal distribution law to the set of intervals on the real numerical axis is carried out by calculating the pairwise distances between multidimensional vectors characterizing the various technical states of the analysis object. These vectors are represented in the form of closed multidimensional ellipsoids. Determination of the most remote vectors allows to determine the ranges of possible dispersions of the measured values of the diagnostic signs in different technical states. A numerical example of the proposed procedure is presented. Practical relevance. The proposed model of the analysis object of the technical state using diagnostic signs normally distributed allows to create a model of the analysis process, the main elements of which are the information states of the analysis process and the tests of the diagnostic signs performed in them. By means of these models it is possible to synthesize flexible programs for analyzing the technical state of objects, including the optimal ones according to the selected optimization indicators.
Key words
- technical state, diagnostic signs, Mahalanobis metrics
- Kopkin E. V., Kobzarev I. M. Technical State Analysis Object Model Using Continuous Diagnostic Signs with Normal Distribution Law. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 69-83. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/05-Kopkin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
The Approach to Integrated Processing of Open Data about the City Infrastructure
- Purpose. Support for decision-making on the management of the city requires a comprehensive analysis of the situation, which should be carried out using objective information that characterizes all the components of infrastructure, objects included in it and ongoing processes. However, the necessary information is placed in heterogeneous sources, and as a result, its use requires the development of a number of solutions for effective access organization. The purpose of the present paper is to develop a comprehensive approach to the processing of information from heterogeneous sources that provide open access to data on the city's infrastructure. This approach includes interrelated procedures for collecting and preliminary processing the entire array of received data on objects in the city from sources on the Internet. At the same time, sources are classified for the use of appropriate tools for information extraction and organization of a multi-level storage system for the purposes of subsequent use by external services. Methods. The solution of the multi-level task of information integration about the territory infrastructure is carried out using methods of intellectual analysis of geospatial data extracted from network resources. Data collection is realized using algorithms for retrieving data from web pages (parser, grabber) and direct access to the services API. Approaches of the theory of pattern recognition, including descriptions of reference points and perceptual hash algorithms are used for image preprocessing. Extraction of additional properties of objects is realized using the methods «Text Mining» and mathematical statistics. Novelty. Elements of novelty in the conducted research consists in the developed model of integration of the heterogeneous information and the sequence of data processing created on its basis, realizing the principle of overlapping backup storage of the structured and initial information. Results. Key sources of information on an urban infrastructure were identified. Their analysis allowed to form an idea of the structuring of data on the territory infrastructure and to developed an model of their integration taking into account a geospatial bind. Methods of information extraction from network resources for real estate objects, an approach to collecting and generalizing data from cartographic services, an algorithm for extraction of additional facts about infrastructure objects from a natural language record based on formal grammars, an approach to validation information based on image comparison using a hash algorithm, as well as the approach to determination the similarity of ads using the proposed system of coefficients with use statistical analysis of the initial data on real estate were developed in the framework of the implementation of geospatial data mining. The approach to organizing associated file storages and databases for store pre-processed, structured and raw data is proposed. Practical relevance. A single information processing system consisting of modules that implement operations of parsing online resources and ac-cessing their APIs, analyzing natural language texts, images and structured data on real estate objects and city infrastructure has been realized and a complex of SQL and NoSQL databases to store the collected information on an equal basis with its placement in the form of source data files has been created on basis of the developed approaches.
Key words
- open data; heterogeneous data sources; network resource; geospatial data; city infrastructure; data analysis; data preprocessing; real estate object; image processing; raw data; natural language; Open government; Data Mining; geoinformation system; SQL; NoSQL
- Golubev A. V., Parygin D. S., Finogeev A .G. The Approach to Integrated Processing of Open Data about the City Infrastructure. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 84-107. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/06-Golubev.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information security
Modeling the Information Interaction Process in Social Systems
- Problem Statement: Information exchange is one of the essential processes implemented in any social system. Contemporary channels of social communication and, primarily, the global information space (the Internet) with its social services are actively used to arrange various actions with an information and psychological impact on individual personality, social groups, and society as a whole. A well-known negative aspect of this practice is propaganda of extremist ideologies, terrorism, and other kinds of illegal activities. Various forms of information confrontation actually pass into the stage of information warfare. It is necessary to understand the specific character of the information dissemination process to plan and carry out information management actions, as well as to identify and counter destructive actions. This paper aims to develop a technique and a model which would make it possible to study the patterns of information interaction in social systems. Methods: the paper presents a mathematical model of the information interaction process based on the theory of cellular automata and fuzzy cognitive modeling that makes it possible to formalize and consider subjective qualities of communication participants, the evaluation of which is given verbally. Considering the specific character of large-scale social systems and the complexity of obtaining and processing initial data for their modeling, a supplement to the model was suggested with the use of representative sample data, statistical parameter distribution, and elements from a multi-agent approach that determine the rules of the information exchange process in a social system. Results: based on the suggested model, numerical experiments were performed to determine analytical dependencies between the social system parameters (connectivity, sensibility, sociability) and the agent opinion dynamics in relation to the disseminated information. Practical significance: in applied research of real social systems, knowledge of patterns of information interaction and dynamics of opinion formation, as well as the specific character of social communication processes in large systems will give an opportunity to monitor bulk information, make forecasts, plan and perform actions for information management.
Key words
- social system, modeling, information interaction, theory of cellular automata, fuzzy sets, multi-agent approach, opinion distribution, information management
- Machueva D. A., Azhmuhamedov I. M. Modeling the Information Interaction Process in Social Syste. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 18-39. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/02-Machueva.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Забегалин Е. В.A question of definition of the term «information and technical impact»
- The relevance of the task. The Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation (DIS), approved on December 5, 2016 in a new edition, introduced the official term "information and technical impact" ("ITI") and referred the activities of a number of foreign countries to increase ITI capabilities for information infrastructure for military purposes to the number of negative factors affecting the state of information security of the country. In the text of the DIS there is no definition of the term "ITI". There is no it in other government documents. Various variants of definitions of the term "ITI" are known from published directories and works of specialists, but none of them is suitable for regulatory use. In the author's opinion, this situation needs to be resolved – the term "ITI" should receive its normative definition in the interests of further development of the theory and practice of information confrontation and information security. The purpose of the work is to develop a definition of the term "ITI", which can be proposed for use in guidance and regulatory technical documents and which can carry a common paradigm for solving a variety of theoretical and practical tasks in accordance with the provisions of the DIS. Method for solving the problem: first, the known variants of the definition of the term "ITI" are analyzed and their shortcomings are identified; then the logical imperative of the terminological distinction and separation of ITI and radio-electronic defeat of targets are determined; then the nature, essence and striking factors of ITI, which are differ from those in the radio-electronic defeat of targets, are defined; and at the end, the definition of the term "ITI" is modeled on the standardized terminology of radio-electronic warfare and also definitions of other ITI-related terms are modeled, including the definition of the term "ITI weapons", which is consistent with the standardized terminology on military equipment. The novelty of the solution lies in the new definition of the term "information and technical impact", which differs from the known definitions in that it is based on the author's initial imperative distinction of the nature, essence and striking factors of ITI from those of radio-electronic defeat of targets. Also a distinctive feature of ITI is proposed – violation of computer security of objects (targets) of information and technical impact. The theoretical significance of the work is that the new definitions of the term "ITI" and other related terms expand the range of modern views of specialists on the means of information confrontation and can be taken into account in the construction of terminological basis of information confrontation.
Key words
- information and technical impact (ITI), ITI-weapon, striking factors of ITI, information and technical defeat, information and technical object, information confrontation, information security, computer security, radio-electronic warfare, radio-electronic defeat
- Zabegalin E. V. A question of definition of the term «information and technical impact». Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 121-150. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/08-Zabegalin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals. Radiomonitoring
Review of research in the development and application of reverberation chambers for electromagnetic compatibility tests
- Topicality. Ensuring electromagnetic compatibility is one of the main tasks arising in the development of critical radioelectronic equipment, taking into account their immunity against intentional power electromagnetic influences. An increase in the density of PCB mounting, miniaturization and integration of the electronic component base, as well as an increase in the frequency of the useful signal and a decrease in the voltage level of the power supply, lead to a decrease in the level of susceptibility of the radioelectronic equipment to the electromagnetic field. Tests of units and blocks of radioelectronic equipment to emission and immunity are costly, because they require complicated measuring equipment (antennas, power amplifiers, generators, spectrum analyzers, etc.), as well as the anechoic chambers. The need for cheap testing facilities, while maintaining the adequacy of the results obtained with their help, leads to the search for alternative means for testing, one of which is an electromagnetic reverberation chamber (RC). The last decades are characterized by rapid development of studies of various aspects of RC, reported in numerous publications. The aim of the work is to systematize the current state of research on the development of the RC and methods of testing with their help. The results and their novelty: the work contains a review of the existing designs of the RC, the methods of development, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the work and the features of the tests conducted with their help. Elements of novelty of work are identified common approaches to the design of the RC. In particular, the analysis showed the following. To ensure a uniform distribution of electromagnetic field in the working volume of the RC, a procedure of mode stirring is applied, which can be carried out both by locating mechanical stirrers in the case of RC and by changing the signal parameters (modulation of the input signal, displacement of antennas), exciting the electromagnetic field inside the working volume of the RC. It is shown that in the initial stages of the design, analytical models are used to obtain rough estimates of the electromagnetic field distribution, and numerical methods are used to obtain accurate results, allowing the real design of antennas, mixers and other elements of the RC design to be taken into account in the field analysis. Practical significance: the results of the research will be useful to technical specialists for understanding the processes of excitation and evaluation of electromagnetic field inside the RC, as well as in the development of new technical solutions of the RC.
Key words
- electromagnetic compatibility, radioelectronic equipment, reverberation chamber, emission, immunity
- Demakov A. V., Komnatnov M. E., Gazizov T. R. Review of research in the development and application of reverberation chambers for electromagnetic compatibility tests. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 151-190. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/09-Demakov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Logical-Mathematical Methods and Their Applications
- Relevance. Continuous logic (CL) is introduced as a natural generalization of discrete logic (DL). At the same time, most of the DL laws remain in force for CL. However, the operation of negating in CL can not be defined so that it is a complement, as, for example, in two-valued logic, i.e. that the laws of the excluded third and the contradictions are fulfilled. Therefore, structurally continuous logic essentially differs from two-valued discrete logic. This and the continuity of the variables leads to certain differences between the CL and DL in the nomenclature of the problems being solved and the methods for their solution. The purpose of the article is to give a detailed review of the theory of CL, its history, methods, results and applications in various fields of science and technology. Method. To obtain new results in continuous logic, a number of direct methods are used: 1) calculation of the table of values of the logical expression; 2) equivalent transformations of logical expressions; 3) the articulation of particular logical expressions in general; 4) the partition of the general logical expression into several particular. Result. Today CL has developed as an independent scientific discipline, the nature of which is determined by the needs of its harmonious development as a mathematical discipline and the needs of its numerous applications covering almost all areas of human activity: mathematics (approximation of functions, geometry, set theory, number theory, interval analysis ); technology (calculation of electrical circuits, synthesis of functional generators and ADCs, calculation of analog and digital devices, modeling of the shape of details, reliability, diagnostics and maintenance); systems (theory of service systems, pattern recognition and scene analysis, decision-making, data processing, synchronization); economics (discrete optimization, scheduling theory, modeling of economic systems), biology (modeling of neural structures), sociology (modeling the dynamics of the behavior of the collective); political science (modeling of the dynamics of society), history (modeling the flow of historical events). Novelty. In all of the above areas, the use of СL allowed either for the first time to obtain an analytical solution to the problem, or to arrive at a solution significantly better than the known ones with respect to visibility under high dimensionality of the problem and / or the laboriousness of its solution.
Key words
- continuous logic, laws of logic, logical function, completeness problem, applications of continuous logic
- Levin V. I. Logical-Mathematical Methods and Their Applications. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 213-244. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/11-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
The Weight Coefficient Estimation Method of Elements in Organizational and Technical Systems
- Problem Statement: An estimation of organizational and technical system element weight coefficients is used to solve a wide range of tasks (e.g. identifying effective units task in large organizations, priority objectives determination task for striking in armed confrontation, 'bottlenecks' detection task in spatial distributed telecommunication systems). There are two known methods of such estimation: empirical, that have low precision; natural, that require a lot of resources and enough static results amount of system functioning with various conditions. Purpose is to increase complicated organizational and technical system element weight estimation accuracy. Used Methods: A proposed method idea is about assign same average weight to all of system elements, and then calculate target function value without each of their elements sequentially and calculate real element weight coefficient according to target function damage, that appear by this element exclusion. Novelty of represented solution is to create analytical organizational and technical system element weight coefficient estimation method take into account effects complex of applying this elements on system target function level, that function is calculated with using this estimated weight coefficients. Result: Using of represented solution in functioning complicated organizational and technical system mathematical models allow to exclude human factor account and real experiment realization during these systems weight coefficient estimation. The solution provide inherent in analytical methods commonality and accuracy of complicated organizational and technical systems element weight coefficient estimation results. Practical relevance: The represented solution is realized in general military battle analytical model as program software same as "Blitzkrieg" that using in FBCB2, USA automatic battleforce management system. The suggested method in model is using to solve a problem of military units battle formation element weight coefficient estimation in armed confrontation. By using the method a combat fire-fighting, scouting and electronic warfare devices application regularities has been established in modern armed confrontation that are been confirming by practice.
Key words
- consequent exclusion method, weight coefficient, element, organizational and technical system, target function, armed confrontation modeling
- Boyko A. A., Degtyarev I. S. The Weight Coefficient Estimation Method of Elements in Organizational and Technical Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 2, pp. 245-266. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-02/12-Boyko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).