# 4 2020
Robot-technological systems
Analysis of combat experience as groups of unmanned aerial vehicles are used to defeat anti-aircraft missile means of the air defense system in Syria, Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh wars
- Relevance. Medium and small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are widely used against anti-aircraft missile systems (SAMS) of the anti-aircraft warfare (AAW) during recent military conflicts. The use of a massive UAVs strike on SAMS leads to the rapid exhaustion of their combat resource and, further, the inability of these systems to solve combat tasks. Analysis of the results of the combat use of SAMS against UAVs showed that UAVs detect SAMS at a range that is comparable to the range at which the SAM detects UAVs. The size of the affected area of SAMS and UAVs is also comparable. As a result, a new tactic for using UAVs was developed during military conflicts in Syria, Libya, and Nagorno-Karabakh. The tactic allows the UAV to guarantee to destroy the SAMS, as well as to ensure the conquest of air superiority. The goal of this paper is to systematize and analyse new tactics of combat used of UAVs groups to defeat SAMS. Results. The results of systematization and analysis of combat experience used UAV groups to defeat SAMS are presented in the paper. These results show the main disadvantages of modern SAMS, as objects of attacks from UAVs, as well as the low level of combat survivability of SAMS in conditions when UAVs are used massive. Elements of novelty of this stydy is the generalization of combat experience and new tactics used groups of UAVs against SAMS, as well as the identification of systemic weaknesses modern SAMS, reducing their survivability and effectiveness in a duel "SAMS – UAVs group". Practical significance. The material of the paper can be used to generate initial data for modelling and studying the combat effectiveness and survivability of SAMS in the conditions of used UAVs groups. This paper can be useful for military specialists when evaluating the parameters of a group of UAVs that guaranty to overcome the AAW-zone, as well as for designers who design counter-UAV systems.
Key words
- unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, air defense, air defense system, Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, defeat anti-aircraft missile and gun complex, group of unmanned aerial vehicles, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft missile and gun system, anti-aircraft artillery system, combat effectiveness, application efficiency
- Afonin I. E., Makarenko S. I., Petrov S. V., Privalov A. A. Analysis of combat experience as groups of unmanned aerial vehicles are used to defeat anti-aircraft missile means of the air defense system in Syria, Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh wars. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 163-191. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10406 (in Russian).
Information security
Analysis of penetration testing standards and methodologies
- Relevance. At present, the issues of security of information systems of critical infrastructure objects are becoming important. At the same time, the current tasks of the audit of information security (IS) of critical infrastructure objects, as a rule, are limited to checking them for compliance with IS requirements. However, with this approach to auditing, it often remains unclear the resistance of these objects to real attacks by malefactors. To check such stability, objects are subjected to a testing procedure, namely, penetration testing. Analysis of domestic publications in this area shows that there is no systematic approach to penetration testing in domestic practice. In this regard, it is relevant to analyze and systematize the best foreign approaches and practices for penetration testing. The purpose of this paper is a comparative analysis of existing foreign and domestic penetration testing techniques and standards. Results. The article presents the results of the analysis of the following foreign standards and methods: OSSTMM, ISSAF, OWASP, PTES, NIST SP 800-115, BSI, PETA, PTF, as well as the domestic method Positive Technology. The elements of novelty of the paper are the identified features, advantages, disadvantages and the scope of applicability of existing standards and penetration testing methods. Practical significance. The material of the article can be used to form the initial data, the sequence of stages and their content, in a practical audit of the security of information systems of critical information infrastructure objects by penetration testing.
Key words
- penetration testing, standard, methodology, audit, information security, critical information infrastructure, information technology impact, information and psychological impact, OSSTMM, ISSAF, OWASP, PTES, NIST SP 800-115, BSI, PETA, PTF, Positive Technology
- Makarenko S. I., Smirnov G. E. Analysis of penetration testing standards and methodologies. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 44-72. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10402 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Ionospheric monitoring for the benefit of perspective adaptive systems of a decameter radio: current state and prospects of development
- Relevance. In recent years interest in development of a decameter radio communication both for security agencies, and increased in the system of digital broadcasting and for the organization of a radio communication with mobile objects at long distances. The sharp impetus to it was also given by one of the priority directions of development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for ensuring national security and sovereignty of the country – creation of modern information and telecommunication infrastructure. Decameter communication with remote and mobile objects at the same time is the most favorable, despite variability of a condition of an ionosphere (including artificial indignations) which accounting is made by ionospheric monitoring and the interests of construction and the organization of work of adaptive radio lines. In this regard, the analysis of the current state and the prospects of development of means and systems of monitoring of an ionosphere for the benefit of a decameter radio communication is relevant. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the capabilities of existing tools and systems for monitoring the ionosphere, used to obtain information about the state of the ionosphere (propagation medium) and communication channels (decameter radio lines) in order to determine the prospects for their development in the field of measuring the statistical parameters of the ionosphere and radio lines, as well as using the obtained data for the design of promising adaptive decameter radio systems. Results and novelty. It is worth carrying the revealed trends of development of systems of ionospheric providing (radio monitoring) to novelty aspects. By consideration of these systems much attention is paid to opportunities of their independent operation, width of a range of solvable tasks, including of an opreleleniye of separate parameters of the decameter radio lines and parameters characterizing revolted (including it is artificial) an ionosphere, or its local area. Practical relevance. The submitted analysis will be useful to technical specialists to justification of new decisions in the field of assessment of a condition of an ionosphere and application of the obtained current data for design of dynamically adaptive radio lines (radio networks) of decameter range of the military and dual-use, improvement of monitors of an ionosphere in the conditions of her indignation.
Key words
- ionosphere, diffusivity, HF-radio link, fading, heterogeneity of an ionosphere, sounding of an ionosphere, electronic concentration
- Koval S. A. Ionospheric monitoring for the benefit of perspective adaptive systems of a decameter radio: current state and prospects of development. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 73-100. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10403 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Simulation and Comparative Analysis of Transmission Timeliness Source-to-Recipient Information in a Two-Tier System Satellite Communications Using Spacecraft in Low and Geostationary Orbit
- Relevance. Currently, satellite information transmission systems are widely used, which allow for the organization of radio information exchange of data at significant distances from each other of the source of the message and its recipient, as well as for the continuous servicing of settlements that are inaccessible or remote from the main infrastructure, in this setting the tasks of satellite communication systems have little alternative. Satellite communication and information relay systems differed in different technical parameters, but were primarily the orbit in which they operated. Low-orbit (LO) space vehicle (SV) of such well-known satellite communication systems as «Iridium», «Globalstar», «Orbcomm» and «Gonets», on the one hand, have a number of advantages compared to SV in geostationary earth orbit (GEO): there are no large time delays for the propagation of the radio signal, significantly less On the other hand, for example, for the orbital constellation (OC) of the «Gonets» SV, which does not have inter-satellite information transmission lines between the «Gonets» SV inside the OC, there may be substantial waiting periods for information to be transmitted from the moment the SV receives it until the message is reset to the recipient. The purpose of the work is to simulate in the «Satellite Tool Kit» application software the timeliness of transmitting information from the SV orbital constellation in low orbits to the end user for the case without using the SV repeater on the GEO and for the case of joint operation of the SV on the LO and GEO. As an example of a SV on the GEO, the «Luch» SV is used, and the «Gonets» SV is used as a SV on the LO. Results. The article presents the numerical values of timeliness of information transmission obtained according to the results of the simulation - the average time for bringing information from arbitrarily located sources of a message to its recipient in the territory of the Russian Federation. The economic effect of using the retransmission of information from LO vehicles through the SV on the GEO is to reduce the required number of SV in low orbit. The novelty element of the work is the approach to determining the minimum required composition of OC SV for transmitting information from source to recipient based on software simulation methods. The practical significance of this approach lies in the fundamental technical possibility of analyzing the options for building a SV in various orbits and assessing their rationality according to various private criteria even at the stage of conducting a research or advance project in preparation for scientific research, which will make it possible to lay down when forming a tactical and technical task the critical required number of SV from the space system, having solved the given technical task and saving financial resources.
Key words
- space vehicle, low-orbital space systems, geostationary orbit, hierarchical system, information relay, average information transmission time, simulation, inter-satellite communication lines, «Gonets», «Luch»
- Pantenkov D. G. Simulation and Comparative Analysis of Transmission Timeliness Source-to-Recipient Information in a Two-Tier System Satellite Communications Using Spacecraft in Low and Geostationary Orbit. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 192-219. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10407 (in Russian).
Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of communication and radio engineering departments of Russian Air-Space Force
- Relevance. To date, some experience and methodological material have been accumulated to substantiate the requirements for the composition of the communications and radio support forces of the Russian Federation, the characteristics of military equipment, as well as the development of the functioning of individual elements of the communication and radio support system. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify the issues of development and justification of methods of using forces and means of communication and radio equipment, taking into account the adopted modern and promising models of aviation equipment, communication equipment and radio equipment. Relevance is due on the one hand to the needs of practice, in which there is a need to develop ways to use communications and radio support units equipped with modern weapons and military equipment, United by a single plan and subordinate to a single management body, and on the other – the imperfection of existing methods for evaluating the effectiveness of communications units The aim of the work the goal is to develop a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of communications and radio support units in a dynamically changing environment. Methods used: he development of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of communication and radio engineering support units is based on the use of methods of system analysis, mathematical modeling and probability theory, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of elements of the communication and radio engineering support system. The novelty lies the novelty elements are: methods for assessing the state of communications and radio engineering support units under the influence of destabilizing factors; newly introduced coefficients that characterize the availability of communication and radio engineering support system elements and take into account the specifics of their functioning. Results: the developed system of indicators to measure the effectiveness of the departments of communications and radio engineering; the technique of an estimation of efficiency of divisions of the communications and electronic security for the performance evaluation: the probability of the training elements of the communications and electronic security to ensure information exchange in just over have; the probability of provision with the elements of communication systems and electronic security of information exchange in time does not exceed demand; the probability of the decision units of communication and radio engineering tasks in accordance with the intended use in rapidly changing conditions. The practical significance lies it consists in methodological support of communication management bodies and radio engineering support in order to justify the adoption of management decisions on the use of subordinate forces and means.
Key words
- mathematical model, stochastic process, estimation of efficiency, the division of communications and radio engineering, communication and electronic security methods of application units of communication and radio engineering, information exchange, electronic software
- Buryanin S. N. Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of communication and radio engineering departments of Russian Air-Space Force. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 220-239. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10408 (in Russian).
Methods of Sustainable Delivery of Information through Channels with Variable Parameters
- Problem statement: the article is devoted to the development of methods for bringing information to remote objects by means of parallel transmission of ultra-narrowband signals in the mode of adjustment of operating frequencies according to the pseudorandom law. The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of the operation of radio lines of the decameter wave range, which use the transmission of message blocks by the method of parallel bitwise radiation of ultra-narrowband signals. Methodology: technologies of cognitive radio systems and reprogrammable devices, methods of the theory of potential noise immunity, optimal algorithms and methods for joint processing of signals in the parallel reception, methods of designing multi-channel transceiver technical means (multi-channel modem), methods to reduce the crest factor of the signal at decameter radio channel, methods of encoding and decoding information. The novelty consists in determining the class of ultra-narrowband radio signals, the frequency band of which is significantly less than the frequency band of the Doppler shift in the ionospheric layers during long-range propagation of radio waves, as well as in developing methods for detecting and receiving ultra-narrowband signals, including reception in conditions of accidental and intentional interference. Results: the analysis and evaluation of the noise immunity of broadband, narrow-band and ultra-narrow-band radio signals is carried out. A method of stable transmission of short data blocks over channels with variable parameters, which include radio channels of the decameter wave range, has been developed. This method consists of algorithms for parallel transmission of ultra-narrowband signals in the mode of adjustment of operating frequencies according to the pseudorandom law, as well as parallel reception and demodulation of message bits taking into account the Doppler shift of the operating frequency at the receiving point. The schematic implementation of the radio transmission and radio reception complexes of the formed radio line (information and telecommunication system) is shown. Features of reception of ultra-narrowband signals with various types of modulation under conditions of random and intentional interference are presented. Practical significance consists in the construction of radio control lines with an extension of the operating frequency range to the region of ultrashort waves, which makes it possible to provide reception in a complex interference environment at any real value of the optimal operating frequency, including anomalous ionization in the ionosphere. The proposed approaches and principles of construction of radio systems allow us to proceed the implementation of low-energy radio lines of a new class, using the transmission of messages by the method of parallel bitwise radiation of ultra-narrowband signals.
Key words
- decameter radio link, noise immunity, broadband signal, narrowband signal, ultra-narrowband signal, tuning of operating frequencies according to the pseudo-random law, Doppler effect
- Zhukov G. A., Budko N. P. Methods of Sustainable Delivery of Information through Channels with Variable Parameters. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 271-297. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10410 (in Russian).
Electronic and radio systems
Modeling a conflict interaction between UAV’s optoelectronic equipment and laser systems
- Problem statement: The protection of optoelectronic equipment while being in the range of enemy’s laser system operation can be impaired due to the fact that the parameters of assets to be protected do not equally affect their effectiveness in the conditions of laser counteraction. Based on this, it is necessary to determine the parameters of protection assets which yield the maximum benefit in the conflict while attaining the objectives assigned to optoelectronic equipment. The aim of this work is to study the process of conflict interaction between the UAV intelligence optoelectronic equipment and adversary laser systems, depending on the parameters of the parties at all stages of their operation. The novelty of the work lies in the application of systematic research methods that allow us to consider the dynamics of the conflict and its main characteristics in conjunction with the actions of the conflicting parties. Result: A mathematical model is developed for the process of protecting optoelectronic equipment against enemy’s laser systems. It will allow us to determine the influence of the parameters of the conflicting parties on the probability of winning in the conflict and, as a result, determine the ways of how to protect optoelectronic equipment against laser systems. Practical significance: The main regularities have been found that allow us to reasonably choose the parameters of protection assets which yield the maximum benefit in the conflict while attaining the objectives assigned to optoelectronic equipment.
Key words
- optoelectronic means, laser system, conflict interaction, probability of state, target drop-out
- Glushkov A. N., Marchenko A. V., Kuleshov P. E. Modeling a conflict interaction between UAV’s optoelectronic equipment and laser systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 240-270. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10409 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Conceptual Organization Scheme of the Process Type Automation of Large Military Organizations
- Relevance of the problem. In 2020, the President of Russia set a strategic focus on the digital transformation of the country, including its public administration. This focus, as well as the increasing importance of automation of troops and weapons control, noted by the Russian Defense Minister in 2019, dictates an urgent rise of requirements for professional training of command and control bodies in the Russian Armed Forces (RAF). The RAF currently rely on task-based automation inherited from the previous technological era. Its subject field consists of autonomous military tasks that are automated without sufficient substantive understanding and description of their process-related context. Therefore, task automation does not provide high quality of created software and hardware solutions. This problem can be solved by switching to a different type of automation, i.e. to process-based automation. Its subject field covers holistic processes of military activity and ensures a higher quality of software and hardware systems. The basic element of process automation is the concept of “the process of military activity”, or “the military process”, or “the military business process”, which is defined in the article and proposed for use in the theory and practice of military automation. The article is aimed at determining the conceptual organizational scheme of the process automation of large military organizations (LMO). Method for solving the problem. First, the new term “process of military activity” (or “military process”, or “military business process”) is defined according to the logical model of the term “business process”. Second, organizational schemes of the task and process automation of LMO are analyzed, and their positive and negative sides are determined. Third, the structure of the LMO activity is analyzed using the example of the Strategic Missile Forces (SMF). Finally, an estimation is given to the amount of staffing that is necessary for the SMF’s command and control bodies (C&CB), research organization (RO) and the SMF’s educational institutions (EI) to analyze and formalize the military business processes in the SMF as well as to determine the requirements for the automation of these processes during a possible transition to the process automation of the SMF. The novelty of the solution consists in proposing the use and definition of the new term “military process”, or “military business process”, which encompasses and logically summarizes all processes of the Armed Forces’ activities. The term is suitable and constructive for a formalized description of the subject field of process-based military automation. The result of solving the problem: the conceptual organizational scheme of the process automation of LMO and quantitative estimates of the staffing required for it (on the example of the SMF) were obtained. Practical relevance of the solution consists in obtaining approximate initial data needed for the SMF’s C&CB to develop a staffing plan for the SMF’s C&CB, RO and EI in their management of process automation.
Key words
- automation, business process, digital transformation
- Zabegalin E. V. Conceptual Organization Scheme of the Process Type Automation of Large Military Organizations. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 1-43. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10401 (in Russian).
Combat Effectiveness of Cyber-attacks: Analytical Modeling of Modern Warfare
- Problem Statement. In modern warfare and armed conflicts cyber-attacks are used at the channel and higher levels of the OSI model. It is necessary to justify the requirements for the protection of weapons and military equipment from these attacks. However, well-known analytical warfare models used to assess the electromagnetic impacts combat effectiveness do not allow to take into account the possibilities of cyber-attacks associated with simultaneous influence on the time and probability functioning characteristics of the military formation subsystems. Aim of the paper is to develop an analytical warfare model that allows to quantify the cyber-attacks effectiveness at the level of opposing military formations combat potentials ratio. The idea is to propose the temporal approach to analytical warfare modeling, in which the military formations combat potentials ratio is not determined in the form of empirical relationships or functional parties’ relationships, determined by their numbers and intensity of impact on the enemy. In proposed temporal approach it is determined as a ratio of the winning side destruction time to the losing side destruction time. The destruction times of sides are calculated taking into account their mutual influence on the enemy's combat cycles (from the beginning of the reconnaissance process to the end of the target firing process). This influence includes fire destruction, electromagnetic impacts, and cyber-attacks. If necessary, the combat divides into episodes, in each of which the destruction speed of each side is a constant. Novelty in taking into account the cyber-attacks effect on the time and probability functioning characteristics of intelligence, communications, control and fire destruction subsystems when they are used together in the military formation combat cycle. Result. Based on the proposed temporal approach, developed an analytical warfare model with the use of cyber-attacks that affect the time of message transmission in the communication subsystem, the time of operations in the control subsystem, the probability and time of operations in the intelligence and fire destruction subsystems. The comparison results of the proposed model with the Vladimirov empirical dependence and Osipov-Lanchester analytical warfare models are obtained. It is established that the proposed temporal approach allows to develop analytical warfare models, which can be considered generalizing the known analytical warfare models. Practical relevance. The solution can be used in tactical decision support systems.
Key words
- analytical warfare model, cyber-attack, combat potentials ratio, military formation, combat cycle
- Boyko A. A. Combat Effectiveness of Cyber-attacks: Analytical Modeling of Modern Warfare. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 101-133. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10404 (in Russian).
Combat Effectiveness of Cyber-attacks: Practical Aspects
- Problem Statement. In modern warfare and armed conflicts, information-technical impacts are widely used. They include electromagnetic impacts (radio-electronic suppression and electromagnetic radiation damage) at the physical level of the OSI model and cyber-attacks at higher levels of this model. Issues of protection from electromagnetic impacts are traditionally given close attention. At the same time, no less important issues of protecting these objects from cyber-attacks in combat conditions are poorly studied and therefore remain without the required understanding by military and technical specialists. This article is the second part of the materials that consider the methodological basis for assessing the combat effectiveness of cyber-attacks at the level of the military formations combat potentials ratio. In the first part, a temporal approach to analytical warfare modeling is proposed, which allows to assess the effect of the systemic influence of fire destruction, electromagnetic impacts, and cyber-attacks on the time and probability characteristics of intelligence, communications, control, and fire destruction subsystems operating within a single military formation combat cycle. Aim of the paper is to research an analytical model of modern warfare and development a technique that justify the requirements for the weapons and military equipment protection from cyber-attacks. The idea of the technique is to: 1) modeling the combat of two identical military formations with protected weapons and military equipment samples, one of which is additionally assigned a cyber-attack subsystem; 2) assessment of the combat potentials ratio; 3) determination of requirements for the weapons and military equipment samples protection from cyber-attacks based on such an acceptable probability of successful implementation of cyber-attacks, in which the combat potentials ratio does not exceed the required value and the cost of eliminating vulnerabilities is not higher than the maximum allowed. Novelty. The novelty consists in obtaining the ability to quantify the impact of cyber-attacks on the combat potentials ratio of opposing military formations. Result. It is shown that electromagnetic impacts in combat produce an effect that is a special case of the effect of cyber-attacks in various applications. In order to increase the proposed technique application speed, a universal analytical dependence of the share of the remaining number of military formations on the probability of cyber-attacks in combat of two identical military formations, one of which is supplemented by a subsystem of information-technical impacts, is revealed. For this dependence proposed the formulas for estimating coefficients for the total impact of cyber-attacks on all subsystems and selective impact on communication, control, intelligence, or fire destruction subsystem. Diagrams of the maximum absolute deviations of the values obtained using the proposed formulas from the modeling results are presented. Examples of justifying the requirements for ensuring the conflict stability of military formations in various variants of cyber-attacks are shown. Practical relevance. The solution can be used to justify the requirements for the conflict stability of information-technical tools of existing and future weapons and military equipment samples in combat with cyber-attacks.
Key words
- analytical warfare model, cyber-attack, combat potentials ratio, military formation, combat cycle
- Boyko A. A. Combat Effectiveness of Cyber-attacks: Practical Aspects. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 4, pp. 134-162. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10405 (in Russian).