№1 2019
Analysis of new technologies and ways of development for systems of control, communication and security
Claude Elwood Shannon and 80th Anniversary of Discovery of Logical Theory of Discrete Computing and Control Devices
- Relevance. In 2018, 80 years have passed since the discovery of the logical theory of discrete computing and control devices. This discovery, made by three outstanding scientists – A. Nakashima (Japan), K.E. Shannon (USA) and V.I. Shestakov (USSR), was of great importance for the whole of science. It opened the way for a new scientific discipline – cybernetics, making its theoretical base. Therefore, the development of the fundamental results of these discoverers remains an urgent task. The purpose of the article is to give a detailed review of the version of the logical theory of discrete devices and the version of the mathematical theory of communication proposed by K.E. Shannon, including the history of their discoveries, methodology, results and applications in various fields of science and technology. Method. To achieve this goal such methods are used: 1) study of the works of the scientist from primary sources and the scientific and historical literature, 2) study of the biography of the scientist according to the memoirs of contemporaries and scientific and biographical literature, 3) comparison of the works of the scientist with the works of other scientists in this field. Result. It has been established that K.E. Shannon was one of the first who showed the possibility of mathematical modeling of discrete computing and control devices using Boolean algebra of logic. This allowed the development of formalized methods for analyzing, synthesizing and designing such devices, which allow creating devices of great complexity. Novelty. It has been established that K.E. Shannon is one of the authors of the discovery, according to which the Boolean algebra of logic is an adequate mathematical apparatus for representing schemes of discrete devices. This discovery was published by him in June 1938. It allowed further development of constructive methods for analyzing, synthesizing and designing circuits for discrete computing and control devices. The scientist was also one of the first to propose a method for studying non-parallel-sequential (i.e., bridge) circuits and a method for decomposing complex circuits into subcircuits in order to overcome the “curse of dimension”. He is also the first discoverer of mathematical communication theory and information theory.
Key words
- logical theory, discrete devices, Boolean algebra, entropy, information, noise, communication system
- Levin V. I. Claude Elwood Shannon and 80th Anniversary of Discovery of Logical Theory of Discrete Computing and Control Devices. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 1-32. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10101 (in Russian).
Computing systems
Probabilistic-timing model for analyzing of change dynamics of data processing center states
- Relevance: the widespread use of data processing centers leads to the need to use mathematical methods for the analysis of their functioning. This causes the need for rapid decision-making by the management of data centers. The aim of the work is to develop a probabilistic-timing model for the analysis of the dynamics of changes in the states of the processing centers in the course of their operation in conditions of uncertainty and unreliability of the original data. Methods in use: the apparatus of controlled Markov chains, described in the form of differential stochastic equations, and generalized in case of when there are uncertainties of ambiguous (fuzzy) and (or) unreliable (insufficient, incomplete, contradictory) nature about the state (parameters) of data processing centers. Novelty: the elements of the novelty of the presented solution is the complex use of Markov controlled circuits described in the form of differential stochastic equations and methods of neuro-fuzzy networks. Results: the use of the presented solutions makes it possible to determine the values of the Markov chain indicators vector with the given properties and represents an analytical model to describe the dynamics of state changes in the process of data processing centers functioning with regard to ambiguous and unreliable data. Practical significance: the presented approach allows to simulating the dynamics of changes in the states of data centers taking into account both ambiguity (fuzziness) and unreliability (insufficiency, incompleteness, inconsistency) of the initial data about their state. Using the proposed probabilistic-timing model of the process of change of states of the data processing centers will allow increasing of the objectivity of decision-making for their management.
Key words
- data processing center, markov chain, neuro-fuzzy network
- Mikhajlichenko N. V. Probabilistic-timing model for analyzing of change dynamics of data processing center states. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 54-66. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10103 (in Russian).
Information processes and technologies. Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Models and Methods of Resource Digital Platform Cognitive Management
- Digital platforms are an area of research. The research is aimed at solving the problem of digital economy development and using the results of advanced research in national high-tech industries. The paper focuses on the creation of knowledge-intensive processes to support the activities of organizational systems based on the digital platform. The relevance of this task is due to the requirements of national programs to the level of automation of business processes in the digital economy. The aim of the paper is to create a descriptive model of data formation about automated functions. This descriptive model can be used in the design of new automated processes for the digital platform. Results and their novelty. The element of the practical novelty of the paper are general technological features of the processes that are characteristic of the known models and methods of resource management of information systems. The general properties of the components of digital platforms in terms of updating and using knowledge are described in the article. These properties determine the cognitive nature of the model and its novelty. In addition, the article presents a version of the implementation of this model based on the patented invention. Practical significance. The model presented in this paper will be useful for innovative companies to automate the design of automated processes in the digital economy. This will reduce the time of implementation of innovative projects.
Key words
- organizational system, management, digital platform, resources, information systems, process, innovative solutions, cognitive technologies, digital economy
- Zatsarinnyy A. A., Shabanov A. P. Models and Methods of Resource Digital Platform Cognitive Management. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 100-122. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10106 (in Russian).
Time efficiency estimation of watershed algorithm implementations in open source libraries
- Problem definition. The watershed transformation is one of the algorithms used for the segmentation of digital images. At present, there are many software implementations in open source software libraries that allow segmentating using the watershed for 2D and 3D images. These implementations are used to solve various tasks, and spent time is one of the most significant indicators. Often, researchers use in practice not the most optimal implementation. One of the reasons is the lack of a deep understanding of the implemented algorithms, as well as the lack of information about existing alternative solutions. Purpose. In this article, we analyze the watershed algorithms that are implemented in various open source libraries, and also we compare implementations by the criterion of minimizing of the processing time to identify the most optimized versions. Results. We described the main algorithms that are currently used in watershed transformation implementations, presented a comparison of the implementations in open source libraries with a Python call interface, determined the most optimized implementation for cases of processing 2D and 3D images at the moment.
Key words
- watershed transformation, segmentation, time efficiency, open source libraries
- Kornilov A. S., Safonov I. V. Time efficiency estimation of watershed algorithm implementations in open source libraries. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 123-140. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10107 (in Russian).
Method of assessing the effectiveness of simulation tools and changes in the structure of the image of the true targets on the combat performance
- Purpose: currently, the main measures in disguising military equipment are measures aimed at reducing the appearance of unmasking signs, in order to reduce the probability of detecting objects. Modern means of reconnaissance and guidance, which are equipped with tactical aircraft, allow for the detection of targets with high accuracy. The opposing parties have always sought to counteract the intelligence and the detection of true targets with the help of false ones. Accordingly, the correct recognition of the detected object has become an integral part of the decision-making process on the use of means of destruction or rejection of such. Thus, it is also possible to reduce the likelihood of damage by measures that force the attacking side to correctly recognize the true object if it is detected (in conjunction with measures to reduce visibility and false targets that are currently used). Accordingly, an analysis is needed of the influence of the characteristics of detecting true and false targets in terms of their joint use on the effectiveness of hitting the true target. The aim of the work is to develop a model of the process of aviation destruction of a ground object covered with false targets, and to assess the effectiveness of methods and means of complex masking and simulation in the protection of objects. Methods: the defeat process is presented as a random process that develops depending on factors such as the probability of target detection, the probability of correct target recognition and the law of distribution of the time of the process itself. Novelty: the elements of novelty of the presented solution is the use of methods to reduce the reliability of the manifestation of the unmasking signs of true targets (objects of destruction) together with an increase in the detail of false targets. Results: direct integro-differential equations are used to describe the simulation of the process, which provide probabilistic-time characteristics in the form of increments. The regularity which expresses summation of effect of application of the false purpose and deformation of the true purpose is received. Deformation of the true target can be achieved by reducing the probability of its defeat by 15-20% depending on the degree of distortion of the unmasking signs while slightly increasing the probability of hitting a false target. Practical relevance: the obtained performance indicator further provides an assessment of the security of the object on the combat performance indicator – the probability of failure of the protected object to some point in time.
Key words
- tactical aviation, camouflage, model, imitation, aviation means of destruction
- Albuzov A. T., Govorukhin S. A., Koziratsky A. A. Method of assessing the effectiveness of simulation tools and changes in the structure of the image of the true targets on the combat performance. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 158-169. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10109 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Automatic Amplitude Direction Finding of Interfering Signals
- Problem statement. Increasing number of radio emissions leads to interference of signals of different sources falling into the bandwidth of the radio receiver. Sustainable to the interference of the known methods of direction finding use structural and statistical redundancy for spatial separation of emitters and the estimation of the bearing. This makes it difficult to use them in conditions of mass and time constraints. The aim of the work is to ensure the interference stability of narrow-band low-element amplitude direction finders due to their inherent spatial variability. It is proposed to use the spectral differences of radio emissions, highlighting the spatial parameters of the interference mixture of signals in the receiving channels of the direction finder, without using frequency selection. Methods. The solution of the problem of automatic amplitude bearing of interfering radio emissions is based on finding the envelope of the family of curves, as which the total field hodograph is used. Two alternative approaches are proposed for formalization of bearing measurement: on the basis of principal components method and on the basis of cluster analysis. The novelty of the presented solution lies in the use of the idea that the hodograph of the total field concerns the envelope of its parallelogram at the points most distant from the center of the image on the indicator. Also, the elements of novelty include the use of a jump derived from the function describing the sides of the parallelogram, as a sign for finding its vertices. Result. The use of the proposed solution for automatic direction finding of interfering radio emissions makes it possible to apply narrow-band small-element amplitude direction finders in a complex signal-noise environment. The simulation showed the possibility of detecting a multisignal situation and measuring the bearing on two emitters, while it is possible to achieve an angular resolution of one degree at a signal/noise ratio of 10 dB in a time corresponding to one period of oscillations of the difference frequency. Practical relevance. The presented solution is suggested to use in radiomonitoring equipment, operating in the saturated signal-to-interference about the situation when you have additional restrictions on their dimensions and weight.
Key words
- amplitude direction finding, automatic direction finding, radio direction finding, interference of radio signals
- Dvornikov S. V., Konyukhovsky V. S., Simonov A. N. Automatic Amplitude Direction Finding of Interfering Signals. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 67-81. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10104 (in Russian).
Model of Optical-Electronic Means as an Object of Intelligence
- Statement of the problem. The development of laser weapons complexes actualizes the need to protect optical-electronic means from them. Hiding the object of protection from the intelligence subsystems of such complexes is one of the effective ways to counter. This determines the need for research on the availability of optical-electronic means to identify ways to reduce it. Purpose of the work is to develop a model that allows you to determine the effect of the parameters of optical-electronic means, laser means of intelligence and the conditions of their operation on the secrecy of optical-electronic means from laser means of intelligence. The novelty of the work. The model developed by us takes into account the basic intrasystem and external system communications of the system “optical-electronic means - laser means of intelligence” and allows to conduct studies of the indicators of the secrecy of optical-electronic means depending on its own parameters, main parameters of the laser means of intelligence and conditions of their functioning. Result. We considered the system " optical-electronic means - laser means of intelligence " as a set of a whole set of their constituent elements and developed a model of optical-electronic means as an object of intelligence, which includes particular models of the signal reflected from the optical-electronic means, its optimal receiver, and also search optical-electronic means. Practical relevance. The established laws allow us to quantify the contribution of the technical parameters of the conflicting parties to the indicators of the secrecy of optical-electronic means and, as a result, correctly justify their values and modes of operation.
Key words
- model, stealth operation, optical-electronic means, laser means of intelligence, intelligence accessibil-ity, types of search
- Glushkov A. N., Drobyshevskij N. V., Kuleshov P. E. Model of Optical-Electronic Means as an Object of Intelligence. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 82-99. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10105 (in Russian).
Simulation of the Wave Field of a Hydroacoustic Emitter
- The statement of the problem: Modeling of wave fields of hydroacoustic emitters is an integral part of the design of hydroacoustic antennas. The reliability of numerical simulations depends on the completeness of the marine environment’s characteristics. There are many approaches to recreating the acoustic environment. At the same time, in most cases, the accuracy of the calculations is proportional to the calculation time and computing power of the computer. The purpose of the work is the development of a mathematical algorithm that allows calculating the wave field of hydroacoustic emitters, given the heterogeneity of the marine environment, using hardware of average power at low time costs. The using methods: the approach used is based on the method of directed Green’s functions, which makes it possible to significantly simplify the calculation formulas and, as a result, to reduce the performance requirements of computers used for modeling. The novelty: The novelty element is using the well-known mathematical apparatus of directed Green’s functions and the theory of wave reflection from the flat interface of media, to solve the practical problem of modeling the wave field of a hydroacoustic radiator. The results: The mathematical model satisfying the goals of the work is presented. On the basis of the model, computational algorithms have been developed that allow modeling of the emitter field using the MathCad software environment. The possibilities of the algorithms were tested in the simulation of the field of one elementary radiator in a limitless medium and a simple antenna array taking into account the impedance difference at the interface: water – seabed. Calculation charts are presented. The calculation time of one variant does not exceed 10 minutes. The practical significance. The results of the simulation confirm the applicability of the proposed approach for performing engineering calculations. The mathematical model is generic and can be modified for a specific task in view of the requirements.
Key words
- mathematical model, difference interface, hydroacoustic field, computer modeling, Green's functions, computing power
- Korchaka A. V. Simulation of the Wave Field of a Hydroacoustic Emitter. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 252-263. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10115 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Method of determining the required stability of communication network equipment from external destructive impacts
- Purpose. Specific conditions for the operation of the communication network may affect the degree of damage to its elements. Knowing the indicators of stability of the equipment can determine the requirements for indicators of survivability and reliability of the communication network. Based on the simulation of the damaging action is necessary to determine the technical condition of the communication equipment. Novelty. The developed methodology takes into account the design of communication equipment, as well as its tasks. The approach allows us to estimate the resistance of the integral part of a given level of disaggregation of equipment to the impacts of damaging factors. Result. Simulation of damaging effects allows to predict the technical condition of communication equipment. The resulting values of the indicators of damage to the components of the sample means of communication to assess its properties: stability and reliability. This assessment is the basis for solving the scientific and technical problem of determining the required values of the stability of the communication network - coefficient of operational readiness. The effect of the application of the developed method of justification of the required level of resistance of communication networks in terms of external destructive effects in comparison with the known is 11 %. Practical relevance. The proposed method is proposed to be implemented in the form of software for electronic computers. The presence of such scientific and methodological support will allow to use it to assess the functioning of communication networks: in their design and operation, in the educational process, as well as in the course of research, solving the problem of quality management. The developed criteria of efficiency of functioning of system of restoration of a communication network can be used by officials. The results of the methodology can be used to plan the activities of material support, determine the number of spare parts, the organization of protection of elements of the communication network.
Key words
- stability, communication network, communication equipment, external destructive impacts, modelling, methodology, an integral part of the equipment, coefficient of operational readiness
- Semenov S. S., Belov A. S., Volovikov V. S., Skubiev A. V. Method of determining the required stability of communication network equipment from external destructive impacts. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 33-53. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10102 (in Russian).
Complex thermal model of communication hardware and software system
- Purpose. A significant number of failures in modern communication and automation systems is associated with a change in the operation temperature conditions of electronic modules. The thermal control of the electronic components is effective method of control and diagnosing communication and automation systems. The control system must allow: to detect latent defects arising in communication and automation systems in real time; to cover a significant list of latent defects that occur in communication and automation systems; to allow to replace the defect simulation on a physical model to a mathematical model in order to reduce the time of creating the state database. In order to research the thermal conditions of the electronic components, it is necessary to develop an integrated thermal model. The purpose of the present paper is to develop the complex thermal model of the hardware and software system, which allows to obtain temperature values of the electronic components in communication and automation systems in different operation modes. Methods. The method of physical processes complex modeling is using parameterized models. Novelty. In comparison with other models, the developed complex thermal model takes into account the influence of various operation modes in communication and automation systems on the thermal characteristics of electronic modules. Results. The developed model allows to determine the temperature values of electronic components in various operation modes with an accuracy of 3%. Moreover, it helps to calculate the tolerance intervals of temperature values and simulate gradual and sudden failures of the hardware and software system. Practical relevance. The state database is created on the basis of simulated data in reference states and with various faults. It improves the efficiency of determining the technical condition and helps to prevent failures.
Key words
- thermal model, thermal mode, control, diagnosis, temperature, thermal process, topological model
- Goydenko V. K. Complex thermal model of communication hardware and software system. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 141-157. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10108 (in Russian).
Evaluation of the effectiveness of telecommunications audio exchange under external acoustic interference
- Statement of the problem: the work addresses issues of evaluating the effectiveness of voice information exchange systems, loudspeaking communications systems. The main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the exchange, in accordance with the scale MOS (Mean Opinion Score - the average subjective assessment). It is shown that one of the main assessments of the efficiency of the exchange of information by speech signals is the syllable intelligibility S%. The telecommunication system of audio exchange and the loudspeaking communications system is considered effective if the transmitted voice information is perceived completely, the syllable intelligibility in this case is at least 93% or the MOS score is at least 3.9 points. However, the issues of reducing the influence of external factors, external acoustic interference on the value of syllable intelligibility and on the evaluation of MOS on the side of receiving voice messages for the case of operational command systems require additional research. The purpose of the work is to study the effect of the signal-to-noise ratio on syllable intelligibility in the exchange of voice messages by telecommunication systems of public address systems. Used methods: instrumental and computational method for evaluating syllable intelligibility, methods of the theory of spectral analysis, methods of statistical radio engineering. The scientific novelty: the article discusses the effect on the syllable intelligibility of the signal / external acoustic noise ratio, investigates the effect of formant intelligibility, the dependence of the perception coefficient of formants on the relative level of formant intensity, the dependence of the formant parameter on the geometric mean frequency of the i-th spectrum of the speech signal. Results: in accordance with the results of studies of formant intelligibility depending on the signal-to-noise ratio, a function is obtained according to syllable intelligibility from the signal-to-noise ratio, according to which it becomes possible to determine the value of the output signal-to-noise ratio in an audio exchange telecommunications system to obtain a given syllable intelligibility. Practical value: as a result of research, the minimum signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the channel of the telecommunication system of audio exchange was determined to obtain a syllable intelligibility of at least 93% to ensure full perception of the transmitted speech information.
Key words
- voice information exchange, telecommunication audio exchange system, audio exchange system efficiency, syllable intelligibility, formant intelligibility, speech signal, acoustic noise, signal-to-noise ratio
- Kropotov Y. A., Belov A. A., Kolpakov A. A., Proskuryakov A. Y. Evaluation of the effectiveness of telecommunications audio exchange under external acoustic interference. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 193-203. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10112 (in Russian).
Technique of ensuring the information integrity in software-hardware communication systems by rational backup
- Purpose. The role of information in the control system increases. A wide range of information threats determines the relevance of issues to ensure its integrity. The integrity of the information affects dependability and availability of software-hardware communication systems. Known approaches to ensuring the integrity of information, based on its reservation, are widely used. But they are not able to offer a rational solution to the contradiction between the completeness and frequency of backup on the one hand and the limited resources on the other. The purpose of the technique is to obtain recommendations on the organization of information backup and determine the rational backup frequency. The implementation of the recommendations will allow to recover lost/distorted data with a given probability in the shortest possible time. Novelty. The developed method, in contrast to the known approaches to the reservation of information, offers reasonable parameters of reservation, calculated on the basis of the required probability of ensuring the integrity. Results. The paper presents the problem of reducing the information recovery time to increase the dependability of communication equipment, if the integrity of information is broken. The sequence of actions to ensure the information integrity by its advance backup and next recovery is defined. The process of redundancy information is analyzed and considered in aggregate, the three events occurring at random points in time: the reservation, authorized changing, the implementation of the threats to the integrity. The particular calculation technique of rational parameters of information backup which output parameters can be used both for setup of the special software on the organization of backup of data, and for direct "manual" reservation is developed. Practical relevance. The presented solution of the particular technique formed the basis of the computer program "Calculation of rational parameters of information backup". The use of operators or officials, operating and/or servicing software-hardware communication systems and computer equipment, this technique together with the developed program allows to obtain scientifically based parameters of information backup, and with their power to reduce the average time of information recovery. Reducing the recovery time leads to an increase availability measure at the stage of operation.
Key words
- hardware-software communication systems, information integrity, dependability, efficient backup, frequency of backup, threat the information integrity, failure of information security
- Kiselev D. V., Semenov S. S., Petrov O. V. Technique of ensuring the information integrity in software-hardware communication systems by rational backup. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 204-220. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10113 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Methodical approach to the construction of conflict models for small groupings of the parties, providing enhanced accuracy of reflection of real processes
- Problem definition. Group battle models are widely used to assess the combat capabilities of groups of parties of various sizes and with different weapon systems. Currently, the method of medium dynamics has been widely developed, as a well-developed and very flexible mathematical apparatus, which allows describing a wide variety of combat situations. Thus, models based on Osipov-Lanchester equations are best known. An important limitation of this model is the large number of parties to the conflict. In this case, with a decrease in the number, a significant decrease in the accuracy of the simulation results also occurs. Such a deficiency is especially critical in the study of the processes of mutual complex (fire and electronic) destruction, when the numbers of the combat means of the parties are small. Purpose of the work is to develop a probabilistic model of the conflict of small groups that makes it possible to correctly evaluate the process of changing the numbers of the opposing sides through appropriate indicators. The novelty of work consists in representations of process of confrontation of uniform small groups with use of the transfer functions received as a result of operator transformation of the integral differential equations corresponding to the directions of non-stationary change of states. Result: the method of direct representation of process of confrontation of uniform small groups is offered by the focused state graph which tops reflect change of number of warring parties on decrease in the form of pair values on each condition of process, on the basis of use of semi-Markov processes and matrix approach. Practical importance: calculations are held and made the distributions of the final probabilities of the number of sides A and B were obtained with a complete loss of the number of the opposing side and the likelihood that after 80 seconds, side A would save and side B would be units of equipment.
Key words
- methodical approach, conflict, model, small groups, intensity, damaging effects
- Koziratsky Yu. L., Prokhorov D. V., Kuryanov I. Yu., Govorukhin S. A. Methodical approach to the construction of conflict models for small groupings of the parties, providing enhanced accuracy of reflection of real processes. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 170-182. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10110 (in Russian).
Methodical approach for the construction of simulation models of small groups conflicts
- Statement of the problem: in the conditions of modern fight there is a problem of development of the methodical device for a research of the conflicts of small groups of the parties. Methodical approach to creation of probabilistic models of the conflict of small groups is offered in a number of works with participation of authors. The corresponding imitating model is necessary for experimenting on the computer for the analysis and assessment of functioning. Purpose of the work of the work is to develop a simulation model of the conflict of small groups, which allows to obtain dynamic indicators of changes in the size of the parties, taking into account the changing intensities of the damaging effects. The novelty of work consists in realization of the module of calculation of intensity of influence with use of the divider subtracting the device and the integrator of time necessary for a binding (consecutive summation of times is carried out) the generated sequence of average times of influence by the current time of modeling. Result: development of methodical approach to creation of imitating models of the conflict of the small groups allowing to receive dynamic indicators of change of numbers of the parties taking into account the changing intensity of the striking influences. Practical importance: the developed algorithm and the program allow to receive dynamic indicators of change of numbers of the parties taking into account the changing intensity of the striking influences.
Key words
- imitation model, conflict, small groups, number of parties
- Koziratsky Yu. L., Prokhorov D. V., Kuryanov I. Yu., Govorukhin S. A. Methodical approach for the construction of simulation models of small groups conflicts. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 183-192. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10111 (in Russian).
Use of Matlab Software Environment for Simulation Modeling of Complex Military Systems
- Problem statement: mathematical models of the functioning of complex military systems, built on the block-modular principle, determine the sequence of changing discrete states that characterize partial or total loss of functional capabilities of the systems. The semi-Markov models are an adequate form of describing such systems, and the probabilities of a system in each of the given states in a stationary mode are usually used as performance indicators. The problem of calculating the state probabilities for the stationary mode of the semi-Markov process is rather complicated, it is reduced to multi-stage calculations and is inconvenient for programming. Objective: simplification of the procedure of obtaining estimates for the stationary probabilities of the states for the systems described by semi-Markov models. Methods used: simulation methods for semi-Markov systems, the formation of event flows with different distribution laws in Matlab models, initiating transitions from current states to other states and determining residence times in states, obtaining empirical estimates of state probabilities. Novelty: the usage of structural elements of semi-Markov models in simulation models, the usage of recurrent averaging to obtain "point-like" estimates of the probabilities of states. Result: Matlab simulation models, easily customizable for the study of systems with an arbitrary number of discrete states and various random processes occurring in the systems. Practical significance: the developed simulation models make it possible to obtain estimates of the probabilities of states quite simply by specifying the structural parameters of the system, the types and parameters of distributions for event flows occurring in real systems. Possible ways of using probability estimates is to help in making decisions about the compliance of systems with their requirements and checking the correctness of analytical models.
Key words
- simulation modeling, semi-Markov models, stationary state probabilities
- Gorin A. N., Budnikov S. A. Use of Matlab Software Environment for Simulation Modeling of Complex Military Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 221-251. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10114 (in Russian).
Evaluation method of armament samples informatization level
- Problem Statement. Armament samples informatization increases the combat cycles speed, productivity and quality of people labor, optimizes management and helps to reduce personnel loss. Today, the informatization level of armament samples estimates using expert assessments and methods of probability theory that may contribute to the contradiction between declared "high technology" of armament samples and their relatively low combat effectiveness. Aim of the paper is to improve the adequacy of determining the informatization level of the armament samples with taking into account their technological processes. Used methods. The idea of the method is as follows: 1) presentation a set of armament sample technological processes as a queuing system with unlimited and extraordinary flow of requests, with unlimited storage capacity, with a stationary mode without overloading and with absolute priority requests and with the continuation of the interrupted service; 2) calculation the average execution time of armament sample technological processes for two variants when it works without (i.e., "by hand") and with information-technical means; 3) calculation the armament sample informatization level as the part of required for its application time and human resources provided by information-technical means. Novelty. The method makes it possible to systematically take into account the organizational features of armament samples technological processes to assess their informatization level. Result. In comparison with the expert assessments and the representation of the armament sample functioning on a probability detailing level, the method provides much greater assessment results adequacy of the armament sample informatization level due to the description its processes with the queuing theory methods. Shown an example of applying method to armament sample for which calculated the informatization level, made the parametric synthesis of variant of its tasks informatization and given recommendations for significantly increase its informatization level. Practical relevance. The method can be used to evaluate the real informatization levels of armament samples and military formations in general, as well as to justify the requirements for the advanced armament samples informatization level.
Key words
- informatization level, armament sample, information-technical mean, military formation, queuing sys-tem, technological process
- Boyko A. A. Evaluation method of armament samples informatization level. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2019, no. 1, pp. 264-275. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2019-10116 (in Russian).