№1 2018
Robot-technological systems
Numerical method of planning a trajectory of pass obstacles based on an iterative piecewise-linear approximation
- Purpose. Known methods for planning a trajectory have a high computational complexity or cannot find a trajectory with a minimum length. This feature does not allow using them in systems where trajectory planning with a minimum length in real time mode is required. The aim of the paper is to solve the problem of planning the trajectory of a point between two states to bypass an obstacle, with a small computational complexity for real-time mode operation. Methods. The article proposes a numerical method for planning a trajectory based on iterative linear-piece approximation of a trajectory. The method analyzes the possibility of moving along a straight line from the initial state to the final state, using analytical geometry. If a straight trajectory crosses an obstacle, an additional state is introduced by displacing the worst point of the trajectory from the center of the obstacle. Then, these actions are recursively repeated for movement from the initial state to the additional state, and from the additional state to the final state. The criterion for stopping recursion is the ability to move on each linear section of the trajectory bypassing the obstacle. Results. The proposed numerical method, based on iterative piecewise linear approximation, makes it possible trajectory planning for the point bypass an obstacle. The method can be used for real-time mode operation due to the simplicity of the executed operations. The method can be used even for a large number of iterations, if parallel calculations are used (analysis of the possibility of movement on each segment can be performed in different threads). Novelty. The new method for planning a trajectory based on a recursive algorithm of iterative piecewise-linear approximation is proposed. The scheme of the proposed method is developed. Developed a method for analyzing the possibility of direct movement between two states of a point in a circumvention. Practical relevance. The proposed method of planning the trajectory can be used in various fields of technology: planning the trajectory of mobile robots and autonomous vehicles, anthropomorphic and industrial manipulator control systems, trajectory planning tasks in process control, and others.
Key words
- trajectory planning, trajectory, recursion, approximation, numerical method, piecewise linear func-tion, obstacle bypass, real-time mode
- Antonov V. O., Gurchinsky M. M., Petrenko V. I., Tebueva F. B. Numerical method of planning a trajectory of pass obstacles based on an iterative piecewise-linear approximation. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 1, pp. 168-182. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-01/09-Antonov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information processes and technologies. Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Automatic Image Captioning: Tasks and Methods
- Problem definition. Automatic Image Captioning is a challenging multimadal problem of artificial intelligence that require processing of combination of visual and linguistic information. These tasks are quite new and the studies on the subject have certain contradictions: first of all, there are no sustainable system of terms and definitions, secondly, there are no good classification of the tasks and approaches for image captioning. Purpose. The purpose of the present paper is to analyze the current state-of-the-art knowledge on automatic image captioning, to propose a system of terms and definitions for Russian-language researches and developments and to propose tasks and methods classification. Results. We analyzed many various papers and classify image captioning tasks: automatic image annotation (providing a set of key words), image description retrieval (searching the best description in a database) and image description generation (framing a novel description for the certain image). We provide a methods classification: retrieval (that includes image retrieval and description retrieval), generative and hybrid methods. We provide a detailed review of existing retrieval, generative and hybrid methods, highlighting main trends of their development. We give an overview of the public available datasets and evaluation measures. Practical relevance. The presented paper is the first detailed survey of the tasks, methods and approaches of Automatic Image Captioning in Russian. The results can be used for investigating current state-of-the-art methods and development novel Automatic Image Captioning approaches.
Key words
- automatic image captioning, image description generation, image description retrieval, automatic image annotation, multimodal tasks, deep neural networks, machine learning, artificial intelligence
- Korshunova K. P. Automatic Image Captioning: Tasks and Methods. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 1, pp. 30-77. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-01/02-Korshunova.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Stochastic Model of Functioning of a Measurement Standard in Conditions when a Additional Measuring Instruments Receipt into Metrological Maintenance
- Purpose. The complexity of modern models of weapons and military equipment generates a need to make the precise measurements of its characteristics. The achievement and maintenance of the required level of measurements depends not only on the accuracy of the measurements but also on measures to ensure their unification. The most important factor of the unification of measurements is the observance of measuring means uniformity based on the system of scaling. By now, there are numerous theoretical researches based on various issues related to the construction of a system of scaling in individual types of measurements. Unfortunately, there are no publications among them related to the construction of the system in the conditions of uncertainty of information about the states of metrological points used in the scaling. This uncertainty is associated with the possibility of switching points to an inoperative condition due to the impact of various external and internal factors. The purpose of the article is to develop a stochastic model for the functioning of the measurement standard in the scaling, taking into account additionally incoming lower-order accuracy measurement standard in order to ensure the functional survivability of the system of scaling. Methods. The author proposed to consider the process of functioning of the measurement standard as a semi-Markov’s process in the time domain based on the principle of probabilistic balance. Images in the Laplace transform replaced time characteristics. There are conditional transition probabilities that determine the choice of the further motion of the random process from the states of the graph of functioning of the measurement standard. Results. The use of the presented solution allows determining the value of the probability of scaling by a metrological point at the receipt of additional flows of lower accuracy measurement standard. Practical relevance. The author proposed the solution, which will help to restructure the system of scaling if necessary at transition of metrological points in a disabled condition.
Key words
- model of functioning of the measurement standard, system of scaling, graph of states and transitions, probability of scaling
- Shiryamov O. A. Stochastic Model of Functioning of a Measurement Standard in Conditions when a Additional Measuring Instruments Receipt into Metrological Maintenance. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 1, pp. 95-108. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-01/04-Shiryamov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Quality of synthesized images taking into account a accuracy of mutual arrangement of photomatrix in a sub-pixel scanning device
- Actuality. Electronic optical equipment has insufficient capability. Therefore, the increase in such capability as optical resolution is an actual topic of research. The methods of increasing the resolution of optical equipment are based on the use of several photomatrix, so the accuracy of the mutual arrangement of photomatrix requires an increase. The aim of the article is to study the influence of accuracy of the mutual arrangement of photomatrix on quality of synthesized images, taking into account the methods of sub-pixel scanning. Result. The solution of the problem is based on model of image synthesis. The input parameter of the model is the accuracy of the mutual arrangement of photomatrix, and output parameter is the image as a result of synthesis process. Quality of image is assessed in a visual way. Mathematical expressions that take into account the accuracy of the mutual arrangement of photomatrix for two-dimensional images are the novelty of the article. Practical significance. The model, which is obtained in the article, allows substantiating the ways to improve the quality of images for optical equipment, which depend on the accuracy of the mutual arrangement of photomatrix.
Key words
- vision inspection, sub-pixel scanning, a photosensitive element, a charge-coupled device, error offset, pixel
- Artjushkin A. B., Matasov J. F., Pantenkov A. P. Quality of synthesized images taking into account a accuracy of mutual arrangement of photomatrix in a sub-pixel scanning device. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 1, pp. 109-121. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-01/05-Artjushkin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Method of reducing an impact of errors of mutual photomatrix displacement on image quality
- Problem statement. Resolution of optical systems should be increased. However, increasing the resolution is limited by the complexity of the production of optical systems. Sub-pixel scanning method allows increasing the resolution of such systems by increasing the number of matrices of photosensitive elements which have a standard resolution. However, the effectiveness of this method depends on the errors of mutual arrangement of photomatrix. If the error increases, so synthesized images are distorted. The purpose of the paper is to develop a method that reduces the impact of errors of mutual arrangement of photographic materials on quality of synthesized images. The errors are determined in advance and are corrected in calculations that are performed with sub-pixel scanning method. Used method. The problem of clarifying of the errors of the mutual pairwise arrangement of the electron-optical system matrices is based on the account of illuminated and shaded areas. These areas are used for formation of equations system that describes the mutual offset of image sensors available. The solution of the equations system are used as weighting coefficients for the output signals that correct the synthesized images. Result. The method presented in the paper will allow taking into account the errors of the mutual displacement of the matrix of sensitive elements and significantly reduce their impact on the image quality, which is synthesized based on the method of sub-pixel scanning. Thus, this method can significantly improve the resolution of optical systems.
Key words
- photosensitive element, sub-pixel scanning, the resolution of the image, electron-optical system
- Artjushkin A. B., Dunikov S. D., Kuksenko M. A. Method of reducing an impact of errors of mutual photomatrix displacement on image quality. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 1, pp. 156-167. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-01/08-Artjushkin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information security
Audit of Information Security – the Main Stages, Conceptual Framework, Classification of Types
- Purpose. The control of adequacy of methods and means of protection is important for a process of creating of an information security system. Audit of information security perform such the control. However, the published works do not contain a system classification of audit activities. Test as one of the types of audit activities of information security is not sufficiently examined. Test of real systems are considered only as "penetration testing" or " instrumental audit". The purpose of the paper is to systematize of main stages of a information security audit, theoretical and practical methods of audit, classification of audit activities. The testing as experimental research of the information system is considered with particular attention. Results and their novelty. The author's approach to the systematization and classification of audit and testing activities is presented in the paper. The theoretical approach to the audit based on the concept of "model based testing" is considered in the paper. A new practical approach to the audit is proposed in the paper as well. This practical approach is based on a study of the information systems using special means such as cyber-attacks and information-psychological influences. Methods were used. Methods of system analysis, logical induction and deduction were used for the systematization and classification of audit activities. Practical relevance. Systematization and classification of audit and testing activities, as well as proposals for audit in the form of experimental studies can be used to creation new means of cyber-attacks and information-psychological influences for testing and audit of information security.
Key words
- information security, audit, information security audit, testing, model based testing, testing on the ba-sis of special means, information warfare, cyber-attack, information-psychological influence
- Makarenko S. I. Audit of Information Security – the Main Stages, Conceptual Framework, Classification of Types. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 1, pp. 1-29. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-01/01-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Detection of XSS-vulnerabilities based on the analysis of a complete map of the web-application
- Purpose: Most programs that search XSS-vulnerabilities have some of shortcomings. These drawbacks are related to the peculiarities of building web applications. Existing programs for detecting XSS-vulnerabilities perform search only in the open part of the web-resource, which negatively affects the level of security of the web-resource. Because the vulnerability can be in the closed part of the web-resource, which is available to authorized users. The goal of the work is, to increase the effectiveness of protecting the Web-application from XSS-attacks by developing software that searches for XSS-vulnerabilities based on the analysis of the complete map of the web-application. Novelty. Elements of the novelty of the developed solutions is the application of a technique based on the consistent application of the most effective algorithms for identifying various types of XSS-vulnerabilities. A side from novelty element is the search XSS-vulnerabilities with pre-authorization on the tested web application to create a full map of the web-resource. Results. Using the developed software to detect XSS-vulnerabilities will increase the effectiveness of protecting the Web-application. Practical relevance. The developed program simplifies the process of testing a web application. Due to the functionality of the report, generation with recommendations for the elimination of detected XSS-vulnerabilities makes it possible to use the program by users who do not know the basics of information security.
Key words
- cross site scripting, XSS-attack, code introduction, XSS-vulnerabilities, scripting, exploit
- Nosirov Z. A., Azhmuhamedov I. M. Detection of XSS-vulnerabilities based on the analysis of a complete map of the web-application. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 1, pp. 78-94. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-01/03-Nosirov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Model of Security and Information Protection Subsystem of a Communication and Control System of a Critical Object
- Formulation of the Problem. The developers of communication and management systems have to improve means and methods of information confrontation for increasing their conflict stability and operational reliability. The main difficulties in ensuring the security and protection of information are due to the presence of intelligent components in modern means of information and technical influences that allow to change adaptively structural features and to adjust the targets of the impact. Measures to protect information are selected from the conditions of minimizing the time of detection of an element with destructive functions and achieving the required quality of resource management. The task of selecting such measures, can be solved on the basis of modeling the security subsystem and protecting the information of the communication and management system and investigating its properties in the presence of a conflict component. The aim of the paper is building a model of the security subsystem and protecting the information of the communication system and the management of a critical object. Used Methods. The model of the subsystem of security and information system of communication and management in the context of malicious information and technical influences is constructed by using the methods of conflict theory, graph theory and mathematical statistics. The technological cycle of resource management to identify and neutralize destructive elements is justified with using methods of the theory of identification and making decisions under conditions of a priori uncertainty of the situation. Result. A model of the security and information protection subsystem of a critical object is developed. According to the results the phases of the technological cycle of resource management of combating information and technical impact are determined. Practical significance. The ways of realization and characteristics of information protection means, methods of adaptive management of external surroundings parameters in case of conflict interaction of the communication and management system with malicious influences means are substantiated.
Key words
- information security, communication and control system, adaptive subsystem of security and infor-mation protection, quality of information resources management
- Zhidko E. A., Rаzinkоv S. N. Model of security and information protection subsystem of a communication and control system of a critical object. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 1, pp. 122-135. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-01/06-Zhidko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Assessment of Timeliness of Communication in a Process of Transmission of a Multi-Service Traffic for a Special Purpose Satellite Communication Network
- Problem statement. Increasing the intensity of the user load on earth stations of special purpose satellite communication networks results in the issues of ensuring communication requirements, in particular, the timeliness of communication. Efficiency of the known ways of ensuring of the timeliness of communication in special purpose satellite communication networks with a reverse satellite channel is low, because of the request mechanisms. These mechanisms are based on introducing redundancy in the amount of the requested satellite relay resource. The unreasonable redundancy of the generated resource request leads to failure of the requirements to the quality of servicing of multi-service traffic, that adversely affects the timeliness of communication. The purpose of the this work is to ensure the requirements for the timeliness of communication in a special purpose satellite communication network with а reverse satellite channel while the multi-service traffic is transmitted. Methods. It is proposed to apply a modification of the method of predicting the intensity of the user load based on using the mechanisms of direct and inverse discrete wavelet transform in order to improve the quality of the forecast of the intensity of multi-service traffic. Novelty. The elements of novelty of the presented solution are the consideration of long-term correlations typical for non-stationary multi-service traffic with self-similarity properties, and the possibility of determining the scaling limit in the implementation of a direct discrete wavelet transform. Results. The developed model forecasts the intensity of user load in a special-purpose satellite communication network, taking into account features of processing and transmission of a multi-service traffic. As the example of demonstration of the possibilities of discrete wavelet transform for processing the analyzed time series the process of the calculation the timeliness of communication in satellite communication network using the proposed model is shown. Practical relevance. The presented solution is proposed to be implemented as a part of the software for switching equipment of networks with the organization of the reverse satellite channel of DVB-RCS standard. The use of the wavelet transformation to build a forecast of user load intensity forecast allows to increase the timeliness of communication in a special-purpose satellite communication network up to 48% in comparison with the standard mechanisms and to use the allocated capacity resource in the reverse channels of a special-purpose satellite communication networks effectively.
Key words
- satellite communication network, reverse satellite channel, communication requirements, multi-service traffic, wavelet transform
- Novikov E. A., Utkin D. R., Shadrin A. A., Kvasov M. N. Assessment of timeliness of communication in a process of transmission of a multi-service traffic for a special purpose satellite communication network. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 1, pp. 136-155. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-01/07-Novikov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).