№4 2016
Analysis of new technologies and ways of development for systems of control, communication and security
Information-Space Systems and Space Weapons – Current State and Prospects o Improvement
- Relevance. The Countries that have access to space, actively developing the concepts for use of space for military purposes. These concepts primarily relate to the development of the information-space systems, which solve problems of intelligence, communications and navigation. In addition, works by the creation of the space weapons become active now too. First of all, this works by creation of the anti-satellite weapons and systems to intercept of the Intercontinental ballistic missiles. The create of the information-space system and the space weapons will lead to a change in the basic principles of war by providing global military presence and possible strikes in any points of the Earth. In this regard, relevant is the analysis of the current state and prospects of use of space for military purposes. The aim of this paper is to analyze the prospects of the use of outer space for military purposes, as well as the current state and prospects of development of the information-space systems and the space weapons. For analysis, we used only open sources, and as examples of the separate space systems used open data about the weapons of created and used in the armed forces of the United States of America. Novelty. The Elements of novelty in the paper are detection of the general trends of development of conceptual bases of warfare in space. Also, the elements of novelty are identified of private tendencies of development for different the information-space systems. These systems are the space intelligence systems, the space system detect of the missile launches and the nuclear explosions, the global navigation system, the system of space meteorology and environment monitoring, the communications systems and relay data. Promising directions for information-space systems based on the small satellites have also been reviewed here. In addition, separate trends of development of the space weapons discussed in the paper. Practical relevance. The review presented can be used by technical specialists to make new technologies for the military information-space systems. Also, this review can be useful for the military specialists for elaborating new forms and methods of warfare in space.
Key words
- space system, space intelligence, the detection system of start of rockets, space navigation system, system space meteorology and environment monitoring, satellite communications system, space warfare, space weapons, anti-satellite missiles, laser weapons, beam weapons, aerospace vehicles, inspectors satellite, means of electronic warfare
- Makarenko S. I. Information-Space Systems and Space Weapons – Current State and Prospects o Improvement. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 161-213. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/09-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Control systems
The Automat Control of Loading Equipment at Small-scale Production for the External Mathematical Software of the Information Management System
- Purpose. One of methods of increase in efficiency of industrial enterprise is application of automated control systems for production processes. Therefore the increasing number of works and scientific research is devoted to questions of creation of more perfect automated control systems for productions lately. In too time the existing algorithms of automated management were created without emergence of new information production technologies. Therefore there is the problem of creating methods on the basis of new approaches to solving the issues of production control. And also need to develop new algorithms to implement a more efficient management of production processes. Object of the research are industrial enterprises with the consecutive temporary and the cellular spatial structure of production organization. This structure is characteristic for the principles of small-lot production. The purpose of paper is development of the algorithm and the software for automated control of loading of the equipment intended for small-lot production. This software is used in the external software of management information system existing at the entity. Methods. In paper used the apparatus of the Queuing theory, optimization methods, global search, an additive method of convolution of criteria. Scientific novelty of paper consists in implementation of multicriteria process management of production, provided based on the theory of queues, for the purpose of operational replacement of the equipment with failure on reserve. Besides, the developed algorithm and the software shall be realized on the basis of use of modern software products. This software products have high speed, presentation of the received results, and also ability to integrate into the existing external software of management information system of industrial enterprise. Results. The software which includes the control algorithm of process of manufacture of products, with possibility of adjustment of a production process taking into account the certain conditions and restrictions imposed on production process is developed. Practical importance: the developed algorithm and the software loading of the equipment in case of refusals will allow do replanning of a production process that gives the chance to execute the order at the scheduled time even in case of unforeseen situations (equipment failure, long repair, high level of depreciation).
Key words
- automated control, raise efficiency, loading equipment, improved planning, Gantt chart, production capacity
- Dogadina E. P., Kropotov Y. A. The Automat Control of Loading Equipment at Small-scale Production for the External Mathematical Software of the Information Management System. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 61-76. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/03-Dogadina.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Computing systems
Analysis of the Characteristics of Hybrid Computing Cluster
- Purpose. The development and application of hybrid computing systems is relevant in the context of increasing information, increasing the intensity and complexity of search and analytical tasks. These systems have the capacity to include them to the class supercomputers, while maintaining acceptable to users of price, size, ergonomic features. However, it should be noted shortage of articles devoted to the study of the characteristics of such systems depending on the nature of their architecture and software. The purpose of this work is the analysis the performance of hybrid computing cluster (in the example of the hybrid computing cluster of the branch of National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” in Smolensk). Methods. Methods of analysis and designing of computing systems. Novelty. The presented results can serve as a basis for the generalization of the approach to the study of hybrid computing systems, focused on solving various non-numerical and computational problems. Practical relevance. The results can be used to analyze the characteristics of various hybrid computing systems, focused on solving different non-numerical and computational problems.
Key words
- hybrid computer system, CPU, GPU
- Borisov V. V., Zernov M. M., Fedulov A. S., Yakushevsky K. A. Analysis of the Characteristics of Hybrid Computing Cluster. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 129-146. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/07-Borisov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Toolkits for simulation modeling of subject-oriented distributed computing systems
- Relevance. The rapid development of high-performance computing, including distributed computing environments of different purposes, leads to the topicality of a study of their effectiveness and reliability in solving large-scale fundamental and applied problems. Simulation modeling is one of the main tools of such study. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the current state in the field of a study of the distributed computing environments based on the simulation modeling, the determination of operational and functional requirements to the tools for a model experiments support, and the expansion of the existing base of tools. The particular attention is paid to the use of a subject domains specificity for solved problems in the process of simulation modeling. Methods. In the paper, we present new tools for the development of simulation models. These tools integrate methods of conceptual programming and program design automation based on the framework-approach to programming. This integration provides the effective implementation of the automated transition from the conceptual model of the environment to its simulation model. Novelty. The use of a conceptual model of the environment in the creation and application of its simulation models allows to extend the range of studied architectures of the environment in comparison with known toolkits. The conceptual model includes the several components of comprehensive knowledge. The computational knowledge represents software modules for solving problems in subject domains and working with the environment objects, including planning of they actions. The schematic knowledge describes the modular structure of models and algorithms. The production knowledge is used to support decision-making on the select of optimal algorithms, depending on the environment state. The last component of knowledge is the information about the software and hardware infrastructure of the environment and administrative policies in its nodes. Results. The comparative analysis of the known tools for simulation modeling of the environment allowed us to determine the relevant directions of the expansion of the existing base of tools. We developed toolkit SIRIUS II for simulation modeling of the subject-oriented environment taking into account this analysis. This toolkit is partially eliminates a range of drawbacks of the analyzed tools. Practical relevance. Results of this study can be used by specialists in the field of parallel and distributed computing for the analysis and evaluation of the reliability and efficiency of computational systems used by them.
Key words
- distributed computing environment, simulation modeling, toolkits
- Feoktistov A. G., Korsukov A. S., Dyadkin Yu. A. Toolkits for simulation modeling of subject-oriented distributed computing systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 30-60. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/02-Feoktistov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information processes and technologies.
Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Method for determination of factors that most strongly affect on the electronic devices reliability
- Purpose. In order to determine the level of the reliability of electronic device it is necessary to develop method for analyzing the results of calculation its reliability measures. Such measures are reliability function and mean operating time between failures. Developed method will allow estimating which parameter most strongly effects on the final value of the failure rate for the particular type of the electronic equipment. As a result of the reliability analysis of all the components of electronic device an engineer should obtain values of the reliability measures, boundary values of the operated parameters, and also the recommendations about this or another changes needed for the improvement of the reliability of the electronic device. The aim of the paper is to develop the method for analyzing the results of the reliability measures calculation. All known methods estimate the effect of the parameters by comparing values of the correction factors. New method will allow to analyze calculated values of the factors and to determine the effect of each individual parameter for each correction factor using the relative sensitivity function. The second statement is the main benefit of this study. The parameters considered in the analysis can include, for example, temperature, nominals of the elements, their operating voltage, current and power and tolerance value. Results. The application of the developed method will allow making precise recommendations for changes of the operated parameters. This, in its turn, will help to control the reliability level of one or another element and, consequently, of whole electronic devices.
Key words
- electronic devices, element, failure rate, correction factor, relative sensitivity function, reliability, method of analyzing the results of reliability prediction
- Polesskiy S. N., Mayakova O. Y., Aleynikov A. V. Method for determination of factors that most strongly affect on the electronic devices reliability. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 117-128. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/06-Polesskiy.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information security
The Traffic Transformation Operator for Deliberate Increase of the Structural Complexity of the Information Stream
- Statement of the problem. Theory of information security and theory of information warfare evolve and require the development of new models of cyber-attacks. These new cyber-attacks can be used to test resilience and security of the telecommunication systems. Analysis of means of identifying cyber-attacks showed that their detection is based on the analysis of intensity of the network traffic. Thus, the new cyber attacks that have a high stealth, it must ensure that the traffic intensity remain the same in during the attack. Such cyber-attacks can be based on the formation of the complexity structure of traffic that is transmitted on the network. The aim of the paper is development of the scientific-methodological apparatus for the research of cyber-attacks which are based on the transformation of the traffic structure to make it more complicated. This scientific-methodological apparatus will keep the same intensity of traffic, but to ensure the formation of traffic patterns with a much higher level of complexity. This traffic processed in the individual network nodes and reduces of timeliness of the network as a whole. Methods used. The scientific-methodological apparatus for the research of cyber attacks is based on the method of functional transformation of traffic. Results and novelty. The traffic transformation operator that proposed in paper from the elementary stream makes a stream with a complex structure. This operator was researched. The research revealed that the traffic transformation consists of two processes. The first process is compression of the intervals between packets and formation of the "packs" of traffic. The second process is "rarefaction" of the intervals between the packets and formation of the long pauses between "packs" of packets. Proposals for the use of these two processes to substantiate the parameters of cyber-attacks made in the paper. Practical significance. The traffic transformation operator is the basis of scientific-methodological apparatus for the study of a new cyber attacks. Such a cyber attack will be covert in relation to existing means for attack detection which is based on the analysis of the network traffic intensity. These new cyber-attacks can be used to test resilience and security of telecommunication systems, and to develop protection methods.
Key words
- information security, information warfare, network attack, intrusion detection, methods of detecting network attacks, information technology impact, converting traffic, complex traffic, complex structure
- Makarenko S. I., Korovin V. M., Ushanev K. V. The Traffic Transformation Operator for Deliberate Increase of the Structural Complexity of the Information Stream. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 77-109. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/04-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
An Analysis of the Scientific and Methodological Apparatus of Coordination Theory And Its Use in Various Fields of Study
- Relevance. Currently, in order to improve management efficiency in complex multilevel systems methods of coordination theory actively developing. They have been applied in various fields of research. In this regard, the actual is the analysis of well-known works and research methodology of coordination and to consider the possibility of using the results obtained by other authors in a new subject area - in the field of information warfare. The aim of this paper is the analysis of well-known works in the field of coordination of complex multi- level systems. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of works, that deal with resource allocation in multi-level systems as a controlling influence. Methods used. Analysis of the theory of the informational conflict is based on the use of the methods of system analysis, the methods of induction and deduction of the logic theory. Result. General and specific patterns of research the information conflict was identified based on an analysis of more than 70 sources, revealed general and specific patterns conducted in coordination theory research based on the use of various scientific and methodological apparatus, namely the coordination of methods based on principles of self-organization based on the model of computer fields, fuzzy parametric coordination methods in multi-level hierarchical systems, coordination of methods by predicting and unleashing interactions, coordination of methods based on models of coalition reflexive games, multiagent, triad, situational approaches and methods based on other theories. Novelty. The element of novelty of the work is to identify the general and specific patterns and approaches to research in the field of coordination, based on the use of various scientific and methodological apparatus. Practical significance. The present analysis can be used by specialists to support new technological solutions in the field of coordination of various complex multi-level systems, and military experts - to support new forms and methods of interaction of diverse forces and means in the conduct of warfare. In addition, this analysis will be useful to researchers and applicants carrying out research activities in the field of coordination of complex multi-level control systems.
Key words
- management, coordination, complex multi-level system, hierarchical system
- Mikhailov R. L. An Analysis of the Scientific and Methodological Apparatus of Coordination Theory And Its Use in Various Fields of Study. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 1-29. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/01-Mikhailov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Multidimensional Intervals and Their Application to Engineering, Economy and Social Area
- Relevance. In recent decades there are more and more new technologies in the civilian and military spheres which associated with studying of uncertainty. These technologies are widely used in engineering, economics, social sphere. To support their new mathematical models and methods are needed. In this regard, this article dedicated to the development of new model of uncertainty (multidimensional interval) and mathematical methods of its study is relevant. The purpose of the article is in the detailed design of a new adequate mathematical model of uncertainty – multidimensional interval, which is a set of a finite number of independent intervals of uncertainty, the system of algebraic operations on multidimensional intervals and rules to perform these operations. Method. To accomplish this goal we propose to extend to study multidimensional intervals the method from the interval mathematics based on the determination of algebraic operations on intervals in form of set-theoretic generalization of operations on real numbers. Novelty. The novelty of the work lies in the proposed new mathematical model of uncertainty of systems in form of multidimensional intervals, together with mathematical tools allowing to perform various operations on multidimensional intervals and thereby enabling them to perform mathematical modeling of uncertain systems. Result. The article detailed developed a new mathematical model of uncertainty – multidimensional interval. The algebraic operations on multidimensional intervals are determined and rules for their implementation are output. The algorithm of study of uncertain systems with parameters in form of multidimensional intervals is presented.
Key words
- model of uncertainty, interval value, multidimensional interval, modeling of systems with uncertainty
- Levin V. I. Multidimensional Intervals and Their Application to Engineering, Economy and Social Area. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 110-116. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/05-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Models of Derivative and Their Application to Description of Incompletely Defined Systems
- Relevance. The problem of the adequacy of the classic differential calculus is considered in this article. Disadvantages of this calculation that prevent use it for simulation of real systems and processes in the uncertainty are discussed: inability to use classic concept of the derivative in the event of an incomplete initial functions; different functional accessory of classical derivatives of various orders, despite similar interpretation as the speed of various orders; nonexistence of derivative in individual points of functions that simulate the real movement despite the existence of apparent rate at any point of each such process; the absence of a uniform formula for derivatives of various orders, despite a similar interpretation of all such derivatives as speeds of various orders; the inconsistency of derivative to physicality in relation to dimension. The purpose. In this regard, the solution of problem of possibility of generalizing the classical differential calculus to circumvent all these shortcomings is discussed. Method. It is shown how transition from classical derivative, which is introduced for exactly determined functions to interval derivative, which is incorporated to functions given up interval of possible values, allows to eliminate all the above drawbacks. Novelty. Specifically, it is shown that introduction of the concept of interval derivative allows you to build differential calculus for not fully certain original functions. It also allows you to standardize functional accessory derivatives of any order. Moreover, it provides existence of derivative of continuous interval functions. Result. Also, new calculus contains a single formula for derivatives of all orders and corresponds to the requirement of physicality in relation of dimension. Algorithm of construction interval models of dynamic incomplete defined systems using interval derivatives is given. An example of building of such model is presented.
Key words
- interval, interval function, function calculus, interval derivative, interval computing, nondeterministic differential calculus
- Levin V. I. Models of Derivative and Their Application to Description of Incompletely Defined Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 147-160. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/08-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Patents and innovations at field of systems of control, communication and security
Innovation: Sharing Devices to Integrated Management Systems. Part 3 – The Integrated Control Systems For Robotic Objects
- Introduction. About the inventions that relate to critical technologies - technology information and control systems, that define the main directions of scientific and technological development. Characteristic. Analysis of technical decisions has been implemented in two time periods of modern history of the domestic electronics industry – during the formation of integration of scientific-industrial complexes and large-scale system projects in 1980-ies, and during recovery of this approach in 2010-ies. In the first stage of technical solutions have been developed for the collection and processing of relevant information about facilities management, to improve the sustainability of tracts of computer networks using radio communications and fiber-optic connection, on time management providing information and other. In the second period, these technical solutions have provided the basis for the development of innovative ways of information support for the activities of organizational systems – departments, enterprises and institutions, for the development of integration of control systems of the activities of organizational systems, which consolidated to solve common tasks using robotic objects. Technical result. The technical solutions, which are developed in the first period, improves qualitative indicators of control systems in timeliness and reliability. The technical solutions, which are developed in the second period, helps to ensure the maximum degree of automation based on prior training scenarios for the adoption and implementation of the control solutions. The essence. Common property that unites all inventions is the author's approach to finding inventive concept and its development. This approach includes the famous stages and phases of formation, accumulation and use of knowledge about entities, that affect the field of activity, for which created the invention This knowledge is carried out by processing the data in computer systems and components in the components of computer networks with exposure on the order data and their contents. Practical significance. Information on inventions developed in the first period was published in order to use the ideas that underlie inventions for their implementation based on modern computing tools. Information on inventions that were presented in the previous issue of the magazine allow you to continuously monitor the status of activities and reduce the time for adoption and execution of decisions governing departments, enterprises and institutions. Presented in this article system-technical solutions intended to create a unified information Wednesday to manage various organizational systems that solve common tasks, including to prevent emergencies in various fields of activity.
Key words
- inventions, critical technologies, control systems, information systems, communication systems, accumulation of knowledge, solution scripts
- Shabanov A. P. Innovation: Sharing Devices to Integrated Management Systems. Part 3 – The Integrated Control Systems For Robotic Objects. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 4, pp. 214-260. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-04/10-Shabanov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).