№4 2018
Analysis of new technologies and ways of development for systems of control, communication and security
Akira Nakashima and 80th Anniversary of Discovery of Logical Theory of Discrete Computing and Control Devices
- Relevance. In 2018, 80 years have passed since the discovery of the logical theory of discrete computing and control devices. This discovery, made by three outstanding scientists – A. Nakashima (Japan), K.E. Shannon (USA) and V.I. Shestakov (USSR), was of great importance for the whole of science. It opened the way for a new scientific discipline – cybernetics, making its theoretical base. Therefore, the development of the fundamental results of these discoverers remains an urgent task. The purpose of the article is to provide a detailed review of the version of the logical theory of discrete devices proposed by A. Nakashima, including the history of its discovery, methodology, results and applications in various fields of science and technology. Method. To achieve this goal such methods are used: 1) study of the works of the scientist from primary sources and the scientific and historical literature, 2) study of the biography of the scientist according to the memoirs of contemporaries and scientific and biographical literature, 3) comparison of the works of the scientist with the works of other scientists in this field. Result. It was established that A. Nakashima was the first to demonstrate the possibility of mathematical modeling of discrete computing and control devices using Boolean algebra of logic. This made it possible to develop formalized methods for analyzing, synthesizing and designing such devices, allowing to create devices of great complexity. In addition, the scientist first formulated the problem of mathematical modeling of the dynamics of discrete devices, the solution to which the researchers approached only 30 years later. Novelty. It is established that Nakashima is the author of the discovery, according to which the Boolean algebra of logic is an adequate mathematical apparatus for representing schemes of discrete devices. This discovery was published in September 1935. It allowed further development of constructive methods for analyzing, synthesizing and designing circuits for discrete computing and control devices. The scientist also first proposed a method for studying non-parallel-serial (i.e. bridge) circuits, a method for decomposing complex circuits into subcircuits to overcome the “curse of dimension” and the formulation of the problem of mathematical modeling of circuit dynamics.
Key words
- logical theory, discrete devices, Boolean algebra
- Levin V. I. Akira Nakashima and 80th Anniversary of Discovery of Logical Theory of Discrete Computing and Control Devices. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 296-322. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/16-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Control systems
Problem of Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Control and Ways its Solutions
- The relevance of problem. Autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles (AUUV) begin are using of the Russian Navy. However, some combat tasks of AUUV control are problematic and need to be solved. AUUV control technologies should be based on the latest methods of data collection, it processing and transmission to form high quality information about the state of environment, observed objects, processes and phenomena. The aim of the paper is to create the concept of AUUV control. New special software for AUUV is developed on the basis of the concept. The novelty of the paper is the modern concept of information technology development for the AUUV control system. Practical significance. The new control software of the AUUV will be developed on the basis of the concept, this software will improve the efficiency of the control of ANPA.
Key words
- autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles, mathematical, algorithmic and software, control sys-tem, artificial intelligence, cognitive technologies
- Allakuliev Yu. B., Emelin V. I. Problem of Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Control and Ways its Solutions. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 110-121. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/06-Allakuliev.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Model of the reconfigurable on-board spacecraft computer system functioning under its structural-parametric degradation conditions
- Introduction. Building sufficiently adequate models of reconfigurable on-board computer systems (OCS) of advanced spacecraft requires a cumulative account of a number of factors. The main ones are the structural, functional and parametric heterogeneity of such systems, their multifunctionality, the influence of external unfavoritable factors and variable load on the development of a resource by system elements, the presence of a set of partially-operable states. It requires an improvement of the scientific and methodological apparatus. Purpose. The development of the OCS functioning model. It has a higher adequacy in comparison with the known models. The model is based on the account of destructive physical processes, under various operating modes of the elements of the reconfigurable system and the effects of the environment, as well as on the assessment of the target effect of its application in changing conditions. Novelty. This simulation-analytical model differs from the well-known representation of the functioning of a OCS by the dependence of the quality of its functions on the development of its resource in destructive physical processes taking into account the operating modes of the elements and the characteristics of external influences. Results. Building the model of functioning of the reconfigurable OCS under conditions of structural and parametric degradation includes the stages of estimating the target effect of the use of OCS, depending on its performance; evaluation of the performance of the OCS in the current configuration and structural parametric modeling of OCS degradation in the process of using. As the resources we consider a resource of reliability, a resource of the accumulated dose of ionizing radiation of outer space, an electric power resource, a resource of resistance to heavy charged particles and high-energy protons of outer space, a resource of resistance to sudden destructive influences of various nature. Indicators of effective performance and effective amount of computation show the influence of OCS on the target effect of using the Earth remote sensing satellite, in particular, its dynamic and integral performance. Practical relevance. The developed model is imitative-analytical and implemented in MatLab 7 environment. It is open enough for aggregation with models of the functionality of the elements, their reliability, radiation durability and protection from external influences, models of external influences, characteristics and tasks of the spacecraft functioning modes, scheduling models of computational processes. It is used in the development of methods for the synthesis of the structure and management of reconfigurable spacecraft systems.
Key words
- on-board computer system, reconfigurable system, resource, degradation, space factors
- Zakharov I. V., Zabuzov V. S., Kuznetsov V. V. Model of the reconfigurable on-board spacecraft computer system functioning under its structural-parametric degradation conditions. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 176-195. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/09-Zakharov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Combining optimal guidance law and differential game guidance law to improve the guidance efficiency
- Problem statement and specific task. When a missile is aimed at a target according to the traditional law, normal acceleration of the rocket at the meeting point of the target is very large and exceeds the permissible value of the missile. The article deals with the task of building a hybrid rocket guidance law to overcome some of the disadvantages of traditional rules and to ensure a small slip. Purpose of the work: The article develops a hybrid law of guidance, which based on a combination of the theory of optimal control and the guidance law of the differential game, to improve guidance accuracy when the target moves according to different rules. The results of the study showed that when applying the proposed hybrid law of guidance to the guidance system for the maneuver objective, the root-mean-square slippage is quite small as when applying the law of guidance for the differential game. Scientific and practical value: The results of practical research and proposed methods for the synthesis of the guidance law can be used to improve the accuracy of the guidance system in self-guide air-to-air missiles and surface-to-air missiles. through simulation results.
Key words
- guidance law, differential game, guidance efficiency, target, normal acceleration
- Nguyen Minh Hong Combining optimal guidance law and differential game guidance law to improve the guidance efficiency. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 196-206. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/10-Nguyen.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Human factor in the model of control with Autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles
- Relevance. Autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) are actively used in the sea warfare. Onshore control center controls the UUVs. This control has specific features such as the rapid pace of development of the situation, as well as the relationship between the input and output control data. Therefore, the task of developing UUV management model taking into account these factors is relevant. The aim of the paper is to simulate the management processes of UUV. Novelty. The nature and features of the relationship between the input and output data on the situation are taken into account in the control model of the UUV. The modern mathematical apparatus is used to solve the problem of data structuring and the formation of the control of the NPA. The result and its practical significance: the control Processes are studied for the development of special software for the ANPA control. This software is used to improve the efficiency of the collection, processing, transmission and processing of information in the ANPA.
Key words
- autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles, mathematical, algorithmic and software, control system, artifi-cial intelligence, cognitive technologies
- Allakuliev Yu. B. Human factor in the model of control with Autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 268-283. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/14-Allakuliev.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Computing systems
Calculating Method of Determination Factors for Spare Parts System of the Electronic Means
- Problem Statement: the reliability of electronic means (EM) is ensured at all stages of the life cycle: design, manufacture and operation. No matter how perfect the EM is, failures will inevitably occur in it, which will have an influence on the ability to perform EM's specified functions. The choice of recovery system is based on the failures analysis of the EM and the requirements. Generally, recoverable power plants that perform critical tasks for a long life service (5, 10 or 15 years) are completed with sets of spare parts, tools and accessories (spare parts kits). Spare parts kit should contain the necessary set of spare parts, which are sufficient to replace (restore) the failed elements in the EM. Thus, it is necessary to estimate the minimum composition of the spare parts kit with given limitations for the availability rate and average latency in satis-fying the request for the spare part, which will allow to ensure the operation (repair and maintenance) of the product. Work purpose: in our research explored the possibility of using the methodology for calculating availability and the average delay in granting a request for a spare part from an EM with a complex struc-ture of spare parts kit, which is based on the usage of the analytical model “EM-kit spare parts” with an as-sessment of the failure level. The main advantages of this technique are the ability to decompose the basic structure of the spare parts system, determining the composition of spare parts sets for four types of replen-ishment strategies, the simplicity of verification the model for assessing the availability rate and the average delay in satisfying a request for a spare part. Simultaneously the technique has a significant drawback, such as methodical technique gives an approximate value of the sufficiency indicators with an unexplored error. Results: during our research proved the ability to use electronic methods for calculating the availability`s rate and the average latency in satisfying the request for the spare part of the spare parts kit system for some replenishment strategies, which also allows to calculate the availability rate for the “EM-ZIP system” model, which is proved to be possible for modern structures of the spare parts system.
Key words
- electronic means, spare parts, repair, maintenance, failure rate, availability rate, average latency, reliability
- Polesskiy S. N., Pankovsky B. E. Calculating Method of Determination Factors for Spare Parts System of the Electronic Means. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 35-47. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/02-Polesskiy.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Functional Diagnostics Method of the Random Access Memory Devices of Data Reduction Systems for Military Robotic Complexes
- The main relevance of the research topic is devoted to the technical, especially functional diagnosis of the random access memory (RAM) devices used at the destructive conditions for achieving high scales of its reliability. Such storage devices include memory chips which are the part of information processing and protection means placed on-board robotic systems for military use in case of the enemy influence or extreme environments. The classic methods of inserting of structural and logical redundancy (like duplication, majority triplication, methods of noise proof coding) are used for required indices providing. Likewise, the existing methods of improving of the reliability neither always match to the point of inserted machine redundancy, nor consider a total combination of destructive influence. Considered ways of the functional diagnosis of RAM suppose a combining influence resistance and adaptive usage availability operated by the great majority of information processing tools made for the storage devices of the robotic systems for military use. The correct application of the considered methods can be limited with the agreed strategy of information recording and agreed error scheme of each memory type. The aim of the study is improvement of the probability of correct decoding of the data received from on-board RAM of the robotic systems for military use which deals with the complicated destructive influence. Scientific novelty of the researched methodlies in consideration of the wide analysis of destructive influence characteristics and provides growth of RAM data reability. As a result, the evaluation rate gives the grownd to state that the usage of classic methods of functional diagnosis does not completely match to the modern requirements of safety for RAM storage devices of the robotic systems for military use. The results of the comparative evaluation based on the used and offered methods of control of RAM data show the offered ones' profit while using of the default error model. The practical significance is contained in availability of choosing the best way of the memory device control depending on requirements for weight and size indicators and power consumption of the storage devices of the robotic systems for military use. The algorithms developed within the method let prevent the errors along with reconfigurate RAM in case of memory components failures occur.
Key words
- functional diagnosis, error correction codes, random access memory devices, reliability of the random access memory devices, the robotic systems for military use
- Kozlov R. N., Finko O. A. Functional Diagnostics Method of the Random Access Memory Devices of Data Reduction Systems for Military Robotic Complexes. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 249-267. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/13-Kozlov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information security
Development of fuzzing application technique for software vulnerabilities analysis
- Relevance: currently, information resources become the main target of attacks by intruders. The attacking party actively exploits the most common system vulnerabilities: memory leaks, encryption weaknesses, buffer overflow, incomplete input data checking, etc. The attacked party, in turn, tries to find system vulnerabilities by developing and improving barriers that defend the protected information object from unauthorized access. To protect software and information resources, standard methods are often used to ensure the information security of a system and its software. The most common security approach is to periodically update the system and applications. The update closes vulnerabilities and fixes errors that were made in programs at the time of their creation. However, it does not take into account the relevance of threats and the real demand for a particular update. Such a concept does not provide an integrated approach to security. Purpose: to develop a system of fuzzing software testing for the presence of vulnerabilities in it with inclusion of a so-called intelligent agent in the system. The object of the study is the process of detecting software vulnerabilities. The subject of research is the fuzzing technology used for search of vulnerabilities. Used methods: the solution to the problem is the dynamic analysis of the process of program code execution. The advantage of this approach is that with this testing, false positives are almost completely absent, in contrast to static analyzers. Novelty: elements of practical novelty are the definition of requirements for a testing system and the development of an algorithm and methodology for fuzzing testing. Result: the developed algorithm and script for fuzz testing showed its efficiency in finding vulnerabilities in the experimental study of known public programs. Practical significance: the detection of even a single vulnerability in the short term in automatic mode can be considered as the evidence of reliability of the technology which allows effective blocking of possible attacks by intruders.
Key words
- fuzzing, software vulnerabilities, software testing, cyber threats, software audit, intelligent agent
- Tomilov I. O., Karmanov I. N., Zvyagintseva P. A., Gritskevich E. V. Development of fuzzing application technique for software vulnerabilities analysis. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 48-63. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/03-Tomilov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Masking of departmental-purpose integrated communication networks
- Formulation of the problem: in the conditions of information technologies development, integration of departmental-purpose communication networks and public ones, we need measures to protect integrated departmental-purpose communication networks against computer intelligence; these measures could form misconception about the structure of a departmental management system by controlling unmasking signs of information exchange. We can achieve the goal by implementing a masking exchange. However, due to the insufficient development of methodological and technological support for its implementation when using public communication networks, at present researchers have not got any solution for the task of hiding the fact of constructive traffic transmission and distortion of the hierarchy levels of communication nodes of the relevant management bodies (divisions) in integrated departmental-purpose communication networks. The aim of the work is to devise both a mathematical model for the synthesis of the network structure of masking exchanges and methods for implementing masking exchanges to increase the security of departmental-purpose integrated communication networks against computer intelligence. The used methods: there are two of them: the use of graph theory in the construction of minimum spanning trees by the criterion of the minimum intensity of information exchange between network nodes and the differentiation of routes between communication nodes by the safety criterion of transit communication nodes. They are the basis for the solution of the task of masking integrated departmental-purpose communication networks. The scientific novelty of the developed scientific and methodological apparatus consists in modifying the algorithms of minimum spanning trees, in applying them to solving the problem of synthesizing the network structure of a masking exchange, and in implementing a masking exchange when differentiating routes between communication nodes by the safety criterion of transit communication nodes. The practical significance of the developed scientific and methodological apparatus is to provide the possibility of distorting the algorithms of functioning of departmental-purpose integrated networks while protecting against computer intelligence according to specified requirements (in accordance with the cheating intent). It also results in, reducing the load of network subscribers by processing masking messages and ensuring timely delivery of messages when performing a masking exchange. Result: the use of the developed scientific and methodological apparatus allows us to implement a masking exchange to fulfill the idea of ??deception while reducing the load on network subscribers by processing masking messages and ensuring timely delivery of messages. The conducted simulation for a network of nine nodes shows that the transfer time of one Mbit of constructive traffic when entering terminator nodes decreases on average by 25% from the implementation of masking exchange without them.
Key words
- unmasking signs, communication network, masking exchange, minimum spanning tree, terminator node
- Sherstobitov R. S., Sharifullin S. R., Maximov R. V. Masking of departmental-purpose integrated communication networks. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 136-175. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/08-Sherstobitov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Synergistic approach to the management of sustainable functioning of the special purpose automatic systems
- Annotation. The integration of diverse information systems of the state information system (GIS), including automated special-purpose systems of the Federal executive authorities (hereinafter referred to as the AS PS), through the public information and telecommunication networks (PITN) led to the availability of the AS PS through cyberspace. The functioning of the AS PS under conditions of targeted information and technical influences (ITI), especially the AS PS as a control object, as well as the uncertainty of knowledge about the environment and factors, goals and dynamics of their changes, led to the need to take into account the methodology and technologies to ensure the sustainability of the functioning of the sets factors previously did not occur. The aim of this paper is to develop a synergistic approach to managing the processes of ensuring the sustainability of the operation of an AS PS under conditions of cybernetic confrontation, as well as methods for its practical implementation. The result and its novelty. The article discusses a synergistic approach to building an adaptive decision support system (DSS) of the AS PS operating in ITI conditions in cyberspace. The proposed approach is based on a combination of multi-criteria utility methods in accordance with the criteria of optimality inherent in decision-making procedures, taking into account the current objective function and under given conditions. The practical significance of the presented approach is that it can be used in promising DSS to increase the adequacy of the management of the stability of the functioning of the AS PS, as well as the rationale for new forms and ways of conducting cyber warfare.
Key words
- cyberspace, informational technical influence (ITI), controlling of stability, synergistic approach, de-cision support system (DSS)
- Zakharchenko R. I., Korolev I. D., Saenko I. B. Synergistic approach to the management of sustainable functioning of the special purpose automatic systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 207-225. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/11-Zakharchenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Model of Optimal Division of Sides Resources During Information Conflict
- Relevance. The active use of the information sphere in the course of conflicts of various kinds actualizes the issues of the optimal allocation of available resources, which means the totality of objects of opposing side information space between involved surveillance and impact subsystems. The use of optimal strategies for this allocation will ensure the achievement of superiority or, under unfavorable circumstances, minimization of damage, even in circumstances, where the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the resources being distributed are inferior to those of the opposing side. The aim of this paper is the development of a mathematical model of optimal allocation of limited resources between the surveillance and impact subsystems, which adequately reflects the contribution of these subsystems to the achievement of information superiority in a conflict under the conditions of limited resources of various types. Methods. Elements of the theory of optimal resources allocation, the theory of differential games and the dynamic coordination theory. Novelty. The elements of novelty of the presented solution are formalized strategies for the optimal allocation of a set of objects of the information space of the opposing side between the subsystems of surveillance and impact under conditions of information conflict. Result. Using of the presented solution allows justifying strategies for the allocation of objects of the information space between the surveillance and impact subsystems in order to achieve decision time superiority during the control cycle, as well as carry out a priori calculation of the order of observation tools and effects to participate in the information conflict in conditions, where the operational replenishment of assets alignment is impossible. Practical significance. The presented solution is proposed to be implemented in the form of mathematical software for carrying out operational calculations for the benefit of the decision maker regarding targeting to observation tools and effects in the information conflict and their dynamic redirection.
Key words
- information conflict, surveillance subsystem, impact subsystem, optimal resource allocation, radio monitor-ing, electronic warfare
- Mikhailov R. L., Polyakov S. L. Model of Optimal Division of Sides Resources During Information Conflict. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 323-344. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/17-Mikhailov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals. Radiomonitoring
A system approach to ensuring the required intelligence protection of optical-electronic means
- Statement of the problem. The parameters of the objects of protection differently affect their effectiveness and secrecy, which complicates the secrecy of the functioning of optical-electronic means in the conditions of their work in the detection area of intelligence means of the conflicting party. On the basis, it is necessary to determine the parameters of optical-electronic means that reduce the effectiveness of the work of intelligence means while ensuring the required efficiency of the functioning of the optical devices themselves. Purpose of the work is to develop a system approach to ensuring the required intelligence protection of optical-electronic means and to analyze the impact of the main parameters of devices – participants of the conflict on the characteristics of winning it. The novelty of the work is system consideration of the conflict «optical-electronic means – laser means of intelligence» at various stages of the parties' functioning, that allowed to determine the parameters of optical-electronic means, which are reduce the effectiveness of the work of intelligence means while ensuring the required efficiency of the functioning of the optical-electronic means. Result. The authors have developed a system approach to ensure the required intelligence protection of optical-electronic means based on a complex analysis of the influence of the main parameters of intelligence laser radars and protected objects on the efficiency of solving tasks performed by the means. Practical relevance. The obtained dependencies allow assaying of the contribution of technical parameters of the conflicting parties to the characteristics of the win in the conflict and, as a result, more correctly justify their parameters and operation modes.
Key words
- intelligence protection, optical-electronic means, laser means of intelligence, functional damage, informative of image
- Glushkov A. N., Kuleshov P. E., Drobyshevskij N. V., Marchenko A. V. A system approach to ensuring the required intelligence protection of optical-electronic means. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 92-109. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/05-Glushkov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Stealth Energy of the Low-Orbit Low-Frequency Satellite Communication System in Any Removing the Radio Transmission Receiver
- Statement of the problem. A method is known for increasing the energy concealment of satellite communication systems (SCS) with close placement of the radio-intercepting receiver by lowering the carrier frequency and using of space-diversity reception of signals. However, it contradicts the traditional method of increasing the energy concealment of the SCS at remote placement of the radio-intercepting receiver due to the narrowing of the radiation pattern of the transmitting antenna of the AES (artificial earth satellite). Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the possibility of ensuring the energy concealment of low-frequency SCS with arbitrary placement of the radio-intercepting receiver due to the use of low-orbit AES and narrowing the radiation pattern of the transmitting antenna to reduce the service area to the borders of Russia. The aim of the work is to develop a technique for assessing the energy concealment of low-orbit low-frequency SCS when choosing the width of the directional pattern of the transmitting antenna of the AES by the level of zero radiation within the borders of Russia and arbitrary removal of the radio-intercepting receiver. Novelty: it consists in theoretical generalization of two methods of increasing the energy concealment of the SSS: through the use of a reduced carrier frequency and space-diversity reception of signals and by increasing the spatial stealth by reducing the altitude of the orbit of the satellite and narrowing the directional pattern of the transmitting antenna. Result: a three-stage method for obtaining the analytical dependence of the SCS energy concealment on the removal of the radio-intercepting receiver in the form of a product of the spatial stealth coefficient (conditioned to the directional pattern of the transmitting antenna of the AES and the orbit height) and advantage from the use of spatially spaced reception and frequency reduction is developed. Practical significance: the obtained dependence indicates the possibility of providing a very high-energy concealment coefficient of low-frequency SCS (more than 28 dB) at arbitrary removal of the radio intercepting receiver. At its close location, the high energy concealment of the low-frequency SCS is provided on account the spatially spaced reception of the fading signals, and at a distance of more than 740 km - due to the spatial concealment of the radiation of the transmitting antenna of the AES with an orbit height of 700 km.
Key words
- satellite communication, energy concealment, reduced frequency, antenna pattern, space-spaced sig-nal reception
- Pashintsev V. P., Chipiga A. F., Anzin I. V. Stealth Energy of the Low-Orbit Low-Frequency Satellite Communication System in Any Removing the Radio Transmission Receiver. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 122-135. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/07-Pashintsev.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
The Experimental Technique and Results of Data Processing about an Electromagnetic Situation on Very High Frequency
- Problem Statement. Now the number of the radio-electronic equipment of different function operating in the very high frequency (VHF) continuously grows. It is necessary to possess objective to data on an interference level and the nature of their change for justification of performance characteristics of the transmitting and receiving devices and also antenna-feeder arrangement. However such data which are characterized by the given accuracy and reliability are practically absent. In this regard the problem of development of the experimental technique of obtaining objective data on an electromagnetic situation is relevant. The objective of this paper is to determine the time of a quasi-stationary condition of an interfering situation as function of time for the given frequency bands. Determination of dependence of an interference level in the given frequency band as function of the frequency rating between the investigated frequency ranges and also dependence of an interference level change on location of a frequency band on the frequency axis. Methods. Comparative quantitative analysis of measurement results, natural experiments and methods of statistical processing. Novelty. The perversity of application of a coefficient of correlation is shown and the possibility of application of the modified coefficient of Russell-Rao is proved. Results. Occurrence of opportunity of reduction of quantity and duration of monitoring of an electromagnetic situation without significant loss of reliability of the received data. Practical relevance. The developed technique allows to obtain the quantitative data on an electromagnetic situation in the given territory with the required accuracy and reliability.
Key words
- electromagnetic situation, software defined radio receiver, radio service, table of frequency bands alloca-tions, interference, monitoring
- Starodubtsev Yu. I., Akishin A. V. The Experimental Technique and Results of Data Processing about an Electromagnetic Situation on Very High Frequency. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 226-248. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/12-Starodubtsev.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Descriptive Model of Iridium Satellite Communication System
- Relevance. New promising projects such as the Northern sea route, the development of Arctic minerals, the information and telemetric systems for monitoring air and land transport in high latitudes require communication service. Non-geostationary satellite communication systems (SCS) provide uninterrupted and stable communication at high latitudes for all users. Currently the non-geostationary SCS "Ether" ("Sphere") project is being created in Russia. Simultaneously the technical decision making of SCS requires the source data for modeling various ways of building the communication. Non-geostationary SCS Iridium, which is a prototype of SCS "Ether" ("Sphere"), can be used for form that kind of the source data. The aim of the paper is to form a descriptive model of SCS Iridium. The descriptive model will be used for development of the source data for create of the SCS "Ether" ("Sphere"). Only open sources were used to develop the descriptive model of the SCS Iridium. Results and their novelty. The element of practical novelty of the paper is the revealed general technological features of a non-geostationary SCS by the example of SCS Iridium. In particular, general principles of formation of orbital grouping satellites, organization channel in "up" and "down" lines, using of signal-code structures in channels, protocols at different levels of OSI model are described. In addition, statistical data about quality of service in the SCS Iridium are presented in the paper. Practical significance. Technical specialists to justify new technological solutions for the SCS «Ether» («Sphere») will use the descriptive model, which is presented in the paper. In addition, the model will be helpful for scientists who conduct research in the field of satellite communications.
Key words
- model, descriptive model, satellite communication system, mobile satellite communication system, Iridium
- Makarenko S. I. Descriptive Model of Iridium Satellite Communication System. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 1-34. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/01-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Descriptive Model of Inmarsat Satellite Communication System
- Relevance. New promising projects such as a sea route, the development of minerals, the information and telemetric systems for monitoring air, sea and land transport require global communication service. Geostationary satellite communication systems (GSCS) provide uninterrupted and stable global communication for all users. Currently GSCS projects are being created in Russia. Simultaneously the technical decision making of GSCS requires the source data for modeling various ways of building the communication services. GSCS Inmarsat, which is a prototype of new Russian GSCS, can be used for form that kind of the source data. The aim of the paper is to form a descriptive model of GSCS Inmarsat. The descriptive model will be used for development of the source data for create of the new Russian GSCS. Only open sources were used to develop the descriptive model of the GSCS Inmarsat. Results and their novelty. The element of practical novelty of the paper is the revealed general technological features of GSCS by the example of GSCS Inmarsat. In particular, general principles of formation of orbital grouping satellites with next generation satellites, organization channel in "up" and "down" lines, using of signal-code structures in channels are described. Practical significance. Technical specialists to justify new technological solutions for the new Russian GSCS will use the descriptive model, which is presented in the paper. In addition, the model will be helpful for scientists who conduct research in the field of satellite communications.
Key words
- model, descriptive model, satellite communication system, mobile satellite communication system, Inmarsat
- Makarenko S. I. Descriptive Model of Inmarsat Satellite Communication System. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 64-91. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/04-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Analysis problems of simulation of an automated studying system for staff training
- Statement of the problem. Unification of workplaces of operators is the main trends in the development of training systems. The trend leads to the integration of different training and teaching systems. The aim of the paper is to analyze the problems of modeling the structure of training equipment in teaching. Used method. The methods of system analysis are used for the analysis and modeling of the content and structure of training equipment. The basic functional model of the training simulator, which displays the relationship and components of the training simulator, formed based on these methods. Novelty. New direction of development of training equipment, which is association of the simulator and the automated training system in a whole system, is presented in the article. The logical, program and physical structure of the system is reasonable. Results. Concept of the automated training system is proposed. The concept provides to create real the systems that have a high degree of hierarchical complexity and the ability to model the structure of the control points of any object. The concept ensures the integration of simulators in the automated training system of higher education institutions too. Practical significance. The presented model will provide to simulate, develop and put into operation large automated training systems by using a modular approach.
Key words
- fitness Equipment, automated training systems, computer workstation, training on simulators, man-machine system
- Alekseev S. A., Gonchar A. A., Parfenov N. P., Sakhno R. E., Yakovleva N. А. Analysis problems of simulation of an automated studying system for staff training. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2018, no. 4, pp. 284-295. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2018-04/15-Alekseev.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).