№3 2017
Intelligent information systems
Approach to a Heat Conductivity Research by Fuzzy Numerical Methods in the Conditions of Indeterminacy Thermal Characteristics
- Problem definition: traditional approach to the solution of a big class of research problems of thermally activated chemical and power technological processes does not allow to consider indeterminacy inherent in thermal characteristics of these processes. Use at the solution of differential equations of mathematical physics of fuzzy numerical methods leads to a problem of increase of indeterminacy owing to iterative calculations over indistinct parameters. It is required to offer the approach to a research of thermally activated chemical and power technological processes providing lack of accumulation of indeterminacy when performing iterative calculations over fuzzy parameters of a finite-difference heat conduction equation. The purpose of work is creation of approach to a research of thermally activated chemical and power technological processes by fuzzy numerical methods in the conditions of indeterminacy of thermal characteristics. The used methods: fuzzy numerical methods, methods of the theory of fuzzy sets and calculations. Novelty: the original approach to a research of thermally activated chemical and power technological processes by fuzzy numerical methods in the conditions of indeterminacy of thermal characteristics allowing to solve a problem of increase of indeterminacy of results at iterative calculations on the basis of modal interaction of the parameters presented by fuzzy numbers is offered. Result: the offered approach is used for a research of distribution of temperature of spherical pellets in the conditions of indeterminacy of thermal characteristics. The procedure of realization of operations over fuzzy parameters of a finite-difference heat conduction equation with use of an fuzzy interval method and the offered approach is described. Practical significance: the approach offered in article and the ratios received on its basis allow to investigate the complex dynamic processes of heating of pellets considering endo- and exotherms of physical and chemical transformations, parameters warm and a mass transfer and a kinetics of heterogeneous processes in the conditions of indeterminacy.
Key words
- heat-engineering system, physical and heat characteristics, fuzzy numerical methods, pellets, thermal conductivity, heat capacity
- Bobkov V. I., Borisov V. V., Dli M. I. Approach to a Heat Conductivity Research by Fuzzy Numerical Methods in the Conditions of Indeterminacy Thermal Characteristics. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 3, pp. 73-83. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-03/03-Bobkov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information processes and technologies. Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Development of an information educational environment based on a convergent approach
- Purpose. In the article, the problems of designing a Smart Learning Environment (SLE) are considered. SLE is necessary for managing the processes of convergent education and professional development of specialists. The goal is to ensure the interaction of the components life cycles, such as electronic educational resources, educational programs and skill levels. Methods. The processes of convergence in education determine the competencies unity that are necessary for trainees of different specialties and skill levels. A convergent model is also proposed for the interaction of the main SLE components. Novelty. It involves deep integration of educational and information technologies on a single network platform. The platform includes an educational content management system, an educational management system, a training management system, a knowledge assessment system, an intellectual system for analyzing employers' requirements, a labor market forecasting system, a Web interface, etc. Practical relevance. SLE represents the mechanism of integration and synchronization of educational resources and training systems. It supports the convergence of electronic, mobile, cloud, mixed and ubiquitous learning technologies.
Key words
- convergence, qualification, specialist, intellectual educational environment, educational program, life cycle, electronic educational resource, convergent education
- Deev M. V., Kravets A. G., Finogeev A. G. Development of an information educational environment based on a convergent approach. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 3, pp. 119-134. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-03/06-Deev.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information security
Analysis of Approaches to the Formalization of the Indicator of Information Superiority Based on the Theory of Assessment and Risk Management
- Relevance. Present time, in the armed forces of developed countries, there is a steady trend towards the introduction of the concept of combat management in a network-centric manner. An inherent attribute of this concept is information warfare, that is, a bilateral conflict in the information sphere, which is entrusted to the command, radio monitoring and electronic warfare subsystems at the tactical and operational levels of control. At the same time, the well-known author does not have a formal description of the index of information superiority - a key indicator of the effectiveness of information warfare, which would link the performance indicators of each of these subsystems. The aim of this paper is the analysis of mathematical models of the theory of assessment and risk management for their use in a new subject area - in the field of information warfare. Methods used. The solution of the problem is based on the use of methods of system analysis, as well as methods of induction and deduction of the theory of logic. Result. Based on the analysis of more than 50 sources, the features of mathematical assessment and management of risks in the economic sphere and in the field of information systems security are revealed. Mathematical models that can form the basis for the formalization of the information superiority index are analyzed, ways of their improvement are shown in the interests of an adequate display of the information confrontation process. Novelty. The element of novelty of work is the determination of the need to take into account the purposeful actions of the opposing party in the course of information warfare on the basis of a mathematical apparatus in the field of ensuring the security of information systems, as well as taking into account the playful nature of its conduct and, accordingly, models of risk assessment and management in economic systems, which allow to assess both the possible income due to management decisions and the loss in assets. Practical significance. The presented analysis can be used by specialists to justify new technological solutions in the field of information warfare, as well as by military specialists - to justify new forms and methods of organizing the interaction of diverse forces and means in the conduct of armed struggle. In addition, this analysis will be useful to researchers and job seekers conducting scientific research in the field of coordination in complex multi-level control systems.
Key words
- risk assessment, risk management, information warfare, information superiority, network-centric prin-ciple
- Mikhailov R. L. Analysis of Approaches to the Formalization of the Indicator of Information Superiority Based on the Theory of Assessment and Risk Management. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 3, pp. 98-118. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-03/05-Mikhailov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals. Radiomonitoring
Structural-Parametric Synthesis of Short-Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Small-Sized SAR
- Purpose. One of the perspective direction for the development of unmanned aviation is the development of short-range unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), used at high and medium altitudes with a long flight endurance. The UAV airborne sensors under difficult monitoring conditions are uneffective, which leads to the impossibility of ensuring continuity of monitoring. To exclude the dependence on the time of day and weather conditions, it is necessary to use the radar module of payload UAV. However, because of mass-size equipment characteristics and power consumption hard limitations for UAV, the location of existing synthetic aperture radars (SAR) is impossible, which makes the work relevant. Because of SAR development is interdisciplinary, the one possible way to solve this class problems is system analysis. When designing a universal radar module for short-range UAV, it is necessary to develop such a SAR construction scheme, which will provide the possibility of its technical implementation with minimal mass-size characteristics, and the maximum resolution should be achieved. The purpose of the work is to increase the share of Russian participation in the remote sensing radar data market by using a new radar sensor on the UAV with effective secondary trajectory signal processing under conditions of high a priori uncertainty. Methods. The problem solution of the small-size SAR developing is based on the structural synthesis of the scheme for constructing it using the minimax criterion "mass-size characteristics-resolution", while the radar image high resolution is achieved by using the resulting of parametric synthesis the quasioptimum radar image formation and autofocusing algorithms with minimal phase estimate error and minimal image entropy criteria. Novelty. The novel elements in this paper is the SAR optimal structure, which additionally includes a distance compensation filter, a control controller and an on-board microcomputer allowing to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal reflected from targets at long ranges, to increase the modulation stability of the signal frequency with irregular modulation characteristic distortions of the linear frequency modulated (LFM) signal generator due to a change in the operating temperature and voltage range, and also to form a high resolution radar image directly on UAV board and remote control the modes of the SAR operations. Results. Using synthesized on the basis of the system approach and presented structure of small-size SAR and quasioptimal radar image formation and autofocusing algorithms, it is possible to realize a universal radar module for short-range UAV with a payload mass of up to 5 kg with the trajectory signal processing directly on board, which significantly reduces the consumer equipment cost. The proposed structural SAR scheme is implemented in digital and radio frequency printed circuit boards. The radio frequency part transmits the signal in the band of operating frequencies 5100-6000 MHz, receive and primary processing of the trajectory signal. The digital part is designed to form supply voltages and control the elements of the structural circuit. In the on-board microcomputer, a secondary processing of the received signal is carried out, including the radar image formation and autofocus with a resolution of up to 0.19 m. Practical relevance. The of presented solutions complex is proposed to be implemented in a universal short-range UAV radar module form that allows for real monitoring continuity and, ultimately, to take priority positions in the world remote sensing market in the radar data segment obtained with HALE / MALE type UAV.
Key words
- remote sensing, system analysis, synthetic aperture radar, linear frequency-modulated signal, radar image, autofocus, unmanned aerial vehicle
- Kuznetsov V. A., Goncharov S. A. Structural-parametric synthesis of short-range unmanned aerial vehicle small-sized SAR. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 3, pp. 28-72. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-03/02-Kuznetsov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Analysis of Researches in Field of Aeronautical Telecommunication and Justification of New Ways of Improvement of Radio Network of AWACS
- Relevance. At the present time, aerospace forces of Russia are applied outside of Russia. In this case, main of task is to control the aircrafts when ground control stations are not available. For this reason the airborne warning and control system (AWACS) is used as an air command post to control the aircrafts. However, the bandwidth of an existing radio networks is insufficient in the control of a large number of aircraft from AWACS. Thus, justification of new ways of improvement of the radio network of AWACS is topical theme of research. The aim of paper is study of research result in field of aviation communication and justification of new ways of improvement of the radio network of AWACS. Results and their novelty. The article made an analysis of more than a hundred sources which are studied improving a radio communications for both civilian and military aviation. The analysis show that existing ways of increasing performance of communication systems of civil aviation is difficult to apply to the radio network of AWACS for control of combat aircrafts. Perspective way of improvement of the communication system AWACS is using of Mesh-technology. This technology will allow organizing the decentralized radio network and providing a net-centric control of aircrafts from AWACS. In this case AWACS to be main element of the radio network of control of aircrafts and it to be coordinate and organize the network communication and distribution of the network resources. Practical significance. The presented analysis is useful technical and military experts to substantiate new ways of improving systems of control and communication both civilian and military aircraft. In particular, the analysis results are important for the justification of new technical solutions for radio network of control system of AWACS.
Key words
- control system, aviation, AWACS, communication system, radio network of control system of AWACS
- Smirnov S. V. Analysis of Researches in Field of Aeronautical Telecommunication and Justification of New Ways of Improvement of Radio Network of AWACS. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 3, pp. 1-27. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-03/01-Smirnov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Logical Methods of Computing of Systems Reliability. Part II. Mathematical Model of Reliability
- Relevance. In recent years, the increasing attention of scientists and designers of communication systems has been acquiring the issues of improving methods for assessing the reliability and safety of technical systems, in connection with the tasks put forward to increase the values of these characteristics. Purpose of the article. is to develop an automata-logical model of the reliability of technical systems and the corresponding logical methods for assessing the reliability of such systems, using not traditional probabilistic but deterministic logical reliability indicators. Method. To achieve this goal, it was suggested to use as the initial data the observed moments of sequential failures and recoveries of the elements of the technical system, and as the reliability characteristics of the system itself, the moments of sequential failures and recoveries of the system. In this case, the problem of estimating the reliability of a system is reduced to constructing its mathematical model in the form of automata-logical functions expressing the moments of its sequential failures and restores through analogous moments of all its elements. In this part of article the automata-logical model is developed in detail, useful for calculate the logical function of the reliability of technical systems. Novelty of the work is the construction of an adequate logical model of the system's reliability, which makes it possible to reduce the reliability estimate of a technical system to the calculation of its logical reliability functions. Result. In this part of article the logical model of reliability and methods of its investigation are developed in detail, allowing to introduce new indicators of reliability of technical systems that do not require for their evaluation the use of probability methods and initial statistical data on element failures. In the article, based on the developed logical reliability model and methods of its investigation, the problem of constructing an automaton model of system reliability that will allow practical calculations of the reliability of real systems by methods of the theory of dynamic automata is solved.
Key words
- switching process, reliability process, dynamical automata, binary operator, structure of operator, logical theory of reliability
- Levin V. I. Logical Methods of Computing of Systems Reliability. Part II. Mathematical Model of Reliability. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 3, pp. 84-97. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-03/04-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Dynamic Automata and Analysis of Complex Spatial Scenes
- Relevance. In architectural design, in the construction of robotic systems, in military affairs and in a number of other areas, the problem of analyzing the relationship between objects of spatial scenes (images) is of great importance. It is important to choose an appropriate model for such an analysis, which allows you to quickly perform the necessary calculations. The purpose of the article is to develop an automata-logical model for the analysis of spatial scenes and the corresponding logical methods for performing the necessary computations that differ from known models and methods using constructive automata models and logical computational methods. Method. To achieve this goal, it was suggested to replace the traditional numerical methods for the analysis of spatial scenes by a new method in which the analysis model is a dynamic finite automaton whose input processes model individual objects of the scene, and the output processes are the relationships of these objects. The novelty of the work consists in constructing an adequate automata model for the analysis of spatial scenes, which makes it possible to reduce this analysis to the calculation of the output processes of the automata-model by its input processes. Result. The article elaborates the automata-logical model for the analysis of spatial scenes and the methods of its investigation, which allow us to introduce new indicators of the relationship between objects of scenes and to calculate their values by logical methods.
Key words
- continuous logic, dynamic automaton, spatial scene, image, scene analysis
- Levin V. I. Dynamic Automata and Analysis of Complex Spatial Scenes. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 3, pp. 135-143. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-03/07-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).