№2 2016
Control systems
Agent Centric Modeling of Organizational and Technological Systems
- Formulation of the problem: development of effective control systems for organizational and technological systems (OTS) requires their modeling and hardware and software implementation that enhance the rising of products quality of the process, reducing production costs, improving productivity and working conditions of staff. For some objects, such as rotary kilns of wet cement production method, sapphire crystals growing plants, there is a difficult to build an analytical model of the control system. So we propose the research of intelligent methods and network-based approaches for implementation of this task. The objective of work is the development, expansion and formalization of the OTS modeling methodology within the work carried out in Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G. Shukhov under the supervision of prof. V.Z. Magergut. To achieve this objective there has been used a several conceptual ways: the usage of the network model for analog data processing, the application of fuzzy behavior charts of nodes for modeling and synthesis of control automata for complex technological objects, the usage of machine vision in the control system for complex technological object, formalization and analysis of discrete organizational and technological systems with structured agents on the indicator networks. Used methods: as methods for solving the problem of agent-centric modeling used methods of Petri nets, including their modifications - information and binary indicator nets, methods of fuzzy behavior charts of nodes, methods of neural networks, in particular, Kohonen maps, methods of data classification, including, support vector method and extreme training method. Novelty: the elements of novelty of presented solutions are the proposed information Petri net for analog data processing, the method of models construction and synthesis of control automata for complex technological objects on the basis of fuzzy behavior charts of nodes, the method of assessing the state of the sintering zone and the parameters of the kiln calcination process based on image recognition, structure of advising control system for rotary cement kiln using machine vision, the proposed OTS network model based on binary indicator networks and concept “Maintenance-Service-Reporting”. Result: described in this article approaches have shown its efficiency in solving practical problems. Modeling of the closed-loop control system was successfully carried out with the help of an information Petri net. Application of fuzzy behavior charts of nodes has allowed to adequately generate the advice for rotary kiln control. Application of machine vision system has allowed to carry out evaluation of the sintering zone state with an average accuracy of above 94%, as well as to use the visual data in the kiln control system, thereby improving the efficiency of decision-making of operators on 12%. By using the binary indicator networks was obtained an adequate model of the installation of the artificial sapphires growing, was developed a binary network roadmap of information security support in the regional multi-functional center. Practical value: the results are implemented at the cement plant JSC "Oskolcement» (Stary Oskol), in the multifunctional center of state and municipal services of Belgorod region.
Key words
- agent-based approach, information Petri net, binary indicator Petri net, fuzzy behavior chart, fuzzy control, vision system, state estimation, extreme training method, rotary cement kiln
- Ignatenko V. A., Bazhanov A. G., Yudin D. A., Chuev A. V., Yuditsky S. A. Agent Centric Modeling of Organizational and Technological Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 249-294. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/09-Ignatenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Robot-technological systems
Military Robots – the Current State and Prospects of Improvement
- Relevance. Leading developed countries are developing robots which are able to combat operations without human intervention. The U.S. armed forces expect that the proportion of robots will be 30% of the total composition of combat vehicles by 2030. Thus, the combat capabilities of the units equipped with robots will increase in 2-2,5 times. Wide application of military robots will change the basic principles of warfare. These changes concern the technical aspects, the human-robot interaction, military tactics and strategy. Therefore, the analysis of the current state and prospects of improvement of robots for military purposes is relevant. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the current state and prospects of improvement of robots for military purposes. Novelty. The element of novelty of this paper is the general trend of improvement of robots for military use which have been identified in the analysis. Also novelty items, is trends of improvement of these robots in case their use in air, ground and sea (surface and underwater) areas. Practical relevance. The analysis presented can be used by technical specialists to justify new technological solutions in the field of robotics. Also, this analysis can be used military specialists for elaborate new forms and methods of armed struggle with the use of military robots.
Key words
- robot, military robot, drone, unmanned air vehicles, unmanned ground vehicles, unmanned surface vehicles, unmanned underwater vehicles
- Makarenko S. I. Military Robots – the Current State and Prospects of Improvement. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 73-132. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/04-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information security
Comprehensive Analysis of the Level of Information Security for the Private Branch Exchange
- Purpose. Network of voice communications are actively developing at the present time. These networks are based on the private branch exchange (PBX). The actual applied task is providing of information security of PBX. The purpose of this paper is the justification of organizational and technical recommendations to improve information security level of PBX. This justification is done by analyzing the model of PBX and the characteristics of its elements. The method used in paper is the multivariate systematic analysis. Results. The descriptive model of threats was formulated for the typical PBX on the basis of the analysis of the structure of PBX and threats which typical for its elements. Main vulnerabilities of PBX is formed as to the system as a whole and for its separate elements based on a threat model. Recommendations about carrying out of organizational-technical actions directed on increase of level of information security is offered on the basis of systematic analysis of vulnerabilities of the PBX. Practical significance. Organizational and technical measures which are proposed in the paper can be used by operators of fixed and mobile communications to improve information security level of the PBX which used by them.
Key words
- PBX, security threats, software PBX
- Osovetskiy L. G., Efimov V. V. Comprehensive Analysis of the Level of Information Security for the Private Branch Exchange. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 44-57. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/02-Osovetskiy.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
The methodology of the coordinate system, measuring scales and rules for information security of business entities
- Problem statement. In the information security doctrine of the Russian Federation as one of the main disadvantages of the accumulated knowledge base and resource on the issue States: "the inconsistency and lack of development of legal regulation of social relations in the information areas, which leads to serious negative consequences for the individual, society, state and the object (entity). The aim of this paper is the ability to create the methodology of formation of system of the measuring scales and science-based standards of information security for business entity. The methodology is developed to ensure the requirements of the information security doctrine of the Russian Federation. Methods. Methodology based on the logical and probabilistic-informational approach to the assessment of security of an economic entity from threats of violations of its information security using theoretical methods from the standpoint of ER-concept. Also, methodology based on the integration of syntactic, semantic and mathematical modeling and the interrelationship of the development of external and internal environment of the subject of theoretical and empirical methods. Novelty. The formation coordinate system, measuring scales and science-based standards of information security entity from threats of violations of its information security is innovation this methodology. Result of paper is the methodological approach to the formation of measurement scales and standards of information security business entity. Practical relevance. methodology of formation of system of measurement scales and standards of information security entity can reliably solve the technical problems of its protection from threats to security and to ensure their sustainable development.
Key words
- the safe and sustainable development, competitiveness, information security, methodology and simulation techniques
- Zhidko E. A. The methodology of the coordinate system, measuring scales and rules for information security of business entities. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 58-72. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/03-Zhidko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Digital Steganography: Status and Development Outlook
- Problem statement: digital steganography is a relatively young branch of knowledge, the development of which is counted since the 90-ies of the last century. Despite this digital steganography is of great interest to specialists studying the issues of information security, engineers of information security tools and experts in the field of information theory and digital signal processing. Publications on techniques and methods of digital steganography, over the last five years are characterized by development of mathematical models of multimedia containers, use signals with spread spectrum, error-correcting codes, the involvement of elements of new mathematical tools. Objective: to summarize and clarify the main concepts and definitions of digital steganography, to clarify and systematize the classification of its policies and practices to the prospective studies in this area. Result: presents the basic concepts and definitions of digital steganography, the questions unsettled terminology in this area. It identifies basic publication in the field of digital steganography, given a refined classification of its policies and methods. There are the main directions of prospective research in this area and work done in certain areas in this article.
Key words
- steganography, hidden channels, digital watermarking, fractal wideband signals, pseudorandom sequences, genetic algorithms, cellular automata, management of hidden bandwidth, multi-channel stegosystem
- Abazina E. S., Erunov A. A. Digital Steganography: Status and Development Outlook. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 182-201. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/07-Abazina.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Systems for ensuring of safety and security
Solid-State Lasers with High-Power Laser Diodes Pumping Used in Security Systems
- Problem statement: considered the powerful laser diodes (LD) used for pumping solid-state lasers, described the characteristics of LD and solid-state lasers based on them, showed the features of design and their application in a security systems. Objective: to show the specific devices, made on basis of these lasers for use in safety systems: laser designators, active pulse TV night vision devices, intelligenceanti-sniper laser devices and pointing of targetsdevices, multi-channel system. Methodology: comparative scientific and technical analysis of the capabilities of solid-state lasers and security devices on their basis. Novelty: for the first time shown in a systematic way the technical characteristics of solid-state lasers with diode pump and safety devices on their basis. All of these devices have the performance in the form of mobile and stationary devices or hand held devices. Also discusses multi-channel complexes round-the-clock and all-weather surveillance. Practical significance: shownthe efficiency and prospects of application of such laser devices in a security systems due to their versatility and parameters, shown the ability to provide around the clock surveillance and reconnaissance.
Key words
- laser diode, solid state laser pumping, operation mode, radiation power, wavelength, beam divergence, size of the emitting region, the pulse duration, frequency, surveillance device, security system, weight, dimensions, voltage, power consumption, detection range, recognition range, angle of sight, the measurement accuracy range
- Volkov V. G. Solid-State Lasers with High-Power Laser Diodes Pumping Used in Security Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 142-181. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/06-Volkov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Construction of Linear Road Maps for Creation Process of Complex Systems
- Problem statement: a complex technological systems can be designed in a variety of subject areas. The mathematical model is constructed first, then the behavior of the model is analyzed, then the preliminary structural and scenario decisions are made. A complex technological system has many parameters. The dynamics of the parameters in the operation of the system difficult to control. The dynamics of the parameters in the operation of the system difficult to control. In this case the parameters can be related to different physical quantities and measured in a different units. The parameters of a complex technological system are offered to be presented as intervals on the linguistic point scale (zero, very low, low, medium, high, very high value, etc., expressed in numerical form).The values of the parameters expressed in invariant numerical form. The standard feature is the rate which expressing the interval of admissible values is entered for each parameter. The criterion of correctness of technological process is determined by the values of the parameters are in the normal range. An emergency situation arises in case of violation of this criterion. The actual interval of the relevant parameters can be changed to eliminate abnormal situations. The intervals of parameters are normalized to control the system. Objective: providing presentation, simplify the modeling and maintenance of complex technological systems. Methodology. The author analyzed the relation "actual interval – valid interval" for parameters and multi-stage automatic change of the upper and/or lower bound of the actual range (normalization parameters). Novelty: The author introduces a new graphic-analytical tools – LDS – linear system diagrams, for interactive modeling of system step by step. LDS are oriented to specialists in the subject area. The system behavior described in a new way as LDS, the parameters of a complex technological system represented in interval form (the actual and the allowed intervals of values).The intervals are converted on the basis of LDS. Practical significance: the approach based on intervals which is offered in this paper will allow to increase presentation of modeling and simplify modeling of complex technological systems.
Key words
- technological system, parameter, actual interval of parameter values, allowed interval, condition of system as a vector of intervals of parameters, normalization of intervals of parameters
- Iuditskii S. A. Construction of Linear Road Maps for Creation Process of Complex Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 133-141. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/05-Iuditskii.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Modeling Negotiation Processes in High-tech Production Systems
- Problem statement: increasing the level of autonomy of the divisions in knowledge-intensive industries has led to the allocation of decision-making centers. It made the actual problem of research of process of interaction of divisions in the intellectual organizations in solving semi-structured complex problems in conditions of uncertainty of external environment. Known methods and approaches do not take into account the interdependence of actors in making coordinated decisions, their subjective assessment of the situation of choice, goals, needs, motivation, what makes the formal model is not feasible in practice. The aim of this work is development of the mechanism of interaction of divisions of production in the form of the negotiation process, when due to the complexity of the technological process, requiring specialist knowledge at a higher level of control can be known of the ability of subordinate levels or no opportunity to determine their behavior by force. The aim of this work is development of the mechanism of interaction of divisions of production in the form of the negotiation process, when due to the complexity of the technological process, requiring specialist knowledge at a higher level of control can be known of the ability of subordinate levels or no opportunity to determine their behavior by force. Methodology: the solution to the problem of constructing the mechanism of the negotiation process based on the original approach of modeling subjectively rational choice that takes into account individual perceptions of the decision maker properties of a situation of choice. Development of a selection model based on the theory of fuzzy sets. A model of the mechanism of the negotiation process is based on the results of the theory of active systems. Novelty: the elements of novelty of the presented solution are the development of the model subjectively rational choice and building on its basis a game-theoretic model of the mechanism of the negotiation process that takes into account the interdependence of participants, justification of the convergence of the negotiation process with different variants of awareness of an arbitrator on the possibilities of the participants. Result: the proposed approach of coordination of interests of participants of the negotiation process allows you to combine the estimates obtained formal methods with subjective estimates based on experience and knowledge. Using the results obtained allows to increase the objectivity of the solutions is the basis for creation of information technologies for the integration of "natural" intelligence in the solution of creative tasks that require non-trivial approaches to develop an ideal model of negotiation. Practical significance: the decision to implement usage-based agent technologies. This enables the study of the negotiation process as a system whose dynamics is determined not by global rules and laws, and when these global rules and laws are the result of individual activity of group members. The purpose of modeling is to gain insight into these global rules, the General behavior of system, proceeding from assumptions of individual, private behavior of its separate active objects and the interaction of these objects in the system.
Key words
- negotiations, conflicts, decision-making, multi-agent system model, consistent management, a compromise
- Vinogradov G. P., Ivashkin Y. A. Modeling Negotiation Processes in High-tech Production Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 202-248. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/08-Vinogradov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Dedetermination as New Approach to Analysis of Functions with Uncertainty in Singular Points
- Relevance. In this paper we propose the dedetermination as new method designed to solving a problem of calculation of deterministic functions with the so-called singular points where the function does not take a certain value. Purpose. The aim is to develop an approach that allows for division by zero and thus exclude singular points of functions. Method. The proposed method is to move from problematic (from point of view of calculating) determined function to the corresponding not determined (interval) function by replacing determined function parameters by corresponding interval parameters. Due to this change the values of the function at the singular points will be well-defined interval and values. The latter allows you to solve the problem of calculating the function. Novelty. The solution to this problem is achieved by legalization division by zero by intervalization of calculations. It uses the principle of cutting out a neighborhood of zero in the interval being the denominator of the fraction representing studied function. Result. For the simplified by cutting out interval function the effective formulas are derived based on the main provisions of interval mathematics and make it easy to calculate the value of this function. The proposed in the article approach to the problem of calculating functions with singular points is important for all those classes of systems in which the problem really exists. It is about the systems which functions have any number of specific points. Such systems are found mostly in telemetry, reliability theory and practice, humanitarian and many others areas. The features of these areas is that they do not always apply the classical methods of deterministic mathematics. This leads to search for new approaches to solving problems that arise here.
Key words
- interval, interval function, interval calculation, dedetermination, division by zero
- Levin V. I. Dedetermination as New Approach to Analysis of Functions with Uncertainty in Singular Points . Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 295-311. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/10-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Patents and innovations at field of systems of control, communication and security
Innovation: Sharing Devices to Integrated Management Systems. Part 1 – Sharing Devices
- Introduction. About the inventions that relate to critical technologies - technology information and control systems, that define the main directions of scientific and technological development. Characteristic. Development of technical decisions has been implemented in two time periods of modern history of the domestic electronics industry – during the formation of integration of scientific-industrial complexes and large-scale system projects in 1980-ies, and during recovery of this approach in 2010-ies. In the first stage of technical solutions have been developed for the collection and processing of relevant information about facilities management, to improve the sustainability of tracts of computer networks using radio communications and fiber-optic connection, on time management providing information and other. In the second period, these technical solutions have provided the basis for the development of innovative ways of information support for the activities of organizational systems – departments, enterprises and institutions, for the development of integration of control systems of the activities of organizational systems, which consolidated to solve common tasks. Technical result. The use of technical solutions, which are developed in the first period, improves qualitative indicators of control systems in timeliness and reliability. The use of technical solutions, which are developed in the second period, helps to ensure the maximum degree of automation based on prior training scenarios for decision-making management entities. The essence. Common property that unites all inventions is the author's approach to finding inventive concept and its development. This approach includes the famous stages and phases of formation, accumulation and use of knowledge about entities, that affect the field of activity, for which created the invention This knowledge is carried out by processing the data in computer systems and components in the components of computer networks with exposure on the order data and their contents. Practical significance. Information on inventions developed in the first period is published in order to use the ideas that underlie inventions for their implementation based on modern computing tools. Information on inventions developed in the second period is published in order to extend the potential of their introduction into the control systems of organizational systems. This will reduce the time for adoption and execution of decisions on organizational systems management.
Key words
- inventions, critical technologies, control systems, information systems, communication systems, accumulation of knowledge, solution scripts
- Shabanov A. P. Innovation: Sharing Devices to Integrated Management Systems. Part 1 – Sharing Devices. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2016, no. 2, pp. 1-43. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2016-02/01-Shabanov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).