№4 2015
Control systems
Information Support for the Activities of the Critical Technologies in Control Systems Based on Situational Centers
- Introduction. An approach to support activities on scientific and technological advances in control systems of critical technologies – technologies that are relevant to the main directions of scientific and technological development. Characteristic. This approach ensures the collection of information primarily about the objects of intellectual property relating to critical technology and published in various sources of the world's leading States; analysis of the effectiveness of domestic and foreign technologies in comparison with global models and forecasting-scripting decisions on technology development. Technical result. Using this approach achieves automation of managerial processes of elaboration of scenarios by implementing innovative solutions copyright way of Information support for the activities of the organizational systems based on situational centers. The essence. Using this method is determined by the degree of effectiveness of critical technologies and other technologies that are registered in the patent offices of the States; produced recording technology-specific conditions relating to a particular State as satisfactory or warning status, or threatening the State. Depending on the particular State defines the solution scripts for technology management. Practical significance. Implementation way of Information support for the activities of the organizational systems based on situational centers into national practice will continuously monitor the situation in the technological sphere and reduce the time for adoption and execution of decisions in technology management.
Key words
- critical technologies, information support for the activities, prediction, situational centers and solution scripts
- Zatsarinnyy A. A., Kozlov S. V., Shabanov A. P. Information Support for the Activities of the Critical Technologies in Control Systems Based on Situational Centers. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 98-113. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/05-Zatsarinnyy.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Determination Steamed Ensemble to Realization of the Work on Example of the Using the Genetic Algorithm
- Purpose. One of the integer of the enterprise is increasing to efficiency of the operating the production systems to account of the increase the loading the equipment and personnel and reductions of the production costs. In connection with appearance new information technology and complex structure to organizations production appears need of the development algorithm, allowing conduct the optimization production and technological processes. Determination Steamed-optimum ensemble of the mean time of the fabrication of the product is considered In work with provision for several criterions. It Is Designed and offered algorithm of vector management parameter production processes. Contributory changes to move of the realization of the algorithm of management depending on behaviours of the target function. Methods. In research used methods to optimization, stochastic methods of global searching for, methods of the device queueing theory. Results. In work is presented searching for of the optimum decisions of the operating the production process with provision for using modified genetic algorithm under different count;calculate;list population and generations. By means of designed algorithm is spared time for optimization graphics production with provision for required production restrictions, as well as is realized possibility operative to respond to change priority and incidental circumstance in the course of performing the production process.
Key words
- criterion, optimization, folding, stochastic method, Steamed-optimum ensemble
- Dogadina E. P., Kropotov Y. A. Determination Steamed Ensemble to Realization of the Work on Example of the Using the Genetic Algorithm. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 142-149. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/08-Dogadina.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Robot-technological systems
Reliability of Results of Multi-Parameter Measurement Control
- Statement of the problem. The accuracy of measurements for each controlled parameter must be set when developing methods of control of complex objects. The reliability of the test results, which depends on the number of monitored parameters should be dened also. Thus, we argue for a method of assessment based reliability control on the accuracy of measurements and the number of controllable parameters. This task is relevant. Purpose. We want to propose a research method dependence reliability control from the accuracy of measurements and the number of controllable parameters. We used simulation modeling based on the Monte Carlo method to achieve the objectives of the study. The novelty of the work. We proposed an efficient method for the computation of indicators reliability of multivariable control based on a simulation model. This simulation method allows us to experimentally investigate the dependence of the reliability of indicators measuring control of uncertainty of measurement and the number of controllable parameters. Also this method allows you to set the effective value of the measurement uncertainty and the number of controllable parameters in the control method. Results: the dependence of figures of merit of control from the main influencing factors was experimentally investigated. The results of the study show that the risk of the customer directly proportional to the number of controlled variables and that the probability of a control error of the second kind (in contrast to the risk of the customer) decreases with increase in the number of controlled parameters. Practical significance. We recommend you to use the proposed method for the development of efficient methods of metrological verification of measuring devices, methods for control of complex engineering products, and optimization of inspection methods according to economic criteria.
Key words
- quality control, reliability of the control, the risks of the customer and the manufacturer, the error control of second kind, method of simulation
- Danilevich S. B. Reliability of Results of Multi-Parameter Measurement Control. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 171-179. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/11-Danilevich.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Localization Adaptive Control of Robots with Modular Structure
- Problem formulation: the task of modular robot control system development implies serious difficulties being a consequence of such systems’ hyper-redundancy. Existing approaches based on reinforcement learning models are non efficient for systems with many degrees of freedom. Evolutionary methods experience serious limitations associated based on necessity of having a population of robots, which does not allow learning and adapting these systems in real work conditions. The purpose of this work is developing hyper-redundant modular system control methods allowing for systems’ real-time learning and adaptation. For solving this problem, we propose using logic-probabilistic methods for knowledge discovery from data based on semantic probabilistic inference approach ideas and adapted to control tasks. Results: In this paper we propose a new approach to creating learning modular robot control systems based on using modules’ functional similarity properties and logic-probabilistic directional rule search algorithm. The approach is based on cooperative control modules’ training, from discovering common control rules for all the modules to their subsequent specification in accordance with semantic probabilistic inference ideas. The main advantages of proposed approach are high learning speed and the ability to learn during real work based only on environment interaction experience. The examples of control system design and training has been presented for three virtual robots model: snake-like robot, multiped robot and trunk manipulator. The experiments have confirmed high learning speed and control quality. Practical relevance: From the practical point of view, the results of experiments have shown that the proposed approach for adaptive control can be used for the intelligent agent design tasks with agents being programs or robotic systems including hyper-redundant systems, which require the possibility of learning and adapting to changing environment.
Key words
- control system, data mining, knowledge discovery
- Demin A. V. Localization Adaptive Control of Robots with Modular Structure. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 180-197. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/12-Demin.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Computing systems
The Methodology of Conceptualizing and Classifying Job Flows of the Scalable Applications in a Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment
- Purpose. Modern distributed computing environments are characterized by the high competition of users for shared resources of these environments during performing of the users’ jobs. The problem of the optimal allocation of resources for jobs actualizes the solving tasks of identifying, describing, classifying and using of the information about characteristics of resources and jobs. Currently, the traditional resource management systems for distributed computing environments are unable to effectively solving the problems listed above. The purpose of the present paper is the development of the methodology of conceptualizing and classifying job flows of scalable applications in distributed computing environments. This methodology, firstly, includes the specialized models and methods of representing and using of knowledge about resources and jobs, and, secondly, provides the technology to the practical usage of these models and methods. Methods. Attributive description of classified objects using numerical and non-numerical characteristics are used in a process of classifying of jobs and their flows. In the case of classifying jobs, computational characteristics of these jobs are used as attributes, in the job flows classification – structural and behavioral characteristics of these flows. A recognition of properties for jobs and their flows is performed by means a set of specialized characteristic functions. The detailed setting requirements contained in the classified jobs is carried out on the basis of program specialization methods. Novelty. As is known to the author, analogs of the means for classifying jobs and their flows suggested in the paper are not used by resource management systems for distributed computing environments in practice. Results. The usage of the means for classifying jobs and their flows suggested in the paper as superstructure to a resource management system allows significantly improve the results of the allocation of these resources. Practical relevance. The simulation results show that the usage of the developed systems for classifying jobs and their flows allows to optimize resources allocation and provides a significant increase of some important parameters of the efficiency for functioning distributed computing environment. The practical usage of these systems confirms the received model results.
Key words
- distributed computing environment, scalable applications, job flows, conceptualizing and classifying
- Feoktistov A. G. The Methodology of Conceptualizing and Classifying Job Flows of the Scalable Applications in a Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 1-25. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/01-Feoktistov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Analysis of the Possibilities of Self-Diagnosis Approaches to Distributed Electronic Surveillance System
- Formulation of the problem: in spite of the rapid development of global navigation satellite positioning systems, video surveillance and machine vision, radar and radio direction finding is widely used now, as in remote and underdeveloped areas of radar and show no automatic radio direction finders (RDF) is one of the main means of ensuring flights. Distributed radio system monitoring (RSM) consists of equipment local control point (LCP), communication channels and maintenance-free radio terminals (MRT), which, depending on the conditions of accommodation can be removed from the MRT over distances up to several hundred kilometers. Therefore, problem diagnosis and failure detection MRT and all RSM as a whole is actual. The aim is to search and study of scientific and methodical approaches of diagnosing complex distributed, multiprocessor computers and radio systems for their use in the task of creating a method and a mathematical model of the automated diagnosis of spatially distributed RSN. We consider the basic theory of diagnosing distributed radio, digital and multi-processor systems. Is a summary of selected approaches and their application with respect to the RSM. Result: Draw localization and identified conceptually the approach to certain elements distributed RSM – RDF, radar, blocks of digital data processing and control, power systems, channel-forming equipment, communication channels and so on.
Key words
- diagnostics, radio system, a communications network, the mathematical apparatus, control, microprocessor, memory, communication channel, radio direction finding, radar
- Zhurkov A. P., Aminev D. A., Guseva P. A., Miroshnichenko S. S., Petrosjan P. A. Analysis of the Possibilities of Self-Diagnosis Approaches to Distributed Electronic Surveillance System. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 114-122. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/06-Zhurkov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Information processes and technologies. Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Methods and Tools for Product Lifecycle Management in Mechanical Engineering
- Statement of the Problem. The task of ensuring the competitiveness of Russian mechanical engineering are relevant to the present.Russian production requires modern Russian systems lifecycle management products Such systems should be based on accepted country standards and principles of production management. The aim is to build a functional model of organizational and technical system that reflects all the stages of creating a product in discrete manufacturing. Methods. We used methods based on the analysis of documents and mechanisms for its implementation. Novelty. Russian standards into account when developing conceptual model of life-cycle management of products in process engineering. Results. Production efficiency at Russian enterprises have grown in the application of our management model. Practical significance. The presented solution can be implemented on all machine-building enterprises with custom-made production. The described methods allow to predict and adequately to make operational and strategic management decisions, reduce operating costs of production.
Key words
- life cycle management of products, design processes, operations management
- Evgenev G. B., Kuzmin B. V., Rubakhina V. I. Methods and Tools for Product Lifecycle Management in Mechanical Engineering. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 198-216. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/13-Evgenev.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Evaluation of the Role of Infocommunications in the National Economy and to Identify Patterns of Development
- Problem statement: to dramatically transform, convergence of networks, services, systems and technologies in the field of communication and Informatics, affecting adjacent markets and the domestic economy dictate the need for scientific justification of the transformation of a new sector of the economy, patterns of development in relation to the national economy, causes and factors of formation of the telecommunications industry. The aim is to identify patterns of info communications development as a complex branch of economy and its values, correlations with economic growth, stages of scientific and technological progress, the convergence of communications and Informatics and their consequences, actions, information and economic law, patterns of consumption and macro generation information and communication services for the purpose of formation of the methodological apparatus of forecasting of development of info communications. Methods: the paper found the use of economic-mathematical and statistical methods. Result: to study the factors and regularities of the development of telecommunications allows more objectively and with consideration of many factors to predict its prospects in relation to the national economy. Practical value of work consists in a scientific substantiation of the parameters of forecasting of development of infocommunications.
Key words
- infocommunications, scientific and technological progress, convergence, patterns
- Kuzovkova T. A. Evaluation of the Role of Infocommunications in the National Economy and to Identify Patterns of Development. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 26-68. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/02-Kuzovkova.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Formulation of the Problem to Develop the Model of the System of Technical Maintenance of Communication and Automated Control Systems Association During the Period of Direct Threat of Aggression
- Model of technical maintenance of communication and automated control systems (TMC and ACS) association operate during the period of direct threat of aggression. The system consists of a large number of components and interconnections there between and includes the process of replenishment communication equipment that fail due to various factors. The development of TMC and ACS is the use of RFID technology and telemetry by defining the coordinates of communication equipment and property in dynamics of their movements in real time, also use the information on the location of communication equipment. The purpose of research is to increase the efficiency of functioning of the system of technical maintenance of communication and automated control systems association The main result is the selection factors (and classified into groups) that affect the functioning of the TMC and ACS system in association during the period of direct threat of aggression; determination of the parameters that characterize the complex organizational and technical system – the TMC and ACS system, as well as review of the activities of technical support specialist departments with certain qualifications and that (experts) assigned to various levels of the hierarchy of the system. The scientific novelty of this work is to develop scientific and methodological support to integrate communication equipment and property due to the use of RFID technology and telemetry. The practical significance of the work lies in the application of technical proposals for the officials in the registration of communication equipment based on radio frequency identification technology in the TMC and ACS system.
Key words
- system of technical maintenance of communication and automated control systems, communication equipment, technology of radio-frequency identification and telemetry
- Semenov S. S., Alisiyevich Y. A., Pedan A. V., Smoleha A. V. Formulation of the Problem to Develop the Model of the System of Technical Maintenance of Communication and Automated Control Systems Association During the Period of Direct Threat of Aggression. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 89-97. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/04-Semenov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Research of the Statistical Characteristics of Digitized Signals in Telecommunications Audio Exchange Systems
- Purpose. Research of the statistical characteristics of digitized signals of radio telecommunication systems is overdue. A method for determining the probability of exceeding the digitized samples of speech signals threshold quantization. To solve this problem we apply the expression of probability density distribution of the amplitudes of samples of speech signals with reduced accuracy. The question of calculating the dispersion of speech signals the maximum level of non-fixed samples. Thus using known dispersion value normalized samples of speech signals in digital form. The effect of quantization noise on the signal / quantization noise when digitizing speech signals. Methods. Methods of statistical radio engineering, probability theory, theory of radio circuits and signals, the local approximation. Results. This paper presents a method for calculating the probability of exceeding the threshold of digitized samples of speech signals. Developed by the variance in the expression of non-normalized value of the maximum sample speech signals. The dependence of the signal / noise quantization of the number of digits in the code sequence of samples of speech signals. Practical significance. Obtained the expression for the calculation of the statistical characteristics of the signals of telecommunication systems audio exchange. The above expressions are presented in a convenient form for engineering practice.
Key words
- statistical parameters, operational and command systems, the probability of exceeding the threshold, telecommunications systems, quantization noise, signal/noise ratio
- Kropotov Y. A., Belov A. A. Research of the Statistical Characteristics of Digitized Signals in Telecommunications Audio Exchange Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 150-157. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/09-Kropotov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Model-Dimensional Probability Density Function of the Speech Signal
- Purpose. Telecommunications systems operate in complex interference. When designing telecommunication systems audio exchange necessary to possess a priori information on the statistical characteristics of the signals. It is also necessary to create effective models of signals and interference with reduced accuracy. The article deals with one-dimensional probability density function of speech signals. An algorithm for evaluation of the one-dimensional histogram of the probability density function of the digitized samples of speech signals. The author discussed the restoration of the probability density of speech signals from empirical data. Spend development approximating the probability density distribution of speech signals polynomial system of exponential functions. An iterative method for calculating the coefficients of the polynomial approximation of the exhibitor. Methods. Histogram method of evaluating the probability density function, the probability density recovery method from empirical data, optimization method, a method of minimizing the weighted residual function, method of successive iterations, the local approximation method. Results: We have developed a recursive algorithm for determining the parameters of a polynomial system of exponential functions. This algorithm is designed to approximate the one-dimensional probability density distribution of speech signals. Its use provides error recovery probability density of less than 5%.
Key words
- model of function, speech signals, probability density, histogram evaluation
- Kropotov Y. A. Model-Dimensional Probability Density Function of the Speech Signal. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 158-170. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/10-Kropotov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Simulation Models of Queuing Systems of Type Pa/M/1, H2/M/1 and Research on the Basis of their Quality of Service Traffic with a Complicated Structure
- Problem statement: currently share growth of multimedia traffic in communication networks, as well as the need to ensure the requirements of consumers of telecommunications services, makes the question of quality of service traffic at the nodes of the complicated structure of networks. The purpose is to estimate the delay of packets at the nodes of the communications network serving the complicated structure of the traffic based on the developed simulation model. As a criterion of the complicatedity of the traffic using the coefficient of variation interval between successive packets. As a model of a complicated structure traffic streams are used having Hyperexponential Pareto distribution and a wide range of variation of the input parameters and load level nodal network equipment. The methods used: model node equipment formalized on the basis of scientific-methodological apparatus of queuing theory and implemented in a software environment simulation GPSS World. The novelty of this work is to measure the quality of service traffic complicated structure in terms of delay in servicing equipment units in the network, resulting study developed simulation models of traffic service and Pareto hyperexponential distribution in a wide range of variation of the input parameters. The results: Based on data obtained from studies of simulation models of traffic service type Pa/M/1, H2/M/1, it is determined that timely traffic service with a complicated structure in communication nodes in terms of time delay depends essentially on the load node equipment. In the study of the simulation model of service traffic distribution Pareto Pa/M/1, it was found that the coefficient of variation interval between successive applications of such traffic has an exponential dependence on the values of the shape parameter Pareto distribution. Also, for a given range of flow parameters with a Pareto distribution, determining the load control devices (at a fixed time of service), characterized by three areas in which the delay time of the flow of applications to the Pareto distribution of matter: more than the delay time for the flow to an exponential distribution; less than the delay time for the stream with an exponential distribution; practically equal to the values of time delay for a flow with an exponential distribution. It is also defined the criteria for selecting each of the areas. The limiting values of the scale for the flow of a Pareto distribution, which lead to an overload device maintenance. In the study of the simulation model of H2/M/1to quantify the level of reduction of timeliness flow hyperexponential distribution with respect to the flow Pareto distribution and exponential distribution. Estimations of reducing the level of service in terms of the timeliness of the delay time depending on the download service and the device on the value of the coefficient of variation. Based on the simulation data concluded that the timeliness of service nodes in communication networks with complicated structure Traffic Pareto distribution in terms of the delay time is reduced. At higher loading equipment nodal network to 0.9 and increase the coefficient of variation of the interval time between packets to 23.6 timely maintenance reduced to 539 times as compared with the exponential service traffic. Hyperexponential distribution for the same values of load network and the coefficient of variation is reduced to timely servicing of 8000 times in comparison with the exponential service traffic. Practical significance: A simulation model and obtained during the simulation results allow to justify the long-term requirements for the speed of communication networks equipment units, which later will ensure timely service complicated structure traffic.
Key words
- communication network, simulation, quality of service, Hurst coefficient, the coefficient of variation, the property of self-similarity properties of fractal
- Ushanev K. V. Simulation Models of Queuing Systems of Type Pa/M/1, H2/M/1 and Research on the Basis of their Quality of Service Traffic with a Complicated Structure. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 217-251. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-04/14-Ushanev.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Adaptive Algorithm for Echo Compensation in Telecommunications Audio Exchange Systems
- Purpose. The paper deals with a recurrent adaptive echo cancellation for a finite number of samples within a sliding window of data. We consider an adaptive algorithm, built on the basis of the input block adaptive filters. Each filter provides compensation for the echo only in the range of delays, localized in the neighborhood of the maximum delay of the autocorrelation function of the echo. This allows the implementation of such an algorithm with using correlation-extreme method of estimating the parameters of the echo signals. Thus, in this algorithm, echo cancellation can be adaptive filters are applied with a reduced number of taps that increases the stability and rate of convergence of such filters. Methods. Generalized parametric optimization methods, the method of adaptive echo cancellation, methods of least squares and matrix theory. Results. This work shown that the above algorithm provides high speed and a high degree of convergence of the echo canceller in the adaptive filter configured in the vicinity of a localized delay.
Key words
- telecommunications systems, audio exchange algorithms compensation echoes multichannel algorithm
- Kropotov Y. A., Ermolaev V. A., Belov A. A. Adaptive Algorithm for Echo Compensation in Telecommunications Audio Exchange Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 252-259. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/15-Kropotov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Logical-Algebraic Approach to Conflicts Modeling
- Relevance. Conflicts are present in all areas of human activity. However, different types of conflicts are still considered by researchers as different manifestations of the same phenomenon, and not as a different processes. In this regard, areas of the science of conflict are developed and characterized their approaches, models and methods. At the same time in all kinds of conflicts there is something common which allows us to consider all of conflicts as one phenomenon with their differences. It allows us to apply same approaches to the study of various conflicts, models and methods. This is opening the way for the creation of a unified theory of conflict. The purpose. The aim of the article is the description of the possibility of building a unified theory of interaction of systems of different nature, where the interaction of 3 types presents: conflict, cooperation, neutrality. When we constructed this theory we used a common approach, common mathematical model and common mathematical methods. Method. The primary method to achieve the goal is mathematical modeling of the behavior of the studied systems using logic functions of state. After that, by combining the functions of state of two interacting systems the functions of their similarities and differences are built. From the values of last two features we make a general conclusion about the nature of the interaction systems: conflict, cooperation or neutrality. Novelty. The novelty of the paper is that it shows for the first time the possibility of a uniform mathematical modeling of the interaction of various systems (social, economic, political, etc.) by the apparatus of the logic algebra. Result. In the article, using the mathematical apparatus of the Boolean algebra, we developed logical-algebraic method of constructing and evaluating the functions of convergence and divergence of interacting systems. An algorithm that allows to give an opinion on type of interaction (conflict or cooperation) by analyzing similarities and differences of functions of interacting systems.
Key words
- conflict, cooperation, neutrality, logic algebra, logical investigations of the systems
- Levin V. I. Logical-Algebraic Approach to Conflicts Modeling. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 69-87. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/03-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Interval Approach to Optimization with Uncertainty
- Relevance. The existing approaches to the actual problem of optimization of systems under uncertainty are considered. An exact formulation of problem of constrained optimization under interval uncertainty of the parameters of the objective function and constraints is given. In this connection the mathematical theory of comparison of intervals is set out, including a precise definition of the maximal and minimal intervals, conditions for existence of such intervals and algorithms for finding them. The purpose. The aim of the article is to propose the idea of solving constrained optimization problems under interval uncertainty of its parameters. This idea is based on the rules of the mathematical theory of comparison of intervals which allows replace comparison of intervals and determination of maximal and minimal interval by comparing their lower and upper bounds. Method. On the basis of the proposed idea the determination method that allows to solve the problem of constrained optimization under interval uncertainty parameters by reducing it to two entirely certain optimization problems of same type is formulated and proved. Novelty. We formulate and prove a theorem that defines the solution of problem of constrained optimization under interval uncertainty of parameters through solutions of two completely certain optimization problems. Also the theorem that defines the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a solution of constraint optimization under interval uncertainty is formulated and proved. Result. The 4-step algorithm for solving constrained optimization under interval uncertainty parameters that implements a method of determination is constructed. The example of algorithm is given. The interval assignment task is selected as a problem to be solved. A comparison of the proposed approach to solving constrained optimization problems with incompletely defined parameters with other methods for solving such problems (deterministic, probabilistic and fuzzy) is done. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods are listed. It is emphasized that the proposed in the article approach allows us to reduce the optimization of incompletely specified functions to fully optimize certain functions strictly mathematically rather than heuristically, as is done in other well-known approaches.
Key words
- optimization, uncertainty, interval uncertainty, determination method
- Levin V. I. Interval Approach to Optimization with Uncertainty. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 123-141. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/07-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Stability of Solution of Optimization Problems in Condition of Uncertainty
- Relevance. Here the problem of optimization of incompletely specified functions of interval kind, i.e., functions, whose parameters are defined up to an interval of possible values, is considered. Actuality of problem in connection with incompleteness of data in practical tasks is underlined. A review of existing approaches to solving optimization problems of incompletely defined functions with different types of uncertainty is given. Some advantages and disadvantages of each approach are listed. The purpose. The aim of the article is description of the possibility to test stability of solution of optimization problems when parameters are changing. Method. The author of research proposed a method to solve this problem by reducing it to two optimization problems of the same type for completely specific functions, i.e. functions which have exactly known parameters. This is so-called method of determination. The theory of comparison of interval values is touched. Novelty. The novelty of the paper is that it shows for the first time the possibility of a uniform mathematical modeling of stability of solution of optimization problem when its parameters are varying. Also concepts of macrostability and microstability of incompletely defined function are introduced. Result. The algorithm of checking macrostability of optimization problem of completely defined function is given here. A simple example of checking macrostability of concrete optimization task by this algorithm is presented. For this example we selected well-known assignment problem. In addition the algorithm for checking microstability of optimization problem of completely defined function is posed. With this algorithm we tested microstability of specific optimization problem. As mathematical means in research we use methods of interval mathematics.
Key words
- conflict, cooperation, neutrality, logic algebra, logical investigations of the systems
- Levin V. I. Stability of Solution of Optimization Problems in Condition of Uncertainty. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 4, pp. 260-276. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2015-04/16-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).