# 3 2022
Robot-technological systems
Method for calculating the parameters of linear motion of an unmanned aerial vehicle in the absence of signals from satellite radio navigation systems at the landing stage
- Relevance: unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of a multi-rotor type are used as an element of a complex for the protection and monitoring of remote stationary objects. The key feature of these systems is their high autonomy, which is achieved by automating all stages of the flight task, such as takeoff, en route flight and landing. The most difficult and critical stage is landing in an autonomous container, which requires high accuracy in estimating the UAV linear motion parameters. However, the security and monitoring systems in operation do not provide the required accuracy in estimating the location of the UAV at the landing stage in the absence of reliable signals from global navigation satellites system (GNSS), which does not allow placing autonomous UAV containers near industrial or natural objects that obscure or distort the signals of navigation satellites. The aim of the work is improving the positioning accuracy of a multi-rotor UAV at the stage of landing in an autonomous-based container in the absence of reliable signals from navigation satellites by using the proposed local positioning system to replace the data of the onboard GNSS receiver in the UAV linear motion parameters correction loop. Methods: A Kalman filter is used to multiplex inertial meter data and data from an onboard GNSS or local positioning system receiver. The calculation of the UAV coordinates relative to the landing site in the absence of reliable GNSS signals is performed using the quaternion algebra. Novelty: for the first time, a quadrant sensor mounted on a 3-axis gyro-stabilized suspension was used to determine the coordinates of a multi-rotor UAV relative to the landing site. A method is proposed for scanning the area of the supposed location of the IR beacon, as well as its tracking in real time according to the signals of 4 photosensitive elements of the quadrant sensor. In contrast to the known methods for estimating the location of a multi-rotor UAV relative to the landing site, quaternion algebra is applied and a method for correcting the UAV navigation system with seamless switching between different sources of corrective information is proposed. Result: the use of the proposed method makes it possible to provide an error in estimating the location of a multi-rotor UAV at the landing stage no worse than 0.19 m in the absence of reliable GNSS signals. Practical significance: solving the problem of landing a multi-rotor UAV on a limited area in the absence of reliable signals from navigation satellites makes it possible to satisfy the practical requirements for the placement of UAV autonomous-based containers and increase the speed of the complex's response to an alarm signal.
Key words
- unmanned aerial vehicle, inertial navigation system, UAV local positioning system, satellite navigation systems
- Isaev M. A., Isaev A. M., Linets G. I. Method for calculating the parameters of linear motion of an unmanned aerial vehicle in the absence of signals from satellite radio navigation systems at the landing stage. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 67-89. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-67-89 (in Russian).
Conceptual Approaches to the Formation of Scenarios for the Combat Use of Groups of Robotic Systems
- Relevance: one of the most significant prospects for the development of military robotics is the combat use of robotic systems in groups. Known methods for solving combat and support tasks using robotic systems on the battlefield usually involve their single use, and existing research in the field of group use is fragmented and largely generalized. A great contribution to understanding the role and place of robotic systems in armed conflicts is made by the simulation of military operations, but today the models consider remote-controlled robots. In connection with the development of technologies that increase the autonomy of robotic systems, a relevant and insufficiently developed area of research is a comprehensive consideration of the issues of group use of robots in armed conflicts together with traditional forces. The aim of the study is to systematize knowledge in terms of solving problems by groups of military-purpose robotic systems and to develop common approaches to creating models of their application. Novelty: the element of the novelty of the presented solution is the use of a scenario approach in creating conceptual models of the group usage of military robotic systems. The results include the main terms and their definitions which are used to develop scenarios for the group usage of military robotic systems on the battlefield, the generalized structure of a typical scenario using the example of the application model of the military robotic systems, and an analysis of its elements and relationships. Practical significance: the content of the article may be used to develop a control system of a group of robotic platforms for various purposes on the battlefield, to simulate future combat operations using robotic systems.
Key words
- group usage, unmanned vehicle, scenarios, military robotic system, model
- Pshikhopov V. Kh., Gontar D. N., Martyanov O. V. Conceptual Approaches to the Formation of Scenarios for the Combat Use of Groups of Robotic Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 138-182. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-138-182 (in Russian).
Information security
A method for detecting Byzantine robots based on data from the collective decision-making process in swarm robotic systems
- Problem Statement: The critical importance of collective behavior mechanisms for the functioning of swarm robotics systems updates the issues of identifying Byzantine robots with faulty or malicious behavior, which consists in imposing inappropriate alternatives during consensus-building in collective decision-making. Known information security approaches often leave out the particulars of the implementation of swarm systems, such as collective decision-making, and use physical parameters as criteria for detecting Byzantine robots. Moreover, most studies consider the presence of malicious robots only with a behavior strategy of voting against a majority after consensus was reached. The purpose of the work is to increase the level of information security of swarm robotics systems, which consists in increasing the probability of reaching consensus of swarm robotics systems about the best alternative in the process of collective decision-making in the presence of Byzantine robots by identifying them based on the data of the decision chain without using additional features that depend on the conditions of operation and hardware implementation. It is proposed to use an approach based on Distributed Ledger Technology and analysis of variances in the collective decision-making process chain. Using this approach will allow detecting malicious effects from Byzantine robots, regardless of the operating conditions and hardware implementation of the swarm robotic system. Methods used: solving the problem of detecting malicious robots in swarm robotics systems is based on the application of the robot confidence criteria in selecting an option when consensus is reached in the process of collective decision-making in swarm robotics systems. The solution is based on the hypothesis that the distribution of confidence of the Byzantine robot due to the peculiarities of the process of collective decision making when using a malicious strategy differs significantly from the same distribution in correctly functioning robots. Novelty: Elements of novelty of the presented decision include: 1) using the confidence criterion to ensure information security of collective decision-making; 2) possibility to take into account various strategies for the behavior of Byzantine robots. Using the presented solution allows you to increase the efficiency of achieving consensus with a swarm robotic system in the presence of Byzantine robots. The simulation conducted for a swarm robotic system consisting of 20 robots, in the presence of Byzantine robots in an amount not exceeding 45% of the total number of robots in the system, showed an increase in the probability of making the best decision regarding the analogue method by an average of 20%. Compared to the prototype method, the proposed modification made it possible to increase the probability of making the best decision in the presence of Byzantine robots with a coordinated behavior strategy by 57%, with an oppositional behavior strategy by 12%, with a random behavior strategy by 19%. Practical significance: the presented solution can be implemented in the software for swarm robotics systems, which will allow increasing the likelihood of reaching consensus with the swarm robotics system about the best alternative in the collective decision-making process in the presence of robots with faulty or malicious behavior.
Key words
- swarm robotics; information security; Byzantine robot; collective decision-making; consensus achievement; distributed ledger technology
- Ryabtsev S. S. A method for detecting Byzantine robots based on data from the collective decision-making process in swarm robotic systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 105-137. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-105-137 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Method for determining the availability of global positioning system for monitoring ionospheric parameters in the interests of decameter radio communication
- Problem statement: It is known that it is possible to carry out diagnostics and forecasting of the conditions for the propagation of decameter radio waves using transionospheric sounding based on the reception of signals from satellite radio navigation systems. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the visibility of navigation spacecraft in the required zone (ionospheric monitoring area) for a time sufficient for statistical accumulation of information. There is a need to numerically determine the availability of navigation spacecraft for monitoring the ionosphere, i.e. the ability of the satellite radio navigation system to provide the consumer's navigation equipment with a navigation signal from navigation spacecraft visible in the required area at a given time interval. By a numerical measure of the availability of navigation spacecraft for monitoring the ionosphere in a given area, we mean the percentage of time (on a certain interval) during which at least one navigation spacecraft will be visible at the location of the consumer’s navigation equipment and the duration of measurement of ionospheric parameters from visible navigation spacecraft. devices will be no less necessary for monitoring the ionosphere (sufficient for the statistical accumulation of information) in the required area. The purpose of work is the development of a method for determining the availability of navigation spacecraft of satellite radio navigation systems for predicting the conditions for the propagation of radio waves on the routes of decameter radio communication. The novelty consists in developing a method for monitoring the ionosphere in the interests of decameter radio communication using the results of modeling the coordinates of navigation spacecraft of the GLONASS satellite radio navigation system and taking into account the relative position of correspondents, the date and time of organizing a radio communication session. Result: a method has been developed for determining the availability of navigation spacecraft of satellite radio navigation systems for predicting the conditions for the propagation of radio waves on arbitrary decameter radio communication paths, taking into account the coordinates of correspondents. Practical importance: the developed method for determining the availability of navigation spacecraft for predicting the conditions of radio wave propagation on decameter radio communication paths makes it possible to determine the visibility of navigation spacecraft of satellite radio navigation systems during the required time for monitoring the ionosphere in the interests of organizing decameter radio communication on arbitrary paths. The developed method makes it possible to plan radio communication sessions in advance with the possibility of monitoring the ionosphere.
Key words
- decameter radio communication, ionospheric monitoring, satellite radio navigation system, orbital motion
- Koval S. A., Salnikov D. V., Pashintsev V. P., Mikhaylov D. A. Method for determining the availability of global positioning system for monitoring ionospheric parameters in the interests of decameter radio communication. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 16-40. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-16-40 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
The descriptive model of the distributive transmitter power control procedure of digital radio communication networks for IEEE802.11s and IEEE802.11p standards
- Problem Statement An important practical role in the operation of the digital radio communication networks of IEEE 802.11s and IEEE 802.11p standards is the distributive transmitter power control procedure. The effective functioning of this procedure especially in the context of computer attacks, depends not only on the entry of new subscriber terminals into the network, but also on the organization and conduct of a communication session. Today, however, there is no descriptive model of the distributive transmitter power control procedure of digital radio communication networks of these standards, taking into account possible computer attacks by the attacker. The goal of the paper is to detection of potential computer attacks exploiting the vulnerability of distributed transmitter power control procedure in IEEE 802.11s and IEEE 802.11p digital radio communication networks. Methods. System analysis of a set of interrelated process procedures. Novelty. In contrast to the well-known works in this paper a generalized algorithm of functioning of is the distributive transmitter power control procedure, private rhythms of determination of transmit power as at opened loop, and in the case of closed loop of power control, as well as computer attacks and vulnerabilities of these algorithms used by them. Result. In case of distributive transmitter power control procedure in the digital radio communication networks of IEEE 802.11s and IEEE 802.11p standards, computer attacks with the potential to potentially disrupt the availability of radio network information are: at the stage of registration network element – transmission of the frame response to the «Association Response» association’s request on behalf of the network’s leading element; at the stage of establishing the communication session – transmission of a synchronization frame on behalf of the network’s leading element «Веасоn» with the power parameters set by force; at the stage of the communication session – transfer of a frame on behalf of an equal element of the network with response to the request of the transmission power level «Transmission power control report» with power settings enforced. Practical relevance. The results are applicable to the development of analytical and simulation models that allow the assessment of assessment of the effectiveness of digital radio communication networks in the context of computer attacks.
Key words
- digital radio communication network, procedure, distributed control, opened loop power control, closed loop power control, transmit power, vulnerability, computer attack
- Peregudov M. A., Umanskiy A. Ya., Zhdanova A. A. The descriptive model of the distributive transmitter power control procedure of digital radio communication networks for IEEE802.11s and IEEE802.11p standards. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 90-104. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-90-104 (in Russian).
Bandwidth increasing the of a united aerospace communications network. Part 1. Models and method of bandwidth increasing of the united network with used Mesh-technologies
- Problem statement: The Aerospace forces of Russia are used to solve the special military tasks in abroad, where global controlling of aircraft is not always possible. The global control of aircraft can be achieved by coupling the air radio communication networks (ARCN) for aviation control through the satellite communication systems (SatComm) due to SatComm provide global coverage over the entire territory of the Earth. At the same time, such coupling needs the solution some technological tasks, such as: the coordination of data exchange rates, the development of network protocols for the joint functioning of ARCN and SatComm, the development of routing protocols, as well as the ways for high bandwidth of air and space radio networks. The aim of this paper is to increase the capacity of the Joint AeroSpace Communications Network (JASCN) for aviation control through the development of models and a method of decentralized routing of information flows in air and space subnetworks of JASCN. Novelty. Elements of the models novelty are to review of JASCN as a multi-level system, the core of which is a SatComm, and the lower level is formed by several ARCNs, as well as take into account using of Mesh technology specifics in ARCN when a model of decentralized routing is formed. Elements of the method novelty are the joint consideration of both air radio subnetworks specifics, as well as used of the Newton method to obtain a solution for balancing and routing traffic in JASCN. Results of the study are the model of JASCN with hierarchical routing of information flows through the SatComm; the model of JASCN with decentralized routing of information flows through the SatComm and adjacent ARCNs, which is based on Mesh technology; the method for distributing of information flows through the air and space subnetworks of JASCN. Practical significance: using of models and techniques, which are developed in this study, allows achieving high bandwidth of JASCN and global control for aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
Key words
- air radio communication networks, satellite communication system, communication organization, military aviation, aircraft control
- Ivanov M. S., Aganesov A. V., Makarenko S. I. Bandwidth increasing the of a united aerospace communications network. Part 1. Models and method of bandwidth increasing of the united network with used Mesh-technologies. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 183-259. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-183-259 (in Russian).
Bandwidth increasing the of a united aerospace communications network. Part 2. Studying of bandwidth increasing in a joint aerospace communications network and developing an information flows distribution algorithm for an air network router
- Problem statement: The Aerospace forces of Russia are used to solve the special military tasks in abroad, where global controlling of aircraft is not always possible. The global control of aircraft can be achieved by coupling the air radio communication networks (ARCN) for aviation control through the satellite communication systems (SatComm) due to SatComm provide global coverage over the entire territory of the Earth. At the same time, such coupling needs the solution some technological tasks, such as: the coordination of data exchange rates, the development of network protocols for the joint functioning of ARCN and SatComm, the development of routing protocols, as well as the ways for high bandwidth of air and space radio networks. There are models and a method of decentralized routing of information flows in a Joint AeroSpace Communications Network (JASCN) in first part of this work. The aim of this paper is to study of bandwidth increasing in JASCN and to develop an information flows distribution algorithm for an air network node router. Novelty. Elements of the algorithm novelty are the joint consideration of both air radio subnetworks specifics, as well as used of the Newton method to obtain a solution for balancing and routing traffic in JASCN. Result of the study shows that using of Mesh technologies to joint ARCN in an air segment allows JASCN to retransmit the most of traffic through adjacent ARCNs and thereby increase the JASCN bandwidth in terms of the number of simultaneously serviced subscribers by 2-4 times, for modern aviation communication equipment and up to 9 times – for promising equipment. Practical significance: using of the information flows distribution algorithm for an air network node router, which are showed in this paper, allows achieving high bandwidth of JASCN and global control for aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
Key words
- air radio communication networks, satellite communication system, communication organization, military aviation, aircraft control
- Ivanov M. S., Aganesov A. V., Makarenko S. I. Bandwidth increasing the of a united aerospace communications network. Part 2. Studying of bandwidth increasing in a joint aerospace communications network and developing an information flows distribution algorithm for an air network router. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 260-285. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-260-285 (in Russian).
Systems for ensuring of safety and security
Descriptive model of combat potentials of sides in the conflict between the aerospace defense system and the aerospace attack means
- Relevance. The US Army has developed the prompt global strike (PGS) concept. The main goal of the PGS concept is the possibility for the US Army of high-precision impact on enemy targets in the shortest time over long ranges with using conventional or nuclear weapons - the air-space attack means. Airspace attack means in the first stage of the PGS are focused to destroy objects of the aerospace defense system and reduce its effectiveness. Attack means of the next stages of the PGS are focused to destroy state and military objects, objects of critical infrastructure of the state. Therefore, the task of increasing the stability of the aerospace defense system in the conditions of impact of the airspace attack means in first stage of the PGS is relevant. The aim of the paper is to develop a descriptive model of combat potentials of sides in the conflict between the aerospace defense system and the aerospace attack means. Only open sources and publications were used for the descriptive model. Results and their novelty. The novelty of the model, which distinguishes it from other models, is that this model includes main elements of the subsystems of intelligence, control and defeat of the conflicting sides (aerospace defense system and the aerospace attack means) and their combat potentials, as well as the conflict relations and mutual influence for separate elements of each subsystems in the conflicting sides. Practical significance. The descriptive model, that presented in this paper, will be useful for technical specialists to justify new technological solutions for the aerospace defense system. In addition, this model will be useful for researchers and carrying out study in the field of combat conflict and in the field of the stability of the aerospace defense system.
Key words
- model, descriptive model, prompt global strike, aerospace attack means, aerospace defense system, combat potential, conflict
- Afonin I. E., Makarenko S. I., Mikhailov R. L. Descriptive model of combat potentials of sides in the conflict between the aerospace defense system and the aerospace attack means. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 41-66. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-41-66 (in Russian).
Electronic and radio systems
Analytical Models for Calculating the Frequency and Time Response of Transmission Lines with Resistive Loads and Conductor Asymmetry
- Problem statement: In the development of modern high-speed systems, striped transmission lines (TL) are widely used, which are particularly useful in printed circuitry and integrated circuits. However, the use of TL leads to a number of electromagnetic capability issues which have an important impact on overall system performance. Such issues include crosstalk and interference due to reflection. Hence, accurate modelling and analysis of signal propagation along the TL in the frequency and time domain in the initial stages of high-speed system design is important. In addition, TL are widely used in the design of filters, taps and other devices. For example, modal filters (MF), which protect equipment from ultra-short pulses (USP), are based on coupled TL. Their development involves calculating the frequency and time response to determine the characteristics of the filter. Signal propagation analysis in TL can be performed using numerical methods simulations. However, there are analytical approaches that are suitable for initial response estimation of simple TL configurations, due to which it is possible to perform analysis of physical phenomena in TL and reduce computation time, as well as to use them for verification of numerical simulation results. Thus, there is a need to develop universal analytical models that will be useful in performing theoretical analysis of TL, including those used to create MF. Purpose of work: to propose analytical models for calculating the time and frequency response of two-wire and four-wire transmission lines. Methods used: for model verification, the method of moments is used to obtain the electrostatic and electromagnetic induction matrices of transmission lines. Segmentation of conductor and dielectric boundaries in this case was used using uniform: 5 segments per conductor edge length. Analytical models have been obtained on the basis of modal analysis in spectral domain. Models for the time domain are obtained using the Laplace transform. Novelty: analytical models in the form of finite combinations of elementary functions are presented for calculation of frequency and time responses of two-wire TL, differed by taking into account asymmetry of conductors, and four-wire line, differed by taking into account pair symmetry of conductors and differential and common modes, and also taking into account reflection in both TL. Result: using the shown analytical models, the time and frequency responses of the two-wire and four-wire transmission lines can be obtained with no significant time and computational effort. Practical relevance: analytical models allow analysis of signal propagation along TL, reduce time and computational effort when developing protection devices of radio-electronic means against conductive USP in asymmetric, differential and common modes.
Key words
- transmission lines, modal filters, analytical models, frequency response, time response, common mode, differential mode
- Kosteletskii V. P., Chernikova E. B., Zabolotsky A. M. Analytical Models for Calculating the Frequency and Time Response of Transmission Lines with Resistive Loads and Conductor Asymmetry. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 1-15. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-1-15 (in Russian).
Network information model communication links between an electric vehicle and a contactless magnetic-resonance charger
- Problem statement and specific task: the creation of a system of fast and reliable communication interconnection between autonomous electric-driven vehicles and stationary magnetic-resonance charging stations is the key to the successful implementation of wireless charging technology, which allows to fully realize its main advantages: the possibility of automating the process, comfort, safety, energy efficiency. However, its creation is associated with a number of problems, since the communication architecture and the algorithm of its functioning must simultaneously take into account the already standardized general requirements defining the «electric vehicle-network» communication interface, within which electric vehicle power supply systems are created, and the features of the physics of the wireless power transmission process, and the principles of the functioning of the magnetic-resonance charging stations. The aim of the research was to develop a standard model of information and communication links between an electric vehicle and a magnetic-resonance charging stations. Methods and technologies used: to solve the problem, the method of constructing network models in the form of connection graphs was used, when the vertices of the graph are the states of objects, the arcs of the graph are the processes of transitions of objects from one state to another, followed by a description of all transitions in the form of algorithms of corresponding actions. Novelty of the result: the elements of the novelty of the research results are developed: the operational technological structure of the electric vehicle charging session using contactless technology, which begins with the successful setup of communication when the vehicle arrives at the charging pad and ends with the termination of communication when the vehicle leaves the charging station; the network information model of communication communications «electric vehicle – magnetic-resonance charging stations», a set of algorithms of actions necessary for the implementation of step-by-step vehicle and magnetic resonance charging stations transitions from one state to another during the charging session. Practical significance: the developed model is the basis for the direct construction of the architecture of the communication network «electric vehicle – magnetic-resonance charging stations», the selection of components of electronic components and the development of appropriate software. Building a network based on the developed model will allow for almost complete automation of the charging process by organizing a service using "deserted technology", which will realize the main advantages of contactless charging technology for electric vehicles in relation to the currently massively used «plug-in» technology – comfort and safety in all weather conditions.
Key words
- electric vehicle, contactless magnetic-resonance charging station, communication, charging session, network model, information model, communication graph, object state, algorithm of actions, wireless local area network, communication controller, «client-server» network architecture, two-way messaging, «point-to-point» signal
- Kurkova O. P. Network information model communication links between an electric vehicle and a contactless magnetic-resonance charger. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 286-313. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-286-313 (in Russian).
Scientific contribution
Valery Korzhik: Along the ways paved by Shannon, Fink and Wyner
- Actuality. The description of scientific and teaching activity for doctor of technical science, Professor, honored worker of Russian Federation High School, honorary Professor of Saint-Petersburg State University named after M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (SUT), IEEE on IT Member Valery Korzhik is presented in the current paper. The main direction of his scientific activity are: signal theory, information theory, error correcting codes, information security including so called “keyless cryptography”. His academic activity is divided in two parts: 25-years duration of his service in Military Communication Academy and Full Professor position in SUT from 1989 y. till now. Besides of them he was working as visiting Professor during three and half years at Mexican University “Cinvestav”, also he took part in researches and teaching process at 15 Universities of Europe, USA, Asia and Australia. As the results of such research activity he was publishing in Russian and international scientific journals about 200 research papers including 20 monographs and text books (while one book is written in English and one in Polish) .He was a supervisor for more than 50 engineers and 38 candidates of technical science (Ph.D). Seven last have received later the degree of Doctor of Science and taken Professor positions in Russian or abroad. In the current paper are described also peculiarities of teaching at foreign Universities, nature and customs in countries where he was teaching students and collaborate with Professors. The goals of paper is to show that every motivated and successful Russian scientist be manage to combine his research and academic activity and collaboration with foreign scientists executing such travelling process with more stronger motivation of his research work in order to avoid too tedious professional discussion it was added into the paper some remarkable stories from author’s life during his travelling over the world. Practical importance of the current paper is to specify for young scientists the important problems in area of information security and make sure for them that contacts with similar researches over the world can result in a power motivation to be always capable to solve them.
Key words
- information theory, wire-tap channel concept, applied cryptography and steganography, specific academic activity abroad
- Korzhik V. I. Valery Korzhik: Along the ways paved by Shannon, Fink and Wyner. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 314-381. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-314-381 (in Russian).
Alexander Fedorovich Blinokhvatov: scientist, teacher and manager
- Relevance. 2022 marks the 75th anniversary of the birth of the talented Russian teacher, scientist and manager Alexander Fedorovich Blinokhvatov. In this regard, it is useful to comprehend what he has done in science and pedagogy, to assess the impact of what he has done on science and society. The purpose of the article is on example of results of the work of A.F. Blinokhvatov to form in novice scientists an understanding of the fundamental processes of evolutionary and revolutionary approaches to the formation of new scientific knowledge, the laws of the development of science, importance of scientist's participation in social activities. Result. To achieve the goal of the article domestic literature on the history of science, the works of A.F. Blinokhvatov and memoirs of his colleagues were used. The meaning of scientific results of A.F. Blinokhvatov, his social activities, their using in practice is considered and his biography is recreated. The memoirs of his colleagues and friends are given. His features as a scientist, a person and a public figure are described. Novelty and theoretical significance. The article reconstructs the creative and social activities of a famous scientist and public figure. Its results and achievements are described. The work will be useful for young scientists studying the methodology of scientific research, as well as for specialists working on complex scientific and technical problems, as an example of their successful resolution.
Key words
- A.F. Blinokhvatov, chemistry of antioxidants, selenium, nutritional supplements, university rector
- Levin V. I. Alexander Fedorovich Blinokhvatov: scientist, teacher and manager. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2022, no. 3, pp. 382-392. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2022-3-382-392 (in Russian).