# 5 2021
Information security
Vulnerability classification model for Smart City transport infrastructure interfaces
- Problem. In addition to obvious advantages, the implementation of the Smart City concept carries a number of significant disadvantages, one of which is information security threats, which are, among other things, a consequence of the presence of vulnerabilities in software-hardware modules that implement this concept. The situation is becoming critical for such infrastructures as transport, the disruption of which potentially leads to human casualties. Existing studies are devoted mainly to the security of modules that ensure the functioning of the Smart City subsystems, although the security of interfaces that support the interaction of modules has been largely neglected. Thus, a deeper study of the vulnerabilities of the interfaces of the transport infrastructure of the Smart City is required for their subsequent search and neutralization. The purpose of the work is to systematize the vulnerabilities of the interfaces of the transport infrastructure of the Smart City in the form of a generalizing classification model. It is proposed to separate vulnerabilities based on the classes of interfaces to which they belong; while interfaces are divided into subclasses according to the components of the transport infrastructure used by them, as well as the semantic orientation of interactions. Methods. To distinguish subclasses of the Smart City interfaces, the apparatus of categorical division was used: for the elements of transport infrastructure, pairs were used –- Human vs Automaton, Expert vs Intellectual, and Static vs Dynamics; and for interactions – Human Oriented vs Machine Oriented. Analytical modelling was used to build relationships between the transport infrastructure of the Smart City and the vulnerabilities of its interfaces. Novelty. The element of novelty of the presented solution is the inclusion in the classification model of the requirement of "necessity and sufficiency", which is that any, even hypothetical, vulnerability is guaranteed to be attributed to one and only one class. Also, the presented model includes the variability of the classification by the possibility of its expansion and detailing by adding new pairs of categorical division. Result. The identification of various elements of the transport infrastructure of the Smart City, as well as the options for interactions between them, made it possible to move to the classification of the corresponding interfaces that provide such interactions, and, as a consequence, to the classification of the vulnerabilities of the latter. The use of the apparatus of categorical division confirms the correctness of the classification obtained. Practical relevance. The presented solution is proposed to be implemented in the form of a software prototype. Also, based on the classification model and the prototype, it is planned to develop a direct method for searching for vulnerabilities in the transport infrastructure of the Smart City.
Key words
- smart city, transport infrastructure, vulnerability, classification, model, search vulnerabilities
- Izrailov K. E., Levshun D. S., Chechulin A. A. Vulnerability classification model for Smart City transport infrastructure interfaces. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 5, pp. 199-223. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-5-199-223 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Theorem on timely transmission of variable load via communication channel with memory and failures
- Setting the task. The current stage of development of society is characterized by a significant impact on it from the ongoing processes of digitalization and informatization. This led to an exponential growth in the generation of load on infocommunication systems, toughening of requirements for the quality of service and necessitated further development and improvement of the communication infrastructure, methods and methods of effective data transmission, approaches to signal processing. A prerequisite for performing these tasks is the presence of a mathematical apparatus that makes it possible to assess the characteristics of the channel and transmitted data, as well as to determine the requirements for them. The most important resource characteristic of a communication channel is its capacity. Historically, in the general theory of communication, the Shannon theorem, which was obtained in relation to the conditions of the middle of the 20th century, became fundamental for determining the channel capacity. These conditions have changed significantly in relation to modern communication systems, which requires the development of existing solutions. Fundamentally new conditions for solving the same scientific problem include the integration of different types of communication means into an infocommunication system with memory and computing ability, and transmission over communication channels with failures of variable load, the peak values of which regularly exceed the throughput, which leads to delays, reduced reliability and partial loss of information. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the requirements for the volume of the memory of the channel in terms of its characteristics, the nature of the load and the requirements for the process of its transmission, for the timely transmission of data over the communication channel. Methods. The ratios presented in the article are aimed at developing methods for ensuring the functioning of networks and communication systems by managing their resources. The main difference between the methods developed on the basis of the obtained result is the description of the memory of the elements of networks and systems as their resource property with the resulting approaches to data transmission. Results. A theorem is formulated and proved, which is the development of the theoretical foundations of the general theory of communication in terms of describing the resources of infocommunication networks and systems. The presented theorem takes into account the property of the memory of a channel under the conditions of a stochastic rate of load input into it and a random flow of failures. The practical significance of the theorem lies in the fact that it allows establishing the relationship between the channel recovery time and its characteristics, including memory parameters. This makes it possible to determine the requirements for the communication recovery subsystem according to the characteristics of the channels, the nature of the load and the requirements for the process of its transfer, as well as to solve the problem of determining the requirements for the volume of channel memory by its characteristics, the nature of the load and the requirements for the process of its transfer.
Key words
- channel with memory, failures, throughput, Shannon theorem
- Ivanov S. A., Starodubtsev Yu. I., Vershennik Ye. V. Theorem on timely transmission of variable load via communication channel with memory and failures. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 5, pp. 15-39. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-5-15-39 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
A model for identifying the technical condition of information and telecommunication network devices by a network monitoring subsystem
- Task statement: to substantiate the modeling of identification of the main types of technical condition of devices of public information and telecommunication networks based on methods of system analysis and a multi-level approach to the description of complex technical systems. The purpose of the work: to develop a model for identifying the technical condition of information and telecommunication network devices by a network monitoring subsystem in order to increase the efficiency of its functioning at various logical levels. Methods used: models of multi-agent (multi-agent) systems of intellectual decision support, methods of multilevel synthesis of complex technical systems, methods of reliability theory (functional control, monitoring, controlling), methods of classification theory, methods of identification of the type of state of a technical device based on the Neumann-Pearson criterion, methods of graph theory. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the proposed model for identifying the technical condition of a network device by a monitoring subsystem, unlike the known ones, has a hierarchical structure, on the basis of which it allows for the redistribution of the functions of the network control center and peripherals depending on the current state of the system using an agent-oriented approach. At the same time, six classes of the technical condition of the network device are justified and described analytically, taking into account control errors of the first and second kind. The result of the conducted research consists in obtaining mathematical expressions to assess the probability of a functional state and the probability of failure of a network device in the process of multi-stage decision-making involving not only a monitoring server at the local level of the network hierarchy, but also a monitoring subsystem of a higher (regional) logical level and the entire information and telecommunications system as a whole. The multilevel approach used in modeling allows for more accurate identification of the functional state of a network element, when at the first stage, the presence of a violation of the operating mode is determined from the local information contained in the monitoring server, and at the second and subsequent stages, the degree and type of violation is specified. Each stage is associated with a corresponding hierarchy level. When abnormal situations are detected, intelligent agents are distributed, numbered by hierarchy levels, which control the states of network devices, bringing them to a normal state.
Key words
- information and telecommunication network, monitoring subsystem, logical level, errors of the first and second kind, monitoring server, identification
- Allakin V. V. A model for identifying the technical condition of information and telecommunication network devices by a network monitoring subsystem. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 5, pp. 40-64. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-5-40-64 (in Russian).
Conceptual model of the subsystem of intelligent monitoring of the state of a public information and telecommunications network
- Problem statement: based on a multi-level approach to the description of complex technical systems, to substantiate the conceptual modeling of a new generation of network monitoring subsystems. The purpose of the work: to form the principles of construction and functioning of the subsystem of intelligent monitoring of the information and telecommunication network, the general structure and generalized architecture of a promising network monitoring system, as well as to develop its conceptual model in terms of multilevel synthesis of control and diagnostic subsystems. Methods used: methods of multilevel synthesis of complex technical systems; models and methods of reliability theory; methods of object-subject description of information and telecommunication systems; implementation of a functional management model in relation to monitoring subsystems: failure management, configuration management, resource management, performance management, security management; metasystem modeling methods; methods of knowledge representation in complex hierarchical systems. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that in the course of conceptual modeling, the general principles of the functioning of the first monitoring subsystem were formulated; its structure was formed, including sensory, telecommunication and dispatcher levels of its construction in the system aspect; a generalized architecture with an intelligent processing component was proposed, including modules of online analysis, offline analysis and a module of support and decision-making. The result of the conducted research is that the set of requirements and general principles of functioning of a promising monitoring subsystem presented in the work, its structure, in terms of technical and technological foundations of construction, as well as architecture, a general model of a network monitoring subsystem and its generalized model of knowledge representation can be considered as a conceptual model of a new generation intellectual monitoring subsystem on network infrastructures.
Key words
- information and telecommunications network, monitoring subsystem, logical level of the network, metamodel of a multi-level system, knowledge model, monitoring zone
- Budko N. P. Conceptual model of the subsystem of intelligent monitoring of the state of a public information and telecommunications network. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 5, pp. 65-119. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-5-65-119 (in Russian).
Systems for ensuring of safety and security
The Concept of an Automated System for Special X-ray Control of Technical Equipment
- Formulation of the problem: the need to expand the capabilities of existing software and hardware systems for automation and increase the reliability, productivity and efficiency of labor-intensive and requiring sufficiently high qualifications of personnel operations for the detection, identification and localization of electronic devices for secretly obtaining information (bug-sweep) actualizes the development of an automated system ( AS) special X-ray inspection, and one of the first stages of development is the creation of the concept of the AS. The detection of bug-sweep is carried out as a result of comparing and revealing the differences between the available X-ray images of typical blocks of technical means (TM) with actually observed images of various objects of control from one batch of vehicles. Purpose: the synthesis of the structure and the development of a mathematical model of the AS for special X-ray control during special checks of technical means placed at various objects of informatization. Methods: system analysis of the process of processing X-ray images of a vehicle batch during special checks; modeling and algorithmization by computer vision methods and optimization theory for detecting structural differences in raster images of radiographs. Novelty: the concept of an automated system is proposed, which increases the reliability and efficiency of operations to detect, identify and localize bug-sweep. A mathematical model has been built for the stage of comparing X-ray images of control objects from the vehicle batch and reference X-ray patterns, as well as the stage for identifying differences and identifying anomalies in the difference between the reference image and the image from the vehicle batch. Result: Algorithmization of the subsystem for combining images of reference radiographs and objects of control, with modules for image segmentation, affine transformations was carried out; and subsystems for detecting structural differences in raster images of radiographs, with modules for evaluating differences and classifying "error noise / bug-sweep" differences. Practical relevance: the software implementation of the algorithms of the matching subsystem and the subsystem for detecting differences in radiographs for the detection, identification and localization of bug-sweep has been performed. The presented solution is proposed to be implemented in the form of software for a promising AS of special X-ray inspection.
Key words
- electronic devices for secret information acquisition, bug-sweep, automated system, special X-ray control, affine transformations, genetic algorithm, image segmentation, image alignment and classification of differences, structural differences in raster images
- Vlasov K. A., Usatikov S. V. The Concept of an Automated System for Special X-ray Control of Technical Equipment. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 5, pp. 180-198. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-5-180-198 (in Russian).
Electronic and radio systems
Method for modeling coupled planar resonators based on a matrix representation of edge electromagnetic fields
- Purpose. increasing complexity of planar microwave devices and expansion of operating frequency range increases the requirements for speed and reliability of numerical analysis. The fastest known methods for computing planar microwave device parameters are using quasi-static approximation. In common, they do not take into account electromagnetic coupling between individual elements of the initial topology decomposition, which reduces the reliability of the simulating results. The purpose of the present paper is to develop the method for accounting for electromagnetic coupling between planar elements of microwave devices in a quasi-static approximation. It provides an increase in the accuracy of predicting their characteristics for a wide frequency range and reduces the complexity of the design. Methods. Determination of Y-parameter matrix elements for a planar resonator by solving a two-dimensional electromagnetic problem. The solution of the three-dimensional electrostatic problem by the method of moments for determining the edge fields and electromagnetic field coupling between the planar resonators. Segmentation methods, matrix methods for representing edge fields and electromagnetic connections by Y-parameters matrix with a further composition of a general system of linear equations and the solution of this system. Novelty. In this paper, we propose a new method for accounting electromagnetic couplings between elements of planar topology which is modeled in a quasi-static approximation; a new quasi-static model of coupled planar resonators, which takes into account higher types of waves and are modeled without empirical adjustments for the dimensions of planar conductors and for the dielectric constant of the substrate material. Results. The proposed method allows the fast calculation of complex planar topologies in a quasi-static approximation. Taking into account the electromagnetic couplings between individual planar elements extends the applicability of quasi-static methods to the region of higher frequencies. The speed and accuracy of the calculation allows to use the method for solving problems of parametric optimization of device characteristics. Practical relevance. Implementation of the method in the form of a computer program allows to use the method in problems of synthesis and parametric optimization of a wide range of planar microwave devices.
Key words
- method of moments, the segmentation method, optimization of planar microwave devices, quasistatic analysis, coupled planar resonators
- Denisenko D. V., Radchenko V. V. Method for modeling coupled planar resonators based on a matrix representation of edge electromagnetic fields. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 5, pp. 120-135. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-5-120-135 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Models and methods of dynamic coordination of infocommunication system of special purpose subsystems in information conflict
- Relevance. the infocommunication system of special purpose active use in various conflicts in the special sphere is due to the need of achieving information superiority over the opposing side. The hypothesis of the study asserts that the dynamic coordination of infocommunication system of special purpose subsystems would increase the efficiency of using both the telecommunication system and the special-purpose infocommunication system as a whole in conditions of information conflict, because of obtaining a synergetic effect, which will ensure the achievement of information superiority in information conflict. The aim of this paper is developing models and methods of dynamic coordination and their application to ensure the achievement of information superiority in the information conflict of infocommunication system of special purpose. Methods. elements of control theory, actuarial mathematics theory, probability theory, complex systems theory, dynamical systems theory, Markov process theory, mathematical modeling theory, and conflict theory. Novelty. An element of the novelty of the presented solutions is a new approach of dynamic information conflict formalization of infocommunication system of special purpose. Result presented models and methods makes it possible to achieve information superiority in an information conflict. Practical significance. presented results are implemented in the form of software modules of special software and hardware complexes as part of a Unified management system for multi-departmental special purpose formations.
Key words
- infocommunication system of special purpose, information conflict, monitoring subsystem, impact subsystem, coordination
- Mikhailov R. L., Ganiev A. N., Efremov E. V. Models and methods of dynamic coordination of infocommunication system of special purpose subsystems in information conflict. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 5, pp. 136-179. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-5-136-179 (in Russian).
Scientific contribution
Konstantin N. Sklyarevich: Scientist, Teacher, Person. To the 100th Anniversary of the Birth
- Relevance. August 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Soviet scientist Konstantin Naumovich Sklyarevich. In this regard, it is useful to comprehend what he has done in science, to assess the impact of what he has done on science and society, to predict the future of science, taking into account his achievements. The purpose of the article is based on the example of the results of the versatile activities of K.N. Sklyarevich to form in young scientists’ minds an understanding of the fundamental processes of evolutionary and revolutionary approaches to the formation of new scientific knowledge, the laws of the development of science, the importance of the scientist's participation in social activities. Result. To achieve the goal of the article, domestic and foreign literature on automation and reliability theory was used, including the works of K.N. Sklyarevich, memoirs of the scientist's colleagues. The history of the main discoveries made by K.N. Sklyarevich. His scientific biography has been recreated. His features as a person, scientist, human are described. Novelty and theoretical significance. For the first time, the article summarizes the results of the scientific and pedagogical activities of the prominent scientist and teacher K.N. Sklyarevich. The work will be useful for young scientists studying the methodology of scientific research, as well as specialists working on complex scientific and technical problems, as an example of their successful solution.
Key words
- automatic systems, operator methods, theory of reliability, reliability of systems with accumulation of violations, Moscow, Riga
- Levin V. I. Konstantin N. Sklyarevich: Scientist, Teacher, Person. To the 100th Anniversary of the Birth. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 5, pp. 1-14. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-5-1-14 (in Russian).