№1 2015
Communication systems and telecommunication network
The use of technology as a tool for recognizing images of solving technical intelligence communication equipment and automated control systems
- Purpose: the use of new methods of technical intelligence communication equipment and automated control systems to improve its efficiency. Known methods of technical intelligence communication equipment and automated control systems do not allow to promptly and fully to solve its tasks. The aim is to analyze the possibility of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of conducting technical intelligence communication equipment and automated control systems. Invited to consider the possibility of using pattern recognition technology based on mobile robotic systems to improve the efficiency indicators of technical intelligence communication equipment and automated control systems. Methods: the objective to increase the effectiveness of the technical intelligence communication equipment and automated control systems based on the analysis of the possibility of using mobile robotic systems and pattern recognition technology. Novelty: the ability to assign to the mobile robotic systems for the solution of the problem of conducting technical intelligence and the use of support vector machine method to search for the damaged equipment. Result: the use of mobile robotic systems for gathering information and search image damaged.
Key words
- technical intelligence, mobile robotic systems, communication technology, unmanned aerial vehicles, pattern recognition, support vector machine, a histogram of gradient direction
- Semyonov S. S., Pedan A. V., Smoleha A. V. The use of technology as a tool for recognizing images of solving technical intelligence communication equipment and automated control systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 1, pp. 26-36. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-01/03-Semyonov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Model of Radio Network with CSMA/CA Protocol
- Statement of the problem: in the united aerospace communication networks routing and relaying of messages required with a given quality of service traffic. Purpose: research and development of the network model radio communication with the data transmission by Protocol CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance). In radio communication model-based non-persistent multiple access to investigate the effect of transit traffic on the effective network bandwidth and transmission time of messages in it. Methods used: model non-persistent multiple access in relay backhaul traffic in a network model radio communication. Novelty: model with considering transit connections in the load network. The results of the study - transit traffic will significantly affect the performance of the network. The increase in the number of transit connections makes the growth of the effective bandwidth of 10-20%, and the time delay of messages in the network increases in 2-2,5 times. The increase in the transmission delay of messages not allows you to send network traffic to sensitive delay. It is recommended to relay traffic through the space echelon. Practical relevance: the author proposes to use paper results for relay backhaul traffic in a radio network on based Mesh-technology. .
Key words
- communications network, relay traffic, routing, radio networks, CSMA
- Aganesov A. V. Model of Radio Network with CSMA/CA Protocol. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 1, pp. 67-97. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-01/06-Aganesov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals. Radiomonitoring
Radar search system emergency vessels using spherical reflectors
- Statement of the problem: even at the current pace of settlement of the planet, there are still places on the Earth where the search emergency aircraft and ships is unacceptably long. The use of various emergency and radio direction-finding equipment, posted on search engine airplanes and helicopters, significantly reduces the search time of the accident, but limited power sources, and, sometimes, outright ban on the use (for example, when landing on the territory occupied by the enemy) determine the relevance of the application of passive reflectors and radar search engines. A disadvantage of the known artificial reflectors used as rescue buoys is a low probability of correct detection if the background surface has good reflective properties. The aim of this work is the rationale for the use of spherical reflectors to create optimal according to the criterion of Neyman-Pearson radar search emergency aircraft and ships. It is suggested to use a two-channel radar system search, posted on search and rescue helicopters and aircraft, in combination with equipment of all vessels spherical reflectors of various designs. Methods used: a solution to the problem of detecting and localizing the site of the accident aircraft or marine vessels at the expense of maximizing the probability of correct detection of the lattice passive reflectors for a given level of false alarm. Increasing the probability of correct detection of the object relative to the known angular reflectors is carried out through the use of oscillating nature of the graph of the inverse scattering spherical reflectors and the use of two frequencies of the probing signal. Novelty: novelty items presented solutions are the use of two frequencies of the probing signal, on one of which the response from the spherical reflector, maximum, and on the other less predictable. The result: the use of spherical reflectors provides detection of the scene of the accident with a probability of correct detection, exceeding the values obtained for corner reflectors, and the metal plate comparable to the linear dimensions. The simulation for different observation conditions (sea anxiously 2 and 6 points, steppe in winter and summer, rocky desert and forest) shows the possibility of achieving the probability of correct detection is higher than 0.9 when the width of the beam pattern of the radar station at the half power level 20 , the height of the flight 6000-8000 m and the slant distance of 10-12 km Practical significance: the solution proposed to equip emergency rafts of sea vessels, as well as wearable (onboard) emergency stocks of aircraft to reduce search time crews in fault conditions emergency radio, or when necessary to protect the radio silence.
Key words
- search emergency vessels, spherical reflector, the effective surface scattering
- Bazhenov A. V., Malygin S. V. Radar search system emergency vessels using spherical reflectors. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 1, pp. 16-25. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-01/02-Bazhenov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Systems for ensuring of safety and security
The formation methodology of repair complete sets as a tool to improve the efficiency of the recovery system of military communication equipment
- An important area of operation of the process of communication equipment and automated control systems in wartime is to restore her health. In this case, the technical condition of the samples will be characterized as operational failures, and battle damage. Experience shows the inconsistency of the teachings of the technical communications and automated control systems for solving recovery techniques even with operational failures, not to mention the much possible combat damage. One of the main reasons for this state of affairs is the lack of repair organs such component material support the recovery process, as repair complete sets. The urgency of the issue in question allowed to formulate the purpose of research - to improve the system restore military communications by synthesis repair complete sets needed to repair the connection unusable equipment. Justification rational nomenclature and quantitative composition of the considered sets will allow for the timely restoration of communications technology and thereby improve the stability of operation deployed for a period of warfare communication system. The main result of the study was to study the proposed method of rational nomenclature and quantitative composition repair complete sets. A general statement of the problem on the formation of the stock and its formalization possible to determine to solve a system of necessary input data, output data, and imposed on the elements of recovery and they implement processes assumptions and limitations. The dependence of functioning quality system recovery from performance indicator repair complete sets, expressed as coefficient of importance is laid in their spare elements, possible to determine the sequence of evaluating the effectiveness of recovery using the generated sets. At the same time, in order to optimize the structure of sets of military equipment communication to solve the task of integer programming, namely the task of loading a backpack. The novelty of the proposed method is the use of appropriate coefficients important structural elements of communications technology, which are directly dependent on the probability of damage, and thus allow for replacement components demand. Practical relevance: the work you plan to use in developing recommendations to officials of the relevant authorities are content for their planning special events during the technical communication and management systems in the framework of creating the material basis for the restoration of communications technology.
Key words
- recovery system, military communication equipment, battle damage, repair complete sets, formation methodology, task of loading a backpack
- Volovikov V. S. The formation methodology of repair complete sets as a tool to improve the efficiency of the recovery system of military communication equipment. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 1, pp. 37-52. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-01/04-Volovikov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Methodical maintenance of forecasting needs recovery system communication equipment and automated control systems in repair complete sets
- The quality of the recovery process, implemented a system of technical communication and automated control systems, largely determined by the availability of material support of repair, the main element of which in wartime conditions are created in advance supplies repair complete sets. These kits are designed for the repair of military communications coming out of the system primarily due to receiving multiple combat damage. The purpose of research – demand forecasting system restore military equipment communication repair complete sets by synthesizing model enemy fire exposure to the elements of military communication networks. Implementation of the model, namely the characterization of vulnerability of structural elements of the samples of communications technology, will provide basic data for solving the task of the formation of rational repair complete sets. Novelty: in contrast to existing methodological support of combat losses forecast military communications, based on the use of data on the percentage of its release at some kind of repair, it is proposed to solve the task of building a constructive level of the sample communication technology, and thus, further studies to operate directly probabilistic characteristics of damage elements. The analysis of scientific literature in the subject area allowed at this stage of the work to get the following result: done meaningful characterization of the vulnerability of communications technology and automated control systems as an object of destruction and characteristics of the harmful effect of fire weapons, as well as providing a system of criteria relevant parameters affecting factors raw data, output data, formulate assumptions and constraints in modeling, all of which allowed the development of a simulation model of the impact of weapons on military communications. Practical relevance: the work will be used to characterize the vulnerability of structural elements, which are the basic data for determining the demand for spare parts in the implementation of the restoration of communications technology in wartime. Thus, the solution of a particular task in the modeling and will solve the main task – the implementation of a technique of formation of rational repair complete sets.
Key words
- modeling, mean of destruction, goal (object destruction), combat damage, characteristics of vulnerability, simulation model, repair complete sets
- Volovikov V. S. Methodical maintenance of forecasting needs recovery system communication equipment and automated control systems in repair complete sets. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 1, pp. 53-66. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-01/05-Volovikov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Signaling with Adaptation Parameters in Routing Protocol with a Connection on Influence of Destabilizing Factors
- Statement of the problem. The structural complexity of communication network is growing up, and questions of stability to influences of destabilizing factors are current importance. Known methods of increasing the stability of the communication lines, based on the routing data flows on the primary and several backup paths, and do not take into account the loss of time on the processes of reconfiguring connections. Purpose of ensuring a certain level of stability in terms of the availability of the connection taking into account its structure and by adapting temporal parameters diagnostics of the health of the connection The paper offered to consider at stability maintenance not only connection structure, but also time expenses for communication restoration. In paper show, that these time expenses are defined by time parameters of refusals of elements of connections and the period of diagnostics of working capacity of elements.A predetermined level of stability will provide by adaptive change of the period of diagnosis of the operability of the connection in accordance with the measured average time of failure network element. Methods: The solution of the problem based on the use of methods of reliability theory and the theory of Markov processes. The criterion of achieving a given level of stability of the connection is the value of the coefficient of readiness of the compound based on its structure and processes to its reconfiguration. Innovation: consideration of the impact of destructive factors through the transitional probabilities of the original Markov model are the elements of novelty of the presented solutions.Also for the first time used the approach to assess the availability of the connection is based on further evaluation of the processes of reconfiguring a connection. Results: The decision on the adaptation of the parameters in the routing Protocol with the establishment of connections allows to provide a set level of stability (in terms of the availability of the connection) failure of the individual elements due to the impact of destabilizing factors. Practical implications: presented solution is implemented in a mathematical software routing protocols connection: Hello, PNNI, MPLS functioning in networks exposed to destabilizing factors. This will allow for adaptive dynamic change of parameters in the diagnosis of the state of the connection (end-to-end) depending on the level of influence of destabilizing factors on the network elements
Key words
- connection, clustering, routing, communication protocol, destabilizing factor, intentional interference, PNNI, MPLS
- Makarenko S. I., Mikhailov R. L. Signaling with Adaptation Parameters in Routing Protocol with a Connection on Influence of Destabilizing Factors. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 1, pp. 97-126. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-01/07-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Information security
Fuzzy assessment of interlinkages systemic factors information management system in order to enhance the security of information resources
- Purpose. Complication of structural complexity and multi-component complex systems for various purposes, a variety of processes occurring in them, the need for the large number of parameters and operational management pseudoreal-time, caused by the inertia of the system, predetermine the urgent need to control forming factors, which regulate the conduct of the concept of risk management. Developed a method of risk management in terms of ensuring the security of information resources of varying degrees of privacy, circulating in a distributed information management system, and an integrated risk management model, which is an integral part of the considered fuzzy cognitive model and method of its construction aimed at minimizing riskoobrazuyuschih system and external factors and probability non-stochastic nature. The purpose is development a fuzzy cognitive assessment model system relationships and factors determining system performance. Methods. Solution of the problem based on the use of methods and models of risk management, based on the methodology of fuzzy modeling. Novelty. Elements of novelty solutions are presented and developed a technique for constructing a fuzzy cognitive model estimating relationships systemic factors analyzed system (process problems) and identified sources (risk of) risks; possible to assess the direct effect of the concepts to each other, the influence of several concepts in one and the indirect influence of concepts. There is also an element of novelty is attributed to model the dynamics of the developed model. Results. Use of the presented solution on interlinkages between systemic factors and determining system performance allows you to input data to determine the effect of systemic factors on the sources (risk of) risks through fuzzy models based on fuzzy neural produktcionnyh ANFIS-networks, which allow you to assess the relationship of systemic factors that determine the system characteristics and the modeling of system dynamics. Practical relevance. Fuzzy cognitive model and method of its construction are an integral part of risk management techniques in terms of ensuring the security of information resources of varying degrees of privacy, circulating in a distributed information management system and integrated risk management model.
Key words
- method of construction, fuzzy cognitive model, systemic factors, assessment, relationship, system dynamics
- Chucklyaev I. I. Fuzzy assessment of interlinkages systemic factors information management system in order to enhance the security of information resources. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 1, pp. 4-15. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-01/01-Chuklyaev.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).