# 2 2023
Information security
Functioning model and algorithm for configuring the addressing of false network information objects in the conditions of network reconnaissance
- Purpose: Capabilities enhancing and effectiveness improving of network reconnaissance to break information systems actualize the issues of ensure their information security. The inertial properties of the applied means of protection do not fully ensure the security of information systems from network reconnaissance and computer attacks. Spoof network information object technology is a security resource whose purpose is to be investigated or subjected to cyberattacks by an information security violator.The aim of the work is to develop a model and an algorithm to ensure the security of the information system, to provide prompt service to authorized clients with a simultaneous decrease in the quality of service requests from the attacker's tools by choosing the optimal mode of functioning of false network information objects. Methods used methods: formalization of the process of functioning of false network information objects in the configuration of addressing parameters under conditions of network reconnaissance by representing the process of their interaction in the form of a Markovian random process with discrete states and continuous time, as well as solving the control problem by numerical and analytical methods. Novelty: the elements of novelty of the presented model are the application of the mathematical apparatus of homogeneous Markov chains with continuous time taking into account the asymptotic stability and robustness properties, for substantiation of the choice of optimal modes of operation of false network information objects. The novelty of the developed algorithm is the application of the presented model of functioning of false network information objects, statement and the decision of a direct problem of research of operations for maximization of probability of formation and sending of actual false data on requests from means of network reconnaissance. Result: The calculations performed indicate an increase in the protection of information resources due to the timely processing of requests from the network reconnaissance tool and sending responses to it in a time not exceeding the average response time of a real network node to TCP and ARP requests. The presented algorithm makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of protection by reducing the capabilities of network reconnaissance tools to identify false network information objects by configuring addressing parameters. Practical relevance: Lies in finding the probabilistic-temporal characteristics that describe the state of the process of functioning of the false network information objects in the conditions of network reconnaissance, as well as in solving the direct problem of operations research to maximize the probability of generating and sending actual false data to requests from network reconnaissance tools, as well as reducing the possibility of compromising the means of protection.
Key words
- network reconnaissance, false network information objects, computer attack, protocol, resilience, random process
- Lebedkina T. V., Horev G. A. Functioning model and algorithm for configuring the addressing of false network information objects in the conditions of network reconnaissance. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 23-62. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-23-62 (in Russian).
Algorithm of multiaddress network connection configuration under conditions of computer intelligence
- Problem statement: despite the usage of information security measures, the threats of computer attacks on computer networks remain relevant. One of the methods applied for preventing such threats is the concealment of real IP-addresses of the computer network’s nodes through their dynamic changes. However, the usage of such measures lowers the network nodes’ availability for legitimate users because traditionally used TCP/UPD transport layer protocols have known limitations, which do not ensure continuous and secure data transmission. These limitations can be removed by application of the SCTP transport layer protocol, which can keep a set of previously defined IP-addresses within the established connection. The purpose of the work is to develop the algorithm, which allows improving the availability and safety of the computer network’s nodes when dynamically changing its IP-addresses by using the optimal parameters of the multiaddress network connection configuration. Methods used: in this paper the study of stoсhastic processes methods and the methods of multi-criteria optimization problems solutions are used. Novelty: The novelty of the presented algorithm is the application of the multiaddress network connection configuration model based on the mathematical apparatus of Markovian processes with discrete states and continuous time; and also the problem statement and multi-criteria optimization solution by application of the ideal point method and the Nelder-Mead algorithm. Results: calculations show the improvement in availability and safety of the network nodes when the optimal parameters of the multiaddress network connection with dynamically changing IP-addresses are applied. Practical significance is to improve computer networks’ nodes safety by reducing the computer intelligence’s ability to detect real IP-addresses with the simultaneous availability improvement by applying optimal parameters of the multiaddress network connection configuration.
Key words
- network intelligence, multiaddress network connection, multi-criteria optimization, availability and safety improvement
- Moskvin A. A. Algorithm of multiaddress network connection configuration under conditions of computer intelligence. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 102-130. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-102-130 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Method for determining the dependence of the standard deviation from the signal-interference in a decameter radio link on the choice of frequency
- Problem statement: it is known that random changes in the power of received signals and interference in the decameter wave range significantly affect the reliability of radio communications (the probability of communication with reliability is not worse than the permissible one). To maintain acceptable communication reliability, a timely change of operating frequencies is required. Communication reliability is determined by the value of the average signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver input relative to its allowable value, which depend on the choice of operating frequency, and the standard deviation of the input signal-to-noise ratio. The latter, when calculating the reliability of decameter communication, is assumed to be unchanged and equal to 14 dB. However, according to experimental data, the root-mean-square deviation of the ratio of signal power to noise power at the input of a decameter communication receiver depends on frequency, which can affect the reliability of the reliability calculation. The aim of the work is to develop a technique for determining the dependence of the standard deviation of the signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver input on the choice of the operating frequency and assessing its impact on the reliability of communication in a single-mode decameter radio link. The novelty lies in the theoretical generalization of methods for calculating the reliability of communication in a single-mode decameter radio link through the Laplace function and through the deviations of the lower and upper deciles to determine the frequency dependence of the standard deviation of the signal-to-noise ratio. Result: an analytical expression is obtained for estimating the root-mean-square deviation of the ratio of the average signal powers and interference at the receiver input from the choice of the operating frequency in a single-mode decameter radio link. Practical significance: when calculating the reliability of communication in a single-mode decameter radio link, it is necessary to take into account the dependence of the standard deviation of the signal-to-noise ratio on the choice of operating frequency. The discrepancy in the calculations of communication reliability in the absence of this frequency dependence is on average 5,6%, and the largest difference reaches 8,1%.
Key words
- single-mode decameter radio link, communication reliability, average signal-to-noise ratio, standard deviation, lower signal-to-noise ratio decile
- Pashintsev V. P., Grinev E. M., Skorik A. D., Belokon D. A. Method for determining the dependence of the standard deviation from the signal-interference in a decameter radio link on the choice of frequency. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 63-80. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-63-80 (in Russian).
Noise Immunity of Starlink User Terminals
- Relevance. Providing Internet access services at high speed and with acceptable latency throughout the Earth requires the creation of low-orbit multi-satellite communication systems (SATCOM). Currently, several projects of such SatComm, for example, the Russian projects "Skif", "Marathon" and "Megafon-1440" are being developed in Russia. To substantiate technical solutions for these SATCOM, the Starlink system can be used, which can be considered as a prototype of this Russian SATCOMs. Noise immunity is one of the most important characteristics of SATCOM, therefore, it study is an important scientific and practical task. The aim of the paper is to analysis noise immunity of Starlink user terminals (UT). This assessment can be used to develop initial data when modeling the influence of interference sources on Russian multi-satellite low-orbit SATCOMs and for choice of noise-proof modes of UT. Only open sources were used to make analysis noise immunity of Starlink UT. Results and their novelty. The element of practical novelty of the paper is the revealed general technological features of Starlink system and a preliminary assessment of its noise immunity, taking into account the spatial, temporal and energy availability of Starlink UT for potential noise sources. Practical significance. Technical specialists who make noise-proof modes of UT for Russian SATCOMs could use this paper. In addition, the paper will be useful to scientists who conduct research in the field of noise immunity of SATCOM.
Key words
- noise immunity, interference, interference source, intentional interference, electronic jamming, electronic warfare, user terminal, Earth station, SATCOM, multi-satellite low-orbit satellite communication system, Starlink, SpaceX
- Makarenko S. I. Noise Immunity of Starlink User Terminals. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 81-101. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-81-101 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Increasing the speed of data exchange in the "coast-sea-coast" directions by radio paths of the decameter wave range
- Problem statement: conducting numerous route tests shows the results of the average speed of bringing information to remote objects in the case of ionospheric propagation of radio waves is significantly lower than theoretical. At the same time, one of the decisive factors limiting the increase in speed in the radio path of the short wave range is the unsteadiness of the characteristics of the transmission medium. The article aims to substantiate the possibility of high-speed data transmission in the presence of discrete and diffuse multipath in the ionospheric radio channel. The purpose of the work is to consider methods for ensuring stable high-speed delivery of commands and reports between control points and globally moving objects, taking into account the characteristics of radio channels with variable parameters. Methods used: theory of radio wave propagation; methods of the theory of potential noise immunity; methods of increasing the probability of reception in conditions of discrete multipath, as well as the arrival of modes with "channel" and "chord" modes of wave propagation; methods of combating multipath and intersymbol interference; methods of frequency, spatial and geographically-spaced transmission (reception) of messages, etc. The novelty of the proposed approach to increase the speed of data exchange in the radio paths of the decameter wave range is the complex use of methods of organizing frequency, spatial- or geographically-spaced transmission (reception) of information in combination with the use of multi-channel receiving and excitatory devices built using programmable radio technology, the transition from "simple" to non-binary types of modulation, as well as to broadband signals with a small base and receiving messages on a multi-program digital phased array antenna with a static "fan" of directional patterns. The results of the work include theoretical and experimental substantiation of the achievability of information transmission rates when switching to non–binary types of modulation in short-wave radio paths – up to 10 kBit/s. At the same time, the "payment" for providing high-speed transmission without using an equalizer, a probing signal or a feedback channel is the need for a significant frequency resource, which, however, is typical both for adaptive radio lines and for the message transmission mode actively used today at a large number of operating frequencies set according to a pseudo-random law. Practical significance: it is possible to increase the probability of reception in the conditions of intersymbol interference caused by discrete multipath, either by isolating the beam with the maximum signal level and suppressing (compensating) the remaining rays, or by the method of optimal addition of signals from all rays. At the same time, the problem is solved most effectively when broadband signals are used for transmitting information, and coordinated filtering and multidiagram digital phased antenna arrays are used for reception.
Key words
- discrete multipath, diffuse multipath, information transmission rate, decameter wave range, ionospheric radio channel, radio path, multidiagram digital phased array
- Zhukov G. A., Budko P. A. Dyachenko A. N. Increasing the speed of data exchange in the "coast-sea-coast" directions by radio paths of the decameter wave range. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 147-174. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-147-174 (in Russian).
Improving the reliability of radio communication facilities of an automated radio center due to the timely detection of their parametric failures in the process of functional control
- Statement of the problem: the article carries out a mathematical statement and solution of the scientific problem in terms of ensuring the timeliness of functional control of radio communication facilities of an automated radio center, allowing to increase their availability factor, due to the timely detection of their parametric failures in the transition to a state-based maintenance strategy, its decomposition into partial tasks is made. The purpose the work is to determine and substantiate the way to solve the scientific problem, due to the transition from parametric control to quality control of the functioning of radio communications, which makes it possible to increase their readiness factor due to the timely detection of parametric failures in the transition to a maintenance strategy for the condition. Used methods: theoretical and methodological basis for the statement of the scientific problem of research were the fundamental bases and mathematical apparatus of theories of reliability, technical diagnostics, systems and systems analysis, the theory of electrical communication. Novelty: in taking into account the diagnostic aspect of the reliability of radio communications when setting and solving the mathematical problem of research, as well as the probability of failure-free operation of the means of control. Result: the formulation and solution of the scientific problem of research to improve the availability factor of radio communications, identified the essential factors, constraints and assumptions. Theoretical significance: The received results consist in the development of radio wave method of nondestructive testing as applied to the functional control of radio communication facilities of an automated radio center, as well as in further development of the scientific and methodological apparatus of testing and diagnostics, taking into account the impact of the duration and frequency of functional testing of radio facilities, in a system formed by the means and the test object, with a limited resource of subsystems included in it.
Key words
- automated radio center, radio facilities, reliability, functional control, maintenance, parametric failure
- Budko P. A., Golyunov M. V., Allakin V. V. Improving the reliability of radio communication facilities of an automated radio center due to the timely detection of their parametric failures in the process of functional control. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 204-227. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-204-227 (in Russian).
Dynamic coordination of infocommunication system of special purpose subsystems in information conflict: evaluation method
- Relevance. The work is an extension and development of the ongoing research, the hypothesis of which is that the increase in the efficiency of using a infocommunication system of special-purpose in an information conflict is ensured through the implementation of mechanisms for dynamic coordination of the monitoring and impact subsystems in its composition due to a synergistic effect, which will ensure the achievement of information superiority in the information conflict. The aim of this paper is the development of interaction evaluation method in the dynamic coordination of monitoring and impact subsystems as part of infocommunication system of a special-purpose during an information conflict. Methods. Elements of set theory, coordination theory and control theory. Novelty. An element of the novelty of the method is the determination in each moment of time of the ranges of changes in the sets of detected telecommunications devices distributed for monitoring and impact subsystems, while specific devices that are transmitted between the subsystems of monitoring and influence are selected by these subsystems, including taking into account their own calculations. Result. The use of the developed method makes it possible to implement the mechanism of dynamic coordination of the monitoring and impact subsystems as part of infocommunication system of special-purpose. Practical significance. the implementation of the developed method as a general theoretical approach in the synthesis of software products as part of the mathematical software of the information subsystem will allow us to move from the empirical order of distribution and redistribution of telecommunications devices between the subsystems of monitoring and impact to a strictly formalized description of the process of dynamic coordination of these subsystems.
Key words
- infocommunication system of special purpose, information conflict, monitoring subsystem, impact subsystem, coordination
- Mikhailov R. L., Nikolaev A. Ye., Kuznetsov N. P. Dynamic coordination of infocommunication system of special purpose subsystems in information conflict: evaluation method. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 228-257. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-228-257 (in Russian).
Electronic and radio systems
Reducing the electrostatic discharge impact by a meander line with broad-side coupling
- Problem statement: Modern trends in the development of radio-electronic equipment (REE) require designers to pay special attention to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). This is explained by an increase in speed and a decrease in operating voltages and geometric dimensions of REE elements. These changes significantly reduce the REE immunity to overvoltage. One of the reasons for such overvoltage is electrostatic discharge (ESD), which can lead to partial or complete REE failure and interruption of its operation. The danger of ESD impact on REE is exacerbated by the fact that traditional protection devices have disadvantages, such as low speed and power. Additionally, traditional protection devices have limited triggering resource, and since they have semiconductor components in their composition, they are largely susceptible to radiation. This is unacceptable, particularly in the space industry where it is necessary to increase the active lifespan of spacecraft to up to 15 years. Therefore, there is a need to develop new approaches to protecting REE that are free of these drawbacks. Purpose: The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the possibility of reducing the ESD impact by a meander line (ML) with broad-side coupling. Methods: The proposed approach involves analysis, structural-parametric optimization using heuristic search, as well as computational (using different approaches based on various numerical methods) and full-scale experiments. Novelty: The novelty lies in the use of ML distortions to reduce the ESD impact. For the first time, this reduction is achieved by utilizing the presence of crosstalk and the difference in mode propagation speeds in an ML with broad-side coupling. Results: The changes in geometric parameters of the ML were analyzed in detail, as well as their effect on the ESD waveform and amplitude at the ML output. The study revealed the regularities of the influence of each individual parameter of the ML on the ESD voltage waveform. Based on the analysis, conditions were formulated that allow the decomposition of the ESD peak surge in the ML. The cross-section parameters of the ML were optimized according to the criterion of ESD decomposition and minimization of its amplitude, while considering the technological capabilities of typical production of printed circuit boards. The obtained geometric parameters provided ESD attenuation in the line by 1.61 times. According to the IPC-2221A standard, the ML with the obtained optimal parameters can operate with a constant current of up to 2.31 A and a voltage of up to 1.1 kV. Full-scale tests were carried out, demonstrating a decrease in the ESD voltage amplitude after its propagation along the ML occurred due to the decomposition of its peak surge. The results obtained by different approaches were compared. The attenuation of the ESD voltage amplitude in all approaches used was at least 1.6 times: quasi-static – 1.61 times; electrodynamic – 1.66 times; based on the measured S-parameters – 1.73 times, full-scale experiment - 1.67 times. Practical relevance: The proposed solution can be used in critical radio-electronic equipment to protect against ESD and its secondary effects.
Key words
- electrostatic discharge, meander line, even mode, odd mode, electromagnetic compatibility, protection
- Nosov A. V. Reducing the electrostatic discharge impact by a meander line with broad-side coupling. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 1-22. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-1-22 (in Russian).
Focused antennas in non-destructive radio wave testing
- Purpose. The problem of radio wave control of non-metallic materials is considered. It is based on the method of echolocation carried out using an antenna system focused in the zone of the near radiated field. Brief information about the most essential properties of focused electromagnetic fields is given. Along with the traditional focused fields, it is proposed to use focused fields of the difference type, similar in a number of properties to radiation with a difference type radiation pattern. The joint use of focused fields of the sum and difference types in radio wave echolocation diagnostics makes it possible to increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of a defect, as well as significantly reduce the negative effect of the presence of side lobes of focused fields. The purpose of the present paper is to identify the main properties of electromagnetic fields focused in the zone of the near radiated field with the development on their basis of proposals for the formation of the distribution of the focused electromagnetic field of the difference type in the longitudinal and transverse directions relative to the linear antenna array.. Methods. There has been proposed the solution of the problem of formation of difference focused distributions is based on the well-known principles of electrodynamics and aperture theory of antennas. Novelty. Elements of novelty is presented for the first time, the principles of formation and use of distributions of focused electromagnetic fields in the longitudinal and transverse directions relative to a linear antenna array. Practical relevance. The use of distributions of a focused electromagnetic field of a difference type allows, in the case of sum-difference signal processing, to increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of an object, to reduce the negative effect of signals received through the side lobes of a focused field.
Key words
- electromagnetic field focusing, sum-difference signal processing, near radiated field zone, radio wave diagnostics, radio wave control, focusing area, difference field distribution
- Vedenkin D. A., Sedelnikov Y. E. Focused antennas in non-destructive radio wave testing. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 131-146. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-131-146 (in Russian).
Simulating, evaluating, and selecting the optimum switching order for circuits with triple modal reservation after failures along the conductors
- Problem statement: When constructing competitive radioelectronic devices (REDs), particular attention should be paid to their high quality and reliability. This process must involve all stages of hardware production, starting with the design of printed circuit boards and cables. Modal reservation (MR) is a technique of improving electromagnetic compatibility and functional safety, which implies an increase in reliability. Theoretical studies of structures with MR have shown that failures at the ends of conductors in a reserved circuit can be successfully simulated by changing the boundary conditions: short circuit (SC) or open circuit (OC). However, various faults can also occur along the conductors. Their simulation models are more complex than those of faults at the ends of conductors. However, in order to determine the switching order of conductors more accurately, it is necessary to analyse various structures with triple MR and take into account failures both at the ends and along the conductors. Purpose of work: The purpose of this study is to simulate, evaluate, and select the optimum conductor switching order for circuits with triple MR, considering failures along the conductors. Methods used: To simulate, evaluate, and select the conductor switching order, we employ a quasistatic analysis system that uses an algorithm for analysing structures with triple MR before and after failures. Novelty: This is the first time, when structures with triple MR are analysed using initial and optimal parameter sets after failures along the conductors. Result: The optimal switching order after failures along the conductors is determined for each of the structures. Practical relevance: The relevance is determined by the fact that the proposed approach allows taking into account the idiosyncratic nature of such failures to specify the optimal switching order of the conductors.
Key words
- electromagnetic compatibility, functional safety, redundancy, modal reservation, printed circuit board, failure
- Medvedev A. V. Simulating, evaluating, and selecting the optimum switching order for circuits with triple modal reservation after failures along the conductors. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 175-203. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-175-203 (in Russian).
Scientific contribution
Viktor Iosifovich Levin – Scientist and teacher
- The biography of the prominent mathematician Viktor Iosifovich Levin is considered. The purpose of the article is to use the example of V.I. Levin's scientific work to form an understanding of various approaches to the formation of new scientific knowledge among novice scientists. To achieve the purpose of the article, domestic and foreign literature is used. The scientific biography of V.I. Levin has been recreated. The emphasis is placed on the work of V.I. Levin in the field of function theory. The work will be useful for young scientists studying the methodology of scientific research.
Key words
- mathematics, V.I. Levin, Moscow, Berlin, Cambridge, Soviet Union, Germany, England, India
- Levin V. I. Viktor Iosifovich Levin – Scientist and teacher. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2023, no. 2, pp. 258-274. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2023-2-258-274 (in Russian).