# 3 2021
Analysis of new technologies and ways of development for systems of control, communication and security
Vitaly I. Levin: Life for science
- Relevance. In this autobiographical article, V. I. Levin, from the position of an established scientist, comprehends what he has done in science, the impact of what he has done on science and The purpose of the article society, tries to predict the future development of science taking into account his achievements. is to form an understanding of the fundamental processes of evolutionary and revolutionary approaches to the formation of new scientific knowledge, the laws of the development of theory and practice due to new fundamental discoveries, the role of the scientist's personality in the development of science, using the example of the results of V. I. Levin's scientific work. Result. To achieve the purpose of the article, the personal memories of V. I. Levin, his works, as well as the memories of his colleagues and relatives are used. The article describes the meaning of his main scientific achievements: the construction, based on the principle of a small parameter, of the theory of reliability of discrete devices, the discovery of a mathematical model of the dynamics of such devices in terms of continuous logic, the development of methods for optimizing systems under uncertainty in terms of interval mathematics, etc. The scientific biography of V. I. Levin is also recreated. Novelty and theoretical significance. The article presents for the first time in a concise form the results of the 60-year creative path of V. I. Levin. The work will be useful for young scientists studying the methodology of scientific research, as well as for specialists working on complex scientific and technical problems, as an example of their successful resolution.
Key words
- reliability theory, automata theory, small parameter method, logic, Odessa, Kaunas, Riga, Penza
- Levin V. I. Vitaly I. Levin: Life for science. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 3, pp. 238-319. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-3-238-319 (in Russian).
Intelligent information systems
Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems with Increased Functional Safety Requirements
- Purpose. Increasing the complexity of tasks solved by mobile cyber-physical systems (MCPS), actualizes the application of such artificial intelligence technology as multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MDRL). For the application of MDRL methods in practice, it is necessary to increase the functional safety provided by them. The aim of the work is to increase the functional safety of MCPS trained using the MDRL method based on the actor-critic architecture. It is proposed to perform training more thoroughly in states that cause the incorrect behavior of the MCPS, by increasing the fraction of such states in the replay buffer. Methods. MDRL is based on the MADDPG (multi-agent deep deterministic policy gradient) method. To generate a replay buffer with the required probability density based on a random number generator with a uniform probability density, a separate artificial neural network (ANN) "trainer" is used. ANN trainer is also trained in the MDRL process to increase the probability of including in the replay buffer of states that cause the incorrect behavior of the MCPS, and to reduce the probability of including situations with the correct behavior of the MCPS in the replay buffer. Novelty. The elements of novelty of the presented method are: 1) the use of a replay buffer with an uneven probability density of states; 2) the use of a separate ANN to generate a replay buffer with the required probability density. Results. The use of the proposed method made it possible to reduce, in comparison with the analogue, the probability of the occurrence of dangerous states in the problem of cooperative navigation from 19.1% to 0.02% with the same number of training steps. Practical relevance. The proposed method can be used for training or pre-training of MCPS in simulation environments. The proposed method is expected to expand the applicability of MDRL in real MCPS.
Key words
- multi-agent deep reinforcement learning, artificial intelligence, mobile cyber-physical systems, functional safety
- Petrenko V. I. Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems with Increased Functional Safety Requirements. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 3, pp. 179-206. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-3-179-206 (in Russian).
Robot-technological systems
Methodology for Planning the Trajectory of a Group of Mobile Robots in Unknown Closed Environment with Obstacles
- Purpose. Use of group of mobile robots in complex applied problems can significantly increase the efficiency of solving such problems. At the same time, the possibilities of group application of mobile robots in unknown environments are determined, first of all, by the level of development of methods of group decentralized control. The well-known algorithms for trajectory planning of a group of mobile robots in an unknown environment have high computational complexity or do not allow finding the trajectory that is optimal along the path length while maintaining a safe distance from obstacles and other robots in the group. The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of solving the problem of the trajectory planning of a group of mobile robots from the initial position to the final one in an unknown environment with obstacles, taking into account the limited capabilities (sensory and computational) of mobile robots and the specifics of decentralized control. Methods. The solution to the problem is carried out on the basis of step-by-step optimization of the current position of each robot in the group with respect to a given goal. The proposed method analyzes the possibility of movement of each robot in a group in directions determined by means of analytical geometry based on measurements of on-board distance sensors. If it is impossible to move in any of the directions, the position of the neighboring robots of the group is assessed and the position of the leader is selected as an intermediate state, while the trajectory is adjusted based on measurements of the on-board distance sensors in the presence of obstacles. The described sequence of actions in the proposed method is iteratively repeated for the movement of each robot in the group from the initial state to the intermediate state, and from the intermediate to the final one. The stopping criterion is the achievement of the target position by each robot in the group. Novelty. Element of novelty in this work is the procedure for calculating trajectory segments based on the choice of an intermediate state and correcting the trajectory taking into account the measurements of the onboard distance sensors of the group's mobile robots. Results. The proposed method makes it possible to search for the trajectory of a group of mobile robots in an unknown environment while ensuring a given distance to obstacles and other robots in the group. The use of the presented algorithms allows a group of robots to maintain a high efficiency of task performance while functioning in conditions of information deficiency. The reliability of the results was confirmed in the course of software simulation. Practical relevance. The solution of the problem taking into account the specified features made it possible to reduce the computational complexity of the method, as well as to remove restrictions on the use of trajectory planning algorithms for mobile robots with low-performance on-board sensors and computing devices. The presented algorithms are implemented as software in the Python programming language which can be used in the modeling of decentralized control systems for a group of mobile robots.
Key words
- trajectory planning, obstacle avoidance, multi-agent systems, decentralized control, mobile robots
- Pavlov A. S. Methodology for Planning the Trajectory of a Group of Mobile Robots in Unknown Closed Environment with Obstacles. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 3, pp. 38-59. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-3-38-59 (in Russian).
Information security
Functioning model and algorithm of email service proactive protection from network intelligence
- Purpose: Existing threats to the information security of the e-mail service are caused by the reactivity of the applied security tools that analyze the content of electronic messages, SMTP protocol capabilities and the peculiarities of the impact of network intelligence tools. The inertia properties of the applied security tools do not fully ensure the email service's protection against network intelligence and computer attacks. The aim of the work is to develop a model and an algorithm that allows you to quickly serve the maximum number of requests from authorized clients of e-mail service while reducing the quality of service requests from network intelligence tools by controlling the process of messaging. Methods used: the solution to the problem of managing thee-mail service operation process in conditions of network intelligence at various stages of a mail transaction by managing the resource capabilities of network intelligence facilities at the application level, which consists in representing the process of their interaction as a Markov random process with discrete states and continuous time, using dynamic programming methods, as well as numerical methods. The elements of novelty of the presented model are the application of the mathematical apparatus of homogeneous Markov chains with continuous time, taking into account the asymptotic stability and robustness properties, to justify the choice of optimal modes of e-mail messages transmission at various stages of the e-mail transaction. The novelty of the presented algorithm of e-mail service proactive protection from network intelligence consists in the application of the model of e-mail service functioning, based on the use of the mathematical apparatus of homogeneous Markov chains with continuous time, to control the resource possibilities of intelligence means during the e-mail messages transfer at various stages of the mail transaction. Result: The calculations show an increase in the availability of e-mail service information resources to clients, due to the management of the process of transferring e-mail messages. The presented algorithm makes it possible to improve the efficiency of protection by reducing the ability of the attacker to detect the fact of the use of security features and identification of their characteristics, as well as by managing the resource capabilities of intelligence tools at various stages of the e-mail transaction by simulating a communication channel with poor quality. Practical significance: consists in finding the probabilistic and temporal characteristics describing the process of e-mail service operation at various stages of the mail transaction. The practical significance of the presented algorithm consists in solving the problem of optimal management of the e-mail transmission process, which provides management of computing and temporal resources of network intelligence tools, as well as reducing the possibility of compromising the security tools and identification of their characteristics.
Key words
- network intelligence, email service, proactive protection, resilience, random process, denial of service
- Gorbachev A. A., Sokolovsky S. P., Usatikov S. V. Functioning model and algorithm of email service proactive protection from network intelligence. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 3, pp. 60-109. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-3-60-109 (in Russian).
Methodology for Assessing Current Threats and Vulnerabilities Based on Cognitive Modeling Technologies and Text Mining
- Formulation of the problem. Automation of low-level modeling of scenarios for exploiting vulnerabilities and implementing threats based on the description of vectors (patterns) of computer attacks contained in databases that characterize various aspects of the security of software and hardware infrastructure of a network of industrial facilities. Purpose. Development of a methodology for automated assessment of current threats and vulnerabilities according to the FSTEC of Russia Methodology. Methods: semantic modeling based on cross-referencing and assessing the degree of similarity of textual descriptions of objects of a network of industrial facilities borrowed from the BDU FSTEC and CAPEC, MITRE and ATT&CK databases. Modeling is based on the formalization of a logical chain: “many identified software vulnerabilities; many relevant threats; many of the most likely attack patterns (threat scenarios); possible cyber-physical consequences; quantitative assessment of cybersecurity risk”, taking into account the requirements of the FSTEC of Russia regulations. The formalization is performed in the notation of graph semantic models and fuzzy cognitive models. Novelty. The semantic graph model extends the reference model of the relationship between software and hardware security aspects. The difference of the model lies in the use of weight coefficients based on an estimate of the degree of proximity of the vectors of Doc2Vec nesting of text descriptions of objects. The use of the model makes it possible to reduce the labor intensity of forming a list of current threats and vulnerabilities through the use of Text Mining technologies for pre-filtering unrelated or unattainable peaks when performing the main stages of analysis according to the FSTEC of Russia Methodology. Building a cognitive model for assessing the risks of cybersecurity breach for target ICS objects based on the semantic model allows you to obtain a detailed assessment of cybersecurity risks and make a more informed choice of information protection tools. Results. A methodology for assessing actual (i.e. potentially most dangerous) vulnerabilities and threats to ICS software is presented. An example of the application of the proposed methodology for assessing the threats and vulnerabilities of the applied software of the ICS subsystem of an industrial oil production facility is considered, followed by a quantitative assessment of the risks of cybersecurity breaches. Practical relevance. The proposed approach makes it possible to automate low-level modeling of scenarios for the implementation of threats based on the description of vectors (patterns) of computer attacks and to reduce the laboriousness of developing the formation of a list of actual threats through the use of Text Mining technologies for pre-filtering unrelated or unattainable peaks when performing the main stages of analysis according to the FSTEC of Russia Methodology.
Key words
- vulnerability; threat; cyberattack; classification systems; semantic analysis of texts
- Vasilyev V. I., Vulfin A. M., Kirillova A. D., Kuchkarova N. V. Methodology for Assessing Current Threats and Vulnerabilities Based on Cognitive Modeling Technologies and Text Mining. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 3, pp. 110-134. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-3-110-134 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
An Algorithm for Computing the Bit-Error Rate in Data Transmission Channels Using Two-Dimensional Signal-Code Constructions in the Presence of Signal-Like Jamming
- Problem statement. When estimating the anti-jamming robustness of data transmission channels (DTCs) under signal-like jamming (SLJ) environment a signal space is partitioned into decision regions (DR) for each variant of a signal in order to compute the bit-error rate (BER) in DTCs using two-dimensional signal-code constructions (2DSCC). Additionally, conditional probabilities of random points to fall within DRs are calculated. If a decision is made with the help of the maximum-likelihood criterion the boundaries of DRs are composed of straight line segments and (or) half rays while probabilities of falling within a DR can be represented as sums of probabilities of falling within space regions bounded by a half ray or line segment. If DR configurations are complex it is advisable to present computations in the form of an algorithm and implement it on a PC. The aim of the work is to develop an algorithm for the BER computation in case of coherent reception of equiprobable 2DSCC signals based on formalization of rules for determination of DR boundaries and rules for representation of probabilities of a random point to fall within DRs as a sum of probabilities of falling within regions bounded by a half ray or segment. Methods used. The rules for partitioning the two-dimensional signal space into DRs were defined based on a geometric interpretation of interaction of signals and SLJ in a coherent demodulator as well as the optimal signal reception and analytical geometry methods. When evaluating the probabilities of random variables to fall within DRs the integrals were used of distribution densities of SLJ vectors on a signal plane taken in the previous works. Novelty. The algorithm can be used when the partition of a signal space into DRs is unknown in advance. In representation of the probability of a random point to fall within a DR as probabilities of falling within DRs bounded by a segment or half ray the algorithm uses the information about coordinates of adjacent SCC points thus significantly simplifying the computation of the conditional probabilities of errors. Result. The algorithm is universal and can be used to analyze the anti-jamming robustness of channels using two-dimensional signal-code constructions of arbitrary configuration. Practical significance. The results can be used to compare different variants of SLJs for a given SCC configuration or to elaborate new variants of 2D SCCs with the increased anti-jamming robustness against preassigned jamming.
Key words
- quadrature amplitude manipulation, bit error rate, Owen function, Gaussian function, signal-like jamming
- Petrov A. V., Mikhalev V. V., Klyuev A. A. An Algorithm for Computing the Bit-Error Rate in Data Transmission Channels Using Two-Dimensional Signal-Code Constructions in the Presence of Signal-Like Jamming. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 3, pp. 1-37. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-3-1-37 (in Russian).
Radio monitoring of Bluetooth signals service parameters
- Problem statement: Rapid growth in the use of wireless technologies has seen a marked increase in the last decade. This entails the need to develop radio monitoring tools for devices and data networks, and, in particular, for wireless personal networks of the Bluetooth standard. Passive monitoring of Bluetooth signals with an unknown MAC-address cannot be implemented based on classical correlation processing. The task of network analyzing is complicated when trying to dewhitening a packet. The source information is not enough for decoding of link layer packet specified in the Bluetooth standard. Purpose: The aim of the work is to develop algorithms for receiving Bluetooth signals and analyzing their service parameters, as well as to build a software and hardware analyzer of Bluetooth signals based on the developed algorithms. Novelty: the proposed method differs from the known ones by the ability to detect signals for random of Bluetooth transmitters and decode their service parameters without the need to exchange requests and responses between the analyzer and Bluetooth devices. Practical relevance: the proposed method can be used to build a Bluetooth signal analyzer on an SDR with a band of simultaneous signal processing from 1 MHz. The Bluetooth network analyzer, implemented on the basis of a digital radio receiver of the ARGAMAK family, serves as the basis for the device for searching and localizing unauthorized radio sources in controlled objects.
Key words
- Bluetooth, WPAN, signal detection, passive radio monitoring, service parameters of signals
- Faustov I. S., Tokarev A. B., Sladkikh V. A., Kozmin V. A., Kryzhko I. B. Radio monitoring of Bluetooth signals service parameters. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 3, pp. 135-151. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-3-135-151 (in Russian).
Detection and identification of base stations of 5G cellular networks
- Problem statement: recent years have been marked by the emergence and active implementation of 5G cellular communication systems. The need to identify unauthorized base stations (BS), resolve electromagnetic compatibility issues, and verify compliance with the frequency-territorial plan requires operators and radio monitoring services to analyze 5G BS signals. The aim of the work is to develop a set of procedures for receiving and processing signals necessary for detecting and identifying a 5G BS during radio monitoring. Novelty: a general set of procedures for receiving and processing 5G BS signals, receiving a broadcast channel, a control channel, and extracting system identifiers from a shared channel message is presented. Results: the developed complex of procedures for receiving and processing the BS signal allows for the detection and identification of all detected 5G BS and is intended for implementation in a digital radio receiver with a simultaneous analysis bandwidth from 27 to 202 MHz. A Russian 5G signal analyzer is built on its basis. Practical relevance: the analyzer can be used for planning 5G systems at the stages of deployment and commissioning, analysis of coverage areas, as well as for radio monitoring of existing 5G networks in order to check the parameters of transmitters and compliance with the frequency-territorial plan.
Key words
- 5G, base station, signal analyzer, identification parameters, sync block, broadcast channel, control channel, SIB1
- Manelis V. B., Kozmin V. A., Sladkikh V. A. Detection and identification of base stations of 5G cellular networks. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 3, pp. 152-178. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-3-152-178 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Fuzzy situational control of complex systems based on composite hybrid modeling
- Problem definition. We consider a class of complex technical systems (CTS) characterized by: multicomponence, a large number of quantitative and qualitative parameters, non-linearity of interdependencies between them; incomplete information, the complexity of experimental studies, the risks of dangerous situations and the catastrophism of their consequences; the uniqueness of the modes and conditions of the CTS functioning. The features of such systems determine the specifics of their analysis and modeling: the impossibility of design and using general analytical models; the difficulty of ensuring the reliability of modeling due to the uniqueness, lack of data on dangerous and emergency modes of operation of the CTS. These features allow us to justify the feasibility of combining different approaches and methods for composing a single model of the system from the models of its individual components. In turn, the control features of such systems allow us to justify the feasibility of using a fuzzy situational approach, which allows us to take into account the specifics of composite modeling and various situational control strategies. The aim of the work is to develop and study methods: first, analysis and composite hybrid modeling of complex systems; second, the method of fuzzy situational control of complex systems, which provides an increase in the efficiency depending on the management strategy, and also allows to organically combine the processes of composite modeling and fuzzy situational control. Methods used: system analysis, theory of artificial neural networks, fuzzy sets, relations and fuzzy inference, fuzzy situational networks, mathematical statistics. Novelty: A method of analysis and composite hybrid modeling of complex systems has been developed, combining the capabilities of analytical, neural network and fuzzy approaches, and allowing to increase the accuracy of modeling these systems. A method of fuzzy situational control of complex systems based on composite hybrid models is proposed, which consists in the use of a fuzzy situational-control network to identify current situations and translate the system into target situations. The method organically combines the processes of compositional modeling and fuzzy situational control. Result: The proposed methods are used to solve the problems of controlling compressor units. Practical significance: The use of the developed methods made it possible to increase the accuracy of the simulation, as well as the efficiency of the control of compressor units.
Key words
- composite hybrid modeling, complex system, fuzzy situational-control network, fuzzy situational control
- Borisov V. V., Avramenko D. Yu. Fuzzy situational control of complex systems based on composite hybrid modeling. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 3, pp. 207-237. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-3-207-237 (in Russian).