# 2 2021
Analysis of new technologies and ways of development for systems of control, communication and security
Descriptive model of the electronic warfare subsystem as part aerospace attack means used to suppression elements of an aerospace defense system
- Relevance. The US has developed the prompt global strike concept. In order to means of aero-space attack overcame а air defence system, a electronic warfare subsystem is included in these means. Parameters of this subsystem determine the suppression effectiveness of the aerospace defence system elements. The aim of the paper is to form a descriptive model of the electronic warfare subsystem as part the aerospace attack means used to suppression elements of an aerospace defence system. The descriptive model is based on synthesis and analysis of exclusively open sources and publications. Results and their novelty. Elements of the novelty of the model is generalized tactical and technical characteristics of the electronic warfare subsystem air-based such as a aircraft personal protection systems of aircraft, a specialized electronic warfare aircraft and a miniature air launched decoy. Practical significance. The descriptive model presented in this paper will be useful for technical specialists to justify new technological solutions for the aerospace defence system. In addition, this model will be useful for researchers and carrying out study in the field of information conflict and in the field of the stability of the aero-space defence system.
Key words
- model, descriptive model, rapid global strike, aerospace attack means, aerospace defence system, electronic suppression, electronic warfare, specialized electronic warfare aircraft, miniature air launched decoy
- Afonin I. E., Makarenko S. I., Petrov S. V. Descriptive model of the electronic warfare subsystem as part aerospace attack means used to suppression elements of an aerospace defense system. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 2, pp. 76-95. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-2-76-95 (in Russian).
Information processes and technologies. Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Analysis of Blockchain Technology: Architectural Basics, Application Examples, Future Trends, Problems and Disadvantages
- Problem Statement. Distributed ledger technology (blockchain technology) has important advantages: reliability, immutability and transparency. This technology is used in various fields providing services in finance, industrial Internet of Things (IoT), public and socially important services. Despite the large number of studies conducted on the application of blockchain in various fields of activity, there are still relevant complex studies from a technical and applied point of view. The purpose of this paper is to systematize knowledge about blockchain technology, to identify problems and drawbacks, as well as to propose new directions for development. Results and novelty: the paper presents a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology (technical features). A comparative analysis of public and closed blockchain networks, as well as 3 types of consensus protocols was carried out. In addition, the successful domestic blockchain projects are considered and the areas in which this technology is in demand are identified. The main problems and shortcomings of this technology were also identified and new directions for research work related to the security of blockchain technology were proposed. Practical relevance. The results of the study may be useful for novice researchers who have chosen blockchain technology as an area of interest. They may also be in demand by government agencies and large corporations of the Russian Federation engaged in the development and implementation of blockchain solutions in information systems.
Key words
- blockchain, distributed ledger, blockchain technology, consensus protocols, consensus, key information, blockchain survey, distributed ledger technology
- Nosirov Z. A., Fomichev V. M. Analysis of Blockchain Technology: Architectural Basics, Application Examples, Future Trends, Problems and Disadvantages. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 2, pp. 37-75. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-2-37-75 (in Russian).
Information security
Technique for developing an information security audit program taking into account the weight coefficients of certificates audit based on the hierarchy analysis method
- Purpose. An information security audit is, by definition, a systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining objective evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are met. To achieve the purpose of the audit, an appropriate resource is allocated and an audit program is developed, which is a set of mutually related audit procedures for obtaining objective audit evidence planned for a specific period of time. In the vast majority of cases, audit evidence cannot be evaluated in quantitative (metric) scales, so more often qualitative (non-metric) scales and the corresponding monitoring, measurement, and testing procedures are used, which place one or another element of the scale as a sign in accordance with the properties, situations, events, or processes associated with the object of audit. In such cases, the use of instrumental methods is not always justified and possible, Therefore, for an effective and efficient information security audit, the main methods for obtaining audit evidence and obtaining the results of their assessment for compliance with the audit criteria are expert methods. Each of the expert methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in general, if they are applied correctly, they allow you to get fairly objective assessments. In order to justify the choice, studies were conducted on the possibilities of the methods of paired comparisons and the ranking method. However, these methods allow us to obtain only alternative expert assessments of the significance of audit evidence and choose the most informative one from the pair. To avoid the loss of information due to rough comparison, the possibilities of the hierarchy analysis method, which allows taking into account the more subtle preferences of experts, were investigated. The purpose of the work is to design a methodology for developing an information security audit program, taking into account the weight coefficients of the significance of audit evidence based on the analytic hierarchy process. Methods. The choice of methods for achieving the goal was based on publications in this field, as well as on the results of research conducted by the author's team, references to which are given in the bibliography. The Methodology is based on the systematization of the AHP methodological techniques and their practical application for assessing the weight coefficients of the significance of audit evidence, the method of full-scale experiment, methods of system analysis, and expert methods. Novelty. The author's approach to the systematization and classification of audit evidence is presented, as a result of which this set is transformed into a tuple, on the basis of which the audit program is built. New verbal and formal descriptions of the problem situation and the task of applying the hierarchy analysis method for building an audit program are presented, and a procedure for calculating the weighting coefficients of the significance of audit evidence is developed. Practical relevance. The resulting methodology is implemented in the form of a set of computer programs and is included in the specialized educational and methodological complex and in the working program of the discipline "Organization of information Security audit" when training specialists in the field of information security in the specialization "Information Security Audit". In the future, the methodology is planned to be adapted and implemented in the activities of the person managing the audit program for practical use.
Key words
- audit, information security, audit certificate, hierarchy analysis method, information security audit
- Voevodin V. A., Markin P. V., Markina M. S., Burenok D. S. Technique for developing an information security audit program taking into account the weight coefficients of certificates audit based on the hierarchy analysis method. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 2, pp. 96-129. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-2-96-129 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Theorem of representation of continuous multivariable signal by non-zero dispersion by discrete samples
- Setting the task. The exponential growth load generation on infocommunication systems determines the ever-increasing requirements for the development of appropriate infrastructure, methods and methods of efficient data transfer, approaches to processing of initial signals (acoustic, video) for their presentation in a form suitable for transmission over infocommunication elements. The initial and basic stage of processing the original continuous signals is their sampling. Historically, the fundamental theoretical basis for sampling continuous functions was the Whittecker-Kotelnikov-Shannon theorem. This theorem in various forms, and many other studies in the direction of signal sampling, are aimed at finding optimal solutions between reducing the number of samples (reducing the load on network resources by reducing the information redundancy of the discrete representation of the original continuous signals) and fulfilling the error tolerance requirement for interpolating the original signal on the receiving side. The regular change in the conditions for finding this balance is due to the constant technological and technical development of infocommunication systems, consumers of their services, as well as the quantitative and qualitative growth of requirements for these systems. The development of communication has led to the appearance in modern infocommunication systems and means of memory properties and computing ability, continuous signals expand their frequency ranges, and their generating means allow us to represent the state of the source with an extended number of parameters - this determines the change in the conditions for solving the sampling problem. The aim of the work is to reduce the information redundancy of the discrete representation of a continuous signal (process) compared to traditional solutions (using the example of Kotelnikov theorem). Methods. High indicators of memory properties and computing ability of infocommunication means and systems made it possible to apply methods of statistical analysis of data on signal parameters recorded in memory when solving the problem. This made it possible to abandon the entropy approach used in solving this class of problems in this solution. The rations obtained in previous studies based on harmonic analysis methods for Fourier transformations are taken as a priori data. Results. A theorem has been formulated and proved, which is a development of the theory of discrete representation of continuous processes in relation to the sampling of signals during their transmission through communication channels with memory. The proof of the theorem allows us to assert that in conditions of transmission of multiparametric continuous signals over channels with memory, their sampling is possible by samples, the number of which is significantly less than in the decision of V.A. Kotelnikov. So it is possible to develop a solution to the problem of truncating the upper frequency of the signal. Practical relevance. In order to approximate finding a practically significant gain in reducing the information redundancy of the discrete representation of the original signal, it is possible to use the coefficient represented in the estimate. It reflects the ratio of the information load of the continuous signal per communication channel (line) in the Kotelnikov solution to the information load of the presented solution.
Key words
- channel with memory, continuous multi-parameter signal, frequency of parameter change, sampling
- Ivanov S. A., Starodubtsev Yu. I. Theorem of representation of continuous multivariable signal by non-zero dispersion by discrete samples. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 2, pp. 12-36. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-2-12-36 (in Russian).
Base station address direction finding of GSM, UMTS, LTE cellular networks
- Problem statement: Cellular networks of European digital standards GSM, UMTS, LTE are very popular in Russia and other countries. The need to identify unauthorized base stations (BS) of these networks, check compliance with the frequency-territorial plan, check the deviation of the BS location from the conditions of the issued permits requires operators and radio monitoring services to analyze BS signals, including their direction finding and position estimation. Many BS of cellular networks, characterized by their identification parameters, carry out simultaneous transmission in the same frequency range and interfere with each other. This makes it impossible to use phase-difference direction finding methods and requires the development of new methods for joint identification, direction finding and position estimation of BS. The aim of the work is to develop algorithms for joint identification and direction finding of detected base stations of GSM, UMTS, LTE cellular networks. Novelty: a method of radio monitoring is presented, which implements the function of address direction finding of base stations of GSM, UMTS, LTE networks. In this case, according to the received signal implementation, simultaneous identification and direction finding of all detected BSs is carried out. The implementation of the presented method is based on the use of BS analyzers of these networks, includes a two-channel radio receiver with navigation equipment and an antenna array. Analyzers implement "targeting", and a two-channel receiver and an antenna array - direction finding of detected BSs with reference to their identifiers. Results: the developed method for addressing direction finding, using information on the fine structure of BS signals, make it possible to detect and identify all detected BSs and form an estimate of the direction to these BSs. The developed method of direction finding was implemented and successfully tested in the hardware and software complex for direction finding signals from base stations based on the ARTIKUL-M direction finder. Practical relevance: the use of addressable direction finding of BS of cellular systems increases the functionality of existing analyzers of cellular communication systems and makes it possible to determine the location of base stations.
Key words
- GSM, UMTS, LTE, base station, signal analyzer, identification parameters, direction finding
- Manelis V. B, Sladkikh V. A., Kozmin V. A., Bizyukov P. E. Base station address direction finding of GSM, UMTS, LTE cellular networks. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 2, pp. 142-158. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-2-142-158 (in Russian).
Electronic and radio systems
Stripline Structure Protecting Against Ultrashort Pulses in Differential and Common Modes
- Statement of the problem: Today, the problem of protecting radioelectronic equipment (REE) from pulses of nanosecond and subnanosecond ranges is of great concern. The spectrum of such pulses covers a wide range of frequencies; therefore, it is able to overcome the traditional schematic and structural means of protection against interference. Propagating through the power supply circuits, an ultrashort pulse (USP) leads to electrical destruction of dielectrics and semiconductors, thereby damaging equipment. To reduce USP impact, there are devices working on the principle of modal decomposition that are devoid of the disadvantages of traditional filtering techniques. Among them are modal filters (MF) that protect against interference propagating between the active and reference conductors. However, the EMC standards require that interference pulses are attenuated in both differential and common modes. Consequently, the development of new USP protection devices that perform this function is necessary. Purpose of work: The aim of this work is to propose a new USP protection device based on strip lines and capable of operating in differential and common modes of interference propagation. Methods used: To justify the technical solutions and demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed MF structure, we used a system of quasi-static analysis based on the method of moments. Novelty: The novelty of the presented solution includes a new criterion for the MF, namely the ability to provide protection in differential and common modes, as well as a new MF design that implements this protection. Result: The use of the proposed solution allows attenuating the interfering signal in differential and common modes by decomposing the USP into pulses of lower amplitude through the choice of device parameters and conductor configuration. Practical relevance: The technical solution in the form of the MF with a centrally symmetrical arrangement of conductors will allow for a simple and cheap protection of REE from conducted USPs in differential and common modes.
Key words
- electromagnetic compatibility, protection devices, ultrashort pulse, modal filtration, common mode, differential mode
- Kosteletskii V. P., Zabolotsky A. M. Stripline Structure Protecting Against Ultrashort Pulses in Differential and Common Modes. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 2, pp. 130-141. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-2-130-141 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Numerical Method for Calculating Multichannel Queuing Systems with Pareto Distribution of Incoming Flow
- Purpose. Analysis of communication networks traffic shows that it has a self-similar structure. Such traffic may be described by using Pareto distribution. A method of modeling queuing systems with such type of incoming flow is proposed. The main aim is development more precision numerical method for calculation queuing systems Pa/M/n in comparison with simulation. Methods. There has been proposed to use embedded Markov chain for evaluation of distribution of number of customers. Laplace–Stieltjes transform distribution of waiting time is shown. Novelty. Presented method allows for the first time to calculate probabilistic characteristics of queue length and waiting time in multichannel queuing systems with Pareto distribution of incoming flow. Results. Software implementation of presented method was developed. It presents a comparison of the results of application of numerical method and simulation modeling. Practical relevance. The presented method (especially its software implementation) may be useful in the development of mathematical models for processing traffic with a complex structure to support the requirements for the bandwidth of communication channels and the characteristics of network equipment.
Key words
- self-similar traffic, queuing systems, numerical methods, Pareto distribution
- Ryzhikov Yu. I., Ulanov A. V. Numerical Method for Calculating Multichannel Queuing Systems with Pareto Distribution of Incoming Flow. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2021, no. 2, pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-2-1-11 (in Russian).