№4 2017
Control systems
Suppression of a Net-Centric Control System with Radio Cyber Attacks
- Relevance. Currently control systems architectures tend to the transition from hierarchical to net-centric principle of structure. A net-centric control system is a distributed system, which base elements are integrated into one information space. Such union makes contemporary destabilizing methods ineffective against net-centric control systems as they suppress and jam only individual components of the system. It is important to create new methods of net-centric control systems suppression. The purpose of this paper is to formulate a concept of new telecommunication systems suppression methods. Telecommunication systems are viewed as basic elements of the united information space in the net-centric control system. This paper also describes specific applications for new suppression methods based on existing technical equipment of electronic warfare. Results. New methods of radio cyber-attacks are presented as the evolution of contemporary jamming methods and are described in the paper. The proposed cyber-attacks suppress net-centric system functions by disrupting the multiple access protocols, routing protocols and QoS protocols of telecommunication systems. Unlike existing methods of radio suppression, which specialize only in disrupting individual network elements (links and network nodes), new methods focus on breaching primary functional telecommunication protocols. Applicability. Methods of radio cyber-attacks that are proposed in this paper can be applied to effectively disrupt the net-centric control systems. They also can be used in stability and firmness tests of net-centric control system elements.
Key words
- net-centric control system, electronic warfare, jamming, information warfare, , telecommunications network, network
- Makarenko S. I. Suppression of a Net-Centric Control System with Radio Cyber Attacks. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 4, pp. 15-59. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-04/02-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information processes and technologies. Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Interval Mathematics and Constructing of Calibration Characteristics of Measuring Tools
- Relevance. When designing various measuring instruments, the problem arises of constructing the so-called calibration characteristic of a measuring device, i.e. the quantitative dependence of the measurement result on the measured value. This characteristic is inverse to the direct characteristic – the dependence of the measured value on the measurement result. This problem is solved on the basis of approximate data obtained during the experiment with the measuring instrument. A new method for solving this problem is proposed, based on the apparatus of interval mathematics. Goal. The aim of the work is to develop a completely formalized method for constructing the calibration characteristic of a measuring instrument from approximate data obtained in the experiment with this instrument. Method. The method proposed in the article consists in presenting the function of direct conversion of a measuring device in the form of a linear interval function, determining its interval parameters (coefficients) from the experimental data and solving the resulting interval dependence between the measurement result and the measured quantity with respect to the measured value. The method of solving interval equations is used. Result. General formulas are obtained that determine the interval calibration characteristic of the measuring instrument on the basis of the data obtained in the experiment with the instrument. A detailed mathematical analysis of these formulas is performed. General laws are established that obey the direct and inverse (calibration) characteristics of any measuring instrument, as well as the relationship between direct and inverse characteristics. Conclusions. The article proposes a new approach to the construction of calibration characteristics of measuring instruments, based on the use of interval mathematics, for processing data from experiments with instruments. This approach, unlike existing ones, makes it possible to build calibration characteristics of measuring devices and analyze them purely analytically.
Key words
- measuring instrument, calibration characteristic, measured value, measurement result, interval math-ematics
- Levin V. I. Interval Mathematics and Constructing of Calibration Characteristics of Measuring Tools. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 4, pp. 60-70. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-04/03-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Information security
Definition of the Term “Computer Security”
- The relevance of the task: the use of the term “computer security” began in Russia 20 years ago in textbooks, in educational standards, in scientific publications, in the media. However, term “computer security” has not yet received a generally accepted dictionary or normative definition. In the author's opinion, this situation needs development – the term “computer security” should acquire its logical normative definition in the interests of further development of the theory and practice of the subject area related to ensuring the safe processing of information in computer systems. The purpose of the work is to develop a definition of the term “computer security”, which can be proposed for the role of regulatory and which should set a common basic paradigm for solving a variety of theoretical and practical tasks of providing and evaluating computer security. Method for solving the problem: first, the content of computer security is analyzed, systematized and generalized according to its representations in publications of specialists and in regulatory documents; then a number of principles are adopted that limit the subject area of computer security; in the end, the definition of the term “computer security” is drawn up according to the general logical rules of definition of concepts. This scheme also includes the imperative attribution of computer security to a variety of computerized products, the design and operation of which includes information technologies. The novelty of the solution lies in the new definition of the term “computer security”, which differs from the known approaches to understanding and determining computer security in that it affirms the systemic unity of its three essential aspects: the security of computer data (information), the software security, the security of prescribed functions of computerized products. The theoretical significance of the work is that the new definition of the term “computer security” proposed in it entails the need to develop new standards and methodologies in the future to solve a variety of tasks to ensure and evaluate computer security.
Key words
- computer security, information security, software security, information technology security, computer-ized product, information technology
- Zabegalin E. V. Definition of the Term “Computer Security”. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 4, pp. 102-111 Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-04/05-Zabegalin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals. Radiomonitoring
Methods and Algorithms of Signal Extremum Detection in Multiconductor Transmission Lines
- Relevance. Rapid development and minimizing of radioelectronic equipment causes increasing density of its mounted and assembled components. At the same time, the continuous useful signal frequency growth respectively leads to increasing frequencies of interference signals. These factors show the significance of the opportunity to detect and localize the signal extremum in multiconductor transmission lines (MCTL) to provide electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), because its results may be useful for locating of sections of transmission lines with parasitic interference and radiation, which can be operatively eliminated. The objective of this work is to formulate methods and algorithms of signal extremum detection and locating in MCTL during designing phase. Methods. This work uses theoretical bases of quasi-static calculation of a response, which takes place at any conductor of MCTL. Results. Signal detection methods and algorithms are formulated and all their associated diagrams are presented in this work. The described algorithms are implemented as PC software, which was actively used during researches (brief results are presented in this paper). Applicability. Developed methods and algorithms are used in a computer simulation software for electromagnetic compatibility analysis of various printed circuit board segments, and also can be used by radio electronics manufacturers to enhance reliability of their products.
Key words
- mathematic simulation, method, quasistatic analysis, program modulus, signal extremum, multicon-ductor transmission lines
- Gazizov R. R. Methods and Algorithms of Signal Extremum Detection in Multiconductor Transmission Lines. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 4, pp. 1-14. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-04/01-Gazizov.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Methodology of Infocommunication Development External Socio-Economic Efficiency Measurement
- Statement of the problem. Infocommunication industry is the most important segment of production and social infrastructures of the information society and its efficiency reveals mostly outside the industry itself and has a synergetic and multiplicative nature. Infocommunication industry efficiency features the economic sector and the quality of social life. The purpose of this paper is the development of practically applicable methodology for Infocommunication Development External Socio-Economic Efficiency Measurement (IDESEEM) based on qualitative parameter measurements. Methods used: externalities, non-branch efficiency, qualimetry, expert examinations, complex indicators construction, variation analysis statistical methods, expert opinion coordination. Result. The result is the formulating the IDESEEM methodology by the means of gross domestic product growth externalities measurements and non-branch efficiency measurements, saving of working time and leisure time of the population with subsequent transferring it into macroeconomic indicators. Applicability. Methodological tools for IDESEEM gives the opportunity to comprehensively consider external economic and social effects of infrastructure projects, to objectively determine the return in economic categories per unit of investments, to provide an evidence database for strategic decisions of information society socially important infrastructure sector innovative development.
Key words
- infocommunication technologies, external socio-economic effects, externalities, non-branch efficiency, experts technology, macroeconomic assessment, the contribution of information and communication development
- Kuzovkova T. A., Kuzovkov D. V., Kuzovkov A. D., Sharavova O. I. Methodology of Infocommunication Development External Socio-Economic Efficiency Measurement. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 4, pp. 112-165. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-04/06-Kuzovkova.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Automatic Modeling of a Stream of Historical Events
- Relevance. At quantitative studying of historical, economic, social systems need of mathematical modeling of such systems often evolves from suitable mathematical models. And success in studying of system in many respects depends on successful selection of model. In work the new method of mathematical modeling of historical events based on use of model of the finite-state dynamic machine is offered. Purpose. The purpose of work is development of completely formalized method of the quantitative studying of streams of historical events based on mathematical modeling of this stream within model of the finite-state dynamic machine. Method. The offered method consists in creation of dinamiko-automatic model of the studied global stream of historical events consisting of some number of similar regional streams and the subsequent quantitative studying of this stream by methods of the theory of dynamic automatic machines. At the same time regional streams of historical events are modelled by entrance processes of the automatic machine model, a global (total) stream of historical events – his output process, and a ratio regional and global streams - logical function of the automatic machine model. Result. In article it is shown that effective quantitative studying of streams of historical events can be carried out by creation of the corresponding mathematical models in the form of finite-state dynamic machines and their subsequent analysis by methods of analytical dynamics of automatic machines. Conclusions. In article the new approach to quantitative studying of historical events based on automatic model of streams of such events is offered. The efficiency of this approach is shown. The example of use of this approach for studying of a concrete three-component stream of historical events is given.
Key words
- historical event, stream of events, quantitative studying of events, automatic model of a stream of events
- Levin V. I. Automatic Modeling of a Stream of Historical Events. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 4, pp. 166-182. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-04/07-Levin.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).
Patents and innovations at field of systems of control, communication and security
Realization of a Method of Multilevel Complex Control of Technical Condition of a Sea Robot
- Problem definition: during the operation of difficult multilevel systems, such as sea robotic complexes, their working capacity is always characterized by a large number of parameters which control is expedient to exercise in several stages. At the first stage on any generalized indicator carry out an inspection of system on working capacity and, in case of detection emergency, or a c at the subsequent stages as a result of more careful control with use of information of a local, regional or global contour of the organization of management judge her real state. Such procedure of control leads to considerable reduction of time of checks and volumes of the office information circulating in system. The purpose of work is elaboration of technical solutions on realization of a method of multilevel complex control of technical condition of the sea robotic complex allowing to perform diagnostics of pre-emergency and critical condition of the radio-electronic equipment of his subsystems in the on-line mode. The used scientific and methodological framework. The solution of a problem of control and diagnostics is based on carrying out monitoring of change of the average level of multiple parameter process by map development of Hotellinga. For combination of indications of various types sensors the method based on a grid of emissions and the Bayesian conclusion, modified for the creation of three-dimensional model of technical condition of the radio-electronic equipment of a robotic system on the basis of the surface of points is used. Novelty. Novelty aspects of the presented method of multilevel complex control are the fact that for making decision on the obtained measuring information carry out character-by-character weight majority addition of the signals which have arrived with weight coefficients from several types of sensors at the levels of a payment, the block and also module of the radio-electronic equipment. At the same time process of an integration of the measuring information arriving from the sensor of tension, the sensor of tension of magnetic field, the sensor of humidity of air and the thermal imager is carried out. The method of multilevel complex control of technical condition of a sea robotic complex working on the algorithm of the same name, the probabilistic count of recognition of technical conditions of the radio-electronic equipment and the circuit realization of the device which is carrying out the offered method and the block of decision-making in the form of structural, functional and basic schemes became result of the proposed technical solutions. Practical importance: offered method of multilevel complex control of technical condition of a sea robotic complex, the device of multilevel complex control of technical condition of the radio-electronic equipment and the block of decision-making allow to increase reliability of results of identification of technical condition of the radio-electronic equipment of subsystems of a robotic complex and to expand a scope of technical means of control and diagnostics.
Key words
- robotic complex, radio-electronic equipment, multilevel control, diagnostics, identification, class of technical condition, integration of measuring information
- Budko P. A., Vinogradenko A. M., Kuznetsov S. V., Goydenko V. K. Realization of a Method of Multilevel Complex Control of Technical Condition of a Sea Robot. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2017, no. 4, pp. 71-101. Available at: http://sccs.intelgr.com/archive/2017-04/04-Budko.pdf (accessed ) (in Russian).