# 2 2024
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Direct and inverse problems for broadband antenna arrays operating in the near-radiated field zone
- Purpose. Currently, broadband focused apertures are increasingly used in radio communications, microwave technologies and radio wave control. At the same time, issues related to solving the synthesis problem cannot be solved using the same approaches as for a monochromatic signal. Inevitable for the problem of synthesis using a broadband signal is the determination of the parameters of the distribution device together with the system of emitters, taking into account the function that characterizes the spatial distribution of the electromagnetic field under one or another operating option. The purpose of the present paper is to consider the principles of constructing antenna arrays, as the most promising for practical use, as part of equipment for receiving or transmitting broadband electromagnetic fields in the near-radiated field zone. Methods. The solution to the problem of implementing constructive synthesis is based on the well-known principles of electrodynamics and classical antenna theory. Novelty. is to propose the use of the principles of constructive synthesis of broadband focused antenna arrays, taking into account the required implementation of the spatial distribution of the focused field and the operating option. Results. The proposed version of the constructive synthesis of broadband focused antenna arrays makes it possible to implement a more rational way when finding the parameters of the distribution device and the emitter system of the focused antenna array, taking into account the spatial distribution function of the focused field at the near-radiated field zone. Practical relevance is consists in using a more effective concept of constructive synthesis with consideration of the antenna array model relative to the “design” parameters characterizing the scattering matrix of the switchgear and subsequent optimization of these parameters.
Key words
- constructive synthesis, broadband signal, focused antenna array, near radiated field zone, broadband focused antenna array
- Vedenkin D. A., Sedelnikov Y. E. Direct and inverse problems for broadband antenna arrays operating in the near-radiated field zone. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 2, pp. 71-85. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-2-071-085 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Routing algorithm to ensure quick restoration of communication in case of route breaks in MANET networks
- Problem statement: Wireless MANET networks of mobile subscribers are characterized by high dynamics of topology changes. In view of this, the detected traffic transmission routes relatively quickly lose their relevance. Therefore, special software agents - network services operating on each subscriber, need to regularly update routes, for which they need to interact with each other. In proactive routing protocols, the restoration of faulty routes is accompanied by a high volume of service traffic, which arises as a result of the interaction of many subscribers with each other. In practical reactive routing protocols, routes to the target subscriber are repeatedly searched. At the same time, reactive protocol services interact indirectly through route request messages, which is why there is no possibility of a comprehensive assessment of restored paths. Therefore, to increase the lifespan of communication routes, this paper proposes a routing algorithm that allows for rapid restoration of routes with broken breaks with a low volume of service traffic and the least involvement of additional nodes. The purpose of the work is to reduce the recovery time of routes with breaks in communication channels between subscribers and increase their operation time in MANET networks. It is proposed to carry out local restoration of communication routes in faulty sections by removing a faulty subscriber or communication channel from the current route, introducing additional transit subscribers, provided that the assessment of the quality efficiency criterion of the updated path exceeds the minimum acceptable limit. Methods. The solution to the problem of restoring routes with broken communication channels between subscribers used in MANET networks for traffic transmission is based on the method of reactive interaction between services of nodes localized within a radius of two steps from the subscriber who has detected a broken connection and initiates a search for an alternative path. In addition, the algorithm proposes to use a proactive exchange procedure between adjacent first- and second-order subscribers to update information about the performance indicators of the nodes themselves and the throughput of adjacent channels. The described synchronization process is combined with procedures for ensuring and maintaining communication between subscribers. Novelty. The routing algorithm has been proposed that can be used to quickly restore communication routes with existing gaps, characterized by the use of localized reactive interaction and proactive exchange between adjacent subscribers about the performance of their own nodes. Results. The use of the presented routing algorithm allows us to reduce the time for restoring routes between subscribers and the amount of service traffic used for this, reduce delay and increase the reliability of data packet transmission. The simulation carried out for a network of 20 nodes demonstrated a reduction in the time to restore communication routes by 1.5 - 2 times compared to standard technologies, a reduction in the average time of traffic transmission in the network by 8-9% and an increase in reliability by 3-4%. Practical relevance. The presented solution is implemented as a software module for restoring communication routes of a reactive multipath traffic routing protocol in the MANET network in C++, which can be implemented in known implementations of protocols for organizing data transmission in MANET networks for special-purpose services, including in the military sphere, emergency response, search and rescue operations and scientific expeditions.
Key words
- MANET, ad-hoc routing protocol, routing service, program agent of network, multipath routing, reactive routing, route repair
- Novikov A. S., Ivutin A. N., Pestin М. S. Routing algorithm to ensure quick restoration of communication in case of route breaks in MANET networks. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 2, pp. 14-42. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-2-014-042 (in Russian).
Systems for ensuring of safety and security
Brigades of ground forces equipped with unmanned aerial vehicles: justification for their creation, proposals on their structure, methods of combat use and technical support, taking into account the experience of the special military operation in Ukraine
- Relevance. The Special Military Operation (SMO) that Russia is conducting in Ukraine has resulted in a shift in the military tactics, the organization of military formations and the weapons used. The extensive use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), for both reconnaissance and for high-precision strikes on personnel and armored targets, is the main feature of conducting combat operations (CO) in SMO. The aim of the paper is to summarize the experience of utilizing UAVs in the tactical units of the Army, as well as to develop proposals for the creation of a new military formation – the "UAV brigade", which utilizes UAVs as its primary weapon, to develop the organizational and staffing structure for such the brigade, methods of its combat use, as well as technical support proposals, including in the field of control and communications, for the extensive use of UAVs. The results and their novelty. The results presented in the paper are the proposals for the creation of a new military formation – the "UAV brigade"; the organizational and staffing structure of such the brigade; methods of its combat use in offensive and defense; proposals for its technical support; proposals for the organization of control and communications, ensuring the massive utilizing of UAVs. Practical significance. The proposals presented in the paper about the creation of the "UAV brigade" are intended for commanders of the Army, specialists in military administration and troop organization, in the field of new means and methods of CO. Proposals for the organization of control and communication, which ensure the massive utilizing of UAVs, are intended for technical specialists.
Key words
- brigade, unmanned aerial vehicle, special military operation, method of combat use, brigade in defense, brigade in attack, technical support, communications, control
- Biryukov P. A., Timokhin A. A., Makarenko S. I. Brigades of ground forces equipped with unmanned aerial vehicles: justification for their creation, proposals on their structure, methods of combat use and technical support, taking into account the experience of the special military operation in Ukraine. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 2, pp. 43-70. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-2-043-070 (in Russian).
Electronic, radio and electrical systems
The Criterion of the Efficiency of Use of Antennas with Contour Beams in Satellite Communication Systems
- Purpose. When developing a satellite radio communication system, it is required to ensure a given quality of radio communication within a given service area. The quality of communication in a given area is related to the radiation pattern, which is formed by the antenna system. The directional pattern should take into account the contour of the border of the serviced area and many other factors. The level of compliance with the specified and implemented radiation pattern will increase with the complexity of the antenna. The complexity of the antenna includes an increase in the size of the antenna aperture and a transition to an uneven distribution of amplitudes and phases at the aperture. These parameters are very important, as they determine the mass of the antenna system and its cost. When building an antenna system, two mutually contradictory factors must be taken into account. The first factor determines the accuracy of forming the distribution of the power flow density within the service area. The second factor determines the complexity of the implementation of the directional pattern, which provides the specified requirements. The solution to this problem is related to the calculation of the efficiency criterion, which should combine the quality of customer service with the parameters of the antenna pattern. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the effectiveness of using an antenna system with a contour beam in a satellite radio communication system. Novelty. For the first time, the density of subscriber distribution is taken into account in the article, and the area under study is divided into several parts. It is subscriber terminals, the maintenance of which is undesirable, subscriber terminals that do not receive the specified communication quality and the realized antenna gain exceeds the specified one. Results. Taking into account the systematic approach, a criterion for the effectiveness of antennas with contour beams in radio communication systems is formulated. Practical relevance. A efficiency indicator has been obtained that combines the efficiency of customer service within the required area and the difficulty of receiving signals outside the workspace. The initial data are the parameters of the radiation pattern of the antenna system.
Key words
- contour beam, satellite communication, efficiency indicator, efficiency criterion
- Zanin K. M. The Criterion of the Efficiency of Use of Antennas with Contour Beams in Satellite Communication Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 2, pp. 1-13. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-2-001-013 (in Russian).
Hybrid method of protection against ultrashort pulses based on a meander line and a gas-discharge device
- Problem statement: with the development of radio electronic equipment (REE), its performance increases, operating voltages decrease and the routing density of printed circuit boards increases, which increases the susceptibility of REE to various electromagnetic influences (EMI). It is known that EMI can pose a threat to modern electronic equipment. Thus, generators of powerful electromagnetic waves can be used by attackers to destabilize or completely disable critical infrastructure. An ultrashort pulse (USP) poses a serious threat to REE. Traditional devices for protection against ultrasonic radiation are known, but they have disadvantages: low power and speed, limited response life, and also low radiation resistance due to the semiconductor components in their composition. This is unacceptable, for example, for the space industry, due to the need to increase the active life of spacecraft to 15 years. In this regard, it is necessary to search for new approaches to the protection of electronic equipment that are free of such shortcomings. One of the promising approaches to protection is the decomposition of USP into a sequence of pulses of smaller amplitude in a meander line (ML). It is noteworthy that ML is used in conjunction with gas-discharge protection devices with insufficient speed, due to the fact that it takes considerable time for an electrical discharge to occur. For this reason, protected circuits in electronic devices must withstand interference until the device operates. In this regard, the impact of a powerful USP can be disastrous, since the gas-discharge device will not have time to operate due to the rapid increase in the USP. However, when using ML together with a gas-discharge device, this drawback can be eliminated. Thus, first the USP will be decomposed into a sequence of pulses of lower amplitude in the ML (up to 3 or even 4 pulses in one turn of the ML or more in multi-stage and multi-wire structures), the first of which, having passed through the gas-discharge device, can “prepare” it for operation, and the rest will already be limited by the gas-discharge device. At the same time, in order for the protected circuits to withstand the influence of the USP until the gas-discharge device operates, the USP in the ML can be decomposed into a sequence of pulses with increasing amplitude as each pulse arrives. Such a hybrid device will significantly improve the efficiency of protection of electronic equipment from short-duration pulses. Purpose: demonstrate the possibility of weakening SQUID in a hybrid protection device based on ML and a gas-discharge protection device. Methods: analysis, as well as computational (based on various numerical methods) and natural experiments. Novelty: a hybrid protection device against USP based on an ML and a gas-discharge device has been proposed, characterized by the joint use of their properties. In addition, the conditions for the decomposition of USP in such hybrid protection devices were formulated for the first time. Results: a detailed analysis of the USP duration of exposure on the protective characteristics of a gas-discharge device was performed through modeling using the SPICE model and full-scale tests. Based on the results of the analysis, the SPICE model was optimized for more visual results, and the conditions for timely operation of the gas-discharge device were formulated. As a result, at the output of the ML with a gas-discharge device, the attenuation of the USP is increased, in comparison with the ML, but without a gas-discharge device. Two different effects and two structures based on ML are considered. It is demonstrated how the first pulse from the output lines prepares the gas-discharge device for operation and the remaining pulses are suppressed by it. Despite the fact that in this case the first pulse (which prepares the gas-discharge device for operation) travels further and is not attenuated, its amplitude is still less than the amplitude of the initial pulse, and in this case there are no many decomposition pulses after it. This is important to reduce heating of the sensitive elements of the REE. In this case, the maximum attenuation of the USP in structures 1 and 2 was 25 and 44 times, respectively. Additionally, the case is considered when the gas-discharge device is connected at the input to the line. In this case, a remarkable result was obtained: it was revealed that such inclusion is most preferable for maximum suppression of USP. In this case, the maximum attenuation of the USP in structures 1 and 2 was 102 and 143 times. Practical relevance: the solution can be used in critical electronic equipment for protection against USP, for example, in power circuits.
Key words
- ultrashort pulse, meander line, even mode, odd mode, electromagnetic compatibility, gas discharge device, noise immunity
- Kim G. Y., Malygin K. P., Zhechev E. S., Konev V. Y., Nosov A. V. Hybrid method of protection against ultrashort pulses based on a meander line and a gas-discharge device. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 2, pp. 149-172. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-2-149-172 (in Russian).
Experimental study of a modal filter based on a round cable structure
- Problem formulation. Attention to the electromagnetic environment of modern radio-electronic equipment (REE) in the scientific community is growing every year. This is primarily due to their increasing susceptibility to electromagnetic interference (EMI). The reasons for this are the increase in the performance of REE (increase in the upper spectra frequency of the signals used), the density of their installation and routing, the decrease in operating currents and signal voltages, etc. EMI can have a negative impact on the operation of REE and even lead to their destruction and destabilization. This emphasizes the importance and significance of research in the field of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of critical REE. Of particular interest are ultra-wideband interference, one of the varieties of which is high-power ultrashort pulses (USPs), characterized by a fast rise time and large amplitude. To protect REE from USPs, devices based on modal filtering technology are used. They are called modal filters (MFs) and are traditionally implemented as stripline structures, either as separate devices or in existing printed circuit board interconnects. However, recent research in this area also suggests the effectiveness of MFs based on cable structures. Thus, it is of interest to implement a prototype MF based on a cable structure, as well as compare the measurement results with the results of a computational experiment. Meanwhile, the main stages of developing MF prototypes based on strip structures have long been worked out, while prototyping cable structures requires attention and elaboration. The purpose of the work is to develop and verify a prototype MF based on a circular cable structure. Methods: optimization was performed in a quasi-static analysis system. For computational experiments, we used quasi-static (based on the method of moments) and electrodynamic (based on the finite element method and finite difference time domain) analysis systems. When measuring the frequency dependences of the transmission coefficient we used the Panorama P4226 vector circuit analyzer. Novelty: a methodology for developing a prototype MF based on a round cable structure is presented for the first time; a prototype of the MF was created using it and the measurement results were compared with the results of computational experiments. Results: a general methodology for prototyping and measuring MFs based on a round cable structure is presented, and a prototype MF based on it is developed. Preliminary parametric optimization of the MF was carried out in a quasi-static analysis system. We compared the results of MF measurements in two versions (using connecting printed circuit boards and without them) with the results of computational experiments in systems of quasi-static and electrodynamic analysis. The nature of the dependences of the transmission coefficient the MF in the frequency band up to 2 GHz is similar for all types of analysis. Using the example of an MF with printed circuit boards, the bandwidth was 680 MHz when modeling in a quasi-static system, 700 MHz in an electrodynamic analysis system, and 580 MHz when measured. In the frequency range from 0 to 1 GHz, the measured value of the reflection coefficient MF do not exceed minus 8 dB. Despite the fact that the length of the prototype MF (113 mm) is almost 10 times less than that used in optimization (1 m), it is capable of attenuating the interference with a total duration of 80.5 ps (at a level of 0.5) by 4.67, 5.2 and 6.17 times according to the results of modeling in systems of quasi-static and electrodynamic analysis, as well as measurements. Practical relevance: The proposed general methodology for prototyping and measuring MFs based on a circular cable structure expands the tools of developers and engineers, allowing the creation of various modifications of protective devices (both based on circular cross-sections and completely new ones). The developed MF is notable for the possibility of practical application for protecting REE from USPs in a variety of fields due to its low weight (up to 120 g), radiation resistance, reliability and high protective characteristics.
Key words
- electromagnetic compatibility, ultrashort pulse, optimization, evolutionary algorithms, modal filters, cable structures
- Gordeyeva V. O., Belousov A. O. Experimental study of a modal filter based on a round cable structure. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 2, pp. 173-192. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-2-173-192 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Country's air defense system against strikes with unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles: new threats, problematic issues, technical and economic analysis of architecture variants
- Relevance. The command of the US Armed Forces has completed the development of the operational and strategic concept of a "Prompt global strike". In this concept, the main focus of the strike is shifting from intercontinental missile to sea- and air-based cruise missiles (CM). In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are attacking the territory of Russia using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These factors make it relevant to study the variants of the architecture of the country's air defense system (ADS) against massive strikes by CM and UAVs. The purpose of the paper is to analyze new threats to Russia in the form of UAVs and CM strikes, to detect problematic issues of building the country's ADS and to form possible ways to solve them. A similar study on the US air defense system against a strike by CM, is the basis for considering problematic issues of building the Russian's ADS. The results and their novelty. An element of the practical novelty of the paper are: the formed descriptive models of typical strike means – the US CM and AFU's UAVs; the results of the analysis of the use of existing detection and destruction means, in relation to such types of new targets as CM and UAVs; the results of modeling and research of various variants of the architecture of the country's ADS (on the example of the USA) in terms of efficiency-cost. Practical significance. This paper will be useful for specialists to substantiate the architecture of the Russian's ADS. In addition, this work will be useful to researchers who conducting scientific research in the field of counteraction to CM and UAVs, as well as in the field of improving the aerospace defense of Russia.
Key words
- air defense, aerospace defense, rapid global strike, means of air attack, unmanned aerial vehicle, cruise missile, fighter aircraft, anti-aircraft missile system, architecture, efficiency-cost
- Makarenko S. I., Starostin A. V. Country's air defense system against strikes with unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles: new threats, problematic issues, technical and economic analysis of architecture variants. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 2, pp. 86-148. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-2-086-148 (in Russian).
Scientific contribution
Viktor Ilyich Varshavsky and the development of cybernetics in the USSR
- Relevance. In 2023, the 90th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Soviet scientist-cyberneticist and teacher V.I. Varshavsky was celebrated. In this regard, it is useful to reflect on what he has done in science, to assess the impact of what he has done on science and society. The purpose of the article is to use the results of V.I. Varshavsky's scientific work as an example to form an understanding of the fundamental processes of evolutionary and revolutionary approaches to the formation of new scientific knowledge, patterns of scientific development among novice scientists. Result. To achieve the purpose of the article, the author uses the literature on the history of science, the works of V.I. himself. Varshavsky, memoirs of his colleagues. The article describes the meaning of V.I. Varshavsky's scientific results and the possibilities of their use in technology. The scientific biography of the scientist has been recreated. The memoirs of his colleagues and acquaintances are given. His features as a person, scientist, and teacher are described. Novelty and theoretical significance. The article recreates the history of the creative activity of the outstanding scientist and teacher V.I. Varshavsky, describes his results in the field of cybernetics and achievements in pedagogy. The work will be useful for young scientists and specialists working on complex scientific and technical problems, as an example of their successful resolution.
Key words
- cybernetics, computer engineering, Leningrad, Japan, Israel
- Levin V. I. Viktor Ilyich Varshavsky and the development of cybernetics in the USSR. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2024, no. 2, pp. 193-203. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2024-2-193-203 (in Russian).