№2 2020
Intelligent information systems
The method of multidimensional analysis and forecasting states of complex systems and processes based on Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Models
- Problem definition. The limitations of existing models and methods for multidimensional analysis and prediction of the state of complex systems and processes is the difficulty of taking into account the indirect effect of interdependent components in the face of uncertainty. Other, no less significant problems are: non-linear nature of the interaction of objects and processes; lack of consistency; diverse quality, insufficient volume, incompleteness and inconsistency of information about objects and processes in such systems and their influence on each other. It is required to propose a method for multivariate analysis and prediction of the state of complex systems and processes, providing multivariate analysis and accounting for the direct and indirect interference of all components of multidimensional time series with their different time lags relative to each other, as well as their predictive assessment under conditions of non-stochastic uncertainty, non-linear interaction, partial inconsistencies and significant interdependence of components of multidimensional time series. The aim of the work is to develop a method that improves the accuracy of multidimensional prediction of the state of complex systems and processes. Methods used: forecasting multidimensional time series; fuzzy cognitive analysis and modeling; fuzzy sets and calculations; fuzzy logic inference; mathematical statistics. Novelty: A new type of Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Models is proposed, consisting of many concepts that are connected by subsets of fuzzy degrees of influence, ordered in chronological order, taking into account the time lags of the corresponding components of a multidimensional time series. To implement fuzzy temporal transformations of concepts, the proposed Fuzzy Component Temporal Models are used, which are modified ANFIS-type models, and provide the formation, storage and output of the predicted fuzzy values of the corresponding components of the multidimensional time series with the time delays required for the Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Model. An original approach is presented and a method of structurally-parametric tuning of a Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Model of the proposed type is implemented, which includes: firstly, preliminary structural tuning of a Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Model; secondly, the training of each Fuzzy Component Temporal Model of the Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Model; thirdly, the coordination of all Fuzzy Component Temporal Models of the Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Model to ensure the maximum increase in the forecast accuracy of each component of the multidimensional time series without compromising the accuracy of prediction of at least one of the other components of the multidimensional time series. A new method has been developed for multidimensional analysis and prediction of the state of complex systems and processes based on a new type of Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Model that provides multidimensional analysis and consideration of the direct and indirect interference of all components of a multidimensional time series with their different time lags relative to each other, as well as their predictive assessment in conditions of non-stochastic uncertainty, non-linearity of mutual influence, partial inconsistency and significant interdependence of components multidimensional time series. Various modes of using the developed method are described. Result: the proposed method was used to solve the problem of multidimensional forecasting the sustainability of the urban environment of Moscow. Practical significance: the method proposed in the article allows, in small samples, to increase the accuracy of multivariate analysis and forecasting of complex systems and processes (using multidimensional forecasting of the stability of the urban environment of Moscow) by an average of 10-15% compared to the neural network approach, which demonstrated some of the best results when solving this problem. The forecasting for the sustainability of the urban environment of Moscow was made without taking of the effect of coronavirus infection on it. At the same time, it is obvious that the use of the proposed original method is very popular in the current difficult conditions and allows us to provide reliable analysis and multidimensional forecasting of the stability of the urban environment in different regions both in Russia and in other countries, especially taking into account the complex epidemiological situation.
Key words
- multidimensional time series, Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Model, Fuzzy Component Temporal Model, urban environment sustainability
- Borisov V. V., Luferov V. S. The method of multidimensional analysis and forecasting states of complex systems and processes based on Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Models. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 2, pp. 1-23. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10201 (in Russian).
Information processes and technologies. Acquisition, storage and processing of information
D. S. Parygin, A. A. Aleshkevich, N. P. Sadovnikova, A. Yu. Zuev, I. S. Zelenskiy, A. S. Kharina, E. S. SivashovaCoherence Assessment of Urban Provision Infrastructure Development Based on the Spatial Data Analysis
- Purpose. There are no objective criteria for assessing the provision of the population with infrastructure objects in existing approaches to researching the quality of urban services. In the best case, this assessment is based on official statistics, the data of which do not always objectively reflect the real situation and quickly become outdated. Tools to assess the current state and predict possible problems of the urban environment associated with a decrease in the quality of life are necessary to support decision-making on managing its development. This is especially important in case of emergency, when the decision has to be made in a limited time in conditions of high uncertainty. The purpose of the work is to develop a method for evaluate the coherence of provision infrastructure development based on objective criteria that allow to take into account the features of spatial development and consumer qualities of an urbanized area. Methods. The method for quantifying the coherence of provision infrastructure development is proposed. Algorithms based on spatial data analysis are proposed for calculating individual indicators of infrastructure provision. The classes of objects are highlighted and an integral indicator is introduced to assess the coherence of provision infrastructure development. Novelty. Accounting the consumer properties of the area and the real capabilities of existing urban infrastructure objects to satisfy the population life activity needs in the process of assessing the provision with infrastructure are elements of the novelty of the solutions presented. The concept of area coherence as an integral indicator is introduced to assess the coherence of development the provision infrastructure that meets the needs of population. Results. The disadvantages of existing approaches to assessing the quality of the urban environment are considered and the need to take into account the characteristics of the area and its consumer properties is shown. The new indicator of the quality of the urban environment, based on the concept of area coherence, is proposed. The method for quantifying the coherence of provision infrastructure development has been developed. Practical relevance. The paper presents the components of the developed system for the urban environment quality assessment based on spatial data analysis and algorithms for calculating particular indicators of infrastructure provision. In the current version, the system allows automatic generation of a grid of a given step for a selected city and calculation of selected indicators. The conditions for the balanced development of an urbanized area, which are necessary to meet the needs of residents and create a comfortable and safe living environment, are formulated.
Key words
- quality of urban environment, urban environment, provision infrastructure, urban infrastructure object, spa-tial data analysis, area coherence, assessment of urban services quality, algorithms for calculating infra-structure provision indicators
- Parygin D. S., Aleshkevich A. A., Sadovnikova N. P., Zuev A. Yu., Zelenskiy I. S., Kharina A. S., Sivashova E. S. Coherence Assessment of Urban Provision Infrastructure Development Based on the Spatial Data Analysis. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 2, pp. 73-100. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10204 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Algorithm of calculation of an interval of frequency correlation of the short-wave radio line taking into account sphericity and small-scale not uniformity of an ionosphere
- Problem statement: it is known that in short-wave radio lines with one discrete beam there is a diffusion multi-beam with relative time of delay of beams 50 … 200 microsec. It defines an interval of frequency correlation of dying down in one-beam short-wave radio line about 5 … 20 kHz that causes a possibility of increase in speed of transfer to several kbps. There are bases to assume that the interval of frequency correlation of dying down depends on the choice of operating frequency and will extend in process of its decrease. Therefore for achievement of the largest speed of transfer in one-beam short-wave radio line it is necessary to know dependence of an interval of frequency correlation of dying down on the choice of operating frequency. The known techniques and models for assessment of an interval of frequency correlation of dying down in one-beam short-wave radio line are limited to consideration of the flat reflecting ionosphere layer taking into account its diffusion (small-scale not uniformity), or consider influences of sphericity of an ionosphere, but without its diffusion. The purpose of work is development of an algorithm of calculation of an interval of frequency correlation of dying down depending on the choice of operating frequency of the short-wave radio line in the presence of one discrete beam with a diffusion multipath which considers influence of sphericity and small-scale not uniformity of the reflecting layer F ionospheres. The novelty consists in high-quality justification of the reasons of expansion of an interval of frequency correlation of dying down in one-beam short-wave radio line at decrease in operating frequency of the relatively most applicable which consist in reduction of relative time of delay of the coming beams, reduction of an equivalent way of distribution of a wave in a layer of F and increase in a hade of a wave at the lower bound of an ionosphere. Besides, the set of analytical expressions for definition of a hade of a wave on the lower bound of an ionosphere, characteristics of its sphericity, ways of distribution of a wave and diffraction parameter at the set operating frequency which allows to calculate an interval of frequency correlation of dying down in one-beam short-wave radio line taking into account sphericity of an ionosphere and a diffusion multipath is received. Result: the algorithm of calculation of an interval of frequency correlation of dying down in one-beam short-wave radio line depending on the choice of operating frequency which considers influence of sphericity and small-scale not uniformity (diffusion) of the reflecting ionosphere layer is developed. Practical importance: application of the developed algorithm allows to carry out at arrival (allocation) of one discrete beam of the short-wave radio line according to sounding of parameters of a layer F ionospheres the choice of the operating frequency providing increase in an interval of frequency correlation of dying down significant (twice) and, therefore, transfer speed.
Key words
- short-wave communication, ionosphere, sphericity, small-scale heterogeneity, diffusion, mnogoluchevost, dying down, interval of frequency correlation
- Pashintsev V. P., Skorik A. D., Koval S. A., Alekseev D. V., Senokosov M. A. Algorithm of calculation of an interval of frequency correlation of the short-wave radio line taking into account sphericity and small-scale not uniformity of an ionosphere. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 2, pp. 49-72. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10203 (in Russian).
Ways to increase noise immunity in automated control systems
- Abstract. The specifics of the functioning of modern geographically distributed special-purpose communication systems, characterized by changing operating conditions in a complex interference environment, as well as a high critical failure rate, necessitates the use of remote control systems for their technical condition. The use of such control systems is characterized by insufficient noise immunity in the transmission of emergency signals from controlled communication complexes operating under the influence of natural and artificial destabilizing factors, which reduces the effectiveness of the entire special-purpose communication system. The purpose of the work is to develop ways to improve noise immunity in automated systems for remote control of the technical condition of geographically distributed special-purpose communication complexes. Methods used: increasing the noise-resistant transmission of emergency signals is carried out by applying a new signal-code design in the radio channel for transmitting telemetry information, which allows increasing the noise-resistance of remote control and telemetry systems. Novelty: it is proposed and justified to expand the capabilities of remote control systems for the technical condition of a geographically distributed automated special-purpose communication system using radio systems in the decameter wave range. Based on the application of SDR technologies and the use of control data from the control system elements, new methods are proposed for constructing noise-resistant ultra-narrowband decameter radio lines, including those operating in the pseudo-random frequency tuning mode. Result: the remote monitoring and telemetry system should be based on software and hardware complexes of communication facilities built on the basis of SDR technologies. A graphical representation of alarm signals from control objects when they are received in the form of a spectrogram is proposed. This makes it possible to implement a new method for transmitting emergency signals from remote terminals of a geographically distributed control system over a decameter radio channel in the form of linear or discrete-frequency modulated signals with an increasing or decreasing modulation gradient. Practical significance: the results of the study can be used in the process of remote control of the technical condition of geographically distributed communication complexes for noise-resistant transmission of measurement information, for operational control of radio lines and for maneuvering the frequency resource in a complex interference environment. The proposed methods allow for interference-free radio communication with automatic and visual reception by increasing the probability of bringing emergency signals to the control bodies, as well as working with inherited radio lines.
Key words
- noise immunity, transmission of emergency signals, geographically distributed communication complexes, remote control system, technical condition, telesignalization, tele-measurements
- Budko P. A., Budko N. P., Vinogradenko A. M. Ways to increase noise immunity in automated control systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 2, pp. 176-211. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10206 (in Russian).
Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Radar Search of Aircraft and Ships Affected by an Accident
- The problem statement: human life is priceless, so when people die in an accident, but not in the crash itself, just because of the late arrival of rescue teams, this is a double tragedy. The development of rescue services is given considerable attention in all highly developed countries. One of the key areas for improving the technical support of rescue services is the development of radio engineering systems since they have such crucial advantages as optical systems with all-weather and round-the-clock use. The use of various emergency radio stations and direction-finding equipment, which are located on search planes and helicopters, significantly reduces the time of the search for the scene of an accident, however, the limited number of power sources, and sometimes a direct ban on the use of them (for example, when an aircraft is landing on the territory occupied by the enemy) determine the relevance of using passive reflectors and radiolocation systems. Another trend in the development of search and rescue systems is the use of unmanned aircraft or remotely piloted aircraft systems. The use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) allows creating large groups of search and rescue systems and leads to a decrease in the search time for the accident site. The aim of the research work is to substantiate the possibility of using RPAS for an automatic search for the accident site of aircraft and ships equipped with spherical reflectors according to the response to the probing radar signal. It is proposed to equip aircraft and ships not with separate spherical reflectors, but with a design of three spherical reflectors made in the form of an antenna array. The research methods: the solution of the problem is based on detecting and localizing the accident site of an aircraft or a sea vessel by maximizing the probability of correct detection of the array of passive reflectors at a given level of false alarm. The probability of correct detection of an object with respect to known corner reflectors is increased by using the oscillating nature of the backscattering pattern of spherical reflectors and using two frequencies of the probe signal. The research novelty: the novelty of the presented research work is the placement of a dual-frequency search radar station on RPAS, as well as the rationale for using them on board of aircraft and ships instead of a separate spherical reflector system of three reflectors. The result: the use of RPAS with a radar station for an automatic search for spherical reflectors ensures the detection of the accident site with a probability of correct detection over 0.9. The three alternative options for detecting the scene of an accident are presented in the study. They include using a search helicopter; using operator information from RPAS and an automatic search using a dual-frequency search radar system located onboard of RPAS. The results of the imitation model show a gain from the use of a search radar system located onboard of RPAS from 20 to 40%. The practical relevance of the research work: the presented research work suggests equipping emergency rafts of ships, as well as emergency stocks of aircraft with the three spherical reflectors to reduce the search time for rescue teams in the event of a malfunction of emergency radio stations or, in case of emergency, compliance with radio silence.
Key words
- search for emergency aircraft and ships, spherical reflector, effective scattering surface
- Bazhenov A. V., Grivennaya N. V., Isaev A. M., Melnikov S. V. Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Radar Search of Aircraft and Ships Affected by an Accident. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 2, pp. 212-230. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10207 (in Russian).
The Error in Determining the Pseudorange in the Global Navigation Satellite System with Disturbances in the Ionosphere
- Problem statement: it is known that natural and artificial indignations of an ionosphere are followed by simultaneous formation of not uniformity of large, average and small scales. Now at design of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) the increase of an error of determination of pseudo-range by the navigation equipment of consumers in the conditions of regular indignations of an ionosphere and formation of large and mid-scale not uniformity is considered. For elimination of the ionospheric making error of determination of pseudo-range two-frequency and differential operating modes of GNSS at which by 2-3 times the noise component of an error increases are traditionally used. Therefore for its reduction instead of signals with a narrow strip of a range (1 MHz) use signals with a wide strip (10 MHz). However their application can lead to considerable (much and more) to increase in a noise error if in an ionosphere are formed intensive small-scale heterogeneity. This results from the fact that dispersion of radio waves on small-scale not uniformity leads to emergence of a mnogoluchevost and narrowing of a strip of coherence of the transionospheric channel to values less than 1 MHz. It causes emergence of frequency selective dying down of the accepted signals which cause increase of a noise error of measurement of pseudo-range in the correlation receiver. The purpose of work is development of techniques of assessment of an error of measurement of pseudo-range the navigation equipment of consumers of GNSS working in the single-frequency, two-frequency or differential modes in the conditions of the indignations of an ionosphere accompanied with simultaneous formation of not uniformity of various scales (large, average and small). The novelty consists in theoretical generalization of the models and methods applied to assessment of an ionospheric error of measurement of pseudo-range by the navigation equipment of consumers of GNSS in the conditions of formation of large and mid-scale not uniformity, and assessment of a noise error of measurement of pseudo-range in the conditions of formation of intensive small-scale not uniformity. Result: analytical dependences of an error of measurement of pseudo-range in the navigation equipment of consumers of SNRS are received from frequency parameters of the transmitted GNSS signals (bearing frequencies and strips of a range), the relation signal/noise on an entrance of the measuring receiver and a mean square deviation of small-scale fluctuations of full electronic maintenance of an ionosphere concerning their average value (considering large and mid-scale heterogeneity). Practical importance: results of forecasting of growth of errors of measurements of pseudo-range in the navigation equipment of consumers of GNSS working in various modes (single-frequency, two-frequency and differential), in the conditions of natural indignations of an ionosphere in the field of the polar and equatorial latitudes and artificial (technogenic) indignations of an ionosphere which are followed by formation of intensive small-scale not uniformity of an ionosphere are received. It is shown that in the latter case the error of determination of pseudo-range can reach values 35 … 384 m and will take place when using in GNSS of signals with a wide strip of a range (10 MHz) and a two-frequency operating mode of the navigation equipment of consumers who are traditionally used for reduction noise and ionospheric making errors of measurement of pseudo-range.
Key words
- satellite radio navigational system, unmanned aerial vehicle, full electronic maintenance of an ionosphere, small-scale fluctuations, frequency selective dying down, error of measurement of pseudo-range
- Pashintsev V. P., Linets G. I., Koval S. A., Senokosov M. A., Melnikov C. V. The Error in Determining the Pseudorange in the Global Navigation Satellite System with Disturbances in the Ionosphere. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 2, pp. 231-279. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10208 (in Russian).
Systems for ensuring of safety and security
Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Part 3. Electronic Warfare against Navigation and Radio Connection Subsystems of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Relevance. There have been reports of unauthorized use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in highly controlled areas (airports, military installations, against critical industrial infrastructure) in the media since the mid-2000s. Nowadays, small UAVs are widely used for unauthorized surveillance of important objects, conducting terrorist attacks and sabotage, carrying prohibited goods (weapons, drugs), as well as for military purposes. For this reason, the problem of countering UAVs, and especially small UAVs, has become extremely relevant. Analysis of publications in this area has shown a small number of serious studies on this topic. There are often too optimistic conclusions about the effectiveness of existing electronic warfare (EW) systems for countering all types of UAVs in many papers. However, the problem of countering UAVs, and especially small UAVs, is highly complex, multi-faceted, and has not been solved yet. The goal of this paper is to systematize and analyze various ways and means of countering UAVs, as well as to form general directions for effective solution of the problem. The material is presented in the paper focuses on the analysis of the capabilities of EW-systems to disrupt normal functioning navigation and radio connection subsystems of UAVs. Results. The results of systematization and analysis of various methods and means of countering UAVs, which are based on EW, are presented in the article. This systematization is based on more than 140 open sources. The analysis of the sources show the main features of the UAV as an object of electronic jamming, and made possible a detailed multi-aspect analysis of modern EW-systems, their effectiveness and disadvantage. Suggestions for improving the effectiveness of the EW-systems what are used against UAVs are also summarized in this paper. Elements of the novelty of the paper are the general features of the electronic jamming to UAVs, as well as systemic disadvantage in technological solutions of the EW-systems, which lead to a decrease in their combat effectiveness when they are used against UAVs. Practical significance. The material of the paper can be used to generate initial data for modeling and studying the combat effectiveness of the EW-systems when countering UAVs. This article can be useful for designers who design countering UAV systems as well.
Key words
- unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, air defense, air defense system, counter unmanned aerial vehicles, C-UAV, C-UAS, anti-UAV defense system, counter-drone systems, anti-drone technologies, counter-UAVs technolo-gies, electronic warfare, electronic warfare system, electronic jamming
- Makarenko S. I. Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Part 3. Electronic Warfare against Navigation and Radio Connection Subsystems of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 2, pp. 101-175. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10205 (in Russian).
Electronic and radio systems
Reflection Symmetric Meander Line Protecting against Ultrashort Pulses
- Problem Statement: ubiquitous proliferation of radio-electronic equipment (REE) in almost all industries, together with an increase in its structural complexity, leads to exacerbation of the problem of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). In particular, the problem of protecting REE against ultrashort pulses (USPs), the excitation of which can be dangerous for REE, especially for critical, is relevant. Prevalent components used for surge voltage protection (varistors, surge arresters, TVS diodes) have a number of disadvantages. Therefore, devices based on them often turn out to be ineffective for protecting REE against pulses with such time and energy characteristics as USPs have. In this regard, the development of new protective devices is relevant. One of the new approaches to protecting REE against USPs is a modal filtration technology. Its idea is to use modal signal distortions appearing due to the difference in modal delays of a multiconductor transmission line. A new approach is proposed to increase the efficiency of such protection devices through the use of reflection symmetric structures, namely, a reflection symmetric modal filter (MF). Meanwhile, meander lines (ML) are also known to be used for protection against USPs. Therefore, their combined use is possible. Purpose of the work is to introduce a new device for protection against USP based on a reflection symmetric ML. Methods used: the system of quasistatic analysis based on the method of moments is used to demonstrate the possibility of protecting REE against USPs. Results and their novelty: for the first time, a combination of a reflection symmetric MF and protective ML is implemented in the proposed device (a decision was obtained to grant a patent for an invention). Practical relevance: the reflection symmetric ML is designed to protect REE against USPs penetrating into the equipment conductively (through power circuits, signal circuits). It is important to note that in this device, the time intervals between decomposition pulses are twice as large as in similar MFs, which allows for the decomposition of a USP which is 2 times longer. Also, such a connection requires not 6, but only 2 resistors, which increases reliability and reduces the total cost of the device. It is noteworthy that the structure can also be used with modal redundancy, i.e. when one turn refers to the reserved circuit, and the other to the reserving one.
Key words
- electromagnetic compatibility, protection devices, ultrashort pulse, modal filtration, reflection symmetric modal filter, reflection symmetric meander line
- Chernikova E. B. Reflection Symmetric Meander Line Protecting against Ultrashort Pulses. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 2, pp. 280-293. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10209 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Constructing graphoanalytic combat positional dynamics model based on military formations combat orders elements actions probability-temporal synchronization
- Problem Statement. Today the solution of the problem of rapid quantitative assessment of the current state and forecasting the outcome of modern heterogeneous military formations combat does not fully meet the practice requirements. This is due to limitations of known combat modeling and simulation methods. Known combat modelling methods does not allow detailed analysis of the military formations elements trajectories. A simulation method does not allow to solve the optimization tasks within the same combat scenario and requires to get a statistically significant result extremely expensive repeat calculations of one scenario. This work continues the series of publications that consider the combat episodes method, which parries these shortcomings. It involves dividing the combat into a sequence of episodes, in each of which calculates the warring parties’ potentials ratio. The combat analytical model in combat episodes method takes into account the combat cycles of the warring parties and optimization of combat order elements’ target distribution. It is detailed to the separate soldiers, devices and information and technical means when they are statically placed on the battlefield. The first stage of the combat episodes method is the formation of a combat positional dynamics graph based on the user-entered alternative multi-rank trajectories of warring parties combat orders elements movement with varying speed. There are no methods for forming such a graph in the known literature. Methods. The solution of the problem is based on the original combination of parallel processes synchronization method in the theory of distributed algorithms, which is used in the messaging organization in digital telecommunications systems, and the method of testing complex technical systems, which is used by NASA to assess the avionics reliability. Novelty of the proposed solution is the new method of constructing the combat positional dynamics graph model, in which combat scenarios are synchronized by a probabilistic and temporal parameters of the military formations separate elements’ movement on the battlefield. Result. It makes possible to move from analyzing a set of different ranked sequences of combat episodes of each element to a set of combat episodes’ sequences that are uniform for all elements ordered by the probability of sequences implementation. This is done using the combat scaling parameter, which determines each element's trajectory detail level and the change range of synchronized combat episodes borders without losing them. The combat scaling parameter is automatically determined for the specified limit on the calculation time for a known calculation time for a single combat episode in a given combat situation. Practical relevance. The solution can be used in the creation of perspective samples of decision support systems.
Key words
- combat modeling and simulation, combat episode method, combat order element, synchronization, positional dynamics
- Boyko A. A., Ivannikov K. S., Kuznetsov D. A. Constructing graphoanalytic combat positional dynamics model based on military formations combat orders elements actions probability-temporal synchronization. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 2, pp. 24-48. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10202 (in Russian).