№1 2020
Control systems
Electronic warfare and fire damage means joint use modeling for improving a superiority of control struggle efficiency
- Purpose of the work. Increased potential opportunities of joint use of electronic suppression means, fire damage means and special program impacts determine the electronic warfare (EW) operational resource (tasks) distribution need. The use of EW forces and means in combination with radio, electronic, informational and technical enemy's EW control system facilities fire damage, leads to the supremacy of control and, as a result, causes the rapid decisive superiority achievement and total initiative gain in military operation. The aim of the work is to study the conflict interaction of opposing sides in the form of a single conflict system. The system takes into account new internal and external system processes interactions of the electronic suppression means, fire damage means and special program effects which are used against radio, electronic, informational and technical enemy's EW control system facilities. Methods: mathematical methods of the multilevel hierarchical systems theory, the Markov processes theory, the probability theory, the computational mathematics theory and the graph theory are used for conflict interaction modeling. Novelty: the element of novelty of the presented solution is the possibility to take into account the conditions of the multi-level conflict model processes, in the form of additional arcs of the ascending and descending formation graph. The conflict includes, on the one hand, radio, electronic, informational and technical facilities from the enemy's EW control systems, and, on the other hand, fire damage and electronic suppression systems and means, special program impacts systems which are allocated to receive the superiority of control. The structure of a complex conflict is presented in the form of a sequential formation of conditions which arise in the process of conflicts in different hierarchy levels. So, such complex conflict results are the conditions for a conflict of the other level. The model which allows to determine the required probabilistic and temporal characteristics of its control subsystems and to confirm the amount of allocated resources which are needed to destroy objects of the enemy's EW control system, fire destruction resources, electronic suppression and special program effects is the result of the work. Practical relevance: the results of the work can be used in information and computing systems development. It can increase the superiority of control struggle efficiency, and, as a result, achieve high efficiency of basic weapon systems use, by taking into account new factors of fast-moving conflict processes defined by the characteristics of the enemy’s subsystems, as well as, by the characteristics of our own subsystems.
Key words
- electronic warfare, resource allocation, superiority of control
- Kozlitin S. N., Koziratsky Yu. L., Budnikov S. A. Electronic warfare and fire damage means joint use modeling for improving a superiority of control struggle efficiency. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 1, pp. 49-73. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10103 (in Russian).
Information security
Distributed Information Systems Functioning Model with Masked Communication Links
- Relevance: Knowing information system unmasking attributes allows an attacker to reconstruct an information system structure with a high degree of accuracy. To protect against information system structure (topology) analysis by network gathering tools, masking methods are used that counter network intelligence. For this, the logical redundancy is introduced into the information system structure, IP and MAC addresses in transmitted messages are continuously changing. Using masking methods eliminates a single point of failure in the network and misleads an attacker regarding the information system structure and functioning algorithms. The aim of the work is to develop distributed information systems functioning model with masked communication links for mathematical support of the multi-link masked topology protocol. Methods: In this work Markovian processes with discrete states and continuous time are used for solve the problem of information system functioning with different interconnection strategies and controlling network intelligence resources. The novelty of the paper is the use of the Markovian processes and the Kolmogorov equations for control an information system resource by network connection parameters. Results: The developed technical solution allows to increase the protection and efficiency of using an overlay virtual private network. Finding probability and time characteristics, which describe information system functioning process, is the practical relevance of the work.
Key words
- distributed information system, network intelligence, masked link, network protocol
- Ivanov I. I. Distributed Information Systems Functioning Model with Masked Communication Links. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 1, pp. 198-234. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10107 (in Russian).
Transmission, reception and processing of signals
Detection of Weak Signals by Cross-Correlation with Phase Instabilities Compensation for Spectrum Monitoring in Satellite Communication Systems
- Purpose. Satellites are widely used to retranslate signals from Earth stations over long distances. Detection of all Earth stations that use satellite communication systems is necessary to control the frequency resource of the satellite link and to protect it from unauthorized access. In this case a cross-correlation method is used for signal detection. The difficulty lies in the fact that the signals of unauthorized transmitters are often observed by a monitoring station at the significant negative signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (less than minus 20 dB). In this regard, a long time of coherent accumulation of the detected signal (tens of seconds) is required to obtain the peak in the cross-correlation function (CCF) envelope. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate the possibility of detecting of weak signals of Earth stations in real conditions of application. Paper uses the reference Earth station for correcting the phase distortions introduced into the signals in each channel. Results. Paper presents the equations for calculating the SNR at the output of the cross-correlator, depending on the SNR in each channel, the receiver frequency band and the duration of the integration interval. In order to detect the peak of the envelope of the СCF in the presence of output noise, the output SNR should be greater than 10...12 dB. This means that if an Earth station signal is received with an SNR about -30 dB in each channel, it should be integrated during 16 s in a 1 MHz frequency band. When calculating the cross-correlation for such long intervals, it is necessary to take into account the presence of frequency shifts and phase distortions in different channels. It is assumed that the phase instability is the same for all signals that are retransmitted by this set of satellites, while the frequency shift for each signal is different due to the Doppler effect. Based on this, the equalizer is used to compensate for the phase distortions, which is adjusted by the known signal from the reference Earth station. Paper presents the experimental results when signals from two satellites were received and registered. In the data there was a signal of the reference Earth station, whose spectrum was expanded with the use of a pseudo-random sequence. The duration of the recorded signal was 19 s. The phase distortions reached 300° in amplitude, which destroyed the correlation of signals in different channels. It is shown that with the use of equalizer, adequate steps for finding the maximum of the envelope of the cross-correlation function in time and frequency, the experimental output SNR with high accuracy corresponds to theoretical calculations. In addition to the signal of the reference station, three more transmitters were found which differ from the signal of the reference station by frequency shifts.
Key words
- satellite communication system, signal detection, cross-correlation, signal to noise ratio
- Kulakova V. I. Detection of Weak Signals by Cross-Correlation with Phase Instabilities Compensation for Spectrum Monitoring in Satellite Communication Systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 1, pp. 33-48. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10102 (in Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Approximation of statistical characteristics of the multimedia traffic service process based on the Pareto distribution
- Problem statement: Multimedia traffic in modern telecommunication networks has the property of self-similarity, which significantly complicates the quality of service in network switching devices. The Pareto distribution (values of time intervals between incoming packets of incoming traffic) is often used to describe real self-similar traffic. The selection and adjustment of suitable mechanisms for ensuring the quality of service implies an operational forecast of the expected quality indicators, which for self-similar traffic with Pareto distribution can be performed only by means of simulation of the service process, since there are no exact analytical models. The aim of the work is to develop an analytical model of multimedia traffic service with Pareto distribution, which allows calculating the timeliness of traffic service in a network switching device using analytical expressions obtained on the basis of approximating simulation results. Methods used: To model the service of self-similar traffic in the network switching device, the model of the queuing system P/M/1 was used. The relative average waiting time (relative to average service time) was considered as an indicator of the timeliness of traffic service. When deriving analytical expressions for the dependence of this indicator on the load and the Hurst indicator, we used a two-stage approximation based on the exponential and fractional rational functions of the results of simulation in the AnyLogic software environment. The novelty of the work is an analytical expression based on exponential and fractional rational functions for calculating the relative average waiting time over the entire range of possible load values and the Hurst exponent of the input traffic with the Pareto distribution. Result. Using the P/M/1 traffic simulation model, statistical dependencies of the relative average waiting time on load and the Hurst exponent were obtained in almost the entire range of possible values. A comparative analysis of statistical dependency data and known analytical dependencies based on exponential functions for FBM/M/1 allowed us to make an assumption about the possible use of similar functions for approximating statistical dependencies for P/M/1. The method of approximating the statistical dependencies at the first stage for different fixed Hurst exponents based on exponential functions with three parameters (depending on the Hurst exponent) at three selected interpolation points is presented. The computational procedure for determining the approximation parameters at the first stage for given statistical dependencies corresponding to specific values of the Hurst exponent sorted with a fixed step in the entire range of possible values is described. The obtained tabular dependences of the three indicated parameters on the Hurst exponent were approximated at the second stage by fractional rational expressions similar to similar expressions in the well-known formula for FBM/M/1. Unlike other known results of approximating the statistical dependence of the relative average waiting time on the load and the Hurst indicator, which are either too close or valid in a limited range of load values and the Hurst indicator, the approximation results cover the entire range of possible values of the specified traffic parameters and with high accuracy. Practical relevance: the obtained analytical expression can be used to select and configure mechanisms for ensuring the quality of service of multimedia traffic in network switching devices for the operational forecast of expected quality of service indicators.
Key words
- self-similar traffic, Pareto distribution, analytical model, quality of service
- Odoevsky S. M., Busygin A. V. Approximation of statistical characteristics of the multimedia traffic service process based on the Pareto distribution. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 1, pp. 74-108. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10104 (in Russian).
Systems for ensuring of safety and security
Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Part 1. Unmanned aerial vehicle as an object of detection and destruction
- Relevance. There have been reports of unauthorized use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in highly controlled areas (airports, military facilities, against critical industrial infrastructure) in the media since the mid-2000s. Nowadays, small UAVs are widely used for unauthorized surveillance of important objects, conducting terrorist attacks and sabotage, transporting prohibited goods (weapons, drugs), as well as for military purposes. For this reason, the problem of countering UAVs, and especially small UAVs, has become extremely relevant. Analysis of publications in this area has revealed a small number of serious studies in this topic. Conclusions, made on the effectiveness of existing air defense systems for combating all types of UAVs in several papers seem to be too optimistic. However, the problem of countering UAVs, and especially small UAVs, is highly complicated, multifaceted and has not been solved yet. The goal of this paper is to analyze UAV as an object of detection and defeating while using various ways and means of countering UAVs. This work focuses on the analysis of UAV as an object of radar, radio-reconnaissance and radio-technical, optical-electronic and acoustic intelligence, as well as an object of fire and electronic defeating. Results. Results of systematization and analysis of UAVs as an object of fire and electronic defeating , capabilities of on time detecting and target indicating by radar, radio-reconnaissance and radio-technical, optical-electronic and acoustic means of intelligence are presented in the paper. Carried out systematization is based on information from more than 50 open sources. Analysis of the sources reveals the list of main features of the UAV as an object of defeating, and makes it possible to carry out a detailed analysis of modern detection systems, as well as their effectiveness and disadvantages. Elements of novelty of the paper are general features of UAVs detection process, as well as systemic disadvantages of the detection systems technical solutions, which lead to reduce in efficiency, while being used against UAVs. Practical significance. The material of the paper can be used to generate initial data for modeling and studying the combat effectiveness of the air defense systems when countering UAVs. This article can be useful for constructors, who design the countering UAV systems.
Key words
- unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, C-UAV, C-UAS, Anti-UAV Defense System, Counter-Drone Systems, Anti-Drone Technologies, Counter-UAVs Technologies, radar intelligence, radio-reconnaissance and radio-technical intelligence, optical-electronic intelligence, acoustic intelligence, combat effectiveness, application efficiency, detection
- Makarenko S. I., Timoshenko A. V., Vasilchenko A. S. Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Part 1. Unmanned aerial vehicle as an object of detection and destruction. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 1, pp. 109-146. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10105 (in Russian).
Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Part 2. Rocket and Artillery Fire, Physical Interception
- Relevance of the research. There have been reports of unauthorized use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in highly controlled areas (airports, military installations, against critical industrial infrastructure) in the media since the mid-2000s. Nowadays, small UAVs are widely used for unauthorized surveillance of important objects, conducting terrorist attacks and sabotage, carrying prohibited goods (weapons, drugs), as well as for military purposes. For this reason, the problem of countering UAVs, and especially small UAVs, has become extremely relevant. Analysis of publications in this area has shown a small number of serious studies on this topic. There are often too optimistic conclusions about the effectiveness of existing air defense systems for countering all types of UAVs in many papers. However, the problem of countering UAVs, and especially small UAVs, is highly complex, multi-faceted, and has not been solved yet. The purpose of this paper is to systematize and analyze various ways and means of countering UAVs, as well as to form general directions for effective solution of the problem. The material presented in the paper focuses on the analysis of the capabilities of air defense means to physical countering UAVs. Results. The results of systematization and analysis of various methods and means of countering UAVs, which are based on physical interception, are presented in the article. This systematization is based on more than 60 open sources. The analysis of the sources show the main features of the UAV as an object of destruction and made possible a detailed multi-aspect analysis of modern air defense systems, their effectiveness and disadvantage. Suggestions for improving the effectiveness of the air defense systems what are used against UAVs are also summarized in this paper. Elements of the novelty of the paper are the general features of the detection and destruction of UAVs as well as systemic disadvantage in technological solutions of the air defense systems which lead to a decrease in their combat effectiveness when they are used against UAVs. The practical relevance of the research. The material of the paper can be used to generate initial data for modeling and studying the combat effectiveness of the air defense systems when countering UAVs. This article can be useful for designers who design countering UAV systems as well.
Key words
- unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, air defense, air defense system, Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, C-UAV, C-UAS, Anti-UAV Defense System, Counter-Drone Systems, Anti-Drone Technologies, Counter-UAVs Technologies, Rocket fire, Аrtillery fire, combat effectiveness, detection
- Makarenko S. I., Timoshenko A. V. Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Part 2. Rocket and Artillery Fire, Physical Interception. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 1, pp. 147-197. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10106 (in Russian).
Electronic and radio systems
The model of electromagnetic fields that generate by an automated workplace of an object of informatization
- Problem statement. When solving some applied tasks of electromagnetic safety of operators, electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment located at an automated workplace and protecting information from leakage through side channels of electromagnetic radiation and interference, a problem often arises related to monitoring the levels of electromagnetic fields created by computing equipment. The purpose of the research is to create a discrete model of an automated workplace, by which it will be possible to forecast the electromagnetic environment and to calculate the electromagnetic field at given points in the space of the automated workplace using known radiation source parameters including their location in the model. The calculations are carried out to assess the impact of electromagnetic fields created by technical devices of the automated workplace on the operator’s body. Methods. When presenting the entire environment of the automated workplace in the form of a discrete model, all material bodies located in the researched area should be modeled: the walls of the offices, the tissues of operators, radiation sources, and interior items. The approach described in the article made it possible to move from a real representation of an automated workplace to its model presented in a discrete environment consisting of many elementary cubic cells. The output of the discrete model obtained by the author’s algorithm is well matched with the finite-difference time domain method. The novelty of this work relates to the fact that a discrete model of the automated workplace has been developed for the analysis of the electromagnetic environment taking into account the variety of radiation sources in an automated workplace. For the first time, the modeling of signals technical equipment located at an automated workplace is carried out by a combination of harmonic components that together form a priori known signal spectrum with a given accuracy of 10%. Harmonic components are determined using the author’s algorithm presented in this article. The results. The current solution of modeling an automated workplace fully satisfies both external and internal requirements for models, and ideally suits for forecasting the electromagnetic field using the finite-difference time domain method. The verification of such a model was carried out by solving test tasks in which simple geometric figures were set and the relative error was calculated. The results obtained by comparing the calculation values of the volume of figures and the volume of their models showed that the relative error in representing the environment under research in cubic cells depends on the magnitude of the coefficient of detail. With the detail step λ / 20, the error is less than 5%. The practical relevance of the research is mainly determined by the possibility of using them as source data for statistical simulation of safety of an operator of an automated workplace. The presented solution was tested and implemented in the specialized software “Model for forecasting the electromagnetic environment at the objects of control systems”, certificate of state registration of program is No.2019617181 dated 06/05/2019, the date of state registration in the Register of computer programs is 04/06/2019.
Key words
- electromagnetic environment, operator electromagnetic safety, finite-difference time domain method, object of informatization, discrete model
- Viktorov V. A. The model of electromagnetic fields that generate by an automated workplace of an object of informatization. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 1, pp. 1-32. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10101 (in Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
Assessment of consistency and compatibility of technical systems in complex organizational and technical systems
- Problem statement. The increasing complexity of the design of technical systems as part of complex organizational and technical systems makes it important to assess their compatibility and consistency at the early stages of development. The known methods for evaluating compatibility and consistency are based on a fairly extensive and detailed information base of source data and cannot be implemented in the conditions of significant uncertainty at the early stages of technical systems development. The aim of this work is to assess the coherence and compatibility of the circuitry of the technical system and the system itself in the composition of more complex systems, such as complex technical-organizational system, with the variant design of exploratory research with the new circuitry. It is proposed to evaluate consistency and compatibility based on a system of fuzzy rules that formalize the idea of the place of the developed sample of the technical system in the General new scheme of application as part of the organizational and technical system. Used method. When formalizing new conditions for the application of a technical system, evaluation methods are used based on fuzzy terms (linguistic variables, fuzzy numbers), complex fuzzy rules (with relations AND or OR) that formalize the interaction of the sample as part of a more complex system. Graph theory methods are used to construct interaction schemes. All the formulated rules are synthesized in a qualitative matrix, on the basis of which a qualitative vector of conditions is obtained, which characterizes the complexity (consistency and compatibility) of the sample technical system. An element of novelty in evaluating the consistency and compatibility of a technical system sample is the formalization of sample relationships by fuzzy rules, which are used to calculate an extended quality vector that reflects the consistency and compatibility of the sample. The result of the study is that the conditions and models for evaluating consistency and compatibility for the early stages of development are characterized. Algorithms for obtaining an extended qualitative vector and forming an indicator of consistency and compatibility of a sample of a technical system with a fuzzy term followed by normalization are developed. A specific calculation example is given based on a fuzzy system of connections of a conditional complex organizational and technical system. For this example, we used a complex fuzzy rule with the relation AND. The practical significance of the work is determined by the fact that the research results were used to assess the consistency and compatibility of the developed sample of the technical system. This improves the quality of work on creating a sample, and, consequently, its operational efficiency in the future. In addition, the practical significance is enhanced by the fact that the assessment of consistency and compatibility can be used in other applications, for example, when evaluating the compatibility of developed software, electronic computing, information systems, etc.
Key words
- development, technical system, algorithm, consistency and compatibility, evaluation, complex organizational and technical system
- Bochkov A. P., Baranovskii A. M., Gilvanov R. G. Assessment of consistency and compatibility of technical systems in complex organizational and technical systems. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 1, pp. 284-301. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10109 (in Russian).
Patents and innovations at field of systems of control, communication and security
Method and equipment of the intelligent express control of the technical condition of ground-based means of communication and radio-technical flight support
- Relevance: development of a method and device for intelligent express control of the ground-based means of communication and radio-technical flight support. Improving the efficiency of the control procedure and bringing it the real time. Problem statement: the search of new methods of express diagnostics of the state of complex technical systems with a high failure price using the example of a communication system and radio-technical support of an aviation formation airfield. The aim of the work is to introduce the concept of the intelligent express control, as a component of the express diagnostics, as well as the development of a method and device for its implementation on a radio system. Provided that, determining the type of technical condition of an object by a limited number of controlled parameters in real time or close to it refers in the article as express control. Methods used: the process of the express control conducting is demonstrated on the example of the diagnostics of communication system and radio-technical support of an aerodrome by the non-destructive testing methods with the option of constructing a geographically distributed field of the parameters of quality of the test object. Novelty: the express control procedure is carried out using not only a full-time laboratory aircraft, which is currently used twice a year in aviation unit, but also other available flight-lifting equipment based on unmanned aerial vehicles of aircraft or quadrocopter type, and civil and military aircraft as well equipped with automated measuring systems, completed with changeable measuring modules for the express control of the ground equipment of the communication system and radio technical support of the airfield. Result: The method of intelligent express control of the ground-based communications and radio-technical flight support consists of: a preparation stage carried out on the ground, which includs the preparation of the initial data for the television measurements and the equiping of an on-board automated measuring complex for the necessary tasks; the first stage of the television measurements by the on-board automated complex during the flight test, when an emergency signal is transmitted to the ground-based automated measuring complex due the equipment failure or pre-emergency status of the means of communication and radio-technical equipment; the second stage includes the process of identifying a failure by a ground-based automated measuring complex with the use of object-based monitoring systems of communications and radio-technical support; the final stage of the method includes the updating of the knowledge base (state base) of the automated control system and the formation of various types of reports of the express control. A structural and functional diagram of a device has been developed that implements a method of intelligent express control of ground-based communications and radio-technical flight support, as well as the appearance of the design of the operator panel of an automated control system of a flight management group. Practical relevance: the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the intelligent express control; the retrenchment of the economic and other resources during the flight inspections; the realization of the frequency of flights up to the monitored mode.
Key words
- express diagnostics, intelligent express control, automated measuring system, flight inspection, failure identification
- Budko P. A., Vinogradenko A. M., Mezhenov A. V., Chikirev A. A. Method and equipment of the intelligent express control of the technical condition of ground-based means of communication and radio-technical flight support. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2020, no. 1, pp. 235-283. DOI: 10.24411/2410-9916-2020-10108 (in Russian).