№2 2015
Information processes and technologies.
Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Acquisition, storage and processing of information
Models, Algorithms System of Automated Monitoring and Management of Ecological Safety Industrial Plants
- Purpose. One solution to the problem of reducing emissions of polluting emissions from industrial plants is the constant research and forecasting, the emission concentrations using the control system of ecological safety, which is part of the process control industrial enterprise. This is urgent to create a model of the system of operational control, taking into account the dynamics of changes in the parameters, the values of the time series prediction of pollutant emissions and geo-information display with location. Methods. During the research applied the methods of wavelet transformation, neural processing methods and forecasting data. Results. The work carried out research and development of models, methods and algorithms for predicting the data on levels of concentrations pollutant emissions in automated information systems for monitoring adverse impact on the environment of an industrial enterprise. Forecasting and presenting data is carried out using a combination algorithm based on the wavelet transform and artificial neural network technology.
Key words
- algorithms for processing, environmental monitoring, time series, the combined prediction, artificial neural networks, wavelet transform
- Kropotov Y. A., Proskuryakov A. Y., Belov A. A., Kolpakov А. А. Models, Algorithms System of Automated Monitoring and Management of Ecological Safety Industrial Plants. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 2, pp. 184-197. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-02/08-Kropotov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Information security
Results of the Modelling of the Method of the Hidden Information Transfer with Using of the Code Consolidation in the Video Data
- Problem Statement: the information transmitted in open communication channels,can threatened violation availability and integrity. Nowdays Actual task of the protection of transmitted information from distortion are increasingly solved by digital steganography. However, the task of the multiple access`es organization in the hidden information channel is not previously posed. IN the article results of the simulation method secure data transmission in the video are presented, which allows to increase the number of data lines of communication within a hidden channel. Objective: To confirm the adequacy of the developed scientific methodological apparatus of the code consolidation in the video data, which allows to increase the number of data lines of communication within a hidden channel, with limited reliability of the receiving and hiddenless of the integration. The methods used. To increase the number of data lines of communication within a hidden channel, with limited reliability of the receiving and hiddenless of the integration by the use method of the hidden information transfer with code consolidation in the video data. The bit error probability of recoverable data is selected as an indicator of the reliability of receiving and the peak of signal to noise ratio is selected as an indicator of stealth integration . The subjective averaged assessment of visual quality video introduced for subjective assessment of the hiddenless of the integration. Novelty: the novel features of the presented method of the hidden information transfer with code consolidation in the video data are using in this method of orthogonal signals Frank - Krestensena, Frank - Walsh, Walsh ordered Hadamard, Walsh ordered by Paley, M-sequences embedded in the transform coefficients Vilenkin – Christenson for generating a hidden channel with code multiple access of the system subscribers. Result. This simulation allows to confirm the adequacy of the method of code division of the data lines of communication within a hidden channel . The simulation results show that for the purposes of the organization code multiple access to the medium of the hidden transmission in the video the best system is the of orthogonal signals Frank – Krestensena,s which allows to achieve more reliable transmission of hidden information, less probably of the structure identification of the used signals by likely breaker and resistance from certain types of geometric attacks and video compression. As a point of view of the integration techniques, it was founded that the best bits of binary image-container DCT coefficients in terms of quality and reliability of the integration are 4 and 5 bits. The practical significance. The presented approach are planned for using in the satellite communication systems of digital television for creating the exchange of information hidden in the structure of a video stream.
Key words
- video data, compression standards JPEG, MPEG-2, steganography, broadband signals, code consolidation of signals, division of signals
- Abazina E. S., Erunov A. A. Results of the Modelling of the Method of the Hidden Information Transfer with Using of the Code Consolidation in the Video Data. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 2, pp. 1-25. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-02/01-Abazina.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Communication systems and telecommunication network
Analytical-Simulation Model of Functional Conversion of Complex Traffic
- Problem statement: Structural complexity as the property of the network connection traffic updates the issues of sustainability of their operation by improving the timeliness of traffic in network nodes. Known methods of increasing sustainability which are based on adapting the communications network node equipment to the traffic parameters, are well studied and described in the literature. Methods of increasing sustainability which are based on adapting of traffic to the network parameters are less studied. The aim of this research is to increase the sustainability of communication networks by conversion of structural complexity traffic to a traffic corresponding to the elementary stream. The criterion of traffic structural complexity is the coefficient of variation of time intervals between packages. As a model of traffic with structural complexity used the stream having Pareto distribution and the coefficient of variation more than one. The method used: conversion of traffic structure is based on use of the known scientific and methodical device of functional conversion of laws of density of probability. Novelty of this issue is the accounting of indicators of time of a delay when conversion a traffic and probability of refusal in service of a package because of overflow of the buffer when performing transformation. Result: the presented decision will allow to prove the volume of the buffer and value of intensity of sending packages of the conversioned traffic taking into account the above indicators of process of conversion. Justification of these parameters will be used when developing the converter of a traffic. The practical significance. The converter as a part of the nodal equipment in a communication network will allow to increase timeliness of service of the conversioned traffic in comparison with a traffic of complex structure by 6-8 times. It will lead to growth of stability of a network on the values proportional to timeliness increase.
Key words
- communications network, traffic, structural complexity of traffic, conversion of traffic structure, quality of service
- Ushanev K. V., Makarenko S. I. Analytical-Simulation Model of Functional Conversion of Complex Traffic. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 2, pp. 26-44. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-02/02-Ushanev.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Convergence Time of IGP Routing Protocol
- Statement of the problem. Network communications are augment structural complexity, so ensuring the sustainability of the networks provided that the failure of individual channels and nodes becomes relevant. Review of failure statistics showed that 70% of failures in networks occurs due to deterioration of telecommunications equipment, 20% - because of incorrect maintenance operations, 17% - due to software errors. Routing protocols should ensure correct handling of failures in the network. They must do it with minimum time spent. Purpose – research of convergence time of the networks and estimate impact of time parameters of routing protocols, the complexity of the network topology, channel capacity and network load to convergence time of the networks. Methods. Author study convergence time in terms of publishing papers in this subject area. We review failure statistics and analyses of protocol insidedomain routing in the first part of the paper. The results of the analysis have shown that the best results in terms of convergence time of the network protocols based on the analysis of the channel state. In the second part of the article we have analyzed temporal parameters of the routing Protocol and the principles of operation of this Protocol which affect the convergence time of failure in the network. In the third part we have reviewed and classified the main technological solutions are used by manufacturers of telecommunications equipment to reduce the time of convergence. In the fourth part of this paper we reviewed the results of studies in the convergence time of the network for different routing protocols and different configurations time parameters. We compared the values of convergence time of the network in the simulation network in OPNET environment with the values of convergence time in experiments using telecommunication equipment. In the fifth part of the article we analyze the directions of improvement of routing protocols, in the part which refers to the reduced time of convergence, based on fresh research papers. Innovation. Generalized analysis of the functioning of routing protocols and the influence of temporal parameters of these protocols on the convergence time of the network are the elements of novelty. Theoretical generalization of the directions of the improvement of routing protocols, increasing the resilience of the network to failures and reducing convergence time are the elements of novelty. The result and practical relevance. The material of the article can be used to justify new algorithms for traffic routing in networks with failures. Routing protocols OSPF, OSPF-TE, IS-IS, IGRP, EIGRP can be improved by the analysis of perspective directions. Some solutions are discussed in the paper can be used to develop routing protocols for MANET mobile networks and networks based on Mesh technology.
Key words
- routing, IGP, convergence time, the network failure, OSPF, OSPF-TE, IS-IS, IGRP, EIGRP, MANET
- Makarenko S. I. Convergence Time of IGP Routing Protocol. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 2, pp. 45-98. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-02/03-Makarenko.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Model of Satellite Network with S-Aloha Protocol
- Statement of the problem. The creation of the united aerospace communication networks makes it relevant routing and relaying of messages required with a given quality of service traffic. Purpose is development of a model of a satellite network with S-Aloha Protocol witch unites Radio Network. We will investigate the impact of transit traffic on air networks to efficient of bandwidth and time message transmission in satellite communication network. We used S-Aloha methods in model of a satellite network. The element of novelty of the presented model is given as the loads of the individual air communication networks. Practical relevance: we intend to use presents a model for rationale opportunities for relay of transit connections in air communication networks. These results will be used for mathematical software routers of aerospace communication networks, built by Mesh technology. The OpenFlow protocol can be used for software-defined networks SDN.
Key words
- satellite network, relay traffic, routing, satellite network, radio networks, S-Aloha
- Aganesov A. V. Model of Satellite Network with S-Aloha Protocol. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 2, pp. 99-134. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-02/04-Aganesov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Performance Evaluation of Destructive Effects Software in the Communications Network
- Purpose: increasing the number of destructive software effects on network integrated into the global information space, requires officials timely assessment of the level of security. Existing scientific and technical solutions to assess the security level of the communications network of the destructive impact of the programs do not take into account the resources of the attacker by autopsy a communication network and destructive impact on her. Based on statistics the attacker is not always able to reliably reveal the structure of the network, as well as has the impact of limited resources. Methods: A simulation of the elements of the communication network means autopsy and destructive impacts available to the attacker. Results: The use of the proposed method of assessing the effectiveness of the destructive impacts of the program on the network allows on the basis of statistical data on the possibilities of an attacker to determine the level of security of the communication network. Based on the level of security of communication networks, officials decide on its reconfiguration. Comparative analysis of existing methods and the proposed method shows that The security elements of the communication network is increased from 5 to 9%. Improving the security of network elements susceptible to external disruptive impact due to increased reliability of the assessment as deterrents for autopsy network and effective use of resources available to the attacker's actions, as well as timely communication network reconfiguration. Further increase of security is achieved by masking the network under the network autopsy in that area. Practical significance: The results can be used to protect the networks integrated into the global information space from external destructive impact. By using of the proposal is provided by: The security required structural elements and networks in general due to assess the possibility of an attacker by autopsy a communication network, evaluate the effectiveness of the use of resources available to the attacker's actions.
Key words
- communications network, level of security, autopsy, impact
- Grecihnikov E. V., Dobrushin M. M. Performance Evaluation of Destructive Effects Software in the Communications Network. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 2, pp. 135-146. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-02/05-Dobrushin.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Methods of Designing Telecommunication Information and Control Audio Exchange Systems in Difficult Noise Conditions
Purpose. Information transfer voice messaging is a powerful tool for operational management, ensuring reliable operation of complex objects, which increases the performance requirements for information management systems audio-exchange in a complex interference environment. Methods. During the research applied the methods of adaptive compensation, linear and nonlinear filtering, Results. The work carried out research and development of methods and theoretical approaches to the creation of speech signal processing algorithms that improve the efficiency of information and control telecommunication systems audio-exchange when exposed to external acoustic noise of high intensity.
Developed algorithm for estimating the histogram of experimental probability density function of the digitized voice signal. The dependence of the accuracy of estimating the probability density function of analysis time. For example, to compute this probability density function algorithm with an error lowly 5% is required analysis time of 0.3 seconds, for calculations with an accuracy of lowly 1% of the required analysis time of 4.5 seconds.
Compared with the known methods of reduction of the probability density of the speech signal having a significant error recovery algorithms are considered more accurate. Most preferred criteria for maximum precision and the computational complexity is minimal algorithm based on the polynomial approximating the histogram system of exponential functions.
The developed algorithm histogram of experimental evaluation of a one-dimensional function of the law of probability density distribution of voice and recurrent algorithm for determining the parameters of a polynomial approximation of a system of exponential functions provides error recovery above the distribution function of the probability density of less than 5%, when used in the approximating polynomial function of the third order.
A mathematical model of the distribution function of the probability density signals to external acoustic noise interference, obtained using histogram estimation algorithm and recursive algorithm for calculating a parameter representing a number of Gaussian curves of the third order. Error Recovery dimensional probability density distribution function of external acoustic noise is achieved by less than 4.8%.
Studies of various approximations power spectral density voice and acoustic noise interference have shown that the approximation of the Lagrange interpolation polynomial or cubic spline have almost the same error in the approximation of the spectral function of the Lagrange polynomial of order 11 get the error 3,39...4.82%.
Comparative studies of the spectral characteristics of voice and acoustic noise have shown that the spectrum of acoustic noise with respect to the spectrum of the speech signal is shifted to lower frequencies of the audio range and is in the range 0…1000 Hz. Thus, the noise spectrum is concentrated in a sea area from 0 to 500 Hz, the spectrum of wind noise is concentrated in the range of from 0 to 300 Hz, and the noise spectrum in the engine room or the spectrum of noise in the cockpit of an aircraft is centered between 0 and 1200 Hz.
The research allowed the creation of more efficient dispatch and technological systems of telecommunications, Handsfree Voice Message in a difficult jamming environment. The methods of construction of models of signal processing algorithms and models, methods for determining the parameters of transmission systems and voice messaging, develop better algorithms for suppression of external acoustic noise and interference, developed more advanced algorithms of echo cancellation. The issues increase the efficiency of information transfer voice messages in distributed operational command of telecommunication systems on a multi-functional facilities, operating under the impact of noise intensity to 90 dB. The developed device structures suppress external noise and acoustic echo cancellers of adaptive devices to allow the system to get the output audio exchange ratio exceeding 20 dB, respectively, to provide syllabic intelligibility of voice messages more 93%.
Purpose. Information transfer voice messaging is a powerful tool for operational management, ensuring reliable operation of complex objects, which increases the performance requirements for information management systems audio-exchange in a complex interference environment. Methods. During the research applied the methods of adaptive compensation, linear and nonlinear filtering, Results. The work carried out research and development of methods and theoretical approaches to the creation of speech signal processing algorithms that improve the efficiency of information and control telecommunication systems audio-exchange when exposed to external acoustic noise of high intensity.
Key words
- processing algorithms, information management telecommunications audio-exchange system, adaptive compensation, linear and nonlinear filtering, environmental monitoring, time series, combined forecasting, artificial neural networks
- Kropotov Y. A., Belov A. A., Proskuryakov A. Y., Kolpakov А. А. Methods of Designing Telecommunication Information and Control Audio Exchange Systems in Difficult Noise Conditions. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 2, pp. 165-183. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-02/07-Kropotov.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).
Modeling of complex organizational-technical systems
The Scenary Approach to the Logical Modeling of Systems of a Market Economy
- Statement of the problem. Methodology a two-level scenary approach proposed for logic simulation of the behavior of the market economy. Methods: framework (abstract) scenary builds on the first (top) level. This script is oriented to specialists in the subject area. On the basis of the framework (abstract) script checks the correctness of the source of knowledge about the behavior of systems of a market economy (with filtering of the relevant errors). On the second (bottom) level of the framework, the script is converted into a detailed object-oriented description of a structural scenary in which simulation is the modeling of the behavior of the market economy.
Key words
- abstract scenary, structural scenary, factor-target analysis, situation scenary, dynamic simulation, stream diagram, Petri net, the life cycle of objects, attainability aim modeling, conveyor-time diagram
- Iuditskii S. A. The Scenary Approach to the Logical Modeling of Systems of a Market Economy. Systems of Control, Communication and Security, 2015, no. 2, pp. 147-164. Available at: http://journals.intelgr.com/sccs/archive/2015-02/06-Iuditskii.pdf (accessed ) (In Russian).